Why are her parents coddling Casey?

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I found out today my 18 year old was arrested on 8/31, he didn't call me to get him out of jail, I didn't ask how he got out of jail, he hired his own attorney, I offered no money he asked for no money, I am not feeling anything but disappointment and anger...this because he was involved in a fight with a total stranger...imagine how I would act if he killed my own flesh and blood..I DON'T GET IT...where are the boundaries with this family, responsibility for adult behavior etc...this case is going to drive me crazy

Totally agree, when my oldest son was 19, (He is now happily married and the father of two children) he was arrested for drunk driving. He did call me from jail and I refused to bail him out. I was just furious with him, and I read him the riot act, how he could have killed someone. Today he says he is very grateful I did not run and bail him out. There is just no way I would put up with Casey's nonsense I would not have bailed her out and if someone else had gotten her out she would not be welcome in my home untill she told me where my grandaughter was.

no parent loves their child more then I love my son, I am a mess, have been in an asthma attack since I got the news, my dad is driving 200 miles to come and see me tomorrow because I am so hysterical WITH THAT SAID my son is an adult, I called the attorney today and was told HE IS AN ADULT can't discuss with you, IF you really believe what you wrote I have to ask then what did they feel for Caylee BECAUSE they sure haven't "coddleded" her! PART OF LOVE IS TEACHING RIGHT FROM WRONG!
Then what's the answer?
I have a son I adore, I would stand by him hell or high water--but I will not deal in lies. If you screw up, you step to the plate and accept it. If he can't accept responsibilty for what he's done, we would part ways there. I would no longer stand with him in a lie. I don't fret or doubt my son there.

I don't understand what is going on with the Anthony's. What has happened wouldn't have gone this long with me or my mother. The Anthony's have something going on that I don't understand or like--I can only assume it's love. Blind, yes--but some freakish love just the same.

I don't understand them and I've decided I don't need to or want to. I am just grateful my mother, my husband, my son and myself aren't like that ...and I'm not so certain I want to understand. It's something I don't want for my family--I don't have it and that makes me happy.
I want to further add, I cannot understand this family because I can give my son with full trust--my debit card and code, he's NEVER abused this trust in all these years- that he's had that privilege.

I can only say my family doesn't color in the same book as that family. My family is in NO way perfect, not at all. But there is a common belief in each other, a deep trust we don't dare trespass. I don't see that with this family.

I think they love each other, I doubt they have the trust my family has. But one can't deny how they stick together. Only answer I see is love--however twisted it may be.
Caylee was most likely murdered by her mother and callously disposed of in an unmarked grave but the Anthony's are either refusing to face reality or they simply do not care. Why won't Cindy or George give Casey an ultimatum? Tell us what happened to Caylee or you are going back to jail. It's that simple.
Casey is obviously lying about everything that has to do with Caylee's disappearance and Cindy responds by embellishing her daughters blatant and outrageous lies and then attacking the media and public for not believing her. In my opinion the Anthony's have aided and abetted a murderer and they continue to do so by providing Casey with a safe haven. I'm sure Cindy and George love Casey and they probably always will but their parental responsibilities to Casey ended the minute she became the murderer of their grandchild.
And....what about caylee! Does anyone in the anthony family care about her??????
It all comes down to how they dealt with her while she was growing up. IMO She likely did not conform to their ideals of what they wanted so it became easier for her to lie and them to pretend to beleive the lies so as not to rock the boat. Now they are doing what they have come to learn sooothes the problem. They are not facing reality.
I have run the WHOLE gambet (sp?) of emtions with regards to the parents. From sympathy , to none, to now.. hmmm. Being a Grammie of a precious babygirl, I can't imagine their feeling especially given Caylee lived with them, saw her day in, day out. I do think they MORE than OBIVIOUSLY raised Casey wrong, after spending more time listening to the Atty Nejame they have (which btw) I thought was crazy at first... now, I am starting to wonder if... they truly don't believe Casey and never did, they spent many hours with LE, they could be working with LE, "acting along w/Casey" for now only out of the need to found Caylee.. They may have gotten the atty partly for "their" own protection when this goes to court. The atty mentions, over and over "I don't represent Casey, never met her, etc on and on" Ok so guess my thoughts (well for today?!?) maybe they are just playing Casey and they are mourning the loss of their sweet grandaughter and hoping against hope by "playing Casey's game" they may evidentially found her.. JMO for today... tomorrow is a new day .
I can honestly say I have never had sympathy or passion for the grandparents. Yes, it is obvious that Casey was not raised properly. They might have guilt from this because the way their raised her is probably the reason Caylee is missing or dead. They had three years to take custody of Caylee and should have done so way before now. That shows negligence on their part. They knew what Casey was doing for a very long time. I really think they are scared of her to some point.

