Why did Jose Baez leave early from court?*MERGED*POLL ADDED*

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Why did Jose Baez need to leave court early 18.05.11

  • True personal emergency?

    Votes: 75 13.9%
  • Casey fired him?

    Votes: 41 7.6%
  • Stall tactic?

    Votes: 249 46.2%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 174 32.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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My DH thinks he knows. He said maybe he had to have a judges boot removed from a certain part of this body today. He thinks it didn't go well and they found lots more up there, maybe a PJ or two, :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:. Please don't ban me, it was my husbands thoughts, not mine....
I've been having some weird dreams lately; the kind that produce anxiety.
Having followed this case for so long, I do believe it's affecting my psyche.

Be careful. Don't let it effect your life.
I'm torn -- either stall or fire. And I do believe she was crying -- I noticed it straightaway. You can be crying and then once you get in front of people you put on a totally different demenour (sp). Kathy B was in the courtroom and described it firsthand, so I tend to trust her. JMO of course.

I would like to know exactly what JB thinks is so personal that he had to run off while an important day for one of his clients. Leaving 26 jurors hang in limbo, costing Fla tax payers more money from another lost day of court. The only excuse for me would be a very close family member died. Other than that it all could have waited, I don't care if his scrotum turned BLACK and was swollen....he could have sat there and let CM, AF take the drivers seat while he sat there!

Well, whatever it was, the judge agreed apparently.
I think the State should send him a bill for every PJ that lost time off of work, their meals and stress that he caused them today!
On the first day of jury selection, IS reported that a plea deal was offered and turned down by DT. The deets were that ICA would have to tell everything that happened to Caylee, how she died, who was involved, and when. I cannot find the source, but will continue looking for it.

I doubt she fired JB, but I do believe there is trouble in paradise with the entire team, not just JB and ICA. He has most definitely put a big distance between them both physically and emotionally. She definitely is not happy with him, and feels abandoned. That is most likely where her 'tears and anxiety' can be traced back to.

We'll know tomorrow - I really want her to have to go through the process, as well as her family. Keep our fingers crossed and some prayers tonight.

http://www..com/2011/05/casey-rejects-plea-deal-on-day-1-of-jury-selection/ there are better links out there, but they say similar.

She can scream out all she wants and plead guilty to everything, the court has to accept the plea. At this stage I can't see one being accepted unless she explains how everything happened, and she won't do that, not even to save her life.
is it possible that JB had something unexpectedly come up?
casey looked worried and concerned in one of the photos... they both did.
but it looks more like she was surprised and trying to make herself look concerned. that leads me to believe something really did come up on his end.

i wish i could actually sit through this stuff without being annoyed by my 5 year old the entire time :/
Yes, please! In some cases a plea deal is usually for the best, but not for this! Too much effort, time and money has been invested to turn up the toes and say 'I Plead Out'.
Personally, I would feel very cheated and cheated for Caylee as well, because I want to see and hear EVERYTHING. I want to see the other A's sqirm because I feel in my heart they are the crux behind a lot of what had happened to Caylee. Cut and Dry could have been done years ago. As for Baez being fired? I am not so sure he can be fired just like he just can't decide to not participate anymore. He invested a lot of hours in this too, although he could have been quicker on the draw. If he has other lowly pressing matters ie another case, doesn't he have somebody in his law practice that can pitch hit for him for the interim for that case? I think it has to do with something else, I bet ICA has finally had enough of her parents and is going for the jugular, standing on her own feet. She is what she is, but she also has the right to tell her parents No More Jello For Me, Mom. KWIM?
I would like to know exactly what JB thinks is so personal that he had to run off while an important day for one of his clients. Leaving 26 jurors hang in limbo, costing Fla tax payers more money from another lost day of court. The only excuse for me would be a very close family member died. Other than that it all could have waited, I don't care if his scrotum turned BLACK and was swollen....he could have sat there and let CM, AF take the drivers seat while he sat there!

I totally disagree. If he was my husband and our son was rushed to hospital with a broken bone or after a fall and they were keeping him overnight I would want him there, plus, I would not want JB defending me if he had other concerns (no matter how minor) on his mind.
He has said it is a private matter ... private is the operative word there, our definitions may differ from his, but if the above senario did take place JP is not going to openly say that Baez's child does not warrant a visit from his father. Afterall, this is all about a child... and he just isn't that narky.
I'd think the SA would only take the DP off the table if she pled.
So why not roll the dice and take her chances with a trial?
Be careful. Don't let it effect your life.

Thank you. I think it's too late! Did I use the wrong affect/effect?
The case affects my dreams. It has a bad effect on my dreams. ????
What effect did the decision have on the jurors?
I always get these two mixed up!
JVM didn't have anything new to report tonight.
We'll have to wait until tomorrow.

AI is on now. Hopefully tomorrow we'll know what's going on. Figure the odds!
I miss everything!

Didn't hear JP speak about "dirty little secret" relative to why attorneys pick certain jurors and strike others. That isn't a dirty little secret .. it's just common sense. It would be foolish for an attorney to choose a juror because he thought that juror would go against his client.

Didn't know that JB left before others. How many children does he have? Perhaps one of his children was involved in an accident or whatever that required his presence by their side.

Didn't know CA cried, either.

This is what age and a short attention span will do to you!

So, a big decision is coming up ... whether to stay up most of the night reading here and trying to learn what-all happened today, or go to bed early and be at the computer ready and waiting at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow .. in case it's all over by 8:31.
Am I the only one who didn't see her crying?

No, JVM just commented that she cried then laughed all in a few seconds. When they showed the video you can clearly see her touch her upper eyelashes on each eye, then carry on doing what she was doing before. No tears and she did not look sad, she was animated and smiling as she left.
I think the State should send him a bill for every PJ that lost time off of work, their meals and stress that he caused them today!

I bet it turns out to be he has missed a filing,deadline,important paperwork on another case. That's usually what he does.... then it's panic stations when he tries to fix it! HHJP looked irritated.
Mr. Baez left for lunch w/o his team. When asked where his team was, he said," There coming behind". He then left the courthouse. I don't see this as something like an emergency from home. I see this as something related with the case. He did not come back. It is obvious his disappearance is why they had to recess till tomorrow. He called Beth Karas (good choice) to tell her it was private.

......what timing!!! Casey appeared smug to me and not concerned...IMO.

My question is, is casey involved with the reason JB left?
I don't think it is a plea deal Casey would have to tell everything and she's NOT NOT NOT going to do that.

It makes me wonder if Jose Baez if off the "Dream Team".

I will be *beeping* PO IF she does plea.

I want, as does everybody here a trial and for Casey to hear the words Guilty and (hopefully) Death Penalty.
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