Why stick with the denial so long? Possible reasons for Cindy's status on this

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Parents that have children like Casey take a long time coming to the realization that they are being manipulated and lied to.
Sometimes it takes Years.
They hang onto that because to believe otherwise is to blame yourself.

Also after watching the video I believe she knows Caylee is dead.
She mentioned that some days she can't get out of bed and that early on she sought medical help.
These are both signs of grief.
As long as your child is alive you keep moving; you have hope.
You don't lay in bed until all hope has left you and it's over.

Then and only then do you give up.

Why the charade?
To protect what little bit of dignity she has left maybe.
To convince herself one last time that she believes her daughter.
To try and "Fix" everything which may be a normal pattern for her.

Even though we all can see it clearly, she can't... or won't.

Part of me feels very sorry for her and another part wants to shake her.


Thank you for your voice of reason. I agree, I avoid listening to CA for the sake of my own sanity!

Watching and listening to the LE tapes with Cindy made me feel that they treated her like a very fragile victim. They, who have infinitely more experience dealing with people in very bad situations recognize that CA is not aware of her transgressions.
Now on the incest/abuse, I will speak from experience;

1. Abuse can absolutely result in this type of behavior - to varying degrees. Ongoing abuse can result in the victim being able to "separate" from their bodies/minds - a sort of out of body experience. This is a coping mechanism that usually occurs during the abuse to block out what is happening to them.
2. The quiet/shy types are often the most sought after victims, unfortunately this is also the personality type that reacts the WORST to incest/abuse trauma because the INTERNALIZE their pain, embarrasment, etc.
3. Unless one of my close family members would have come forward about her repeated abuse by the same family member who abused me, I would have taken this to my grave - guaranteed. Deep, deep family secret. When my family member came forward, it caused my mother to start asking questions and ultimately explained a great deal of the issues I was having at the time. To this day, none of the people this family member has abused has confronted him. To date we know of 3 confirmed victims.

Lanie :blowkiss:

Thank you for sharing this, I cannot imagine the pain of living with an abuser (with in a house or a family) in this type of situation, combined with never seeing the person punished just hurts my heart.

In cases of familiar abuse isn't the victim usually a child. Someone the abuser can control, without fear they will fight back (or even turn them in)?

KC just doesn't fit those parameters.
It would be so much easier for her to break down and tell the truth if her parents were truthful about the situation at this point she would be afraid to make them look like fools by going against them and telling the truth.
I think thats one reason cindy is behaving as she is because she is trying to keep casey strong so that she DOES NOT break down and confess or tell the truth.
First time posting. Thought this would be a thread to chime in on.

Maybe it's not as complicated as some here make it out to be. Maybe Cindy knows Caylee is dead and the thought of losing the only other piece of Caylee that she has left (KC) is to much to bear.
Mothers do odd things. She may be trying to keep KC regardless of what she has done to Caylee. Her weird behavior, her statements, and just her general actions make it seem like she knows Caylee is dead but is doing whatever she can to keep her daughter out of trouble.

How would some of us feel if one of our grandchildren died and then our daughter or son was being accused of killing them?
Welcome Grace and great post.

I agree - to read so much into this when human behavior is pretty simple sometimes.

The honesty that came from CA in the 911 call is undeniable.

CA has guilt feelings. CA has an ego. CA is in some serious grief. CA has lost control of her daughter and her marriage - she fights to maintain something. The truth is often just too hard to face. She came face to face with it - then turned and ran back to the comfort zone of believing what you want and need to. She's done this with KC for years. Of course you could look at the history and wonder how she could ever believe ANYTHING KC said - like the whole car accident story and Z was treated at a hospital etc.
It's the same thing I see so many parents do..."not my child". It's so, so much easier to just go along with your head in the sand.

It's what CA knows. People revert back to what they know, even if it makes no sense.
Lanie :blowkiss:

Thank you for sharing this, I cannot imagine the pain of living with an abuser (with in a house or a family) in this type of situation, combined with never seeing the person punished just hurts my heart.

In cases of familiar abuse isn't the victim usually a child. Someone the abuser can control, without fear they will fight back (or even turn them in)?

KC just doesn't fit those parameters.

Thank you for the kind words missmybaby - I get by in life knowing that my abuser will face judgement by a higher power!

I'm not convinced Caylee is a product of incest, abuse, or consensual affair between sibs. It just REALLY bothered me that Lee would not willingly provide DNA (w/o a court order). I can't make sense of it - but heck who can "make sense" of any of this!
I agree with you wholeheartedly Ziggy.I personally believe Cindy has a severe personality disorder or......some addiction.....I used to work in Detox with Addicts and and she exhibits severe denial behavior found in alot of people that suffer from Addiction.
I also believe that CA might come apart if Caylee is found.
CA's behavior is so over the top erratic and bizarre....As I write this I am finding myself having compassion for Cindy for the first time.
Well, just another Jane, Google may be your friend, but there are no friends in science - there are only facts. There are no facts to support Padilla's claim. Caylee/Casey/Lee/Cindy all have the same mtdna. Mtdna is passed along by the mother. Humans share 99% of the same dna, it is the 1% that makes us individuals. So when LP claims that this family has the "same" dna, well duh, he has the same dna as Caylee - is LP the father? Now it is obvious that LP does not understand this, so he really needs to shut up and not cause any more harm to the case than he already has.