Now they are either hiding something because they believe they are going to go down with her. Or they believe Caylee is gone and they at least want to keep their daughter. Or they feel as though it is their fault that Caylee is missing in the first place so they feel guilty and obligated to help Casey get off scotch free
I can honestly say I have never had sympathy or passion for the grandparents. Yes, it is obvious that Casey was not raised properly. They might have guilt from this because the way their raised her is probably the reason Caylee is missing or dead. They had three years to take custody of Caylee and should have done so way before now. That shows negligence on their part. They knew what Casey was doing for a very long time. I really think they are scared of her to some point.

Now they are either hiding something because they believe they are going to go down with her. Or they believe Caylee is gone and they at least want to keep their daughter. Or they feel as though it is their fault that Caylee is missing in the first place so they feel guilty and obligated to help Casey get off scotch free

I agree with a lot you say monoxide. IMO Cindy is torn up with guilt. She is taking the blame for what has happened to Caylee. Her thoughts are probably along the lines of - If only I didn't threaten to gain custody of Caylee, If only I didn't do this and that etc... she feels she pushed Casey over the edge with her own behaviour and it's her fault this happened. As for George, well I don't think he has much say in what happens in that house, he is just towing the line and doing what he is told to do. Cindy wears the pants IMO!!
Anyone in their right mind would be afraid to stay in the home with someone who has most likely murdered a child, tells all sorts of lies, stole them blind and probably wanted more, and looked up chloraform. What are the odds of three adults agreeing that they all believe Casey and her lies. The family didn't need to make all the ridiculous excuses to the media if they want to trick Casey into confessing. They know something or are covering up something IMO.
I agree, I think they have been afraid of her outbursts for a very long time. I bet she has run away with Caylee before but nobody is saying it. Otherwise don't you think Cindy would've called police a long long time ago?
One word. Guilt.

Especially on CA's part.

They apparently fought vehemently (according to documented evidence) over whether KC should keep the baby and CA insisted and won. Knowing full well how irresponsible, not to mention crimimal (I refuse to believe KC waited until now to start exhibiting those tendencies) KC's actions were.

So thanks to CA Caylee is the one who suffered. Being a good parent isn't about taking the easy way, which in that case would have been giving the child to a loving home.

She knew full well there was an innocent child at stake, how many of you, knowing KC as CA knew her, would let her be responsible for the care of your DOG, much less a child you coerced her into keeping?

And while it is true that maybe (and a big maybe at that) CA thought the baby would teach KC to finally grow up and face responsibility, look at the cost of that lesson.

She should have taken immediate custody of the infant, then made KC earn her custody back, and IF she already knew (which I am sure she did after raising her, not to mention telling one of KC's friends she was a sociopath) KC was incapable of anything other than sociopathic behavior she should have either put the baby up for adoption herself or raised her out of harm's way.

And believe me I am not judging her, even though it reads like I am. I work in the mental health field on a psych ward and see unspeakable. inhuman behavior every day.

It makes me furious to see innocent children suffer needlessly at the hands of MONSTERS that should not even be anywhere near them.

Sometimes in life decisions have to be made for the innocents in our society. CA knew full well she had done all she could do for KC. It makes me furious that she won't stand up for Caylee.
I'm the step-parent of an adult child with borderline personality disorder.

IMHO Casey probably has bpd (at a minimum - usually there are co-morbid disorders as well) and it's very difficult to diagnose and treat.

A book was recommended to me by a mental health prof once at a time when the bpd in my family was "Baker Acted." The title is I Hate You, Don't Leave Me, and the title alone gives you a good idea about bpd. Another book for family and friends of someone with bpd is called Walking on Eggshells. 'Nuf said!

I suspect George and Cindy have developed, over many years, a pattern of dealing with Casey that minimizes the "drama." That might be what they are still doing now, either consciously or unconsciously. If consciously, they may have been advised by LE/mental health professional/etc to try to make Casey feel believed and comfortable and loved in order to have her open up.

I feel so sad for the entire Anthony family, including Casey. I think there are two explanations for her behavior: 1) mental illness or 2) under the control of "evil." In either case, they are up against something that is very complicated, cunning and baffling.

