Who was George Brody?

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Hi Annasmom!
I am not sure that GB didn't get insurance money from MK. I know that he was assigned her guardianship, and that he gave us some things which had belonged to her like a stethoscope. Otherwise, where did all that money come from which he had in a safety deposit box in Oakland? (Because Doogie is pretty certain that this account belonged to the same Brody.)
Me too agree with Doogie... and abt the MK insurance money... if so, if GB cashed the insurance money, without problems, why he thinking to future problems with GW insurance money?? why he searching of to be sure to 100% that the insurance paying after GW death? It is possible that the money in safety deposit box coming from from illegal abortion's work of MK? that was very rimunerative (spell?)... I believe that when MK was out of Letterman hospital, made other professions, yes I know, but the money that gained was no sufficient for to survive in a town as SF.. and 2 persons... because GB no working... so MK professions was a covering of further illegal abortions work... because it was easy money and much money also... but it are only my suggestions...

I agree with you that Virgo in a way makes more sense than Leo.
yes Virgo and not Virgin spell as I wrote, sorry... however he was not a Leo... he had nothing of Leo

He was "into" numerology, but also in astrology and other occult things. He claimed to be able to read the "akashic records", or, in other words, to foretell the future.

frankly.... I believe that he had just some numerology notion, maybe he read some book abt akashic records, tarots... but me too studied abt tarots and a bit of astrology... when I was young, just and only for to better understand the truth abt that... and I can say, that if GB, really knew that, it could not make rough errors, like those which it made... also for that I thinked that was a liar and a swindler...

all the best,
Hi Doogie, thank you, but needing of to find a picture of GWB... I hope of to find almost some sibling's descendent... I must understand better abt this strange family... in the 1930 census I found the father patrolman in Los Angeles, I found GWB cook's helper in Fresno, I found the 2 brothers, but I found not the mother and the sisters... I found not sister's marriage but I know that almost one was married .... so I believe that they changed also the surname... maybe... I think in all full honesty that this GWB could be our man; it is the only record that I found matching enough with that we know abt GB, no what he said, but what we know from the acting of this person....
him background was of poverty... a family disintegrated in the affections, in the feelings... I believe that the last home that GWB had was of 1920 census.... then, as a bee, a hotel, a ship, some other hotel in various town, some other trip... I believe that he embarked only when he had debts, because he no loved the ships... it is a my idea... him world was the hotels, him homes was the hotels, him life was into hotels.... him women was the waitresses... because also GWB never married, and never result died, never result in U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946... I found the youngest brother, no BCB -the brother that used a false name also, no GWB... and that obviously... because he had GB name, with different birthyear... but we know by 1941 article that he was born in 1907....
hoping in God for further and helpful infos,
all the best,
I think Raf might be heading in the right direction. Quoting back at Squibb 18-19...

"June 15, 1970. Call Miss H. 3-4 days after she is in receipt of the money order and to ask the following ques. In view of the fact that I have given you the name my birth certificate reads ___ ____ ____, whereas signature reads GH _____, I would like to have your opinion whether the sig should be made to read as the full name or if there is any possibility for descrepancy to arise from that."

Now, the more I read this after I posted it, it seem GW was talking about his own signature.
I think Raf might be heading in the right direction. Quoting back at Squibb 18-19...

"June 15, 1970. Call Miss H. 3-4 days after she is in receipt of the money order and to ask the following ques. In view of the fact that I have given you the name my birth certificate reads ___ ____ ____, whereas signature reads GH _____, I would like to have your opinion whether the sig should be made to read as the full name or if there is any possibility for descrepancy to arise from that."

Now, the more I read this after I posted it, it seem GW was talking about his own signature.
Hi Sherlockjr,
in the page 19, to point 5:.... except signaturing of GB... and .. Remind to G within a year (8/70) of need .... P.O.B.

so .. probably... the signature's problem was abt GB... now, instead, my problem :confused: is to understand "GH"... why GH....? any suggestion is appreciated :blowkiss:
Hi Sherlockjr,
in the page 19, to point 5:.... except signaturing of GB... and .. Remind to G within a year (8/70) of need .... P.O.B.

so .. probably... the signature's problem was abt GB... now, instead, my problem :confused: is to understand "GH"... why GH....? any suggestion is appreciated :blowkiss:

Hi raf,

Annas fathers middle name was Henry. That would explain the H.

