Who will make the most money? Includes various book discussion

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Well then there is obviously something majorly wrong that's preventing her from working. The don't just pass out disability checks for no reason. I still don't understand how it's our business or why it's an issue.

IMO Because they have started two foundations and there is a responsibility to the public once you ask for money. It was reported that they want to draw salaries as administrators or execs of the new charity(then that was retracted.) But it stands to reason, if you are unable to work and receive SSI disability or whatever, how is it you can work for a charity? If the A's were not involved with asking the public for money, I would not care. Let the government figure out that if a physically able woman, who can get herself to court each day, at the same time, dress appropriatelty, stay all day, takes notes, think clearly enough to lie and spar on the stand, attempt to visit her daughter in jail, pack for a trip and go shopping ...then maybe she hold down a job.
A $1,000 dollars was the last legitimate bid that I could find. All the other bids were first time users just having some fun.IMO

..i'm not familiar with the ins and outs of ebay.

..if you bid------and then are the "winning bidder"-----aren't there ramifications if you don't pay up ( b/c you basically screwed "legit" buyers along the way..) ??
Depends who is writing, and who is making the money. There is a vast difference in purchasing the memoirs of someone who has had a distinguished legal career, such as HHJP- I would read that. I would read a book by John Walsh - but not a book by OJ Simpson or any criminal who stood to profit by it.

I understand what you are saying. I wasn't thinking of HHJBP. Parents of victims, grandparents, girlfriends, siblings, friends, lawyers, jurors etc. Nothing new under the sun imo/ime. If it's a verdict that is popular, people support the idea of books imo. If not, it is heinous in some folks opinion imo. Can't figure that out JMO
..i'm not familiar with the ins and outs of ebay.

..if you bid------and then are the "winning bidder"-----aren't there ramifications if you don't pay up ( b/c you basically screwed "legit" buyers along the way..) ??

Let me explain here. Those insane bidders had no business history at eBay. They opened an account for some fun here. Yes, they registered a credit card. Then made bids. BUT after the auction, they just block their credit card. And forfeit their bid. The only penalty is they lose the account. BIG DEAL!
IMO Because they have started two foundations and there is a responsibility to the public once you ask for money. It was reported that they want to draw salaries as administrators or execs of the new charity(then that was retracted.) But it stands to reason, if you are unable to work and receive SSI disability or whatever, how is it you can work for a charity? If the A's were not involved with asking the public for money, I would not care. Let the government figure out that if a physically able woman, who can get herself to court each day, at the same time, dress appropriatelty, stay all day, takes notes, think clearly enough to lie and spar on the stand, attempt to visit her daughter in jail, pack for a trip and go shopping ...then maybe she hold down a job.

Thank you!!! If they were independently wealthy it would be a different story, but they have robbed the State of Florida of enough money as it is. I know SSD doesn't come from the State but our Government isn't in such good shape either. If they had any class they would go back to work and dissappear! It would be good for both of them. There are probably people out there that would hire them. Not everyone dislikes them, we can see that with the FICA followers who thinks she's innocent and it was an accident.
Well Casey has been out for the best part of 2 weeks now. And the winners in making money here are becoming clear. And as I modestly can say, I thought the Anthony's have got NOTHING yet. Lots of rhetoric of offers, but no cash in hand. But there are winners here. The big "3" network's have gone the route of piety here. They are using the Casey proposed interview as a platform to try and make the public believe they are now doing business in a moral fashion. Yea, right! But, the exposure to them supposedly changing their ways of doing business is worth huge money to them! Scum like Al Taylor? He is getting huge PR money here. Larry Flynt has made a non-offer now. But it sure got his poor selling book in the news. What was that worth to him?

The short of it is simple. People on the outside are making PR money well they can here. There are no cash offers. Not even the Casey out of jail pictures could be sold by JB. Who knows, maybe even Nancy Grace will finally see this for the dead horse it is.
Let me explain here. Those insane bidders had no business history at eBay. They opened an account for some fun here. Yes, they registered a credit card. Then made bids. BUT after the auction, they just block their credit card. And forfeit their bid. The only penalty is they lose the account. BIG DEAL!

It certainly looks like a bogus high bidder for that mask.
As soon as the auction was over, that bidder left neutral feedback for seller as follows;
"you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to profit of a child's death!!!.

Ebay allows the seller , however, to contact the back bidders if high bidder cops out.
So it is quite possible that the mask eventually got sold but not nearly as much as that high bid though.
If Larry Flynt really wanted to make a new name for himself /do the right thing he would come out and say that he withdraws his offer - that his conscious will not let him make money off of the death of a 2 year old child. He did say in recent news article that he did not agree with the verdict.
Jose Baez - no matter what he chooses to do.
Well Jose Baez wanted decent sized money for the first Casey pictures out of jail. There value is now ZERO!!! Baez has got nothing but $$$bills from Casey so far. And it will stay that way.IMO
Now available for JB. The first pictures of Casey out of jail. A tearful reunion with mom and dad at psych facility - Menninger clinic - in Houston. Now what is the JB asking price here for this rubber room scenario?:loser:

Better still, what price would the public pay to keep these evil 3 people locked in the rubber rooms for ever here???:great::great::great:
Well then there is obviously something majorly wrong that's preventing her from working. The don't just pass out disability checks for no reason. I still don't understand how it's our business or why it's an issue.

If she can do the things she has been doing, yet refused to work,the taxpayers have a right to be outraged imo
I understand what you are saying. I wasn't thinking of HHJBP. Parents of victims, grandparents, girlfriends, siblings, friends, lawyers, jurors etc. Nothing new under the sun imo/ime. If it's a verdict that is popular, people support the idea of books imo. If not, it is heinous in some folks opinion imo. Can't figure that out JMO

When the criminal and those people supporting the criminal are making money...then it's offensive.
Has anything else been heard from the juror who wanted a 5 figure amount for an interview? Any other juror interviews? Thanks!
I just read that the cost so far to the taxpayers of Florida is almost $700,000. And she, most likely, has other legal issues ahead of her. My sympathies for all of you who live in Florida.
Not sure where to put this link (in our discussion threads) ...just read this article in the WS daily news thread, about the possible "inappropriate" relationship between FCA and JB. Also other items discussed in the article re: JB. is there a thread that contains discussion about that FCA/JB relationship already on here somewhere, if someone knows off-hand? Thanks. otherwise, this article is very interesting, I posted an interesting paragraph below. :woohoo: I would LOVE to hear more about this type of thing between these two. IMO, MOO, etc. (underlining in article snip below is mine).

Crossing the line with Casey Anthony? -
National Crime & Justice | Examiner.com

<snip> ....In recently released documents, jail guards assigned to Casey Anthony's unit in the Orange County jail reported to investigators an incident in which Anthony became upset and began crying and cursing when she discovered that Baez's wife was pregnant with his child. In addition, the report goes on to say that Baez and Anthony would spend much of their time together, which was supposed to be used to prepare for trial, staring intently at each other without speaking with their faces less than one inch apart. .....<snip>
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