Why stick with the denial so long? Possible reasons for Cindy's status on this

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Caylee is going to be exploited for a long time
She told this truth/lie to her own best friend in/during school years. Someone she was a friend with since 5th grade. That is a long time to continue a lie that your own mother hates hispanic people. Long Long Long time. This is not a recent cover up tale. I would take this to be one of the more truthful things she may have ever said. How many 5th graders would tell this to a friend unless it were true? But I allow the possibility that it could very well be a life long lie, it's jsut the other cooberating evidence lends to this being true and "works" on Casey's behalf to get her mother on her side.

We have not heard from Kristine and Annie have we? Do they possibly know if she told them Lee is the father?
If you are looking for explanations to how, why, what, and when, this one fits everything. LP didn't say it on a whim. He first came out and alluded to it three or so weeks ago. He is now saying with 100% certainty that this is the case. It would be a huge risk on his behalf if it were not true. This isn't like saying she dumped her in a dumpster or that the body will be found by the airport due to ping information.

I'm wondering why he didn't come right out & say it on the Nancy Grace show on Friday?

My guess is that they wouldn't allow him to without proof..

Also...Go back to the beginning of this case ....LP Has Looked right into the Camera on Numerous occasions & said things that were not true....

EXAMPLE - "I know who has Caylee & I'm giving them a week to drop her off at a drugstore & then I'm comming after them"

What happened there? - Must have been some ploy by LP to lure out the kidnappers right?

If you ask me LP has an Axe to Grind with the Anthony's & thats exactly what he's doing..

Even if it is true that Lee fathered Caylee I find it incredibly irresponsible of him to get on some sleazy radio show & announce it to the world......In my opinion he has no respect for that child at all...
I agree with you. I know first hand. I was abused as a child. I won't blame all of my promiscuity on that, but it definitely contributed to it.

I appreciate your sharing that. I am sure it was not easy. I jsut feel that betweent he two of them George comes accross as the more likely person. Of the 4 of them he is the one that I have felt since the very beggining has had the "deer in headlights" look. He is the one trying to shut Cindy up when instead he should, they all should, be speaking out on how they feel even in defense of their daughter. Not jsut slamming the media and everyone else out there that is actually trying to help.

If they went on TV and spoke from the heart about what has happened people would know. Problem is they either need to cover up for "other" things or just refuse to accept their grand daughter is dead. Even though the first thing they thought when they smelled the car was that either Casey or Caylee or both were indeed dead.
She's not in ANY denial. She is protecting Casey. Period. It's been 4 months!

The delusional, grief thing is just an act.
IMO, Cindy went into major denial the day of the August 4 interview after being hit with all the evidence in front of her.
There is never an excuse for murder, and I have a hard time with justifiable homicide in some cases even. Understanding what led from point A to point B is important to so many things though. I don't think Casey was born that way if this information comes out as true. It was created to some degree. Abuse victimization, resentments, shame, and spite all play a part in the disintegration of right and wrong thinking. This would explain why that spiteful murder lead her to carry a corpse in the car for any length of time. She is in lala land, but not enough to ever be considered for insanity.

Now, the only way we might never know is if they seal that information in some pleading of guilt by Casey and the prosecution agrees to those terms.

I don't know Florida law, so would have no idea for sure, but it seems under their laws no court proceeding but GJ proceedings can be sealed.
I'm wondering why he didn't come right out & say it on the Nancy Grace show on Friday?

My guess is that they wouldn't allow him to without proof..

Also...Go back to the beginning of this case ....LP Has Looked right into the Camera on Numerous occasions & said things that were not true....

EXAMPLE - "I know who has Caylee & I'm giving them a week to drop her off at a drugstore & then I'm comming after them"

What happened there? - Must have been some ploy by LP to lure out the kidnappers right?

If you ask me LP has an Axe to Grind with the Anthony's & thats exactly what he's doing..

Even if it is true that Lee fathered Caylee I find it incredibly irresponsible of him to get on some sleazy radio show & announce it to the world......In my opinion he has no respect for that child at all...

Neither does Cindy. None whatsoever!!!!!
I think CA has had terrible emotional problems for many years and it's come out about things in her extended family and how she never believed the pregnant Casey until it was truly impossible to deny. But how does a virgin get pregnant anyway?

I digress... CA I believe will ultimately have a mental / emotional breakdown where her world will truly collapse in on her and she will be unable to make sense of anything. When reality creeps up, it will destroy her. I also believe that her emotional issues are so tremendously deep and NEVER dealt with either from her past that all of this together, she will never recover from. I will say it now, CA will end up in a psychiatric ward for a long time. JMHO

I agree. I believe GA will be leaving shortly. After KC goes back to jail, I would guess those two will split from each other.
Personally, I think it's all about guilt. She feels guilty for not having had more of a handle on the situation when Caylee was still here. She knows deep down in her heart that she's gone but she pursues the facade because she knows if she relents to the obvious truth, it will be like admitting to the world that her daughter is a murderer. To her, that would be exactly like what KC did to Caylee. That much guilt she cannot handle. She would go right off the deep end and never be back as a sane person.

