Who would "stash" Kyron for Terri...

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Kyron Horman has not been seen for almost two months, but the boy's mother, Desiree Young, is convinced her son is still alive.

"I believe that he’s stashed," Young told PEOPLE on Tuesday. "I believe it's the investigation that's going to lead us."

Young says Terri has "the big answer."

"I think it's premeditated," adds Kaine. "We have no information that would lead us to believe that, but I think based on what Desiree and I know about [Terri], I think it's a plan. And I think she's still executing a plan."

I have never felt comfortable with the word "stashed".. When someone stashes something, they come back for it.. and I doubt that is Terri's plan..

I do believe Kyron is alive... I think Terri duped people into believing that Kyron was her son..(the swimmer instuctor for example) I think that she further duped people into believing that Kyron was living in a "at risk" situation (Kaines brothers child molestation conviction on June 16, 2010)
DeDe's X -boyfriend is an child advocate for Oregon, His fencing company gives gracely to "Pimpollo", which is a child outreach program. and there are LOTS of ugly connections that go on from there... I truely hope that LE is taking a hard look at DeDe's X-boyfriend... His father is in jail for child pornagraphy.. Wishert/WishArt really needs to be looked at hard.. and all his connections... Just my opinion... All this info. is public knowledge...
I think paternity of baby K might want to be looked into.. giving the sexting and all... just sayin' moo :angel:
Instead, I think "it *could* just be that DeDe's lawyer is an advocate who's perhaps not well versed in some aspects of criminal law , at least when it comes to dealing with the press. He didn't impress me at all, and running his mouth like that seemed unprofessional and actually working against his client's best interests. Those comments go "beyond what any reasonable right thinking individual would do in a situation" like this.

I still don't understand why DeDe's attorney, barely into the fray, would tell reporters that his client was going to be arrested. As we've seen, she hasn't been, so I'd like to know on what facts he based that conclusion. I simply don't understand his strategy in making that statement.
Oh...I see. I hope it turns out to be some benign scenario where TH thought she was doing a good thing. Hopefully they do have Kyron "stashed" in a safe place.

I have trouble seeing Kyron being "stashed" somewhere as a "benign" solution. Anytime you take a child away from his home, parents, and normal life, it cannot possibly be benign because it is traumatizing to the child and all involved. It is kidnapping, pure and simple, no matter what the twisted rationalization behind it. Two wrongs don't make a right.

I have never felt comfortable with the word "stashed".. When someone stashes something, they come back for it.. and I doubt that is Terri's plan..

I do believe Kyron is alive... I think Terri duped people into believing that Kyron was her son..(the swimmer instuctor for example) I think that she further duped people into believing that Kyron was living in a "at risk" situation (Kaines brothers child molestation conviction on June 16, 2010)
DeDe's X -boyfriend is an child advocate for Oregon, His fencing company gives gracely to "Pimpollo", which is a child outreach program. and there are LOTS of ugly connections that go on from there... I truely hope that LE is taking a hard look at DeDe's X-boyfriend... His father is in jail for child pornagraphy.. Wishert/WishArt really needs to be looked at hard.. and all his connections... Just my opinion... All this info. is public knowledge...

Bolded by Me. We have no definite proof that the BF and this man are related do we? We need to start seeing links that prove these statements. He is sleuthable so go for it! Find the connection!!!!!

Also need links to these other talking points bolded. These are interesting points but it would be necessary for us to have links before we continue these discussions.

Please and Thank you.
It's unusual that a "data" guy like Kaine would go so far as to buy school supplies.

I know I am way late to this thread, but wanted to say I don't think it is unusual at all, my hubby and father in law are "techy/data guys/engineers" and both turn to jello when dealing with children. People that work with my father in law are so amazed at his behavior when they see him with the kids, he is a totally different person than in the "rest of his life".
Everything you think you know about him changes when you see him with the kids. Kaine I would suspect is the same.

