Why Have George and Cindy Requested a Video Visitation With Casey?

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I agree. But also think when one is getting the bus/train its best not to appear friendly. And this burden will be blamed on defense

True. And no doubt the defense will be blamed. Nothing is Casey (MOTY) fault. moo
Does anyone know or remember through discovery if Casey was planning to go back to Amscot to retrieve her car? I remember she buys a gas can with Amy and then Amy goes to the airport. What was Casey thinking? Was she going to return with Tony to get her car and she was thinking the smell would dissipate the longer she waited? Did she even go to see if car was still there? Perhaps it was proven through pings that she went back to Amscot?
So do I :fence:
Lippman and the A's were informed last night that Baez/Casey was not allowing the visit
6:50AM this morning Casey also told Jail officials she was denying the visit.
Knowing full well that Casey had denied the visit..Cindy still went to the Visitation Center...

Was Cindy hoping that Casey would change her mind?
She put money in the account demonstrating to Casey that they support her even though Casey denied the visit with her mother.
It might also be Cindy's way of saying I'll do what I want...so there!

I cannot believe what Casey has done to this family. She will never see it, though. It would be healthier for George and Cindy to move on. I just can't wait till Casey is locked away forever. Then maybe George an Cindy can get on with their lives.
Does anyone know or remember through discovery if Casey was planning to go back to Amscot to retrieve her car? I remember she buys a gas can with Amy and then Amy goes to the airport. What was Casey thinking? Was she going to return with Tony to get her car and she was thinking the smell would dissipate the longer she waited? Did she even go to see if car was still there? Perhaps it was proven through pings that she went back to Amscot?
Check Amy's transcript. She somehow knew the car was no longer there...but I don't know if she ever told anyone...or for that matter, I can't remember how she knew. LOL
Does anyone know or remember through discovery if Casey was planning to go back to Amscot to retrieve her car? I remember she buys a gas can with Amy and then Amy goes to the airport. What was Casey thinking? Was she going to return with Tony to get her car and she was thinking the smell would dissipate the longer she waited? Did she even go to see if car was still there? Perhaps it was proven through pings that she went back to Amscot?

There are Threads on WS where members have debated that question
Look in the Resource forum or do a Search on Amscot or Pontiac

Here are some threads that may help and lead you to other threads

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=73249"]Ping Map for June 27, 2008 - Discuss that day only - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]The day the car was abandoned

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=73431"]Ping Map for June 30, 2008 - Discuss that day only - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame] The day she took boyfriend Tony L to the airport, and went shopping with Amy..Casey had possession of Tony's Jeep while he was gone.

I will try to search for some others and link them for you


Does anyone know or remember through discovery if Casey was planning to go back to Amscot to retrieve her car? I remember she buys a gas can with Amy and then Amy goes to the airport. What was Casey thinking? Was she going to return with Tony to get her car and she was thinking the smell would dissipate the longer she waited? Did she even go to see if car was still there? Perhaps it was proven through pings that she went back to Amscot?

There are text messages [ or computer messages] from Casey to Amy, where Casey says that her car was towed before she got the chance to go and get it.

She said she drove by and saw that it was already gone. Which 'sucked' because she was just getting ready to take some gas over there.
But we do not know if any of that is true. Was she really going to try and retrieve it? Or was she just saying that to Amy.

I think the reason she dumped it was it was beginning to smell and she could not take Tony to the airport in a stinky car. She wanted an excuse to use his until she could figure out what to do.
I just can't fathom Casey's thinking. I've read some theories that Casey was hoping the car would be stolen...makes sense a bit because than lots or evidence would be gone. But then why go and buy another gas can if this is what she was thinking. But then if you really want the car to be gone for good you wouldn't just hope its stolen....Was she so stupid to think if its towed away noone would contact her parents house....I doubt that although she is a pretty inept thief/criminal.
There are text messages [ or computer messages] from Casey to Amy, where Casey says that her car was towed before she got the chance to go and get it.

