Why did KC surround herself with people "less attractive" than herself?

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Where can I find those people who think saggy *advertiser censored* are beautiful?

Just asking...;)

LOL! I watch discovery channel ALOT! Folks do some rather suprising and weird things. they dont' think it's weird. But I do...
I think we appreciate that. I am just not sure any of us 'get' the relevance - will this help find Caylee? Will it help bring justice to Casey?

And these people are being hurtfully, cruelly victimized - again.

It isn't right.

How will analyzing handwriting help find Caylee? It won't it's a way to try to "understand" Casey.

**I'm not attacking you PotatoeHead just trying to make a point**

***and another point/opinion - I quite honestly don't find Casey attractive at all. She is very plain looking imo - but in the pictures she seems to have a certain charisma about her - and maybe that is where the more attractive comes into play***
I hope then, that the joint definition of 'appropriate' does not include specific pin-pointing of specific friends 'subjective' physical 'flaws'.

If it can be discussed from a pshych stand-point, fair enough.

But we shouldn't allow attacks on innocent by standers in the case, either.
I think most are just missing the point of this type of a discussion on a psychological level. the conversation could be elevated, but that doesn't look to promising right now.
I think most are just missing the point of this type of a discussion on a psychological level. the conversation could be elevated, but that doesn't look to promising right now.

JBean, You are truly a light in a very dark place. Thank you.
I have to agree with this post 110%. I do not believe what so ever that anyone is trying to hurt anyone. I believe we are all just trying to get into Casey mind and see what makes her tick. I truly believe she hangs with people who helps build her ego. Meaning by telling her oh..what a beautiful,intellegent person she is. I believe Casey feeds off of this. I am a big woman myself I've seen first hand how most people look down on heavy folks and the cruel things people will say. Is it hurtful heck yes it's hurtful so in alot of case's if a pretty slender person befriends you it builds one's own self esteem. And for Casey imo it feeds alter ego and people are more tolerable because a person like Casey makes them feel special so they will be more likely to except their faults. I hope people can understand where I'm trying to come from.
My guess is that it's to further look into Casey's psyche and just try to figure out what makes her tick.
I have no background in psychology and I don't know about the disorders, just watching KC she needs all the attention.... it would seem to me that if she perceived someone to not match her standards that she would feel that she is the most beautiful person there and the center of attention. To me this is the crux of why I feel she killed her daughter. She had been the apple of her parent's eye until Caylee. Suddenly she was replaced by Caylee, JMHO
I have to agree with this post 110%. I do not believe what so ever that anyone is trying to hurt anyone. I believe we are all just trying to get into Casey mind and see what makes her tick. I truly believe she hangs with people who helps build her ego. Meaning by telling her oh..what a beautiful,intellegent person she is. I believe Casey feeds off of this. I am a big woman myself I've seen first hand how most people look down on heavy folks and the cruel things people will say. Is it hurtful heck yes it's hurtful so in alot of case's if a pretty slender person befriends you it builds one's own self esteem. And for Casey imo it feeds alter ego and people are more tolerable because a person like Casey makes them feel special so they will be more likely to except their faults. I hope people can understand where I'm trying to come from.
I understand where you are coming from Windy and I appreciate you posting.

This conversation can perhaps go somewhere for those interested in true discussion.
There are people that say that we all choose our friends based on the benefit to ourselves and that we discard those friends when their usefullness to us has passed. And perhaps that is true. But there are some personality disorders out there that manifest in ways that include attention-seeking behaviors, "trying on" people until you find those most beneficial, etc. I strongly suspect that Casey has at least one personality disorder and I think that this could be a part of it.

eh, I know people like that...........I try to stay far away from those people. They have nothing to give, only to take.

As far as the personality disorder she has or may have is Narsisistic PD. And thats been beat to death. NPD' come in many forms tho.
The bolded parts are why I am interested in whether or not it's likely that Casey chooses her friends based on certain "criteria":

Antisocial personality disorder - MayoClinic.com

... a condition in which people show a pervasive disregard for the law and the rights of others. People with antisocial personality disorder may tend to lie or steal and often fail to fulfill job or parenting responsibilities.

The classic person with an antisocial personality is indifferent to the needs of others and may manipulate through deceit or intimidation. He or she shows a blatant disregard for what is right and wrong, may have trouble holding down a job, and often fails to pay debts or fulfill parenting or work responsibilities. They are usually loners...

... may also possess a considerable amount of charm and wit.

Personality Disorders - MSN Encarta

People with antisocial personality disorder act in a way that disregards the feelings and rights of other people. Antisocial personalities often break the law, and they may use or exploit other people for their own gain.

ETA: The above links are captivating reading. Based on what we know, they nearly describe Casey perfectly.
Really, to point the light back to my original point.

