Who molested/abused Jonbenet?

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DNA Solves

who molested/abused JB?

  • JR

    Votes: 180 27.1%
  • BR

    Votes: 203 30.6%
  • JAR

    Votes: 28 4.2%
  • a close family friend

    Votes: 41 6.2%
  • a stranger/stalker a la JMK

    Votes: 20 3.0%
  • PR-it wasn't sexual abuse,it was corporal punishment

    Votes: 89 13.4%
  • she wasn't previously abused/molested

    Votes: 103 15.5%

  • Total voters
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UK, thx for more stuff...

she could have been sexually assaulted previously but that that perpetrator had nothing to do with the morning in question...

PR was almost assuredly was with the body in the basement room and wrote the note...

so PR was aware of the sexual assault and covered up the accidental hit (PR or BR) on the head with sex assault/ligature?

or she walked in on sexual assault, got angry and caused JBR death by accident?

i don't see evidence that there was sexual abuse by a traditional pedophile that night...... i see a horrible decision to try to make it look like a pedophile after the fact and ligaturing what she thought was a dead child........ p.s. i understand that those actions on someone who is not dead is sexual assault

the wiping is mentioned........ couldn't that have many motivations? the whole bed wetting and PR wanting her child to be presented with dignity.

so much of the staging action seems insane but PR was looking for anyway out of this mess. but then she has regrets and dignifies JBR after the fact...... it's impossible to judge someone under such horrible situation.

i don't see evidence that there was sexual abuse by a traditional pedophile that night
Me too, there is no hard evidence of intruders in the house either!

p.s. i understand that those actions on someone who is not dead is sexual assault
Yes, that's how I understand it. Also there are criminal charges for sexually abusing a corpse, folks have done this before.

Staging a sexual assault and perpetrating an actual acute sexual assault carry the same charges, i.e. it's abuse all the way down.

the wiping is mentioned
It's alleged this was John, his fibers were found on JonBenet's genital region, he is attempting to wipe away the blood and hide the sexual assault, fake or real.

December 29, 1996, BPD Search Warrant for Boulder, Colorado 15th Street, Excerpt
Det. Arndt informed Your Affiant that Dr. Meyer stated to her that he observed red stains in the crotch area of the panties that the child was wearing at the time that the child's body was subjected to the external visual examination. Dr. Meyer stated to Det. Arndt that the red stain appeared to be consistent with blood. Det. Arndt further informed the Affiant that Dr. Meyer stated to her that after examining the panties (as described above), he observed the exterior pubic area of the child's body located next to the areas of the panties containing the red stains and found no visible reddish stains in that area. Dr. Meyer stated to Det. Arndt that his opinion is that the evidence observed is consistent with the child's pubic area having been wiped by a cloth.

The wine-cellar is definitely a staged crime-scene, JonBenet was definitely sexually assaulted, and someone did not want her to live to tell tales.
That sounds like an accidental head injury, why not dial for medical assistance?

Patsy stated in the note that they couldn't do that.

Speaking to anyone about your situation, such as Police, F.B. I., etc., will result in your daughter being being beheaded.

We couldn't tell anyone in authority about how I came to fly into a rage and whack JonBenet on the head due to me witnessing John treat her as a pick-up (i.e. prostitute), so she had to be strangled.

The Person A , Person B scenario does not match the forensic evidence. If the case were not BDI and some variation on JDI plus PDI then the staging, e.g. the redressing of JonBenet would appear more authentic, and Burke Ramsey would not be linked in any manner to JonBenet.

Your Person A, Person B scenario must detail why and how JonBenet came to be wearing Patsy's niece's size-12 underwear, and Burke Ramsey's long johns, who removed the remaining pairs of size-12 underwear along with JonBenet's worn size-6 underwear?

1. Patsy dressed JonBenet in Burke's white long johns because they matched the white Gap top.
2. Patsy dressed JonBenet in the size 12 underwear because she forgot to bring down a pair of sz 6 from her underwear drawer and didn't want to go back upstairs for that.
Patsy stated in the note that they couldn't do that.