That, dear, is an excellent observation and a sane, intelligent post. :) I stated on another thread that no how, no way, does one put oneself out there like this grandmother has today and prior unless in the back of her head she feels she has to pay emotionally for whatever guilt she already feels. The apparent displacement of the anger, resentment, diappointment and grief KC has caused her is what she should be talking to a therapist about. (And no, I do not recommend Dr. Phil for this either ;))
Personally, I think it's all about guilt. She feels guilty for not having had more of a handle on the situation when Caylee was still here. She knows deep down in her heart that she's gone but she pursues the facade because she knows if she relents to the obvious truth, it will be like admitting to the world that her daughter is a murderer. To her, that would be exactly like what KC did to Caylee. That much guilt she cannot handle. She would go right off the deep end and never be back as a sane person.

Guilt, could be the whole deal with her as well. Perhaps if she admints Caylee is indeed dead then she will have to admitt she failed as a mother and a grand mother. That may be her biggest fear ever.

Caylee was so into her play house from what we have been told. Many mothers raise their daughters to be the home caretaker, the "mother" "wife" etc. They teach them to cook, clean, iron, do laundry. All to obtain a husband. Caylee loved to "play" house and obviously this training did not miss Casey as she did nothing but play house for "real" with each and every man she came accross, even men she was interested in and had not yet slept with! (WW)

Guilt of failing in that training may crush someone like Cindy.
No denial. It is everywhere and they read. They watch TV. Not even a hint of a lawsuit which I think they would have good grounds against a high profile guy like LP.

All I hear is crickets.

I think I would file a lawsuit then drop it later just to quiet the rumors, even if it was true.
She's not in ANY denial. She is protecting Casey. Period. It's been 4 months!

The delusional, grief thing is just an act.
Exactly! It's an act, the grieving grandmother, how DARE you question my actions, my motives, my Daughter! How DARE you! That's what Cindy is projecting to me, loud and clear.

I think she forced Casey to keep Caylee to keep the secret in the family. Casey didn't want Caylee, and wanted to give her up for adoption. I believe Cindy is a very controlling, hateful (spiteful) Biotch herself. I can see her forcing Casey to keep Caylee to punish her for having sex with Lee, if this is all true. I think she would go so far as to name the baby Cay-lee as a constant reminder to them. I think that's why Casey talks the way she does to Cindy. That's why she stole money, and Cindy didn't do anything about it. She was always covering for her. She did it because Casey had a secret and Cindy is all about "appearances".

Guilt, could be the whole deal with her as well. Perhaps if she admints Caylee is indeed dead then she will have to admitt she failed as a mother and a grand mother. That may be her biggest fear ever.

Caylee was so into her play house from what we have been told. Many mothers raise their daughters to be the home caretaker, the "mother" "wife" etc. They teach them to cook, clean, iron, do laundry. All to obtain a husband. Caylee loved to "play" house and obviously this training did not miss Casey as she did nothing but play house for "real" with each and every man she came accross, even men she was interested in and had not yet slept with! (WW)

Guilt of failing in that training may crush someone like Cindy.

I think it is MONEY, MONEY, MONEY ~ A dead Caylee means NO MORE MONEY to pay the bills.
Number 4 - she (Cindy) has to.

Lee is the father of Caylee according to LP, 100%. If so, it explains all the behavior in the family and of Casey. No excuse, but explanation.

Lee abusing Casey in high school would explain her dropping out.

Casey becoming pregnant from the abuse would explain the denials into the 7th month and her abandoning her job.

It would explain a seemingly normal girl creating a fictional list of characters in her life, lying, stealing, and sleeping around during and after her pregnancy.

It would explain a murder for spite against her mother who named Cay-Lee.

It would explain Lee tried to stop Cindy from calling 911 the third time

It would explain George moving out and filing for divorce and Lee not coming around the house when George is there

It would explain the family circling the wagons around the abuse victim and protecting her, thus protecting Lee and the family as well

It would explain Lee refusing a DNA test and refusing a lie detector test and talking the parents into refusing a lie detector test. They took a DNA test, and Lee required a subpeona

It would explain the consistent behavior to obfuscate investigations



Secrets so deep in shame could cause sociopathy.

I know the idea seems utterly preposterous, but I deem this argument the most convincing thing I have read.

I do wonder, however, about how Caylee escaped any genetic defects from such a union. I know that sounds like urban myth, but I actually met someone who was the product of a brother/sister combo and she was Down's and not high functioning. I would think something would come up.

Anyway, Broderick, you have me thinking.
There more and more I see of Cindy it becomes clear to me that the only thing which is of concern for her is the public scrutiny and how she and her family are percieved. I think if Cindy fears anything it is that most have seen through the artifice of a typical middle class American family to see who these people really are.
I know a female like Casey. They are resentful of brothers or sisters or any person who is in the way of an object they want. They believe they have gotten the short stick on everything, second hand car anything used doesn't interest them, it has to be new. They don't like the parents to have relationships with anyone. Like an infant who is afraid they will lose out. They think the money is theirs as well as all the property. They like to seduce people into their story. Everyone got more than they did and their parents are to fault, they allowed it to happen. So I can't believe anything they say about others because they PROJECT their subconscious on others. They can't own their hangups. They transfer them to others, rub their vices onto others. Reevaluate all CA and Casey as just projection and see what you get.

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