Why doesn't CPS take away the minor children?

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I find it interesting that people who are in support of DB's story always say that she was "drinking" rather than she was "drunk," even though DB herself said she was drunk. She admitted to drinking 5-10 glasses of wine. It is a well-known fact that people who admit to a number of drinks, always underestimate and it is usually at least double that. She was neglectful of those children...especially little innocent Lisa.
In all seriousness, if I was black out drunk and my child disappeared, I would absolutely expect CPS to remove my other children.

Many parents get drunk...but not many have strangers come into their home and snatch their children! Maybe if mommy was sober she'd be alert enough to hear someone!



Maybe if she was sober Lisa STILL would have been snatched. You don't know that baby Lisa's disappearance was a result of her drinking.

To me, the drinking is a non issue. It doesn't make her a bad mother per se. Everyone makes mistakes and I wouldn't want to be judged. DB has paid the ultimate price already, I see no need to kick her while she is down, but that's me and I think she is innocent and I am in the minority :(
If they took children away from their parents for getting drunk I can't even imagine how many children would be in foster care!!

Indeed. I would be one of them. My father was an alcoholic, he was alone with myself and my 4 siblings on a regular basis while drunk.

Respectfully, my OPINION is that people who are saying that the other children need to be removed because of this drinking incident are those that feel DB is guilty as sin, and she either hid Lisa's body after an accident or killed her or something along those lines. Anyone who feels this way will find justification in their own mind for CPS involvement.

My opinion only.
If they keep it up, there will reach a point where they are investigated. It's a form of child abuse to do this to their children, especially when it doesn't really help in any way to find out what happened to Lisa.

Trick or Treating with a cameraman along is abuse? :gasp:
Maybe if she was sober Lisa STILL would have been snatched. You don't know that baby Lisa's disappearance was a result of her drinking.

To me, the drinking is a non issue. It doesn't make her a bad mother per se. Everyone makes mistakes and I wouldn't want to be judged. DB has paid the ultimate price already, I see no need to kick her while she is down, but that's me and I think she is innocent and I am in the minority :(

There are more of us who believe her to be innocent. :seeya:

This thread will ONLY work as long as we don't get into bashing one another for our beliefs, avoid name-calling and assumptions (about case players, and about one another), and focus the conversation on understanding how CPS works in MO and how that interfaces with this case.

I think we can do that. Please help prove me right.

Where this post lands is random.
Maybe if she was sober Lisa STILL would have been snatched. You don't know that baby Lisa's disappearance was a result of her drinking.

To me, the drinking is a non issue. It doesn't make her a bad mother per se. Everyone makes mistakes and I wouldn't want to be judged. DB has paid the ultimate price already, I see no need to kick her while she is down, but that's me and I think she is innocent and I am in the minority :(

We'll have to agree to disagree. If mommy was sober the chances are she would have been more mindeful to baby Lisa. I can't say that with 100% accuracy, but the percentages are in my favor. Black out drunks and basic child care do not go hand in hand.

And, yes, black out drinking absolutely makes you a bad mother. There are hundreds of thousands of Al-Anon stories that will back this up. I'd be hard pressed to find a positive story written by a someone who lives with a black-out-drunk who admits to this behaviour 2-3 times a week...but I'll give it a go.


DB was the caregiver on that evening.

IF the caregiver was a babysitter and the same scenario.....the irresponsible, drunken, blacked-out sitter would likely be arrested immediately for child endangerment.

That's what I mean when I say that parents are held to a lower standard.
Her two sons were also in the home when she was getting plastered. Did they take care of themselves, put themselves to bed?
This thread will ONLY work as long as we don't get into bashing one another for our beliefs, avoid name-calling and assumptions (about case players, and about one another), and focus the conversation on understanding how CPS works in MO and how that interfaces with this case.

I think we can do that. Please help prove me right.

Where this post lands is random.

