"Who would leave children that young alone?"

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She also left her twin babies in a room, where an abductor could have still been in/near to go back to the Tapas bar! How stupid is that?

I bet she was not thinking clearly. It is easy to say what you would or would not do but you don't know. IT is not a clear thinking " I should..." It is panic and your thoughts stop being rational.
People judge her a lot on what she should have done. Those thoughts to me are uneducated and just projecting judgment on her.

You just have no idea what it feels like when your child goes missing and is not hiding or playing.. It is a terror you can not comprehend. Grief, panic, All these things rolled into one.
I bet she was not thinking clearly. It is easy to say what you would or would not do but you don't know. IT is not a clear thinking " I should..." It is panic and your thoughts stop being rational.
People judge her a lot on what she should have done. Those thoughts to me are uneducated and just projecting judgment on her.

You just have no idea what it feels like when your child goes missing and is not hiding or playing.. It is a terror you can not comprehend. Grief, panic, All these things rolled into one.

Is that why they lied to the police and their friends/families about the window? And about Madeleine's "coloboma"? And why they went out jogging and played tennis while others searched areas for their daughter?
Is that why they lied to the police and their friends/families about the window? And about Madeleine's "coloboma"? And why they went out jogging and played tennis while others searched areas for their daughter?

She did not lie. That is not a lie.. She just assumed it.. If she was trying to hide a crime She would have jimmied it herself to make it look like someone broke in.. She didn't. She just assumed that is what happened in her panic.

Not a lie.
She did not lie. That is not a lie.. She just assumed it.. If she was trying to hide a crime She would have jimmied it herself to make it look like someone broke in.. She didn't. She just assumed that is what happened in her panic.

Not a lie.

Did they also not lie about the "coloboma" and it's significance?
She did not lie. That is not a lie.. She just assumed it.. If she was trying to hide a crime She would have jimmied it herself to make it look like someone broke in.. She didn't. She just assumed that is what happened in her panic.

Not a lie.

Sorry? Why would she assume and abductor if there were no reason to? Why not assume Madeleine woke and tried to find them?
No one knows she did not do that, She probably did. She walked past the pool, There was a pool when my son went missing too. Right out the back, I never went near it.

I think there is too much folk lore about this case.

I agree... Folk-lore= The Eggman stole her!

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Where was she going to search? I did not search when my son went missing either. I called the police and stood still. I can not even tell you what other people were doing.. I just was frozen..

That is an assumption that is not based on anything factual.

I am quite sure I would have looked for my child-everywhere, starting in the villa, and then outside-everywhere
Sorry? Why would she assume and abductor if there were no reason to? Why not assume Madeleine woke and tried to find them?

That's what I would think. I'd hope someone found her and took her into their room. I'd be screaming her name and hoping for a response.

That's what I did even when my dog went missing. He was gone two days. For two days I couldn't sleep as I was too busy running around, talking to people and driving around calling for him. Guess what... That's how I found him.

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Can you fill me in on this? I musta missed it. No link necessary... Just a quick recap:) thanks on advance?

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At first they made this huge deal out of it. Despite the PJ saying that it could be signing a death sentence if a paedophile had her as it was an identifying feature. Nevertheless the world was told all about it!


Then they went on the Piers Morgan show and said this:

MORGAN: Madeleine had a very distinctive eye pattern, didn't she? Tell me about that, Kate, in case people see somebody they think may be Madeleine. Tell me about her eye.

K. MCCANN: If I'm honest, we haven't put too much emphasis on her eye, because I think you have to be very close to her to see it. But her eyes are slightly different colors, and one of them has this brown fleck in it. But you do notice, particularly on photographs, but --"
It is natural instinct to call for the lost, if the lost has ears that is.

Mums call their kids, all day every day, even if they aren't lost.

Kate did not call for Madeleine. Once.

It is natural instinct to call for the lost, if the lost has ears that is.

Mums call their kids, all day every day, even if they aren't lost.

Kate did not call for Madeleine. Once.


I lost my cat, I spent days looking for him, calling for him, and I found him. I couldn't have sat doing nothing.
Tell me - I lost my baby for six entire weeks. I nearly went hoarse. Finally late one night I got a squawk in return...she'd waited until it was dark and quiet to come home, maybe that's because she heard me then but not during the daytime.

I also knocked on every door in the neighbourhood, left notes and food for people if they saw her (a couple did and kept feeding her Thank God) and then went around and did it all again. And again. Called all the vets, even spoke to LE when I saw some at the servo but unfortunately they couldn't help. :(

I even put up flyers.

People were awesome and helped so much. I got her back a bit skinny but none the worse for wear.
She also left her twin babies in a room, where an abductor could have still been in/near to go back to the Tapas bar! How stupid is that?

I said this the last time someone posted this ....maybe it was you, I don't remember. I lost my child at the beach and thought he had probably drowned. I completely lost my mind and left my other child playing IN THE WATER to get help. Now THAT was a really "stupid" thing to do. I didn't make a conscious decision to do it. The danger in it never even crossed my mind. Nothing did, really. Even though I thought my other child might have drowned right then, right there. I literally could not think. My mind was a chaos of pure frantic panic.

And the McCann situation is even different than that still. How likely is it that an abductor of a 4 yo would try to take two more sleeping children at all, much less when their parent had just discovered the first one missing and sent up the alarm. Even assuming he was still in the apartment. I doubt the mother even considered that scenario. But if she did, there would be no reason to think that would ever happen.

Not to open old wounds .... But even Casey Anthony's parents were out everyday handing out flyers and manning that station handing out water & stuff for searchers.

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That's what I would think. I'd hope someone found her and took her into their room. I'd be screaming her name and hoping for a response.

That's what I did even when my dog went missing. He was gone two days. For two days I couldn't sleep as I was too busy running around, talking to people and driving around calling for him. Guess what... That's how I found him.

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I read the translated police report, or whatever it's called, and they listed options for what may have happened. The police rated the possibility that Maddie left the room on her own to look for her parents, as low for some reason-it was not stated as to why they would think that.
I read the translated police report, or whatever it's called, and they listed options for what may have happened. The police rated the possibility that Maddie left the room on her own to look for her parents, as low for some reason-it was not stated as to why they would think that.

Probably because they knew the poor little thing cried alone with her brother for an hour and a quarter the evening before, without budging.


They had been left alone 6 nights running at that stage...obviously she knew she wasn't "allowed" to walk around, or maybe she was scared of the dark. She was only 3. :(
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