Why has the family not made a public plea?

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I'm interested in learning about the efficacy of parents pleading through the media for the return of their abducted children. Can you cite some cases that show that children were returned because their parents pleaded for their return on tv, radio, or in any other media?

I would imagine it's so rare as to be never -- or very close to never. And I'm guessing really, really, never if the perp(s) are participating in something so heinous that even LE wishes they didn't know of it.

I did a quick search and didn't find anything specific to the question, but I did turn up this on the McCanns' plea -- I thought it was interesting and apropos. Maybe this is why DY is able to hold it together so incredibly well. Fortunately for her, unlike Kate McCann, she's not under any suspicion.


Four days after Madeleine's disappearance, the McCanns held another press conference pleading for their daughter's safe return. Kate remained calm as she spoke, but the tabloids would use her appearance against her, saying her lack of emotion implied guilt. "I'd spent 72 hours crying, and you suddenly almost feel a little bit numb," Kate says.

She'd also spoken with a behavioral expert who'd given specific advice on how to act at the press conference, Kate says. "They said, 'It's quite important that you don't show any emotion, because the abductor could get some kind of adverse kick out of it,'" she says. "When you get the feeling that if you do [something] it could be detrimental in some way to your daughter, there's a huge pressure on you to do well."

After thinking on that for a minute or two, I have to say that I agree with you. But then they'd be picked to pieces for not speaking to the media.

True....but, it seems to be working for Terri. She has hoards of defenders and admirers. I want Kaine and Desiree to stop feeding their hate.

(no, I don't mean ws posters....I read all over the place...)
Early on in Kyron's disappearance, someone here mentioned that they used to be involved with an underground group that took abused children and hid them with other families for their own safety. I wish I could remember which thread it was in. We were talking about what TH could have done with Kyron and this possibility came up. This person mentioned that these groups would not even tell LE where or if these children were taken. This is exactly what I'm afraid has happened with Kyron and TH could not get him back right now no matter how much she wanted to. Does anyone else remember this poster? It had to be here because I don't read on any other boards.

I don't remember the post, but just google the Childrens Underground (or close to that) and you will get the links. I can't remember the name of the woman involved in that particular group, but she's fairly notorious. There are some very interesting articles about her, and also about some of the parents who have gone after the children she's put into the underground. There was one very high profile case in the Philly area.
Hello WS :)

RE: Parents pleading for their child's return. Interesting subject. I am wondering what the protocol is on this type of thing? I always thought that the "plea" was standard, something the professionals(LE, FBI, etc.)recommended for certain reasons.

Wouldn't the parents be working with the FBI or LE and would be doing what LE wants them to do? I was assuming the parents had not made a plea because they were told not to do so?

I have no idea, it is just what I thought was the answer to that, when I questioned it myself. TIA

True....but, it seems to be working for Terri. She has hoards of defenders and admirers. I want Kaine and Desiree to stop feeding their hate.

(no, I don't mean ws posters....I read all over the place...)

I am once again in agreement. Kaine and Desiree need to stop feeding their hate and start harvesting their hope. They might feel right in hating Terri but they are becoming ineffective with it. People tend to turn away from the constant nag nag nag.

I don't know a thing about anyone defending Terri, but I do know that these two people set the tone of how people will be looking at THEM by what they say.
Most of the time you don't have biological parents publicly asserting that a step-parent has abducted, with the help of accomplices, a stepchild and these accomplices are holding the stepchild hostage for some unknown reason.

This case isn't like other cases. Therefore, IMHO, the same ole rules don't apply. How can you apply a standard to this case when there's no case quite like this one? Desiree and Kaine are TELLING US this case isn't like other cases. We can't compare this case to Elizabeth Smart or Jaycee Dugard or Shawn Hornbeck because this case isn't like those cases. Those parents didn't believe another parent had a hand in their child's disappearance and that the parent was colluding with someone (or several someones) to hold him or her against his/her will.
I am once again in agreement. Kaine and Desiree need to stop feeding their hate and start harvesting their hope. They might feel right in hating Terri but they are becoming ineffective with it. People tend to turn away from the constant nag nag nag.

I don't know a thing about anyone defending Terri, but I do know that these two people set the tone of how people will be looking at THEM by what they say.

Nag, nag, nag?? FGS, they are desperate to find their son! I'm sorry...I do not understand this. I do not understand how things can get so twisted. Is it because they blame Terri?? Really?? If this was turned around, and it was Kaine that was last seen with Kyron and it was Kaine that failed 2 polys(yes, I do believe Terri flunked), and it was Kaine who purportedly put a hit out on Terri and it was Kaine who was sexting and sending sexy pics to an old HS friend of Terri's......well, I think I know the answer. I'll leave it to others to "nag" Kaine and Desiree. I just can't. And won't.

