Why didn't Billie call Shawn before going to CCPD to report Hailey missing?

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I may live in a very small world, but I don't know of any 13 y.o. girls who are allowed to decide to spend the night with a friend on their own, even leaving a note for parents. Most I know are required to call one or both parents and get permission first and also have the other parent verify that it is okay with them. Maybe Billie trusted Hailey, IDK. But this is not good parenting, IMO.


I agree! I trusted my own children (who are grown now) in great part because we always had a good relationship. BUT..that sure didn't mean that I trusted anyone else, including any friends or their parents... even if I had no reason not to..that's my job as a parent. IMO, there is just no excuse @ that age to not make contact.. unless it was planned ahead of time...and there is no excuse either for BD not picking up a phone to make sure she got there..JMHO..

I realize some may disagree and that's ok..but when it comes to my kids, I just was never willing to take that chance myself..
She seems to IMPLY that MB and her mother are lying and hiding something about that night, thus trying to cast suspicions on them. I think she is trying to quietly 'push' the theory that something bad happened at MB's house.

Of course..Sure would make things easier in her world wouldn't it? After all, isn't that what matters?..errr..besides finding Hailey of course.:rolleyes:.:mad:..
More like hoping against hope...
Not simply ran away, was helped by a family member, friend of the family, someone that would be protecting her from this whole so called "mess". IMO as a result of calling the aunt crying...She had been crying out to deaf ears for SOOOO long. If it was my daughter's friend I'd be in a pickle! I'm a state mandated reporter, I'd have to tell but there is no way I'd leave a young girl who talked of being stalked at night in her own home! DCFS around where I live just don' t care about teens. I did report a neighbor for hitting his 14 year old daughter in the face so hard he knocked her off her feet. I called and was yelled at for not calling 911, or requesting a welfare check immediately. This was my friends husband! I wanted the family to get HELP when LE gets involved at least around here family's get torn apart. Anyway she said and I quote,"We don't have time for this! She is 14! There are no Foster Parents that will take a 14yo girl, she will end up in YDC and come out worse than when she went in... It's not like she is two. If her dad keeps hitting her SHE can call 911 or even runaway."
I Sorry that was so long!

respectfully snipped
I think you are a sweetheart. I love your post...full of lots of forethought. I know you care about Hailey. I keep hoping to log on and read that she's been found.
respectfully snipped
I think you are a sweetheart. I love your post...full of lots of forethought. I know you care about Hailey. I keep hoping to log on and read that she's been found.
Thank You :smile:
But, I am also prepared for the worst. There is just something different in this case , other that Clint all involved just seem so blase' about it, even LE cleverly worded replies when queustioned.
Oh well every mom can't be Beth Holloway either.
Agree! None of it makes sense. I think Billie is not as innocent as she wants one think. She is not smart enough to keep all her stories straight, we've seen that already. The truth will come out. . . .

SA had Billies car....she supposedly thought he was at work. In the same town where she worked. Yet, she didn't call him to pick her up and take her home. She didn't call him to tell him she was going home and why. AND, she pushed the panic button too fast to be believable. Didn't go to MB's house. Didn't talk to MB's mom.

I think Billie and SA did something to Hailey on Sun. night. Thought they had their story down pat.....seems they were wrong. Because too much of it defies logic! Makes NO sense! :maddening:
obviously, he's trying to establish an alibi.

Funny too that he is rambling on about unemployment and 'getting back on his feet'..Obviously if he quit, he can't draw unemployment..but WTH does he mean about getting back on his feet? He hadn't even missed a paycheck at that time......
_________________[By Pondering.......]

Good Point. He goes in EARLY to quit his job, then rushes to a computer to look up regulations about unemployment? That makes zero sense to me. What's the hurry?

I agree! I trusted my own children (who are grown now) in great part because we always had a good relationship. BUT..that sure didn't mean that I trusted anyone else, including any friends or their parents... even if I had no reason not to..that's my job as a parent. IMO, there is just no excuse @ that age to not make contact.. unless it was planned ahead of time...and there is no excuse either for BD not picking up a phone to make sure she got there..JMHO..