Hope this helps!


ETA: I am confused when you are posting GWB. Does the possible George Brody you are researching have a middle name beginning with W? Or was that refering to the last name Waters. Sorry, just confused.

Thank you!
Hi raf,

Annas fathers middle name was Henry. That would explain the H.

Hope this helps!


ETA: I am confused when you are posting GWB. Does the possible George Brody you are researching have a middle name beginning with W? Or was that refering to the last name Waters. Sorry, just confused.

Thank you!

Hey Cubby,

Re: well, I have a new info; the man that I found, and that I think our possible GB, had the complete first name George Walter B...
Always I asked my self abt all stories of GB abt GW passport and always thinked that in some way GB wanted to have GW identity on the passport... now to know that the second first name was Walter give me another helpful input.. I wrote to a niece of this person and I send GB picture; she having the mother living, 82 aged, so maybe she can recognize if GB face is pertaing to family roots...
hoping in God,

I believe Raf said Walter is the middle name, I'll let her verify tho..but if your searching.... :blowkiss:

Hi raf,

Annas fathers middle name was Henry. That would explain the H.

Hope this helps!


ETA: I am confused when you are posting GWB. Does the possible George Brody you are researching have a middle name beginning with W? Or was that refering to the last name Waters. Sorry, just confused.

Thank you!
Hi Cubby, thak you!
the GWB that I think is our GB, had the name George Walter Bradshaw (GWB), and thank you SK ...!!
GWB was born the 25 Aug 1907 - Butte, California; son of George Franklin Bradshaw ( born in 1875-Missouri) and Cidney Jane Swofford ( Illinois- 1870 abt); the parents married in Miller county, MO in the 1897; the first child was Hattie M Bradshaw born in nov 1898, Missouri;

in the 1900 the family was in Kingman, Kingman, Kansas and no more children;

in 1910 they was in Vallejo Ward 3, Solano, California and it are this children:
1. Hattie M Bradshaw (nov 1898 Missouri)
2. Barney Clinton Bradshaw ( aka James Everett Clark abt 1903 Missouri; the man of 1946 article, Sparks, Nevada)
3. Goldie Brooks Bradshaw ( 9 jan 1905 Sutter, California; the grand daughter of Goldie is the person that I contacted ..but no reply to my 3 emails)
4. George Walter Bradshaw (25 aug 1907 Butte, CA)
5. Roy W Bradshaw ( aka Roy Clifford Bradshaw born the 30 Dec 1909 - Solano, California- died 6 Apr 1978 North San Juan- Nevada, CA; married at Edith G Tinaglia)

in 1920 the family was in Marysville Ward 4, Yuba, California; the parents was divorced, and Hattie M Bradshaw the oldest daughter, married at John W Martin( California abt 1892); they have a daughter: Margaret( Maggie) M Martin born the 1 May 1918 Yuba, CA; the other children was all singles...

In 1930 the father, George Franklin Bradshaw was patrolmen in Los Angeles; George W Bradshaw in Fresno, Fresno, CA... Barney I know not where he was an what was the him name at time; Roy W Bradshaw, I'm unsure abt 1930 census, but sure he was in San Francisco almost from 1936..;

Hattie and her family, the sisters, and the mother are missing in 1930 census... The father( GFB) back in Yuba, CA and died in 1969... I can find anything abt the father(GFB), he never remarried, but I cannot find the descendents of GWB's siblings... just the grand daughter of Goldie Brooks Bradshaw, but as I already said, no reply back to my emails....
I know that the last cousin of GWB (son of the youngest brother of George Franklin Bradshaw) died in 24 Dec 1993 San Diego, San Diego, California...... but I believe he never knew abt the cousins
I believe that, after GWB parent's divorce, all family members living separate... most probably the better relation was between GWB and the last brother (RCB)...

