Who told P.I. not to call 911 if body found?

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Ok, y'all are pretty convincing with the KC theories. But I thought it had been months since DC had contact with KC before he went to search?

IMO, the location of Caylee's body originated with Casey telling Lee. DC freely admits talking to Cindy and George about the location when he says Cindy and George KNEW 911 would be called IF DC found Caylee.

Somebody ELSE said not to call 911 first.

While Lee isn't covered by "privilege", Baez is trying to establish that since the information originated with Casey and Casey and DC "have a contract still in effect", "privilege" applies.

IF Lee were to testify that Casey told Lee WHERE Caylee was before her body was found...

When did Lee get his lawyer?
Why would JB be disbarred? Is it again ethics if he knew where the body was not to tell? It seems it would be but maybe it isn't. He has this duty to his client not to incriminate her. I am not sure. All I know is that LE didn't make him tell this part of the story. I wonder if the PI just talked to Conway about it or whether he ever to LE off the record?

Hi - You seems so certain but I don't think JB had anything to do with this. Why would he want to be disbarred? Even he is not that arrogant. I just don't believe it to be true. Telling DC to obstruct justice would be a huge criminal act.

ETA: He's going to trust a sleazy PI? Sleaze knows sleaze and he wouldn't trust DC. IMO.
This makes sense too and may be why The A's and Lee lawyered up and the lawyers are worried they will be arrested for obstructing justice.

IMO, the location of Caylee's body originated with Casey telling Lee. DC freely admits talking to Cindy and George about the location when he says Cindy and George KNEW 911 would be called IF DC found Caylee.

Somebody ELSE said not to call 911 first.

While Lee isn't covered by "privilege", Baez is trying to establish that since the information originated with Casey and Casey and DC "have a contract still in effect", "privilege" applies.

IF Lee were to testify that Casey told Lee WHERE Caylee was before her body was found...

When did Lee get his lawyer?
Why would JB be disbarred? Is it again ethics if he knew where the body was not to tell? It seems it would be but maybe it isn't. He has this duty to his client not to incriminate her. I am not sure. All I know is that LE didn't make him tell this part of the story. I wonder if the PI just talked to Conway about it or whether he ever to LE off the record?

IMO, saying hypothetically "If you find a body I don't want to know" is one thing. Saying: "If you find a body don't call 911" crosses the line. And further he would have to complete the thought. It would have to be "Don't call 911 but do ... this instead". Sounds like major obstruction to me.
Could it have been Leonard Padilla? Think about it, didn't he have an "exclusive" that they were out there taking video but didn't find anything? I can see him saying ok if you find it don't call 911 call me, I want to be the one to "find" the body. I like LP, I think he had Caylee's best interest at heart when he thought she was alive, but once it was obvious she most likely was dead he seemed to like the media attention a bit to much.
Y'all... CA admitted she sent him! That's gargantuan! ginormous! indisputable!

Cindy stated to Yuri that she "sent someone" but there is nothing to indicate who that someone is. Don't get me wrong; it's not difficult for me to take the next leap in logic and say that it must have been DC she sent. But whoever that someone was, was not identified by LE.
DC worked for Baez up until October, so they say. DC also works for Cindy and George. (Conflict of interest, anyone?) Anyway, there is PI/client privilege, but only so far as LE getting involved, at which point a subpoena would void that out.
The questioning of DC regarding "Did anyone tell you not to call 911?" is vague regarding WHEN. IMO, it's very possible Baez told DC this months ago. IMO, the person who told DC not to call 911 first and the person who told DC to look in that specific area do not necessarily have to be the same person.
MOO, Baez is the one who told DC not to call 911 first. Either Baez or Cindy told DC to go look at that area in November. If it was Baez, when DC took Hoover, Hoover then told Cindy and George they had been there looking, and that's why she said they had already had people look there.
The reason I think Baez is in this up to his neck is because he has staked almost everything on this case, and now it is sinking fast. IMO, he's trying to cover his rump, and also IMO, yes, he is that stupid. This wouldn't be the first time an attorney has acted unethically.
The Casey Anthony case was raining bombshells Thursday.
Dominic Casey, a private investigator for the Anthonys, was the focus of other reports. Three times the private eye had visited the spot where Caylee's remains would be found a month later.
Dominic Casey "flat out denied that he found Caylee's remains here in November," Belich said. "Someone told him not to call 911 if he ever found Caylee's body. Secretly, he told investigators who that was. Publicly, on the record, he said it was not anyone from the Anthonys' home or anyone working for the Anthonys. Another mystery," Belich said with more sarcasm.


Okay.....so who told him not to call 911? and what was he supposed to do instead? Call this mystery person? Move the body? Destroy evidence? Just forget he found it after notifying th mystery person?