I realize some may disagree and that's ok..but when it comes to my kids, I just was never willing to take that chance myself..

And it is not just about 'trusting' them---it's about caring about them and wanting to check in with them if they are out wandering the town for 36 hours at a time. How could she go for so long without having any communication with her 13 yr old. It would be one thing if she was at a relatives home or being cared for somewhere. But she just walked away from home with a vague message about where she was sleeping, a place she never slept before. So not calling the home that night makes no sense.
Why didn't Billie call Shawn before going to CCPD to report Hailey missing?

I am leaning toward there was a script and that was not put in it.

I am also leaning very heavy on the point that SA "Fubared" the script on every part he was to follow.

and the script writer has not been pleased ever since.

and now has to follow up with editing and CYA. :wink:
I may live in a very small world, but I don't know of any 13 y.o. girls who are allowed to decide to spend the night with a friend on their own, even leaving a note for parents. Most I know are required to call one or both parents and get permission first and also have the other parent verify that it is okay with them. Maybe Billie trusted Hailey, IDK. But this is not good parenting, IMO.

Agree. I find it strange that HD would wait and tell someone she didn't particular like vs giving her mother a call. Unless BD would have had a problem with it....and since she didn't make any effort to contact HD, my bet is lack of parental diligence. Regularly. imo.
Has anyone else noticed something strange about HD's lower teeth? Did she have braces or a retainer? Something seem odd about her mouth in her most recent pics. Anyone else notice it?

Well I am not caligram, but what I would have thought, was it would have been the logical thing to do.
She called DD, to see if Hailey was home yet.
Told DD to text or call the little girl to tell Hailey to come home.
DD said Hailey never showed up there.
Told DD to go over to his dads and see if Hailey was there, DD said no.
Told Clint to call LE to let them know she was coming to file a missing person report, before she even checked with any of Haileys other friends.
Shawn told Billie what Hailey had told him, IMO the logical thing would have been for Billie to call Shawn, confirm what he had told her, let Shawn know that she was on her way to the police station to file the missing person report.
Shawn after all was her ride home, he should have been informed, that Billie was leaving work, and what she was doing, please meet her at the police station.
Or at least pick her up and take her there, they did work in the same town.
IMO She would have called SA first to ask IF Hayley was with him ? SA being her BF and roomy, surely he gave the kids rides to here and there etc.
That would probably be the first thing I would do, call my partner to ask," Hey is Hayley with you by any chance? "

I think she did not call him because, she knew HD Was Not with SA .
Is it customary for Organizations to post on FB asking for gas cards etc. so they can go and bring their dogs to search for HD ! Now yall please don't pound me for saying this ! PLZ !!

I know this posting is not in the proper place, so asking for Mod to wave your magic wand to put me somewhere else if necessary !
think the Organ. was SoCal Search or something like that.

It just seems to me it's give me, give me, give me !!!
SoCal H20 Rescue Team
IMO She would have called SA first to ask IF Hayley was with him ? SA being her BF and roomy, surely he gave the kids rides to here and there etc.
That would probably be the first thing I would do, call my partner to ask," Hey is Hayley with you by any chance? "

I think she did not call him because, she knew HD Was Not with SA .
Hey Hatcher!
you got mevthib
nking! SA had the car CD didn't have one. SA could have had to take HD to the doctor
. So he should have been the 1st call bottom line. ~ I know
it sounds redic, but srsly, while he is just a "shack up" and not a step or any kind of father . How did she KNOW HD WAS NOT WITH SA? unless she diK
I'm sorry - that's just TOO MANY abbreviations to decipher, and I can usually figure out most acronyms.

Can I please have some whole words?
I'm sorry - that's just TOO MANY abbreviations to decipher, and I can usually figure out most acronyms.

Can I please have some whole words?
Glad I wasn't the only to think ! What ?

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