Why didn't Billie call Shawn before going to CCPD to report Hailey missing?

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Someone on another website mentioned this (it's a little off topic but it does have to do with the cell calls):
If BD's cell phone was left at the house for the kids to use, why didn't HD use it to call her and ask if she could go to MB's?

a) It's all a big story concocted by SA and BD.
b) HD was really going somewhere else and it's easier to lie through a third party (SA).
c) It's SA's story only...He didn't know BD had left the phone.

I would add another option,

d] Don't call and ask Mom because then she might say No. It is better to just leave a message TELLING her where you are going.

I do wonder why she didn't leave a note however. Billie once said she used to leave her a note about what her plans where.
I wonder if MB was used a code or something.
She was going by her dad's,then she was going to spend the night at MB's...
I had code words my husband and I used when dating.
I guess if HD used MB as a code word she was pretty sure no one word ever check on her.
:waitasec: then to top it off NONE of the family was home when BD went looking for HD? - do we know where they were? Were they all together? Grr... can't sleuth them but were they the mom and gmom employed? Has it ever been stated?
I would add another option,

d] Don't call and ask Mom because then she might say No. It is better to just leave a message TELLING her where you are going.

I do wonder why she didn't leave a note however. Billie once said she used to leave her a note about what her plans where.
I've thought about that often since the beginning. I don't think Hailey would've been afraid that her mom would say no because from BD's own words, I don't think she cared much what Hailey did. It does seem odd that Hailey would go off for the night without at least calling her mother or writing a note to say that she was going to spend the night at MB's house. The way SA's story sounds, Hailey was practically out the door when he showed up. Suppose he hadn't come home. Would she have called or written a note before she left? Or did she plan to call later? I dunno, but it's just one more detail that makes the story of Hailey's departure that afternoon so questionable. Flip flops, no jacket on a cold day, no money, no iPod, no word to her mother.

Just as odd as Billie not calling Shawn to confirm what Hailey told him before she went to LE. I might buy a kid being flighty and impulsive. I have a much harder time making a case for the mother's illogical actions.
Why didn't BD call SA to tell him HD was missing? Easy...BD knew that SA already knew, and she was anxious to get busy with the rest of her "planic" role-play.

Just out of curiosity, what would you think if she had called him first?
Just out of curiosity, what would you think if she had called him first?

Well I am not caligram, but what I would have thought, was it would have been the logical thing to do.
She called DD, to see if Hailey was home yet.
Told DD to text or call the little girl to tell Hailey to come home.
DD said Hailey never showed up there.
Told DD to go over to his dads and see if Hailey was there, DD said no.
Told Clint to call LE to let them know she was coming to file a missing person report, before she even checked with any of Haileys other friends.
Shawn told Billie what Hailey had told him, IMO the logical thing would have been for Billie to call Shawn, confirm what he had told her, let Shawn know that she was on her way to the police station to file the missing person report.
Shawn after all was her ride home, he should have been informed, that Billie was leaving work, and what she was doing, please meet her at the police station.
Or at least pick her up and take her there, they did work in the same town.
Just out of curiosity, what would you think if she had called him first?

I would think that she was trying to find out where Hailey was and I would have less suspicions about her complicity in this case.

After she called DD and was told that HD never went to MB's, wouldn't she wonder if she had heard Shawn right, or if Shawn had gotten the message right, or if Hailey might have said something further like ' I/m going to MJB's if she calls me back otherwise to Heather's."

My husband is notorious for getting our kid's 'messages' wrong. He says the wrong friend's names and doesn't know the correct names for the local hangouts. I ALWAYS had to call and confirm with my kids because his original version was often wrong. I don't understand why she was so sure that Shawn had the information correct that she had no urge to confirm any of it with him.
Ginger are you saying you think Hailey ran away? TIA

More like hoping against hope...
Not simply ran away, was helped by a family member, friend of the family, someone that would be protecting her from this whole so called "mess". IMO as a result of calling the aunt crying...She had been crying out to deaf ears for SOOOO long. If it was my daughter's friend I'd be in a pickle! I'm a state mandated reporter, I'd have to tell but there is no way I'd leave a young girl who talked of being stalked at night in her own home! DCFS around where I live just don' t care about teens. I did report a neighbor for hitting his 14 year old daughter in the face so hard he knocked her off her feet. I called and was yelled at for not calling 911, or requesting a welfare check immediately. This was my friends husband! I wanted the family to get HELP when LE gets involved at least around here family's get torn apart. Anyway she said and I quote,"We don't have time for this! She is 14! There are no Foster Parents that will take a 14yo girl, she will end up in YDC and come out worse than when she went in... It's not like she is two. If her dad keeps hitting her SHE can call 911 or even runaway."
I was not reporting as medical professional, I was reporting as a concerned neighbor so she blew me off. I tried to complain, BUT got nowhere.
So yes, I could see a concerned adult showing up and saying I'm here for you we will go get help. Leave your stuff and I will replace what I can. LE would be the next stop, but NOT in this town! I'd probably go into the city. OR straight to the Children's Hospital if she/he had been molested. If the child can give logical reasons why she should not return to the home or if the molester lives in the home, she can go before a judge herself.