Speaking to anyone about your situation, such as Police, F.B. I., etc., will result in your daughter being being beheaded.

We couldn't tell anyone in authority about how I came to fly into a rage and whack JonBenet on the head due to me witnessing John treat her as a pick-up (i.e. prostitute), so she had to be strangled.

1. Patsy dressed JonBenet in Burke's white long johns because they matched the white Gap top.
2. Patsy dressed JonBenet in the size 12 underwear because she forgot to bring down a pair of sz 6 from her underwear drawer and didn't want to go back upstairs for that.

1. Patsy dressed JonBenet in Burke's white long johns because they matched the white Gap top.
Nah, like its a fashion show?

2. Patsy dressed JonBenet in the size 12 underwear because she forgot to bring down a pair of sz 6 from her underwear drawer and didn't want to go back upstairs for that.
Why not, she has a drawer full of underwear, Patsy could have chosen some underwear at the same time she allegedly picked Burke's long johns from one of the bathroom drawers.

Patsy's version of events is full of holes and is patently false, right down to giving JonBenet the size-12's.

I've yet to see a PDI that flies, the last one where allegedly Patsy sets up John and hits him with the RN. This requires John to telepathically be able to read Patsy's mind postmortem and say all the right things on cue. So its a big fail for this theory.

John abusing JonBenet and Patsy whacking JonBenet by accident is possible but the postmortem staging is that of a child not two adults staging a crime-scene. So this particular version of JDI does not fly either.

This does not rule out JDI, just means something else was going on, could turn out the case is JDI, just a different scenario.

One this is for certain they did not want JonBenet to live, they denied her medical assistance.


Nah, like its a fashion show?

Why not, she has a drawer full of underwear, Patsy could have chosen some underwear at the same time she allegedly picked Burke's long johns from one of the bathroom drawers.

Patsy's version of events is full of holes and is patently false, right down to giving JonBenet the size-12's.

I've yet to see a PDI that flies, the last one where allegedly Patsy sets up John and hits him with the RN. This requires John to telepathically be able to read Patsy's mind postmortem and say all the right things on cue. So its a big fail for this theory.

John abusing JonBenet and Patsy whacking JonBenet by accident is possible but the postmortem staging is that of a child not two adults staging a crime-scene. So this particular version of JDI does not fly either.

This does not rule out JDI, just means something else was going on, could turn out the case is JDI, just a different scenario.

One this is for certain they did not want JonBenet to live, they denied her medical assistance.


Why is it that you have this overwhelming need to distance yourself from a 53-year old man being the sexual abuser of JonBenet?
JR at first appears the R most likely to inflict the abuse. Adult males usually are in these cases. However, the nature of the abuse does not seem consistent with what a mature man would perpetrate over the course of time. This doesn't mean that I rule JR out.
Was the dictionary actually open to the page with 'incest'? Does anybody know if that were so?
UK, thx for more stuff...

she could have been sexually assaulted previously but that that perpetrator had nothing to do with the morning in question...

PR was almost assuredly was with the body in the basement room and wrote the note...

so PR was aware of the sexual assault and covered up the accidental hit (PR or BR) on the head with sex assault/ligature?

or she walked in on sexual assault, got angry and caused JBR death by accident?

i don't see evidence that there was sexual abuse by a traditional pedophile that night...... i see a horrible decision to try to make it look like a pedophile after the fact and ligaturing what she thought was a dead child........ p.s. i understand that those actions on someone who is not dead is sexual assault

the wiping is mentioned........ couldn't that have many motivations? the whole bed wetting and PR wanting her child to be presented with dignity.

so much of the staging action seems insane but PR was looking for anyway out of this mess. but then she has regrets and dignifies JBR after the fact...... it's impossible to judge someone under such horrible situation.

Remembering an earlier theory that Patsy used a douche on JBR to try to stop her chronic bedwetting. It was corporal punishment, and maybe occurred whenever she had an accident. It would explain the vaginal damages in a way other than sexual abuse. I don't believe anyone was abusing her in that way, but certainly in other ways.
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