well continuing....
I no found more info abt GWB, but I found article of 13 nov 1946 abt the brother: Barney C Bradshaw:

link http://s5.imagestime.com/out.php/i370126_13nov1946barneybradshaw.jpg and from this date, the man with this name, deseappeared, completely.... but I wait a help from a US friend, and maybe we can know more....

abt the sister Hattie M Bradshaw married at John W Martin.... for some unknown reason, the daughter Margaret M Martin, 1 year and 7 months aged in 1920, is listed 2 times in 1920 census; the first in 5 jan 1920 with parents, grandmother and uncles and aunts, the second in 7 jan 1920, as roomer in a family; I'm pretty sure that is the same baby girl... after 1920 census no more data... if Margaret is living she must to be 89 old...
I know not as to make, as and where to search, for to find a GWB picture...
It is hard.... I hope in more luck....
all the best,
Here it is:

Listings in San Francisco City Directory
(Taken from Joe Ford’s handwritten notes dated March 30, 1982)

1945-46: George Brody, 480 Ellis
(Brody not in 1948-49 Directory)
1951 George & Marian Brody clk. r. 1507 Cal
1953 Kukoda Margt nurse 1905 Fulton Apt. 5
(No listing for Brody in 1953)
1955-56: Brody Geo. r. 480 Ellis
1957: Margt. Kukoda, agt. for Stroll-O-Chair Display Co. h. 3009 Mission, Spt. 310
(No listing for Brody)
1958: Kukoda, Margt. M (Oriental & French Imports) r. 3019 Mission
1959: No listing for Brody, Kukoda or Mary Kay
1960: Mary E. Kay, 3141 Franklin, Apr. 4. No Kukoda, no Brody listed
1961: Mary Kay, r. 1006 Noe, Apt. 3
1962: Same listing
1963: Mary Kay, r. 1006 Noe, Apt. 3
1965: Not in directory
1966: Kay, Mary M. (widow of John) dir Beeline Fashion Home, h 1006 Noe.

Rent receipts for 1006 Noe St., Apt. 3, from July 7, 1966 to Jan. 10, 1967:
One dated 7-7-67 paid by Brody; all others paid by Mary Kay
Matthew H. Reyburn, owner of building, signed receipts.
Reyburn confirmed in talk to Joe Ford March 29, 1982, that Brody and “Mary Kay” were living together at that address since before he bought the building in 1962. Brody moved out shortly after “Mary Kay” died. Said MK had some sort of cosmetics business. He didn’t believe Brody worked anywhere. Rent was paid in cash. He said Mary Kay drove a Buick. He couldn’t remember ever seeing Brody drive.

A physician at San Francisco General Hospital says that as of Aug. 19, 1966, George Brody was visiting someone in Ward 34 named M. M. Kukoda, as well as a patient named Jessie Evans, 88 Sixth Street, Delta Hotel. Dr. Love was Kukoda’s physician. George Waters was an intern in charge of Kukoda and reported on her case to Brody, who had power of attorney for Kukoda. Physician said Brody was aged 55-60 at that time, was heavy-set, with grey hair.

In George Waters’ papers was an Occidental Life Insurance Company premium notice for Mary Kay, policy 4167942, addressed to Mary Kay at 1006 Noe. It was postmarked May 10, 1967 and had a due date of March 11, 1967. It had been forwarded to the Public Administrator at 1212 Market Street, San Francisco 94102, stamped received May 12, 1967. Brody’s name and the Otis Hotel Address was written on the back.

Margaret Kukoda died Aug. 30, 1967 at age 50.
The unclaimed property ($16,970.09) from Bank of America in Oakland, listed George Brody's address as 1955 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland.
Hi all!
This aftermoon I spent some hours for to understand better this addresses...

well no doubts abt MK addresses;

instead the George Brody:
1945-46: George Brody, 480 Ellis
as a well
1951 George & Marian Brody clk. r. 1507 Cal

well they are not our GB and MK; this GB is the GB born in Ohio, Margaret wife and living in SF; the same man having car accident with the woman in Divisadero st ( as a article found and posted from a member some time ago)...
This George Brody was hardware merchant in 1930 census; by Polk's Crocker-Langley San Francisco City and California Voter Registrations, 1900-1968 sources:
in 1944 he was resident in 480 Ellis also;
in 1940 residing in 1038 Taravol -hardware clerk also- july 1940 SF George Brody, 831 Fulton – Merchant, Dem.
in 1939: Wesley C clerk Geo Brody r 3939 25th
so, now... I'm pretty sure that our GB appearing not in SF directory; only MK... the telephone line was of MK...
George Brody appearing in Oakland from 1936 to 1944 and so he was not resident in SF...