While we can all be armchair "analysts," speaking from personal experience, I know that by the time you've dealt with a bpd sufferer for long enough, you feel like the crazy one! Counseling for family members is definitely needed to not end up in a situation like this! Prayer helps, too! God can and will turn the worst of situations into a blessing.

After many years (and much counseling and prayer) I am no longer hostage to my bpd step-daughter, but it has been a painful journey. It's also painful to watch other family members continue to struggle with her. Some family members are on their own journey to deal with her, and others are in denial. All I know is I had to "apply the oxygen mask to myself before I could help anyone else."

This case is about as bizarre as they come, and Casey and her family are very easy to dislike and criticize.

Casey needs to be prosecuted and pay the price for what she's done already (lie, steal, etc.)...it's the only way for us to have a civilized society, and the only way she can at least begin to become a responsible adult.

If she is tried and convicted on any more serious charges (human trafficking, murder, etc) the same applies.

If any other family members aided/abetted in any of her crimes, or committed crimes of their own, the same applies.

JeanneBreault, Thank you for this insightful post into the dynamics of your own family so that we may all understand what maybe happening in the Anthony household right now.

I have to answer to some of the posts that these dynamics didn't happen just when Caylee went missing. They aren't "coddling" her but I will agree that it does seem that way because of their denial of facts in the case. "Coddle" is a good word that takes us back to when it all began very early in Casey's life. From past experience, the Anthony's were probably the type of parents who ALWAYS protected their daughter. They probably got protective/defensive of her when she may have bopped someone at school or didn't finish schoolwork and didn't think that it wasn't a problem. They probably took the attitude the teacher9s) probably had it in for her......EVERY year!!! If the teachers, as early as preschool/kindergarten, called them in on situations in class with her, her parents probably took the defensive and explained it all away. There are some parents that I have directly dealt with that have taken the "not MY child" attitude on serious situations or you just witness the abuse the kid heaps on their parents at an early age. I have at times advised parents to get a hold of the situation now.....early.....so that when they are older the abuse, the problems will not be problematic as the kids get physically bigger than them. Casey learned how to deal it out, the parents learned how to "handle" her and now they are repeating this "dance" in the public's eye. It may be strange to us but this is a very old dance they have been accustomed to doing. They didn't fix the bumpy road early on as they should have and now major structural damage has occurred. The Anthony's road CAN be fixed if they choose to accept the task of extensive work to be done so that they can help Casey. Alas, the Anthony's don't know any other road other than this convoluted ride with Casey and need to give themselves permission to stop and get off the ride. The maybe afraid of the backlash by her if they do it now. I pray that they find the strength to finally let go and not worry of letting her fall for the first time.

*Jeanne, I liked your analogy to applying your oxygen mask first before helping others*
Anyone in their right mind would be afraid to stay in the home with someone who has most likely murdered a child, tells all sorts of lies, stole them blind and probably wanted more, and looked up chloraform. What are the odds of three adults agreeing that they all believe Casey and her lies. The family didn't need to make all the ridiculous excuses to the media if they want to trick Casey into confessing. They know something or are covering up something IMO.

I agree with you! This family has to be covering up something.

KC has managed to involve them somehow in her crime and has them
right where she wants them.

Otherwise (as Boston suggested) they would give her the ultimatum -

"Tell us what happened to Caylee or you are going back to jail."

It would be that simple."

I'm sorry but if I were Casey's parents & little Caylee's Grandparents, I'd doubt I'd be able to control myself with her, it's very frustrating to me to see how much in denial they are. She's out of jail, staying in their home...C'mon, do you mean to tell me they really don't talk about the 'case' or little Caylee?????????? I don't buy that for one minute! If I were them, I'd have to tie her to a chair & torture her (bamboo chutes under her nails) whatever it takes until I got the TRUTH out of her! Enough is enough already. After listening to the tapes last night on NG, it's very obvious she's responsible for her own daughter's demise. Only she knows the truth & I'd do whatever I have to do to get it out of her even if I had to BEAT it out of her! JMO
I know this is very difficult to imagine, but remember that when Casey was Caylee's age, Casey was "their little angel". Not easy to picture now with what we know, but still the Anthonys have loved Casey for 22 years, and I don't see how you could just turn off that love off like a switch. They want to believe their daughter, regardless of the facts that have surfaced. Difficult to understand what they are dealing with, especially if they really don't know what happened!!

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