She said she drove by and saw that it was already gone. Which 'sucked' because she was just getting ready to take some gas over there.
But we do not know if any of that is true. Was she really going to try and retrieve it? Or was she just saying that to Amy.

I think the reason she dumped it was it was beginning to smell and she could not take Tony to the airport in a stinky car. She wanted an excuse to use his until she could figure out what to do.
I've been trying to find that...but then said...what the hey...she didn't want the d@mn car anyway!
It's 8:55. I wonder if CA showed up at the jail just in case "sweetheart" changed her mind? Although I guess someone would have tweeted it by now.

Ooohhhkaay. I asked this question, then left for a track meet. Got back and I guess I got my answer!:floorlaugh: Can't they deposit money for accounts online? Do they really have to do it in person? I do school lunch money deposits on the computer, not at the school.:waitasec:
I just can't fathom Casey's thinking. I've read some theories that Casey was hoping the car would be stolen...makes sense a bit because than lots or evidence would be gone. But then why go and buy another gas can if this is what she was thinking. But then if you really want the car to be gone for good you wouldn't just hope its stolen....Was she so stupid to think if its towed away noone would contact her parents house....I doubt that although she is a pretty inept thief/criminal.
Didn't she tell different people different things anyway? Why do I remember her telling Tony that her dad was going to p/u the car and get it fixed? (Or was that a different time?) Casey just never expected to get caught...period. She didn't think...she didn't care.
There are text messages [ or computer messages] from Casey to Amy, where Casey says that her car was towed before she got the chance to go and get it.

She said she drove by and saw that it was already gone. Which 'sucked' because she was just getting ready to take some gas over there.
But we do not know if any of that is true. Was she really going to try and retrieve it? Or was she just saying that to Amy.

I think the reason she dumped it was it was beginning to smell and she could not take Tony to the airport in a stinky car. She wanted an excuse to use his until she could figure out what to do.

Oh, so you mean they were planning to go in her car to the airport. That makes sense and since she now has use of Tony's car she bought herself some time. Still can't fathom she's so stupid. She didn't think she should have used some of the stolen money (Amy's) to retrieve car herself before her parents get to the evidence. What the hell was she thinking?
Didn't she tell different people different things anyway? Why do I remember her telling Tony that her dad was going to p/u the car and get it fixed? (Or was that a different time?) Casey just never expected to get caught...period. She didn't think...she didn't care.

She didn't think is right....she was living in fairyland going to Fusion and here and there with her friends. I mean didn't she think she better leave the country or even just the state.
I'm not 100% sure if the request was for real. I mean it would have been nice for Casey to see her parent(s) days before the trial...but why didn't they do this before? How about on her birthday? What could they fear being released if it was a purely friendly visit? I mean, we would want to see it...but heck, it wouldn't be revealing. I think they have finally realized to keep their yaps shut. But, that's why I don't understand why they made it an issue this week...of all weeks. And why show up to put money in her account? Why put yourself out there to be followed? Fortunately, only one station showed up...and if it the point of this was for us to have sympathy for the parents, well it worked. I felt bad about the questions the news guy was asking. Cindy didn't need to hear that, especially now. So what was the point?

RR-Why show up to put money in her account? Exactly! Because Cindy knew 9am was the scheduled visit time, that more than likely there would be at least one cameraman there, to record her being the good mom, supporting her daughter no matter what. Let's face it, Cindy already knew the visit wasn't gonna happen, so no reason to go at 9am, she doesn't work, so no schedule to work around, she was there at that time, b/c it benefitted her.
Video states she was called on the phone and told,she said "thank you."

Then she showed up at 9 am, and gave an envelope with money for ICA's commisary account.

Can we say "enabler"???