the search abt George Walter Bradshaw continuing... the sweet Anne11 helped me, and found the obituary of the GWB father: George Franklin Bradshaw. Well, the daughter: Hattie M Martin nee Bradshaw was living in San Pablo, Contra Costa, CA as a well Roy Bradshaw, the last son, living in North San Juan, Nevada, CA..
I hope of to find some way for to say that GWB is GB... but is a bit hard... so the last hope is to find some picture, or some other thing, by Bradshaw descendents...
all the best,
My dears!
Now I have the certainty that George W Bradshaw seaman is the same George W Bradshaw born in 25 August 1907 in Oroville, Butte, CA... I read all ship's manifests and analyzed one for one, well, finally :

California Passenger and Crew Lists, 1893-1957 about George W Bradshaw
Name: George W Bradshaw
Arrival Date: 31 Jan 1952

Birthplace: Oroville
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: USA (American)

Ship Name: Cotton State
Port of Arrival: San Francisco, California
Port of Departure: Yawata; Japan

After the first travel in Canada of 4 May 1929
I found so much other trips....

I wish ask to Annasmom, if the height and the weight of George W Bradshaw (by ship's manifest of 1952) matching with height and weight of George Brody...
I found in a ship's manifest that the eyes was blue, in another is wrote "brown"; but blue seeming possible, because all relatives had blue eyes...
He was cook helper, witer, fireman, ch cook, 2nd cook, 1st asst, and sometime steward; so for exemple in the last travels:
George W Bradshaw
Clarkes Wharf ship
arrival: 4 jun 1954
departure port: Las Piedras, Venezuela
engaged: 5/21/1954 New York
arrival port: New York, New York
nationality: american
profession: 2nd cook/bk
service: 30 years

George W Bradshaw

Rock Landing ship
arrival: 19 Oct 1954
departure port: Las Piedras, Venezuela
engaged: 10/5/1954 Balto, Md (Baltimore, Mariland)
arrival port: New York, New York
profession: Ch steward
service: 30 years

In 2 ship's manifest of 1929, the name and address next of kin was: sister May Stauger/Slauger ( or so no much readable) 618 1/2 Fallon St Oakland, Alameda, CA;
well we know that this seaman was the brother of:

1. Hattie M Bradshaw, married at John William Martin (half indian of Concow-Maidu tribe; born the 2 nov 1881-in 1920 census him birthyear was 1892; error: by WWI draft registration card I found right birthdate)

2. Goldie B Bradshaw; the descendent of Goldie( contacted by email and no reply) posted some message abt the ancestor search; a bit confusionary.. what I understood, it is that Goldie married or so at Albert C Kauffman; the man, seeming born in the Philippines (father King ? Kauffman-Germany born) and arrived in USA around the 1920s, and resident in Los Angeles, CA;
anyone can understand that really is a info's tangle ... :crazy:
but searching and searching..... what I found?
Knowing that Goldie had a daughter (no from Albert C Kauffman), Beverley named... the woman is living (almost it was living in jan 2009)..
I found her birthdate: 24 Aug 1926 in Alameda, CA... mother: Bradshaw :clap:

the family in 1930 census was resident in Los Angeles, CA :clap: :

1930 United States Federal Census about Beverly Gober
Name: Beverly Gober
Home in 1930: Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

Age: 3
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1926
Birthplace: California
Relation to Head-of-house: Daughter
Father's Name: Albert
Mother's Name: Patrica
Race: White

Household Members: Name Age
Albert Kuffman 24 aged
Patrica Kuffman 20 aged ( this must be Goldie/May and her age was 35 and not 20; sure* )
Beverly Gober 3 7/12 aged

this baby girl must be the niece of GWB, if I'm not in error;

So abt her birthplace: Alameda county, CA.... I know not if is Oakland, but I suspect of yes... I must search in California census and voters list of 1928/30 if I can find some Mrs Gober, or Kauffman and if the address was 618 1/2 Fallon st, Oakland, CA...