Have a nice evening
True....but, it seems to be working for Terri. She has hoards of defenders and admirers. I want Kaine and Desiree to stop feeding their hate.

(no, I don't mean ws posters....I read all over the place...)

Stop "feeding their hate"? Their statements are based on their personal history with TH and what info they have been given/told from LE. Hate is a definitive, strong word.
Stop "feeding their hate"? Their statements are based on their personal history with TH and what info they have been given/told from LE. Hate is a definitive, strong word.

I was talking about the hate the Terri defenders have for Kaine and Desiree.
Not to belabor the point, but when given an opportunity to talk about Kyron, if people have to keep weeding through their hatred of Terri, people are going to start tuning out Kaine and Desiree. It is simply a fact of life. A sad one, to be sure, but one that will inevitably happen. It seems their time on camera can be better utilized going forward from here on out. That is all. There is no bashing of these parents in anything I have said regarding this manner, and it's becoming tiresome to be met with comments suggesting such.
This isn't a criticism, and it's not meant as a criticism. It's a question. Desiree and Kaine have been very vocal in the press about their belief that Terri had help abducting and hiding Kyron. I only wonder why they haven't appealed to the person holding their son against his will. If it's on the advice of LE, then okay, I understand. If it's because they don't know to whom they are speaking, okay, I understand. There's no ulterior motive here.

I think sometimes this case is viewed as one faction being on Terri's side and the other faction being on Desiree and Kaine's side. That's not true for me, though. I'm on Kyron's side. And whatever the truth is, whatever it is and however we can peaceably, reasonably, constructively ascertain the truth is where you'll find me.

Very well stated. I have noticed a civil war type tone in some threads - maybe unintentional because posts are hard to interpret, but we all want the same thing - resolution to this gone-on-way-too-long disappearance of an adorable little guy.
I was talking about the hate the Terri defenders have for Kaine and Desiree.

I can only speak for myself as someone who is not convinced that TH is responsible for Kyron's disappearance. I do not have any hate for KH and DY and cannot imagine being in their position and would never want to be. I think it's possible to feel that TH may be innocent and still feel compassion for KH and DY at the same time. My main concern is for Kyron. JMO
I have been totally adrift on why there haven't been general pleas for safe return of Kyron during pressers --
Getting this back on track, and perhaps conceding that this case is completely different than any of the cases frequently mentioned, why do you think neither Desiree nor Kaine have consistently appealed to Kyron's captor(s) to release him?

In interviews, neither Kaine nor Desiree have been able to speculate about motive. When asked why Terri did this, they seemed bewildered for an answer as opposed to knowledgeable about an answer that they can't divulge.

If we can speculate about the reasons Terri hid Kyron, or about the ways in which Terri may have convinced others to help her hide Kyron, then haven't the possibilities occurred to Kaine and Desiree? For instance, let's say that Terri convinced an accomplice or accomplices that Kaine was abusing Kyron. It doesn't have to be true, but she could've convinced someone it was. The accomplices would have good, if misguided, intentions, and therefore a public appeal would be beneficial. IMHO, there's really nothing to lose. If someone with good, but misguided, intentions is hiding him, then a public appeal may be the very prompt they need to release Kyron. If someone is holding Kyron against his will but doesn't have good intentions, then they will likely use him for whatever purposes and dispose of him when they tire of him. A public appeal won't make a difference, IMHO.
I really really don't get it. Kaine and Desiree believe that TH is responsible for Kyron being gone.

I don't know how they go on everyday knowing that there is a person who holds the key, but they can't get that person to talk.

It's one thing to not have a clue as to what could have happened, but for them to think that it's TH and not go ballistic shows remarkable restraint.

If people are sick of hearing that Kaine and Desiree feel it's TH, why do they feel that the parents are not interested in finding the actual perp? It boggles my mind that anyone could think that Kaine and Desiree have focused on TH in tunnel vision,

They are talking about their missing child. They would be darn sure that she is the person that should be looked at . They would not want the "real: perp to go on his/her merry way. That would be ridiculous, to say the least.

When Desiree said that the emails were sickening, she was not able to tel the world what was in them. Kaine and Desiree know a lot that has to be held back. I bet that they wish that they could tell the world what they know.
Getting this back on track, and perhaps conceding that this case is completely different than any of the cases frequently mentioned, why do you think neither Desiree nor Kaine have consistently appealed to Kyron's captor(s) to release him?