If it was not anyone from the A's home or working for the A's, who does that leave? Is he including KC as part of the A's family? Does he mean no one working for CA, GA, & LA, but that could be working for KC? So LE knows who told him this, but not on the record? Is this why everyone lawyeed up? Is this why JB went to the hospital with stomach pains? If it was someone on the defense team or behind the scenes of the defense team, ie the money provider, is disbarment a possibility? Sleuth away.....!

Does Kid Finders Network work for the Anthonys?
I might get a virtual smack for this, but I hope beyond hope that C and G had nothing to do with any of it. I just need to believe that Caylee had someone in her family who stood up for her and loved her and would not care about anything but finding her and giving her justice. My head and my heart are telling me very different things. Caylee just deserved (and deserves!) so much more. RIP sweet baby, the truth will prevail!
Why would JB be disbarred? Is it again ethics if he knew where the body was not to tell? It seems it would be but maybe it isn't. He has this duty to his client not to incriminate her. I am not sure. All I know is that LE didn't make him tell this part of the story. I wonder if the PI just talked to Conway about it or whether he ever to LE off the record?

A big dispute between LE and DC was whether or not DC and Casey still have a contract.

I am thinking DC "terminated" the contract with Casey at the same time he "terminated" his contract with Baez. Maybe before the LE interview Casey's "termination" notice went through a shredder.

DC freely admitted he had no contract with JB after October 1st. But, he DOES say he still has one with Casey. Baez has been screaming "privilege" since DC's name came out.
I might get a virtual smack for this, but I hope beyond hope that C and G had nothing to do with any of it. I just need to believe that Caylee had someone in her family who stood up for her and loved her and would not care about anything but finding her and giving her justice. My head and my heart are telling me very different things. Caylee just deserved (and deserves!) so much more. RIP sweet baby, the truth will prevail!

In my opinion, when you see hundreds of stuffed toys, hundreds of pictures, and an immaculate, sometimes staged house, you don't see love.
In my opinion, when you see hundreds of stuffed toys, hundreds of pictures, and an immaculate, sometimes staged house, you don't see love.

Blackwatch, you are correct...that is so sad for me to admit. :(
My money is on either JB or LA. Whoever it was I hope the image of Caylee haunts them. To think that someone for whatever purpose or reason would want Caylee to lay in the woods like that surrounded by filthy trash for even a minute more makes me sick to my stomach.

The only two people who I could envision Casey spilling the beans to would be LA or JB. Although perhaps LA found out from Casey where Caylee was dumped and he told his parents who then sent DC to go find her.

Either way this whole case is so messed up beyond belief.
I think all of this will help the defense. The fact that so many people claim to have been in the area. He can say ayone could have tampered with the evidence and so there is that doubt - access to the body after the fact, from kronk to this idiot to LP to TM - to crazed memebers of the public.
I'm curious why there seemed to be no concern with that are from the A's after the 3 days DC was out there. Or was there continued concern by the A camp before Caylee's remains were found? :waitasec: moment???
Blackwatch, you are correct...that is so sad for me to admit. :(

Thank you for that. Sometimes I need verification that I'm not totally in left field. I believe some of us are able to lift the veil of deceit, and have been since the inception of this case - for us, there will be no shocking revelations, we already knew.

My opinion only.
This is how I've interpreted the statement you quote and other statements we've seen about the D. Casey search:

(1) D. Casey gave an interview to investigators (Interview Number One) in which he said X, Y and Z about the persons who hired him, told him to go out to that area and why.

(2) After such interview, D. Casey learned some additional information was out there that might show he fibbed to investigators in Interview Number One. Including info/stuff given by the videographer, and the realization that his phone records could be obtained (he might not have realized folks knew he had more than one cell phone).

(3) Based on (2) above, D. Casey realized he better tell the truth and so gave INTERVIEW NUMBER TWO to investigators. Therein, he told investigators many things, including the real person(s) who told him to visit that area and search, AND THAT IF HE FOUND A BODY NOT TO CALL 911. While D. Casey told investigators, he HAS NOT told the public.

(4) INTERVIEW NUMBER TWO is taped but as of yet, Judge Strickland has not yet decided if it should be released to the public.

I am dying to hear that second interview. My gut tells me...who else but Cindy or George would have told D. Casey not to call 911? He was working for Cindy and George. It's not like a psychic or some other person told him not to call 911. I just wonder why LE hasn't gone after the Anthonys for obstruction. I mean....telling someone not to call 911? Wow. But, this is all still speculation and I guess we'll find out more.

I thought I read that ca told le about knowing that the body may be there and to go look for it??????:bang:
In my opinion, when you see hundreds of stuffed toys, hundreds of pictures, and an immaculate, sometimes staged house, you don't see love.

Me too, Blackwatch. I think it may be the saddest and loneliest child's room I've ever seen.

CA admitted she sent him there. The obvious progression is she told him what to do *if*. That's the only thing that makes sense. You don't just say, oh look at spot X for a dead baby and have a great day!

I think it was CA too. Who else has been running (or trying to run) the show and call all the shots since day 31?
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