However, in the search abt GWB I feel as a echo, a rumor of our GB story....

Another bit: in this days, making a deep search, I know all George Bradshaw or George W Bradshaw of California; well for first thing I must say that only 1 was born in 1907, and it was GWB( 25 aug 1907); the others appearing in the old directories or voters list, by crossed search, I know that they was different person, born in different years and someyimes also in other state; living in California... and in San Francisco: the G Bradshaws found was married and nobody matching with our GWB; so in other towns;
nobody of George Bradshaw found was GWB born the 25 aug 1907 in Oroville...
because he travelling; because when he no travelled for some month he lived in hotels, and making little works....
he retired in 1954; because I no found more travels... so if we think that I found 2 trips, most probably of GWB, in 1943/4, where he is 1st asst that seeming to me= 1° assistant and if we think that in Oakland in same years he was jr research assistant, well seeming to me that something matching, enough or so.....
and he was living in 1954, why I cannot find the death in California Death Index, 1940-1997 database???? Oh .. yes it is possible that was died in other state, but in any case I cannot find it...no by SSDI or other databases

also for that I believe that he was our George Brody...

Other bit maybe just a speculation, but very interesting:
By Reno evening Gazette of 16 apr 1936
I read that George Bradshaw age 28 of San Francisco and Frances Masse age 20 of Sacramento married in Reno.... so this George Bradshaw was born around 1908; right?
But I no found nobody George Bradshaw in voter list 1936 San Francisco or Sacramento or other town with Frances wife....
and it are not other George Bradshaw born abt same year living in all California......
only George W Bradshaw; well we know that George Brody was in Oakland in nov 1936 Frances Masse was of italian parents... again the echo... "italian Consul..." on the booklet .... I feel as a echo in this 2 lifes..... GWB appearing not in voters list, because he becoming George Brody...

well GWB NOT travelled from last trip in 1929 until when he travelling again in 1938... 9 years without travels... and in 1930 he was in Fresno, CA... and from nov 1936 he is George Brody in Oakland.. until 1944... but always resident...? its travels was always in springs and summers... not in autumns and winters... just someone in the last part of careers(1950s)... so he was in the voters list, surely, but I never found as George Bradshaw; he abandoned the true name in 1936, becoming George Brody in mainland; remaining George Bradshaw on the sea....

and Frances Masse Bradshaw... what abt she? the marriage was no for long time... I believe broken after some month... I know that he had a boy, living, recognized by father, born in 1937, but the spouses was separated.. maybe.... because I no found it( no GWB and not FMB) in nobody California voters list; Frances remarried very soon with another man and she died in Sep 1986 - Sacramento, CA; I remember that in some record, I read that she was from long time the wife of BES... and no more children... anyway by voters list George W Bradshaw seaman not appearing ...

but we know that appearing GB in Oakland from 1936/44 and no more records... as I said the GB found in SF is not our GB....

It is no strange a man with 2 identities... in a my previous search ( I searched for 3 years!) I found it by a address on a envelope of 1902....
any person having 2 identities is very secretive, and he left no traces... but the life is a trace in the world, so some unconscious error is made, and becoming a trace for further generations that wish search it...

Abt GWB siblings:
1.Hattie M Martin died in 1974 San Pablo, CA; Hattie's husband... : no record found... I know only that he was mechanic profession, half indian... etc all I wrote above....
2.Goldie died in 1972 Glendale, CA;
3.Roy Bradshaw died in North san Juan, Nevada, CA; dittho for the wife
4.Barney Bradshaw missing...

Now my goal is to find a picture, a trace ... a address.. matching to 100% with GB picture, some GB trace, some GB address.....

