Why did the jury reach this verdict?

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so i think it was significant that a few jurors said they could not judge others and that was up to someone else. if they didn't get definitive evidence in their minds, then for sure they were not going to judge others and certainly not put them to death.

of course the defense wanted them on the jury. and it worked in their favor.
If it was NG on 1st Degree I could understand but no ACB or Agg Man is absurd. I think ICA is an excellent liar and master manipulatr and it worked on jury as well. It's worked against other people for decades as well.
I know I'm far too emotional to really hear the arguments some have made regarding holes in the state's case and reasonable doubt. Honestly, I do realize there are some good points being made. I am a rational and reasonable person.

I've also sat on a jury who deliberated on an attempted murder charge. In my experience, that overwhelming factor weighing most heavily on the majority of those juror members ... their personal plans and that they were not wasting any more time in that court house on that case.

I hope that didn't happen when this jury was determining whether Casey was guilty of these charges. I honestly don't know how they could have reached this verdict.

This is so wrong. I'm just sick.
Most people have not absorbed themselves in this, thats why they can look at this with their brains and not their hearts. The law is the law and Casey was convicted before she ever had her trial. Maybe the media will change the way they cover cases from now on?
I believe there were one or two very strong personalities on the jury that swayed the rest to vote that way.. early on.

I just can't imagine completely acquitting her like that .. what a waste. Casey is an extremely dangerous sociopath who has just learned she can do as she wises.. with little to no consequences... I pray for her next victim.

The verdict could have been a political statement against the DA or the death penalty law.
I don't like to say so, but I thought JB did a pretty good job on Sunday. And while the State was high on drama and emotion it was mostly assumptions, IMO. I mean, we all think we know what happened, but no one could lay it out and prove it, and I guess juries are wanting that more and more. They keep being told how advanced the sciences are and yet they are not seeing any DNA, any fingerprints, the stuff they really want to see. JMO
I think not having a COD was a huge problem. I think despite me not wanting to believe otherwise, it really hurt the State not to have one. Without that, it's easier to infer an accident and a family wide coverup, or George was complicit - all the Anthony's lied on the stand. There just wasn't proof during the trial that KC murdered Caylee.

Now, I believe KC did murder Caylee, but to be fair to the jurors, they can't convict on their feelings; it's about the evidence, or lack of, sorry to say.

My opinions...
Most people have not absorbed themselves in this, thats why they can look at this with their brains and not their hearts. The law is the law and Casey was convicted before she ever had her trial. Maybe the media will change the way they cover cases from now on?

No way that will happen...
Because they were idiots. They were bored and didn't take notes. They were mad at the prosecution because they missed their 4th of July and took it out on them. They wanted to go home. They didn't even bother to look at the evidence, they just wanted to give the appearance of it, because they knew their verdict last night. I just want to know what happened to the common sense of the nurse and the IT guy.
I think we should give the jurors a break here. I don't believe they arrived at this verdict just to get back to their lives ASAP, to make book and TV $, or any other related reason.

All it takes is once instance of perceived concealment or deceit on the part of the State to sow reasonable doubt.

I'm pretty sure at least a few jurors raised an eyebrow after learning about the other computer forensics report...the earlier one which showed not 84 chloroform searches, but 1 (there were 84 myspace accesses). Not only did that make more sense, but as a juror I would wonder what other contradictory evidence the State might have "left out" because it weakened their case. (As a juror with knowledge only from the testimony and evidence), it might cause me to question the integrity of all of the evidence.
Maybe I would be a little more okay with this if they had spend some time on it. But to come back so quickly feels to me like they didn't spend time weighing the evidence. I have to agree with everybody who's saying they just wanted to go home. It does not feel like they gave this decision the proper consideration.
They'd have to be crazy to speak to the media, and identify themselves publicly, imo. There would be a witch-hunt for each and every one of them. JMO. (Not saying that I wouldn't have LOVED to hear from them!)

I agree~They may wait until everything cools down or they may never speak. If they do, it will probably be in an interview on one of the larger networks.
There just wasn't enough evidence to convict. Reasonable doubt prevailed.

One of the jurors stated he believed Casey was guilty during questioning of potential jurors but he said he was willing to set his feelings aside and follow the law.

I don't blame the jurors for not wanting to show at that press conference. They don't wish to by lynched either. They did their job as they were instructed and they did the right thing.
Well, at least we know the jury wasn't swayed by emotion.

I just have no words left, only tears.

I'm so sorry Caylee. I feel like we all failed you today.
IMO money. Let's see how many sell books and interviews. They didn't speak to press because they know we want to know why so they can cash in by making us pay for that info. BS! They saw how many people were making money off this trial and the expected verdict was guilty so not worth as much imo.
Honestly I think it was roy kronks testimony and the sa admission that they didnt do a better job of researching the area and the fact that jb pointed out that ga was being elusive when speaking of the tape.
I am heartbroken in every sense of the word. Where do we all go from here? Where is justice?? I need an answer.
Listening to one of the alternate jurors on the radio... No motive, no COD and all the lying= not guilty
yesterday when jbp was reading juror instructions I could have sworn he said something to the effect of unfortunately u the jury must use the law and the law alone in reaching your decision. I believe the judge knew that the sa didnt have the case they thought they did. all imo.
I'd be banned if I expressed myself honestly so I won't.
Honestly I think it was roy kronks testimony and the sa admission that they didnt do a better job of researching the area and the fact that jb pointed out that ga was being elusive when speaking of the tape.
I am heartbroken in every sense of the word. Where do we all go from here? Where is justice?? I need an answer.

I think the SA's did all they could do. IMO, someone would have to be really naive to believe the DT's Roy Kronk story. It defies logic.

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