Who will make the most money? Includes various book discussion

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I don't have the answer to your question, but would venture a guess that Ms. Sims has gotten so much flak from that interview she gave on Joy Behar's show, that she's staying away from the media henceforth.

I agree Dottie probably got flak from how she failed to answer the babysitting question with a yes or no. I bet Baez or Mason told her off after seeing that interview. Also the next day Dottie had troubling answer some of the questions Ryan Smith asked her on In Session.

I have said this before, I think Baez and Mason are media savvy. They both know how to answer questions for most part in a good tension free manner. Sims comes off as the type of person who is overly confident/smug when she isn't being asked questions by the media. She was bouncing up and down like a fool at that restaurant on the day of the verdict. I think she went on the Behar show with the attitude that she was smarter or could outsmart on Joy when trying to defend Casey. But she failed, her emotions on her face showed her grimacing and she at times look liked she wanted to crap her pants.

The Orlando media made a big thing about the Sims' tv appearances and on twitter there were several people tweeting Joy and giving her props for grilling Sims with that question. Sims was laughed at by many. Marcia Clark and Joy laughed at her later on after the babysitting question. JVM, Mike G. and Nancy Grace also brought up her failure to answer the question.

I bet Baez has banned Dottie from being the media for good regarding Casey's case. I wonder if Casey has seen the Joy Behar clip.
The fact that Dottie couldn't answer Joy's question makes me believe that she doesn't care about anyone elses children or pets. That's disgusting that Dottie herself feels that ICA is a danger to children, but still proceeded to jump on the DT bandwagon and jump for joy when ICA was aquitted. I guess she only cares about her own children and Grandchildren!!!
ABC ends checkbook journalism, will no longer pay for interviews.

No more licensing fee.



ABC Bans Paying News Subjects

After the embarrassment of giving Casey Anthony a huge payday, the network is effectively ending the practice. Howard Kurtz on why ABC is breaking from the pack.
Jul 25, 2011 3:04 PM EDT

Interesting. Thanks for the link. I found this quote from the article particularly intriguing:

"STARTING to tarnish the network's credibility"?!? He's got to be kidding. And he's the President. Wow.

Too little and WAY too late. IMO
The fact that Dottie couldn't answer Joy's question makes me believe that she doesn't care about anyone elses children or pets. That's disgusting that Dottie herself feels that ICA is a danger to children, but still proceeded to jump on the DT bandwagon and jump for joy when ICA was aquitted. I guess she only cares about her own children and Grandchildren!!!

I think Dottie got on the DT to get more attention. I wouldn't be surprised if Dottie care about other people's children or pets. I also got the feeling from her apperance on Joy Behar, that she really didn't like Casey. She once said, "I liked Casey" and the "Casey I knew". I think she was talking about Casey the client who was helping her get noticed with the case and she wasn't talking about Casey the person.
:eek: Sorry I wasn't sure where to post.

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The fact that Dottie couldn't answer Joy's question makes me believe that she doesn't care about anyone elses children or pets. That's disgusting that Dottie herself feels that ICA is a danger to children, but still proceeded to jump on the DT bandwagon and jump for joy when ICA was aquitted. I guess she only cares about her own children and Grandchildren!!!

It does not really matter as she made such an idiot of herself, and for that the public will always remember, her not being able to answer a very simple question, anbd then trying to hedge the question!!

I never heard of her before, but I will always remember the interview!!
HLN/NG - Jean (won't try to spell last name), is going on and on about how everyone WILL watch Casey Anthony's interview - the pundits agreeing heartily. I have news for them, I won't watch whether they pay her or not...they will have advertisers and they will make money.

Jose Baez says Casey is going to get into therapy. Therapy does nothing for a sociopath, so it doesn't matter - still won't watch her.
It will not happen, they used the public once too often, and we all saw how Cindy lied to protect her daughter in a court of law, they can just dream on, and fade into the sunset!!! Their days of using the public are finished!! Even if she writes a book, it will make very little money by the time she pays for all the expenses, and who would want to read it, everyting was already played out for the entire world to see. even the Jaycee D book is not doing that well, if people really want to read things like that they wait till it goes to the Library, and you read it for free,

I would like to read a book by Cindy and George - I'd like to know how they feel about the charges Casey made against George - I'd like to know how Cindy was feeling during the trial - especially about ZG. I don't think Cindy and Geroge's story has been played out completely at all.