Hoping no bored,
all the best,

*PS: abt: " this must be Goldie/May and her age was 35 and not 20; sure" please read: Goldie/May and her age was 25 and not 35, sorry for typing error
My dears!
Now I have the certainty that George W Bradshaw seaman is the same George W Bradshaw born in 25 August 1907 in Oroville, Butte, CA... I read all ship's manifests and analyzed one for one, well, finally :

California Passenger and Crew Lists, 1893-1957 about George W Bradshaw
Name: George W Bradshaw
Arrival Date: 31 Jan 1952

Birthplace: Oroville
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: USA (American)

Ship Name: Cotton State
Port of Arrival: San Francisco, California
Port of Departure: Yawata; Japan

After the first travel in Canada of 4 May 1929
I found so much other trips....

I wish ask to Annasmom, if the height and the weight of George W Bradshaw (by ship's manifest of 1952) matching with height and weight of George Brody...
I found in a ship's manifest that the eyes was blue, in another is wrote "brown"; but blue seeming possible, because all relatives had blue eyes...

Hi, Raf:
You have been working very hard, and I appreciate it very much. I don't see the height and weight of GB in your post, but maybe I am not looking in the right place. At the time I knew him, he was about 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighed about 160 pounds. I think he later put on weight, and as a young man probably weighed much less. He had blue eyes.
raf, you are amazing! WOW the info you have gathered. Excellent info on Francis Masse's remarriage. Were you able to find anything about the son she and GWB had? I hope I understood that correctly. She bore the child with GWB and not her second husband. I'm curious to see if pictures of him(child of GWB and FM) exist.... if still alive.

I am also particularly interested/curious about the ships GWB traveled, which were civilian 'luxury' cruise ships, correct? Not military related. I'm curious ( but no idea how to search) if any of these ships had any ties to Margaret Kukoda. Did she spend any time on any ships with her nursing career, or could she have been a passenger on any of the ships you found?

It would be incredibly interesting to see if we can find a connection of somekind between MK and this GWB, especially if no picture of GWB is available anywhere.

Of course I also wonder if GWB had any relationship with his son after he and Francis divorced. (IF I got the connection correct).

Lot of questions, no answers from me. Just got me thinking outloud here.

Thank you again raf, for all your countless hours of work on this case.

more thinking outloud.

Now, if GWB and FM's son, is in fact GB's only 'heir'- it is quite possible he would have some knowledge of GWB changing last names, perhaps legally? or did he just assumer the last name. If it were fact, and there was a way to prove it, he would be entitled to that 17,000 sitting with the state of California- which may make him interested in contact?

again, just thinking outloud.

Great work raf!
raf, you are amazing! WOW the info you have gathered. Excellent info on Francis Masse's remarriage. Were you able to find anything about the son she and GWB had? I hope I understood that correctly. She bore the child with GWB and not her second husband. I'm curious to see if pictures of him(child of GWB and FM) exist.... if still alive.

I am also particularly interested/curious about the ships GWB traveled, which were civilian 'luxury' cruise ships, correct? Not military related. I'm curious ( but no idea how to search) if any of these ships had any ties to Margaret Kukoda. Did she spend any time on any ships with her nursing career, or could she have been a passenger on any of the ships you found?

It would be incredibly interesting to see if we can find a connection of somekind between MK and this GWB, especially if no picture of GWB is available anywhere.

Of course I also wonder if GWB had any relationship with his son after he and Francis divorced. (IF I got the connection correct).

Lot of questions, no answers from me. Just got me thinking outloud here.

Thank you again raf, for all your countless hours of work on this case.


Hi Cubby, thank you, but until a proof we can say that all are only my suggestions; but I'm more convinced abt that...
abt George Bradshaw and Frances Masse marriage, I cannot say with certainty if this George Bradshaw is the George W Bradshaw born in Oroville the 25 Aug 1907; the age matching.... the son: he raised by stepfather and if I'm no wrong, he is involved in the politic.. also currently... by face having not much resemblance, however, with George Brody... but meaning nothing because the males, normally having resemblance with maternal line...

so this record now is in stand by... because my first option is to find a picture of GWB; I believe he had a "passport" or similar thing as seaman imbarked.... but I know not where to search abt that... I must ask to some US genealogist friend, maybe helpful....