In interviews, neither Kaine nor Desiree have been able to speculate about motive. When asked why Terri did this, they seemed bewildered for an answer as opposed to knowledgeable about an answer that they can't divulge.

If we can speculate about the reasons Terri hid Kyron, or about the ways in which Terri may have convinced others to help her hide Kyron, then haven't the possibilities occurred to Kaine and Desiree? For instance, let's say that Terri convinced an accomplice or accomplices that Kaine was abusing Kyron. It doesn't have to be true, but she could've convinced someone it was. The accomplices would have good, if misguided, intentions, and therefore a public appeal would be beneficial. IMHO, there's really nothing to lose. If someone with good, but misguided, intentions is hiding him, then a public appeal may be the very prompt they need to release Kyron. If someone is holding Kyron against his will but doesn't have good intentions, then they will likely use him for whatever purposes and dispose of him when they tire of him. A public appeal won't make a difference, IMHO.

These are great points. What worries me is that someone did believe TH and has been holding him but now they are afraid to come forward for fear of being accomplices to this crime. I feel the public pleas should say that if they bring him home unharmed there will be no charges against them. NOT TH - only whoever is holding him. If TH did this, she should be held responsible to the fullest extent of the law.
I've wondered that, too. Because it just doesn't seem logical.

Even if TH took Kyron, obviously she doesn't have physical custody of him any more. Ergo, someone else does.

I think Desiree would be very effective at conveying a personal message. In fact, I'd like to see her do more pressers on her own.

If Desiree were to face the camera, and softly, letting the tears show, say something like "I've often thought that maybe, somehow, someone convinced others that Kyron was being abused. And maybe that if someone cares enough about Kyron to be taking care of him for this long that probably they only have him for that reason. As his mother, I can understand that need to protect a child if you believe them to be in horrible danger. But Kyron isn't. Please let me prove that to you. Let Kyron come home, and he'll be checked out by doctors and psychologists. If anyone was harming *my* baby, I'll deal with them. If you care enough about Kryon to have sheltered him from someone you believe to harming him, then please, let him come home to me. I'm sure he's homesick and scared. You could just pin a note to his jacket with his name "I'm Kyron, please call my mom" with my phone number, and leave him in an emergency room at a hospital. He'd be safe there. Please, if you're taking care of Kyron, let him come home."

If Desiree set out in a series of interviews, now and then, staged at certain places (never his bedroom, BTW), like a soccer game (other possibilities too), and positioned Kyron's "holder" (for lack of a better word) as someone who was only trying to help and made a mistake. that could soften things a bit. And then by addressing that person as though they were partners in making sure Kyron was OK, she could build, with a series of carefully-scripted interviews, a series of stepping stones to open someone up to thinking "yea, maybe I was wrong, maybe he wasn't being abused, and maybe I can get him home to her safely."

That's a whole different dynamic than what's going on now, and, if, if, someone has him because he was handed off because of some story about being abused, it could slowly nudge a door open. But it would require Desiree only, softness, understanding, and a focus only on the person who's really a good person trying to take care of Kyron. With never a message of TH, because that person has to be separated from TH in that kind of approach.

But Kaine taking over most of the interviews--especially if the holder has been told Kaine's an abuser--and the constant harping on TH only puts the holder (if there is one) into the same hated camp with TH. That leaves no negotiating room and no chance for turning that person around.

Kaine needs to step aside and let Desiree work a new approach. She's got the softer touch and comes across as more "mom" and a warmer person. She could look at a camera and touch someone's heart, as Kyron's mom who understands.

And I have an idea for a phase 2 of an approach like that, but I'm keeping quiet now. But Kaine vs. Terri--especially with the divorce--and the constant bringing up of Terri does nothing but make it seem like Kyron could only come home to chaos, and like anyone who may have gotten tricked into holding him can only be seen allied with the woman many believe to be totally evil. No room for backing off and changing stride there at all if someone has Kyron.

Kat010, you are so right. If someone is holding him because they were misled about abuse, Desiree is the only one who can touch them. If they can watch her and listen to her and not be moved, then they are not holding him because they fear for his safety. It hurts me so bad to watch her that I just cannot do it anymore. I honestly don't know how anyone could. Anyone who has a heart, that is.
I seem to recall Desiree saying to the person who has Kyron to just drop him off at a phone booth and call 911. Some people laughed at the idea of any phone booths still existing. Anyone else remember that?

Yes, I remember. She did this a couple of times.
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