Why isn't the house from video being searched?

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But the bags are still there. Watch Marellano's video and read her posts--she saw garbage bags on the side of the house. She also said KB didn't really investigate that side of the house while they were there. I watched Marellano's video and the PI video side by side last night. The bags are still there.

Whew! Thank you for easing my mind! I looked at Marellano's pictures but many of the videos and news sites with video crash my browser. I wonder why Kathy would say that, I must have misheard or perhaps there was a misunderstanding, NG can get hard for me to follow with everyone asserting something different at times.
I have developed a somewhat different opinion of the whole taped "search" after seeing the videos. My belief is that the extremely poor quality of the video and the "half effort" poking and scraping of the dirt, and the limited number of minutes filmed all add up to the fact that the PI was simply trying to prove to the Anthony's that he was worth keeping on the payroll, that he was actually following up on tips coming in to them. A serious searcher would have at least pretended to be out walking a dog (search dog in this case) and would have been using some pattern of searching. This was a few minutes of random poking, prodding and ducking in and out of the woods. Walking around the house scraping up a bit of dirt and stabbing trash bags is NOT a search. It's like when you tell a kid to "clean their room" and they do it in 10 minutes by moving a few things around, but nothing is really done.

I think LE looked around the property based on Hoovers information and quickly realized there was NO need to proceed further. It doesn't take a week to get a search warrant for and abandoned property. The more quietly they did a check the more peaceful the poor neighborhood could remain. Right now the neighbors might think WS is responsible for the circus of traffic that is sure to show up!
I don't see a thread of theories on the significance of the abandoned house. Maybe we need one? If this belongs somewhere else, please feel free to move.

Just looking at the maps again. That house sure does seem like a convenient location to the dump site. Maybe KC parked her car in the Brackenwood driveway so it wouldn't be seen on Suburban Drive. The fences in front and on the side would give her cover. Then, on foot she cut through the backyard with the plastic bag to the woods. The back property line of that house is 300 yards from the dump site. Would have been pretty easy to do without being noticed, esp. if it were in the middle of the night. She dumps the bag, goes back to Brackenwood, changes her clothes (the ones CA washed), tosses them in the car, and hightails it out of there.

I keep thinking of how the neighbor came out to greet our fellow WS and KB when they stopped by to inspect the property recently. Wouldn't interviewing this neighbor be an easy way to answer questions about the empty home they have lived next to? I would notice if my neighbors had cars parked randomly in their driveway, and I keep to myself pretty good. I hope LE has/will interview this neighbor because of his/her proximity to the crime scene.
Well I'm proud we've done our part to spoil their plans.

Nice the PI's are ratting each other out too....

I hope KB is watching the house for LE, that would eliminate that *psychic* tip.
That possibility occurred to me as well; however, consider the depression in the ground from the weight of the bag and the flora growing around the remains in the wooded area. The remains would have had to have been placed in the wooded area before December, I think.

Yup, like in June according to the forensic botanist!
We haven't seen the whole video or videos so it is hard to say what was really seen on them. Also, LE has the audio to go along with them which will explain further what was really going on. I think the audio has DC worried...does he remember what was said?! Is he certain he didn't utter things which could be very telling?!

Hoover wouldn't allow WFTV to tape the audio either, that seems significant. I also wonder why Baez offered up DC's dates of employment so quickly. If Baez could have claimed DC was still working for him, this could have been attny/client priveledge, and have played out very differently. Doesn't make sense, but there has to be so much that LE/FBI knows that we don't.
raeann, I agree with everything you said. The entire video was created to show the Anthonys that the PIs are justifying their pay. Proof to Cindy that they actually did check out these locations, instead of just saying they did and going for coffee and donuts instead.
I keep thinking of how the neighbor came out to greet our fellow WS and KB when they stopped by to inspect the property recently. Wouldn't interviewing this neighbor be an easy way to answer questions about the empty home they have lived next to? I would notice if my neighbors had cars parked randomly in their driveway, and I keep to myself pretty good. I hope LE has/will interview this neighbor because of his/her proximity to the crime scene.

Yep, I already said this neighbor came right out when KB got there.....another reason I don't think KC was @ this house
I have developed a somewhat different opinion of the whole taped "search" after seeing the videos. My belief is that the extremely poor quality of the video and the "half effort" poking and scraping of the dirt, and the limited number of minutes filmed all add up to the fact that the PI was simply trying to prove to the Anthony's that he was worth keeping on the payroll, that he was actually following up on tips coming in to them. A serious searcher would have at least pretended to be out walking a dog (search dog in this case) and would have been using some pattern of searching. This was a few minutes of random poking, prodding and ducking in and out of the woods. Walking around the house scraping up a bit of dirt and stabbing trash bags is NOT a search. It's like when you tell a kid to "clean their room" and they do it in 10 minutes by moving a few things around, but nothing is really done.