I'd like to see LE investigate the 125 volunteers from Sunset Presbyterian who were at Skyline on May 2...
I think everyone who was there should be investigated (at least minimally) right? I missed this!

As an aside, I giggled about this, because I am Presbytarian and my initial thought was "are you crazy", a Presbytarian? lol Inappropriate I know.
Instead, I think "it *could* just be that DeDe's lawyer is an advocate who's perhaps not well versed in some aspects of criminal law , at least when it comes to dealing with the press. He didn't impress me at all, and running his mouth like that seemed unprofessional and actually working against his client's best interests. Those comments go "beyond what any reasonable right thinking individual would do in a situation" like this.

I still don't understand why DeDe's attorney, barely into the fray, would tell reporters that his client was going to be arrested. As we've seen, she hasn't been, so I'd like to know on what facts he based that conclusion. I simply don't understand his strategy in making that statement.

I'm pretty sure Dede's lawyer told reporters he thought Terri would be arrested, not Dede.
I know I am way late to this thread, but wanted to say I don't think it is unusual at all, my hubby and father in law are "techy/data guys/engineers" and both turn to jello when dealing with children. People that work with my father in law are so amazed at his behavior when they see him with the kids, he is a totally different person than in the "rest of his life". Everything you think you know about him changes when you see him with the kids. Kaine I would suspect is the same.

Respectfully edited. I have not been particularly impressed with Kaine in most of his media appearances to date because he appears to be overly serious, stoic, and generally unemotional. I have a difficult time finding reasons to feel sympathetic toward someone who seems more interested in his choice of words and phrases than he is in showing any real feelings for his missing son.

That said, I sensed the depth of emotion when Kaine talked about buying school supplies and making sure that Kyron was ready to be a third grader. This was the first time that I felt deeply saddened for this dad whose son should be at home and enjoying the final days of his summer vacation before heading off to another year of academic challenges and extra-curricular activities that he enjoyed. jmo
If Terri had stashed Kyron...I think she would have "unstashed" him a long time ago, possibly back when Kaine's brother made the news, and made up some story about her being afraid Kaine was abusing Kyron or that the brother was going to, or something like that. Even if totally false, LE would have had to investigate, causing plenty of problems for Kaine, which she would have enjoyed. It would have been hard to prove she did not really believe that and even if she faced charges, they would be far less serious than what she is looking at now.
If Terri had stashed Kyron...I think she would have "unstashed" him a long time ago, possibly back when Kaine's brother made the news, and made up some story about her being afraid Kaine was abusing Kyron or that the brother was going to, or something like that. Even if totally false, LE would have had to investigate, causing plenty of problems for Kaine, which she would have enjoyed. It would have been hard to prove she did not really believe that and even if she faced charges, they would be far less serious than what she is looking at now.

I'm still puzzled by Desiree's use of the word "stashed" when she thought that Terri had Kyron hidden in some unknown location with unknown people. Ms. Young has always been so articulate, classy, and genteel in her media appearances that her use of the word "stashed" in reference to her beloved boy hurt my ears. I can't help wondering why she chose that particular word to describe the situation in which she believed Kyron to be.

When I think of the word "stash", two rhyming phrases come to mind, both of which have negative connotations:
Cash-stash as in hiding money that was "earned" under sinister circumstances.
Hash-stash as in hiding marijuana that is an illegal substance. jmo
I haven't yet found a single bit of "normalcy" (whatever that is) in any of the "extended family" sagas, which feels very...freaky. JMO

I'm not sure any family would look normal when put under such a microscope.:eye:
I'm still puzzled by Desiree's use of the word "stashed" when she thought that Terri had Kyron hidden in some unknown location with unknown people. Ms. Young has always been so articulate, classy, and genteel in her media appearances that her use of the word "stashed" in reference to her beloved boy hurt my ears. I can't help wondering why she chose that particular word to describe the situation in which she believed Kyron to be.