NEVER SEEN it done without notifying either parent... Or at least a family member.
If I am correct, HD isn't listed on the FBI's missing children site. I think most of the other girls missing from that area however are.
Maybe BD suspects this is the case. She was an LVN! She was taught proper proceedure in the event a child is found living in dangerous situations. SA moved out... Perhaps that is why her affect is so flat. If HD is alive BD might lose custody.

MOO along with 22 years as a pediatric office nurse.
Sorry that was so long!
Someone on another website mentioned this (it's a little off topic but it does have to do with the cell calls):
If BD's cell phone was left at the house for the kids to use, why didn't HD use it to call her and ask if she could go to MB's?

a) It's all a big story concocted by SA and BD.
b) HD was really going somewhere else and it's easier to lie through a third party (SA).
c) It's SA's story only...He didn't know BD had left the phone.

Its SA's story only ...He didnt know HD's friends but maybe remembered MB's name from some prev conversation and KNEW BD would not check to see where HD was at because she had been allowing HD to do whatever she wanted to do.....trying to be her friend and not her mother ...and trying to keep peace in the family ....awesome last six months !!!!!!

Maybe mom was relieved HD was gone .....evil green monsters come to mind ...age against beauty.
Just out of curiosity, what would you think if she had called him first?

If BD had called SA first, it might have given more credibility to HD not staying overnight at MB's. But BD choose skipping the call SA, not even when she decided to leave werk to look for HD. Odd, considering he drove her car and supposedly he was also at werk in the same town.
Maybe I'm slow, but it just hit me after reading Ginger's post, that the reason SA changed his description of HD' character was because he was afraid if she was found there would be proof of sexual molestation? imo
hollyblue: yes ma'am! MOST importantly the night of the 26th! If she was taken by a family member to a doctor after BD left...vand PERHAPS HD told SA "I'm gonna tell on you" MAYBE it didn't hit himtil he got to work, he tried to call HD got no answer
And..B A M! (or as I would say OH SNAP!)
SA raced home... HD gone cover up MB sleep over...The rest is history... Lawyer up. Cause he knows there is no escaping DNA!

BD not a POI cause she is female
and SA is goin down!

She didn't call SA cause in her heart, she knew and couldn't hear his excuses at least at that moment anyway.

What I don't get is WHY LE WOULD ALLOW searches. UNLESS unknown family member has not come forward.
It's a stretch I know.
Maybe I'm slow, but it just hit me after reading Ginger's post, that the reason SA changed his description of HD' character was because he was afraid if she was found there would be proof of sexual molestation? imo

Very good point. I hadn't made that connection either.
hollyblue: yes ma'am! MOST importantly the night of the 26th! If she was taken by a family member to a doctor after BD left...vand PERHAPS HD told SA "I'm gonna tell on you" MAYBE it didn't hit himtil he got to work, he tried to call HD got no answer
And..B A M! (or as I would say OH SNAP!)
SA raced home... HD gone cover up MB sleep over...The rest is history... Lawyer up. Cause he knows there is no escaping DNA!

BD not a POI cause she is female
and SA is goin down!

She didn't call SA cause in her heart, she knew and couldn't hear his excuses at least at that moment anyway.

What I don't get is WHY LE WOULD ALLOW searches. UNLESS unknown family member has not come forward.
It's a stretch I know.

Thanks for your last two posts.... you could be right on the money!! Very valid thoughts... I forgot to hit the thanks button before I hit reply but I will do that now.

I hope, I HOPE your thoughts are true and Hailey did run away with the help of a relative or friend. I also hope she didn't run on her own, because she would be easy prey for some sicko.
I may live in a very small world, but I don't know of any 13 y.o. girls who are allowed to decide to spend the night with a friend on their own, even leaving a note for parents. Most I know are required to call one or both parents and get permission first and also have the other parent verify that it is okay with them. Maybe Billie trusted Hailey, IDK. But this is not good parenting, IMO.
Maybe Billie called SA last (at least later in the day) because she didn't want LE taking too close a look at him & thinking he was involved in doing something to Hailey.

I'm sure this has already been discussed but ... why wouldn't BD just push the idea that Hailey had run away? No offense to LE, but I would think in the absence of any other evidence, Hailey running away could pose a likely scenario. Maybe too many people would question the runaway theory like DD & CD ?
Maybe Billie called SA last (at least later in the day) because she didn't want LE taking too close a look at him & thinking he was involved in doing something to Hailey.

I'm sure this has already been discussed but ... why wouldn't BD just push the idea that Hailey had run away? No offense to LE, but I would think in the absence of any other evidence, Hailey running away could pose a likely scenario. Maybe too many people would question the runaway theory like DD & CD ?


I haven't followed this case as close as some sleuthers, but this question you asked brought one to my mind. WHAT if ANY idea/theory has BD pushed or put out there? Has she stated what she believes has happened?

I haven't followed this case as close as some sleuthers, but this question you asked brought one to my mind. WHAT if ANY idea/theory has BD pushed or put out there? Has she stated what she believes has happened?

She seems to IMPLY that MB and her mother are lying and hiding something about that night, thus trying to cast suspicions on them. I think she is trying to quietly 'push' the theory that something bad happened at MB's house.
TY katydid.

Wow. Hmm. Gotta chew on that for a bit.

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