As for Jaycee Dugard's book - 175,000 copies in the first day. People want to know how she was feeling, and not just about the news coverage. It's still selling like crazy.
Interesting. Thanks for the link. I found this quote from the article particularly intriguing:

"STARTING to tarnish the network's credibility"?!? He's got to be kidding. And he's the President. Wow.

Had they abolished this practice during the hey day of the JBR case, there would have been a lot more honesty and a lot less bullc**p on Barbara Walters and Dan Rather...and the rest. The Ramsey's and Lin Wood were bought and paid for by ABC...IMO
I'm just not buying that mainstream media and tabloid media are going to stop checkbook journalism. ABC got burned (and got tons of bad publicity) only because Jose Baez had to stand up in a courtroom and say that he brokered a deal with ABC for $200,000 dollars when he was trying to get Casey declared indigent. Otherwise ABC wouldn't have said anything about paying Jose and his client Casey that amount of money. ABC can come out all they want and say that they are stopping the practice but I don't believe them.

I also don't think it will affect other media outlets either -- pay for play is the name of the game when media are pursuing "the get" of the moment.
I also watched part of Nancy Grace tonight and I rolled my eyes at "Casey wants therapy" spin. Baez is probably using that as an attempt to rehab Casey's image with hope that some people who believe that she is a victim with the hope that he could make money off her.
I hope this hasn't been asked & answered yet - if it has I apologize in advance. This is my question - Casey has spent the past 3 yrs in jail, if she is going to sell the rights to photos, videos etc., how is she going to get them? One would assume that they are with her parents????? I just can't imagine (if there really isn't any contact with her family) Baez calling them requesting pics, videos etc., so they can sell the rights??????
This is my question - Casey has spent the past 3 yrs in jail, if she is going to sell the rights to photos, videos etc., how is she going to get them?

Casey needs to go to court to get those items. I doubt Cindy will be handing anything over without a court fight. There is the matter of the trademark rights to "Caylee's" name to be sorted out also. Cindy thought she would have all the items to sell. Then came the verdict. Now it will be Casey getting everything. The problem for JB is getting a court case done without making Casey look more $$$ blood sucking evil then ever. Good luck with that JB!
I also watched part of Nancy Grace tonight and I rolled my eyes at "Casey wants therapy" spin. Baez is probably using that as an attempt to rehab Casey's image with hope that some people who believe that she is a victim with the hope that he could make money off her.

I completely agree! imo she has been advised to clean up her act (pretend therapy, lay low, and prob a highschool diploma while they are at it)... They think things will die down and people will move on. She'll give her interview months from now, a "heartfelt FCA." She'll talk about all the hurdles in the last months and how she has gotten her life together (high school diploma and is now a budding photographer w/some of her pics included). Of course, she won't want to discuss anything about what happened to Caylee because she has "grieved and moved on." Whoever is taking care of her knows that a big fat check isn't too far down the road so they will keep at it, pretending to like her, pretending she is normal... The problem w/this theory, if true, is that no matter what she does, accomplishes, most will forevermore look at her as someone who threw her child away like trash. Nothing is going to change my mind, i will hate her for the rest of my life!
Casey needs to go to court to get those items. I doubt Cindy will be handing anything over without a court fight. There is the matter of the trademark rights to "Caylee's" name to be sorted out also. Cindy thought she would have all the items to sell. Then came the verdict. Now it will be Casey getting everything. The problem for JB is getting a court case done without making Casey look more $$$ blood sucking evil then ever. Good luck with that JB!

That is exactly what I was thinking. I cannot imagine JB CM or any other on her DT walking up and ringing GA & CA doorbell. I do see huge huge issues coming up in the near future. This will be interesting to see how it all plays out.:waitasec:
That is exactly what I was thinking. I cannot imagine JB CM or any other on her DT walking up and ringing GA & CA doorbell. I do see huge huge issues coming up in the near future. This will be interesting to see how it all plays out.:waitasec:

Seeing Casey and Cindy "claim" to be indigent, who will pay for the lawyers here? I hope it is not the Florida tax players again.
Looks like NBC is the only legitimate source showing interest in an interview..


" “We've talked with Baez about getting an interview with Casey Anthony, but only under NBC News standards and conditions: no payment, and absolutely no job offers for members of her defense team,” said an NBC News spokesperson. "

Notice they didn't say anything about pictures, films, etc, etc. These people have ways of paying for an interview but they don't call it paying for the interview...they buy the rights to pics, etc.
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