When I think of the word "stash", two rhyming phrases come to mind, both of which have negative connotations:
Cash-stash as in hiding money that was "earned" under sinister circumstances.
Hash-stash as in hiding marijuana that is an illegal substance. jmo

I absolutely hate this choice of wording as well. To me, it makes me think of a bad family drama comprised of not very literate people, i.e. he went and stashed my bike someplace so I done took his dog, kind of thing...yikes. I know what she means (Desiree) but this word just grates on me, and makes it all sound less serious than it is.
Respectfully edited. I have not been particularly impressed with Kaine in most of his media appearances to date because he appears to be overly serious, stoic, and generally unemotional. I have a difficult time finding reasons to feel sympathetic toward someone who seems more interested in his choice of words and phrases than he is in showing any real feelings for his missing son.
That said, I sensed the depth of emotion when Kaine talked about buying school supplies and making sure that Kyron was ready to be a third grader. This was the first time that I felt deeply saddened for this dad whose son should be at home and enjoying the final days of his summer vacation before heading off to another year of academic challenges and extra-curricular activities that he enjoyed. jmo

I get what you are saying, but him speaking to the media, dealing with lawyers and police etc is different that dealing directly with his child, kwim? I suspect what we all saw was a glimpse of what he is like in dealing with his children. Not many people in Kaine's line of work are warm fuzzy people in their every day life and in my experience some (a lot) are barely likeable! lol

I suspect it would be a totally unbearable thought for Kaine to allow himself to believe that Kyron is not coming back to him, and returning to his life and he had a bit of a breakdown even thinking about it.
I have trouble seeing Kyron being "stashed" somewhere as a "benign" solution. Anytime you take a child away from his home, parents, and normal life, it cannot possibly be benign because it is traumatizing to the child and all involved. It is kidnapping, pure and simple, no matter what the twisted rationalization behind it. Two wrongs don't make a right.


No, kidnapping is not benign. But it is a whole lot more benign than murder.
I absolutely hate this choice of wording as well. To me, it makes me think of a bad family drama comprised of not very literate people, i.e. he went and stashed my bike someplace so I done took his dog, kind of thing...yikes. I know what she means (Desiree) but this word just grates on me, and makes it all sound less serious than it is.

What a great post! You've summarized why this whole case is so distressing. This IS a bad family drama comprised of not very literate people. It should be about an innocent,vulnerable, happy little boy but, instead, it's all about the messy lives of a cast of less-than-admirable characters. And like you said, "stash" is something that's to a THING, and usually a thing that belongs to someone else or that there is some dispute over. It's not a word you use in relation to a person.
This IS a bad family drama comprised of not very literate people. It should be about an innocent,vulnerable, happy little boy but, instead, it's all about the messy lives of a cast of less-than-admirable characters. And like you said, "stash" is something that's to a THING, and usually a thing that belongs to someone else or that there is some dispute over. It's not a word you use in relation to a person.

No disrespect intended desquire but I have to disagree. Im sure the media and everyone sleuthing is extracting the "most" despicable or less than positive portions or occurences in these people's lives but...other than getting divorced and remarried (as 75% of the nation has) and working out very complicated custody situations I see no traits or evidence that Kaine, Desiree, Tony, Kyron, or even any of the other kids including J, Q, and Baby K are less than admirable. Additionally, all three of the adults in question are very literate and educated...Kaine holds a Masters Degree and is an engineer, Desiree speaks very well and had more than adequate phonetics and sentence structure and Tony was the first able to come forward and make a statement on behalf of the family. Just that fact that they can put their feelings aside related to complicated and emotional matters of the heart from the past and make the best of this family situation for the good of all the kids speaks volumes!!!!

I DO wholeheartedly agree that the focus should be on Kyron and that's where his parents are trying to keep it. TERRI is the despicable character in all of this thats not talking AT ALL and acting smug and putting her own interests before those of an innocent child. The MSM is responsible for shifting the focus to her and her less than explicable actions...IMO she doesnt deserve any attention at all unless its to get to the truth.

