Who Thinks Casey Has Confessed Caylees whereabouts to JB?

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Who Thinks Casey Has Confessed Caylee's whereabouts to JB

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I voted maybe because they seem to have a more than attorney client relationship. But I actually doubt it. God only knows what crazy lies she may have told him.
I think KC has probably hinted to JB that Caylee is dead without coming out and saying it. JB doesn't need to to be told for sure to defend her.

I remember when my h and I were going through some custody bs with his ex. We both voluntarily obtained psych evals. Our attny cut us off in mid sentence as soon as we said we were going to have them done and told us he didn't evan want to know what we were doing. If "things" looked great, then he wanted the evidence. Otherwise, he didn't even want to know the evals existed.
hi guys i don't think she did
she wouldn't say a word to anyone
I don't think she told JB anything.

Wouldn't it be interesting to lockup Casey, Scott Peterson and O.J. in the same cell ... oh the stories they would tell. :crazy:
She is afraid the truth will get out........She is scared of going to prison for life or even getting executed
I said maybe because I think that she has danced around the subject with him, using hypotheticals like, "what if I knew something that could help LE find Caylee, what do you think I could get out of it?" But who knows how her mind really works? All I know is that she is capable of anything--imo!
I voted no. Casey is probably as much of a liar to JB as she is to everybody else.
Sure, she told him where she is, just not the truth. She's with Zany, she's in PR....who would believe her if she said the body was in place xyz??
What ever happened to the really compelling story JB said we would hear in court.....???
I don't JB will or has asked. A good defense attorney would not ask her straight out. He can't knowingly help her lie in court, directly or indirectly. If he knows, it would be a real problem for him.
Since KC flatly denies having anything to do with Caylee's disappearance, I hardly believe she'd start telling the truth now, even with someone she trusts.
What ever happened to the really compelling story JB said we would hear in court.....???

That's what I've been wondering too now that Baez has overlaid his original promise with this new protection of the guilty truth posture. He had said that Casey's refusal to talk straight would be shown as totally defensible, justified and understandable when the truth came out at trial.
Since KC flatly denies having anything to do with Caylee's disappearance, I hardly believe she'd start telling the truth now, even with someone she trusts.
I have been thinking and thinking and I finally just decided to vote "yes", but I shouldn't have. The reason is, it's the way the question is asked...The question is "did she confess..." Asked in that way...no, I really don't think so. As I've told y'all (I'm from KY - had to throw that in), I've been a criminal defense paralegal for 9 years now and I will say that a very very large majority of my clients maintain their innocence even to their defense team ESPECIALLY if the charges are ones that are generally thought of by society as inexcusable. The only ones who ever owned up to it were the clients with misdemeanor or drug charges. But all of the assault/robbery/murder/rape cases...NONE of them admitted it. They were all either wrongfully accused or just misunderstood.

But if the question were "does JB KNOW what happend..." I would say "yes". I think that he's probably a relatively intelligent person and keep in mind he's closer to this case and has heard much much more from KC than anyone ever will (probably including her parents)...so I think at the very least, he knows just based on experience and common sense and whatever she may have told him.

One more thing, if she told him anything anywhere near a "confession", you know that it was an accident scenario and although an admission of her responsibility, she'd paint it in a way which makes HER the victim and TRY to get him to feel for her...this poor single mom who's daughter ACCIDENTALLY died and she freaked out and was scared and then hid her body. BUT that's likely the extent of any type of confession she would make even to her own attorney. (Sorry so long)
That's what I've been wondering too now that Baez has overlaid his original promise with this new protection of the guilty truth posture. He had said that Casey's refusal to talk straight would be shown as totally defensible, justified and understandable when the truth came out at trial.

This board (and several others) has spent countless hours discussing lots and lots of potential scenarios that might explain the situation from the defence's point of view...From what I've read so far, there is not a single "defensible, justified and understandable" scenario that makes sense and that is collaborated by the facts we know to date. I'm very curious as to what stance the defence has!

I guess one should never say never and that the truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction...

Whatever it is that they intend to present...It will most certainly blow us away!

I dont think she knows. was drivin' with my family last week to beachy head and thinking about this (as usual lol) and passing trees after trees etc..... thinking if you just stop somewhere and dump, you can say you dont know and really dont....rural areas all look the same to someone unfamiliar.

she wouldnt anyways. "the truth and ms anthony..."
nah!nshe's not admitting to anyone what she has done
She will never confess. In her mind she has not done anything wrong.
I don't think she told JB anything.

Wouldn't it be interesting to lockup Casey, Scott Peterson and O.J. in the same cell ... oh the stories they would tell. :crazy:

Hope they all wear thier Rubber boots and roll up thier pants, Im sure the poo would be REALLY deep!!

No way ~ No how ~ NOT IN A MILLION YEARS will she ever confess to anything!!! jmo :)

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