as I already said, GWB is the better name matching with our GB;
abt the ship's: in the first travels of 1929 he was on luxury cruise( especially the Leviathan" involved in liquor's cargo in great depression) with orchestra etc.... so much music on the ship... and GB was very informed abt the music also....
and I thinked, always ( in my first postings, many time ago) that our man was a man that travelled, for the culture, that was made by itself, but also by travels... and always thinking what was the first input for the sympathy between GB and GW... the contact in the first time was professional for MK illness, but after becoming friendship.... so they had some common point... I believe abt the foreign country, GW was born or so( I not remeber very well) in foreign country and sure was in Greece.....

the other ship's was tankers ( WWII era), and other luxury cruises also, but I searched only abt someone, because I am searching where to find the passport or seaman card or similar papers....

the ship's was:
Ship name
Cities Service Fuel
Cities Service Fuel
Cities Service Fuel
H D Collier
KR Kingsbury
WS Rheem
WS Rheem
John Mclean
Red Canyon
James B Bonham
Ethiopia Victory
Ethiopia Victory
Jacob A Westervelt
Horace Greeley
Joshua Tree
Joshua Tree
Cotton State
Battle Mountain
Battle Mountain
Green Mountain State
Clarkes Wharf
Rock Landing

just one needing of to confirm ( Bidwell).... but it is not important....

Port of arrival
New York, New York

Windsor, Ontario
New York
Cherbourg, France
New York, New York
New York, New York
Point Wells, Washington
Port Angeles, Washington
San Luis Obispo, California
San Francisco, California
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York To Chester, Pennsylvania
San Francisco, California
Portland, Oregon
Mukilteo, Washington
Seattle, Washington
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
San Francisco, California
Seattle, Washington
New Haven, Connecticut
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York

Departure port

San Francisco Via La Canal Zone & Havana
New York
Southampton, England and Cherbourg, France
New York, New York
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia
San Luis Obispo, California
Pago Pago; Am Samoa
Curacao Via Halifax, Nova Scotia
Milne Bay
Santa Seas
Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
Emden, Germany
Puerto La Cruz
Puerto La Cruz
Yawata; Japan
Kobe, Japan
Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
Bordeaux, France
Las Piedras, Venezuela
Las Piedras, Venezuela

I have all data and no doubts that this GWB is the same born in 1907, 25 aug-Oroville, CA...
It is very possible that MK met GB in the ship's context, and GWB was in ship's context....
...I'm searching, and I hope in GOD, because or GWB is GB or I know not where searching... because I searched in all directions, and in all countries, as many members here, and not luck, but if I'm not wrong, we know that GB died, and so he was born in some part of world, right...? so I was searching for a GB born and no death record... the first input was from 1941 article; no doubts that is our GB.. so almost the probable birthyear was a good point for starting....
In all full honesty, I believe that GWB could be our man, and if will be possible to confirm it, the next step will be to understand where he put Anna; because if I'm not wrong, GB or GWB was not a pedophile, not a killer, not, absolutely not... Anna was abducted for pay not the amount, because GB wanted good insurance... and all GW money was spent for that....
so it is very possible that Anna is living, and if died( I hope of not) she was not killed... died for other causes, but no killed because GB or GWb was not a killer, was only a swindler wishing money.... but not a killer, just and only my suggestions, but again, i'm no far from truth... so I think... and when they said abt Tot death I'm convinced that who wish make a abduction making a plan, and in this plan sure it are also to spy the house where the child living, to spy anything for to make the better plan... so it is higly possible that spying they knew JF face, and the "Tot died" words, frankly, it was just for JF... as to say: no try.. it is died... GW had no input for to say this phrase, but had input of to say if he knew that JF was near.....

I hope in God, again, and or this search is right, or "white flag" for me....
more thinking outloud.

Now, if GWB and FM's son, is in fact GB's only 'heir'- it is quite possible he would have some knowledge of GWB changing last names, perhaps legally? or did he just assumer the last name. If it were fact, and there was a way to prove it, he would be entitled to that 17,000 sitting with the state of California- which may make him interested in contact?

again, just thinking outloud.