Bumping... please read.
Trick or Treating with a cameraman along is abuse? :gasp:

Respectfully...if you are going to quote me, please at least quote me for what I am actually saying. I didn't that just media alone is child abuse. But put it all together with what she has done and hasn't done and now has media in her home...yes...it's abuse to me.
I definitely think this mother will never win a mother of the year award. From what I have read, she doesn't really seem like she is motherhood material. I think she shouldn't have been drinking with children in the house, or smoking pot, or doing drugs, or any of those things that go along with it.

However, I do think the reason CPS hasn't done more, is that at this point in time, the children have been in a safer environment. We really don't know what they have waiting in the wings, if anything.

I do believe we all see this situation as parents or caregivers, who are actually responsible people. We see the whole picture as to how WE would handle things. In the world of CPS, things don't always happen like we think it should, which is why, a lot of times, children are left in the home and they end up dying, or they are taken away, put in foster care and are abused there and sometimes die. Sometimes it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of thing.

I am not sure I agree with you. In my opinion, if she had been sober, she would have closed the window and locked the front door. Maybe just by doing those two normal things that most parents do before going to bed at night, the baby would still be safe at home.

Also, she never checked on the baby after 06:40 pm. And the baby was sick. Most sober moms would check in on a sick infant a couple of times at least.

And she never heard any dogs barking, or any noise on the baby monitor. again, a sober parent might have heard those things, imo.
And what's next? CPS taking kids away if a Mom took Nyquil before going to bed because she had a bad cold? Or what about a Mom who's just a really really deep sleeper? Should CPS march into that home and yank the kids away?

I do agree that animosity toward DB and/or belief in her guilt in Lisa's disappearance can influence how people view the CPS question. If you take her out of it, or even look at it without considering this specific situation, how many people would really want CPS to take away their neighbor's or relative's kids because the mom had had several glasses of wine?
There could be a lot of reasons why not. There isn't enough "real" evidence to remove them. If the mom was lying about being drunk and passing out, there would be no evidence of neglect. There is no actual proof that Lisa wasn't abducted. If she was, the parents couldn't help that, at least not at that moment.

Also, the children, up until now, have been living in a house where there were other adults, presumably responsible adults, so why take them out of there and place them in unknown territory? They were safe where they were and also, consider the turmoil these kids have already been through. To take them away would definitely add to that.

Other than the missing baby, I don't think there have been any signs of abuse or reason to remove them. The parents not letting LE interview isn't really grounds for removal.

I respectfully disagree with your post

This reasoning just minimized everything that is pertinent in the case..

There is no actual proof she was drunk...how about I empty box of wine and the fact that she admitted to having + 5 glasses of wine and may well have blacked out on national tv.

There is no evidence of neglect..

She was admittedly drunk in charge of minor children, the youngest of which she didn't check on from early evening until Lisa was removed from the home by supposed persons unknown on her watch.

Other than the missing baby, I don't think there have been any signs of abuse or reason to remove them...

I think there is plenty of reason, how do we know the other children aren't in danger of disappearing, just like Lisa.

And on top of all this LE can't get an interview with the parents who seem to feel finding their baby daughter isn't that high a priority.
But it is a catch-22. Sadly, kids are sometimes more at risk in some of the foster homes than they are in their 'abusive' original home. Obviously that is not always true, but just moving a child into a foster home does not assure their safety, unfortunately. And I say that with a heavy heart, as an adoptive mom.

You're absolutely right!! DB's drinking that night might not have had a thing to do with Lisa's disappearance, just may have been a horrible coincidence. If it DID, then she will have them taken soon enough anyway and that will be a big enough shock to them. These boys are not being abused or mistreated, it's better to leave them where they are for the time being.
I will add on the side of DB that there has been no proof of her doing anything other than alcohol. I have never accused her of doing any type of drugs. I wonder if this might be a line that CPS would cross if that were the case, which it doesn't seem to be.
Her two sons were also in the home when she was getting plastered. Did they take care of themselves, put themselves to bed?

And it was a school night for them. Did they have any homework? Were they prepared for school the next morning? It is hard to believe so if mom was hung over, with a black out. Was she really going to be able to get them off to school in an organized, punctual way? If she did truly drink 3 or 4 nights a week then I think there were some issues for the boys to deal with. imoo

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