I am not in any way disparaging the appearance of any of KC's friends.

I am trying to analyze the perspective of KC's choice of friends based on her own perception of her and their appearance.

You may disagree with me, but I am in no way trying to insult her friends.
The more I see of Casey the more convinced I am thay she is a female version of Scott Peterson 100%

Scott Peterson was also a very good-looking man considered attractive and charming by many women. It seems he had a major weakness for the opposite sex, just as Casey did...and they thrived on getting attention from the opposite sex.

Scot Peterson and Casey both had the same motive, avoiding being a parent, because it was too much responsibility and they both wanted to live their free wheeling fantasy lives of romance and wealth.

I so wish LE could have done something like using Amber Frey in Casey's case (IE using Tony or another romantic figure to get her to talk, taping their convos) because with her desperation to talk to Tony from that famous jail call when she asks over and over for his number, and her seeming obsession with him very similar to Scott's obssession with Amber, maybe she would have slipped up in much the same way! Or even slipped up worse...I think Casey is less intelligent than Scott Peterson. Even though she seems just as able to clam up, he had a better story worked out than Casey did.
I agree. Not everyone would agree with the premise this thread is based on, that is, that CA was more attractive than her friends. Like I said, that LE guy
was very attractive, so how could he fit into this theory?
Because Casey wasn't interested in him as a "friend".
I know, I know, I said I was leaving. But I got confused about something.
Usually when you surround yourself with people than are less attractive than yourself, it is a sign of low self esteem. However, a lot of people seem to think that Casey is a narcisisstic person. We can't have it both ways.
I have never seen much that shows narcissism out of her, but that is just my opinion.
I think most are just missing the point of this type of a discussion on a psychological level. the conversation could be elevated, but that doesn't look to promising right now.

I'm not missing the point, just not sure if the point even matters. I know and spend time with all manner of people and it's just because we land in the same place at the same time.

KC seems plenty happy to hang with people way hotter than her, too - not afraid to grind on 'em or hang with girls that were in the Hot Body contest, etc. So what does THAT mean, in the context of this discussion? That surrounding herself with hot people makes her feel accepted by them and therefore hot herself?
I know no one means to insult anyone involved with this case, but given it's limited forensic value, it seems to me it has the potential to hurt people who have found themselves innocently caught up in this. Perhaps we should be careful and consider their feelings when posting on this topic!
I personally don't think that Casey is any more attractive than her friends. This isn't about that. Please, for those that don't "get" what we're trying to discuss here, allow us to discuss it and maybe it will become clearer. No one here is interested in listing names of friends and where we believe they fall on an attractiveness scale. At this point, Tricia and JBean have said that this is a valid topic for discussion and we're all still discussing whether or not it's fair over an hour later. I give up. This thread is obviously not going to be allowed to move forward. And it's a real shame because the psychological aspect of all of this is fascinating to some of us and we're being prevented from discussing it because we're forced to first defend it. It's very frustrating.
imo, ok, CA thinks she's all that no matter who she's hangin with. She's wearing PH shades, and walking the PH walk while the whole world hates her for crying out loud. She is small, and she's easy, so yeah, she's gonna have lots of guy friends. The girls, the very few that there are, appear to be super trusting people, but certainly not less attractive.
Personally, I think all of Casey's friends are attractive -- and young, cheeky, kinda crazeee, which is a persona I think they all aspire to more or less under certain circumstances and settings. I don't really think Casey chose her friends based on what they looked like, and I don't necessarily think she chose her friends based on what she thought they could do for her.

What I do think is, she sought to belong to one or more certain types of "groups" that -- to her (and perhaps to others) -- seemed to be the IN Crowd. I think her sense of self-esteem may have depended rather heavily on being seen as one of those people. A lot has been said about how being responsible for Caylee was going to interfere with her party life-style which was with these friends. If she killed Caylee on purpose, then to a greater or lesser degree it was because she wanted to Party On, with these same friends and to be as "free" as they are.

Kind of a *keep up with the Joneses* mentality, really. From what I've been reading of the history of her parents' marriage, it seems to me that Cindy at least has a strong need to be living an upper-middle-class life, that this to her signifies respectability. Nothing wrong with that, although her need to have this may be why she has swallowed Casey's lies (such as accepting Casey saying she was not pregnant ... maybe Cindy really would have been very upset at having a young, pregnant, unmarried daughter ... in spite of her apparently wanting Casey to have the baby). Could also be a part of conflict between Casey and her parents, as she certainly was rebelling against The Respectable Life. But she had her own standards, these friends fit that bill, and it could have been just as important to Casey to fit in with them as it is to her mother to fit into the all-American standard.
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