Great work raf!
Hi Cubby,
abt marriage in Reno, NV of George Bradshaw of SF, 28 aged in 1936 and Frances Masse of Sacramento 20 aged in 1936, I know not with certainty if this George Bradshaw is the same born in Oroville in 25 aug 1907...
and I think that George Brody NEVER changed the name legally, otherwise, why he wished to be very sure that GW insurace was payed to man in the picture? because he was born not under George Brody name, and not changed legally, otherwise no problems for insurance payment....
Instead, I think, that if George Brody is GWB, well he had good reasons for to change by himself the surname; firstly, for the brother 's behavior ( Barney), and after for other causes that i know not, because all are my suggestions abt this man... and after initial postings, I followed my own idea abt this man... no from what he saying but from what I understood by its behavior...
as in a painting.... a portrait...
2. Goldie B Bradshaw; the descendent of Goldie( contacted by email and no reply) posted some message abt the ancestor search; a bit confusionary.. what I understood, it is that Goldie married or so at Albert C Kauffman; the man, seeming born in the Philippines (father King ? Kauffman-Germany born) and arrived in USA around the 1920s, and resident in Los Angeles, CA;
anyone can understand that really is a info's tangle ...
but searching and searching..... what I found?
Knowing that Goldie had a daughter (no from Albert C Kauffman), Beverley named... the woman is living (almost it was living in jan 2009)..
I found her birthdate: 24 Aug 1926 in Alameda, CA... mother: Bradshaw

the family in 1930 census was resident in Los Angeles, CA :

1930 United States Federal Census about Beverly Gober
Name: Beverly Gober
Home in 1930: Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

Age: 3
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1926
Birthplace: California
Relation to Head-of-house: Daughter
Father's Name: Albert
Mother's Name: Patrica
Race: White

Household Members: Name Age
Albert Kuffman 24 aged
Patrica Kuffman 20 aged ( this must be Goldie/May and her age was 35 and not 20; sure)
Beverly Gober 3 7/12 aged

this baby girl must be the niece of GWB, if I'm not in error;

So abt her birthplace: Alameda county, CA.... I know not if is Oakland, but I suspect of yes... I must search in California census and voters list of 1928/30 if I can find some Mrs Gober, or Kauffman and if the address was 618 1/2 Fallon st, Oakland, CA...

well another input of my this previous post part:
I found that Patrica Kauffman , that I suspected of to be Goldie Bradshaw, and that had a baby girl Beverly Gober, well she was in Oakland! :clap:
In 1928 she is listed as:
Gober mrs Goldie 537 3rd st, housewife... no husband mentioned...
no more... only 1 time in 1928.....
but is she Goldie Bradshaw, married to ..Gober; in 1930 she married at Albert Kauffman and becoming Patrica (patricia?)Kauffman

so GWB could be our bad guy....

and abt:
Knowing that Goldie had a daughter (no from Albert C Kauffman), Beverley named... the woman is living (almost it was living in jan 2009)..
I found her birthdate: 24 Aug 1926 in Alameda, CA... mother: Bradshaw

It is very correct, because Beverley, niece of GWB was born just the 24 Aug .. see here

Hi Cubby,
abt marriage in Reno, NV of George Bradshaw of SF, 28 aged in 1936 and Frances Masse of Sacramento 20 aged in 1936, I know not with certainty if this George Bradshaw is the same born in Oroville in 25 aug 1907...
and I think that George Brody NEVER changed the name legally, otherwise, why he wished to be very sure that GW insurace was payed to man in the picture? because he was born not under George Brody name, and not changed legally, otherwise no problems for insurance payment....
Instead, I think, that if George Brody is GWB, well he had good reasons for to change by himself the surname; firstly, for the brother 's behavior ( Barney), and after for other causes that i know not, because all are my suggestions abt this man... and after initial postings, I followed my own idea abt this man... no from what he saying but from what I understood by its behavior...
as in a painting.... a portrait...

In April 1936, GWB was 28 yrs old & married Frances. This would put his birth year 1907. It was in Aug 1936 that GWB turned 29 yrs old.
right SherlockJr ... but I have know not where to search more details abt this marriage... maybe .. it could be interesting....
all the best,
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