How about, can we say "for the cameras"

She knew in advance the visit was denied. Was Today, Saturday, in the morning, when the news crews are there the only time she could deposit money.............
Right. They have done it so far. Why should they stop at the eleventh hour. A little thing like a trial and getting on the stand is not going to stop them in their quest to set Casey free, AT ALL COSTS. We have seen what she and the DT have done so far. I still maintain that the Anthonys are well aware of what is going to happen and are working WITH the DT. There is NO doubt in my mind. I will gladly eat crow if I am wrong. Gladly..... I want to be wrong. moo
I believe Cindy will lay down and just let Caseys bus run all over her.IMO Cindy may feel so much quilt that it just does not matter anymore.
Ooohhhkaay. I asked this question, then left for a track meet. Got back and I guess I got my answer!:floorlaugh: Can't they deposit money for accounts online? Do they really have to do it in person? I do school lunch money deposits on the computer, not at the school.:waitasec:

Bingo. I know they do in Dallas County. In fact, it may be the only way you do it. I'd almost bet that "envelope" she waved around was empty!!!
According to their attorney... they were told by Jose last night that there would be no visit. So Cindy showed up knowing Casey was not going to see her. They say she put money in Casey's account... which is silly when George just put 140 dollars in her account. I personally think she went there for the media exposure. I bet she is really upset that there wasn't more media there waiting for her?

Thanks! The only reason for showing up in person is definitely for the media exposure. She could have deposited money online into ICA's account and avoided the media altogether. What a letdown for her that only one news crew showed up. What a waste, a huge waste! LOL!
Casey refused Cindys visit, If only Cindy would see what Casey is doing, she should walk away now and cut ties with Casey.George & cindy should Go to court only on the day they have to be in court and tell the truth no matter how much it hurts. Walk away while they still can, do not support Casey, no letters, no money no nothing. It is going to hurt andwill keep hurting for a long long time, but at least they can see a end in site.When Casey is in prison, then go visit but not until she has been there a year or more. Casey will never stop lying and blaming others. Caylee is gone forever, but there can be hope for Cindy & George, not happiness but hope.

Unfortunately, you are talking about following through with logical consequences for her behavior . . . something they could never bring themselves to do. Many people parent like this. . . don't want to disappoint their child - even for the moment. So they give into their child's every whim so they never have to see the look of disappointment in their child's eye. It really is a selfish thing for a parent to do by meeting their own need instead of this child's NEED - they are meeting their child's "want". This sends such a message to the child that they can tantrum, lie, cheat, and steal to get their way because there never are consequences except getting their own way. It is the lazy parent who can't bear to be consistent and follow through with a "NO" and they give in each and everytime. Children grow to disrespect any type of authority figure, life will always be on their terms but usually this is the most unhappy child. This is the child that longs for a consistent parent because it is too confusing for a child because they are put in the adult decision making role. The child doesn't know what to do but will do anything because someone has to. They become the tour guide who has no clue where he is going and everyone is stuck on the boat with no concrete goal or destination . . . afloat on the whim of a child. There is no modeling for the child that if you do this and this happens that you don't like . . you probably won't do that again. Logical consequences of your own actions like leaving your ice cream in the sun and it melts . . . instead the A's just kept replacing KC's ice cream - no matter the cost or effort it took. That "lazy parent" then works harder than everyone on the planet to be responsible for their child's happiness . . . something they can never truly do. She never learned that ice cream melts in the sun . . . or that children decomp in the trunk of a car.
At this stage of the game, it's not so much about who George and Cindy like. The reality is that George and/or Cindy might be held accountable for Caylee's death per their daughter, Casey. George and Cindy have found themselves in a most uncomfortable position as parents of a murder suspect: That their offspring may have committed an unspeakable crime and/or that they may have assisted in or helped cover up said crime. Hopefully, their new attorney is aware of the ramifications of both possibilities and is prepared to deal with either one as necessary.

What I meant was that they really like him and that might go a long ways to them doing as he advises. Since he's come on board there hasn't been the media interviews, and maybe he's gotten through to them that they must stop getting out there in public and talking to reporters.

Mark Lippman appears to be capable of the legal aspects of this case as far as his clients are concerned and will likely be able to handle any future ramifications. I think it's possible that once this trial is over, CA and/or GA might be facing some charges of evidence tampering and obstruction of justice.
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