True that "stashed" may not be the best choice of words however, I would hate to see how eloquent I am and if I make all the right word choices when Im lost, heartbroken, confused and distressed because my baby is missing....

Would we have preferred "stolen", "thieved", "hidden", "stowed", "took", "kidnapped", or God forbid "murdered", "killed", "permanently erased" or any other awful words instead? The bottom line is we shouldnt and no one should EVER have to utter any of these kinds of words in relation to this or any child!!!! This beautiful baby just needs to be home!!! I cant imagine debating a word choice by a grieiving distraught mom can bring us any closer to that ultimate and shared dream!

It's also plausible and highly feasible that "stashed" was not a word Desiree consciously selected. It may have been one she heard in conversation with LE when discussing a theory or a word one of the millions of media representatives she's spoken too over the last three months used first. Maybe it stuck in her craw or subconsious for the same reasons it has in some of ours and, when under pressure and in this emotionally charged situation, it just came out.

Sorry for the rant but today is one of those days that I, and Im sure we all, are so frustrated that this precious baby isnt home yet!
No disrespect intended desquire but I have to disagree. Im sure the media and everyone sleuthing is extracting the "most" despicable or less than positive portions or occurences in these people's lives but...other than getting divorced and remarried (as 75% of the nation has) and working out very complicated custody situations I see no traits or evidence that Kaine, Desiree, Tony, Kyron, or even any of the other kids including J, Q, and Baby K are less than admirable. Additionally, all three of the adults in question are very literate and educated...Kaine holds a Masters Degree and is an engineer, Desiree speaks very well and had more than adequate phonetics and sentence structure and Tony was the first able to come forward and make a statement on behalf of the family. Just that fact that they can put their feelings aside related to complicated and emotional matters of the heart from the past and make the best of this family situation for the good of all the kids speaks volumes!!!!

I DO wholeheartedly agree that the focus should be on Kyron and that's where his parents are trying to keep it. TERRI is the despicable character in all of this thats not talking AT ALL and acting smug and putting her own interests before those of an innocent child. The MSM is responsible for shifting the focus to her and her less than explicable actions...IMO she doesnt deserve any attention at all unless its to get to the truth.

True that "stashed" may not be the best choice of words however, I would hate to see how eloquent I am and if I make all the right word choices when Im lost, heartbroken, confused and distressed because my baby is missing....

Would we have preferred "stolen", "thieved", "hidden", "stowed", "took", "kidnapped", or God forbid "murdered", "killed", "permanently erased" or any other awful words instead? The bottom line is we shouldnt and no one should EVER have to utter any of these kinds of words in relation to this or any child!!!! This beautiful baby just needs to be home!!! I cant imagine debating a word choice by a grieiving distraught mom can bring us any closer to that ultimate and shared dream!

It's also plausible and highly feasible that "stashed" was not a word Desiree consciously selected. It may have been one she heard in conversation with LE when discussing a theory or a word one of the millions of media representatives she's spoken too over the last three months used first. Maybe it stuck in her craw or subconsious for the same reasons it has in some of ours and, when under pressure and in this emotionally charged situation, it just came out.

Sorry for the rant but today is one of those days that I, and Im sure we all, are so frustrated that this precious baby isnt home yet!

Thanks isn't enough....I say, "BRAVO!"
TERRI is the despicable character in all of this thats not talking AT ALL and acting smug and putting her own interests before those of an innocent child. The MSM is responsible for shifting the focus to her and her less than explicable actions...IMO she doesnt deserve any attention at all unless its to get to the truth.

True that "stashed" may not be the best choice of words however, I would hate to see how eloquent I am and if I make all the right word choices when Im lost, heartbroken, confused and distressed because my baby is missing....

I would bet that she is mum on the advice of her attorney.

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