I think LE looked around the property based on Hoovers information and quickly realized there was NO need to proceed further. It doesn't take a week to get a search warrant for and abandoned property. The more quietly they did a check the more peaceful the poor neighborhood could remain. Right now the neighbors might think WS is responsible for the circus of traffic that is sure to show up!

my bold......

Yep, this too as the A's continue to defend KC (or at least one of them)

Good thing KB showed up w/cameraman, part of the circus can be her fault:)
raeann, I agree with everything you said. The entire video was created to show the Anthonys that the PIs are justifying their pay. Proof to Cindy that they actually did check out these locations, instead of just saying they did and going for coffee and donuts instead.

I'm all for the possibility of it being a set-up, but I don't know about it being created as proof to Cindy (or GA). Poking that rod in the ground repeatedly wouldn't sit too well with me if I was the grandmother.
my bold......

Yep, this too as the A's continue to defend KC (or at least one of them)

Good thing KB showed up w/cameraman, part of the circus can be her fault:)

Well, we all know whatever circus has happened, it's ultimately KC's fault.
In the photos that were taken by a member here you could still see the trash bags. You think if LE searched the area that the would have collected those.

I don't know what to think anymore. On one hand I can see her leaving Caylee at this house while she parties and maybe she left something important there when she was killed. On the other hand, the last name of the family who owned the house and the PR connection make this seem like defense strategy.

Just when I think this case can't surprise me anymore...

The trash bags that DC was ''slashing'' in the video obviously hadn't been left to the elements for 6 months. And he apparently didn't find what he was looking for in the bags (at least from what video we've seen). If he was looking for something that was too large not to have been found if 'it' had ever been in the bag and LE knows what 'it' was, then those bags are just useless bags of yard waste.

Did anyone ever establish that these were not the bags that GA was photographed carrying down his drive way? And what GA did with those bags/ what was in those bags?

Was it just a coincidence that GA was seen carrying two half filled plastic bags with red ties that looked exactly like the bags at the video scene?

Is it proven that the PI's weren't at the scene planting evidence before they turned on the camera's? Then planned on saying "Hey look what we just happened to catch on video?''

I hate it when the more we find out, the more questions remain!
I'm all for the possibility of it being a set-up, but I don't know about it being created as proof to Cindy (or GA). Poking that rod in the ground repeatedly wouldn't sit too well with me if I was the grandmother.

It doesn't have to be a set-up or staged search. DC could have been following up on actual tips given to the Anthonys. The video allows G&C to watch the search without going to the sites themselves.
Why would the state have the owners there if JB had just shown the tape for the first time ??

I think the defense couldn't just surprise the state at the trial with "Hey, look what we have!". It would have to be disclosed as part of discovery (or whatever the legal term is, I think that is it though) prior to the trial.
I posted this on the other thread, but probably belongs here instead:

Nothing from the investigation leads them (LE) to the house or the G family...only to Casey and the A fam home. Notice they came out and stated they had evidence which directly connected back to the A fam house enough to declare it a "crime scene". We shouldn't forget this while the smoke and mirrors are being uncovered here. It is what it is. It has not so much to do with the actual case...but it has everything to do with the defense's theory.

Aha! Maybe THIS is the reason why it was "leaked" from "sources" that they had "overwhelming" evidence and she acted alone etc. Makes sense to me! We were contemplating what was going to come out they need a pre-emptive strike for and I thought it was just the doc dump coming. Hmmm...interesting!
I think the defense couldn't just surprise the state at the trial with "Hey, look what we have!". It would have to be disclosed as part of discovery (or whatever the legal term is, I think that is it though) prior to the trial.

True.....but, months later it would still be a 'G' house LE had not investigated, & the 'owners might not be easy to find.........WS'er just posted this house in foreclosure.
Prolly JB never wanted this tape seen until the trial, so the 'owners' wouldn't be right there to testify.

I'm sure defense has hours of tapes, just hoping some show LE wasn't doing their job.

I don't think KC used that house (or not very much)......notice the neighbor came right over when KB got there.......

OK, if you were going to do a "set-up" tape for the defense, wouldn't you make a decent quality video?
I'm so proud that we managed to locate THE house! It was a relief to have a concret project to work on and solve. Now that we've accomplished that, there are a couple of things that are really bothering me about this house.

What do you mean by "THE" house and what makes you think it is "THE" house?
I'm all for the possibility of it being a set-up, but I don't know about it being created as proof to Cindy (or GA). Poking that rod in the ground repeatedly wouldn't sit too well with me if I was the grandmother.

Esp. if your the grandmother that was still looking for a 'live' Caylee last Nov.
What do you mean by "THE" house and what makes you think it is "THE" house?

It's "the" house from the PI video. Some very hard working WSers figured it out yesterday and one went over to the house with KB to break the story.

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