Science can be your friend too!!! I'm telling you that they already have a full profile on Caylee (from Jesse). It's easy to tell but over most people's heads that there are certain markers in which a neice would share only 25% with her uncle. I'm saying that one way they could have told was if she shared more, like 50%. This would have been true for either an uncle (Lee) or a grandfather (George). Since GA had already given his DNA, they could have ruled him out already.

You don't know they only tested MtDna, unless you are privvy to information that hasn't been released.

My posts are my opinion only, no need to get yourself all huffy now.
Actually, I think Cindy is acting perfectly normal, for her. She never searched for Caylee before KC was arrested and she's still not. She has some really sick need to protect KC.

Caylee stopped being important the second that KC was arrested.
I think Cindy started out in a regular state of denial and that now it is compounded with her medications and the fact that she has been a victim of the media, and sleep deprivation and lack of proper nourishment. If she herself was accused, and she knows she is innocent- then she can see how it could also be happening to Casey.

Quoting myself, lol. I'm glad that Nejames said on NG last night that Cindy is taking medication. Now I don't feel so bad for saying that her medications might be one reason she is in a fog of denial.

Quoting myself, lol. I'm glad that Nejames said on NG last night that Cindy is taking medication. Now I don't feel so bad for saying that her medications might be one reason she is in a fog of denial.


I haven't read the entire thread, so sorry if it's been discussed but does it bother anyone else that Cindy is so medicated that she couldn't take a lie detector test but she's always on TV talking, talking, talking. If her lawyer advises against a lie detector because of the meds, what's up with her non-stop dialogue in the press, the exclusive interview with 'Holly,' the appearance on GMA, many, many others? Couldn't the meds impact these appearances in negative ways that might even get her in trouble? Why does NeJame let her keep on talkin'? I don't get it.

Also, do these meds impact her driving ability and, if so, why is she still driving all over, with helicopters hovering overhead, with media vehicles in her neighborhood? If she's too medicated to take a lie detector, would that also make her an unsafe driver?
Anyone can take a polygraph, medication is a non-issue if the examiner knows what he is doing. I would think their attorney would have them take one quietly and then if they get the results they want, they can share them. But, then again, all logical thinking seems to be out the window on this one.
I agree... it's a pretty flimsy excuse to believe there was incest in the family based on the name of a child.
I also agree with LP on a number of things, and he does seem to have some inside information... but I disagree with him on a few others.
I will be very surprised if this turns out to be true. I remember a few weeks ago, everyone was sold on the idea that it was George who was the father. Now it's LEE. Good Lord... what next?

Basides, Caylee is a very common Irish name. It's usually spelled with a "K," but it's very much in vogue, right now.

I think Rick was right. No incest. The baby daddy's name was "Christmas Party, December 4, 2004. :)
Number 4 - she (Cindy) has to.

Lee is the father of Caylee according to LP, 100%. If so, it explains all the behavior in the family and of Casey. No excuse, but explanation.

Where did LP get this info from???
Lee abusing Casey in high school would explain her dropping out.

Im stumbled & shocked!!! How did you find this out?

Casey becoming pregnant from the abuse would explain the denials into the 7th month and her abandoning her job.

It would explain a seemingly normal girl creating a fictional list of characters in her life, lying, stealing, and sleeping around during and after her pregnancy.

It would explain a murder for spite against her mother who named Cay-Lee.

It would explain Lee tried to stop Cindy from calling 911 the third time

It would explain George moving out and filing for divorce and Lee not coming around the house when George is there

It would explain the family circling the wagons around the abuse victim and protecting her, thus protecting Lee and the family as well

It would explain Lee refusing a DNA test and refusing a lie detector test and talking the parents into refusing a lie detector test. They took a DNA test, and Lee required a subpeona

It would explain the consistent behavior to obfuscate investigations



Secrets so deep in shame could cause sociopathy.

Dont mind a couple questions cause I am SHOCKED! Stumbled I tell ya! :eek:
I haven't read the entire thread, so sorry if it's been discussed but does it bother anyone else that Cindy is so medicated that she couldn't take a lie detector test but she's always on TV talking, talking, talking. If her lawyer advises against a lie detector because of the meds, what's up with her non-stop dialogue in the press, the exclusive interview with 'Holly,' the appearance on GMA, many, many others? Couldn't the meds impact these appearances in negative ways that might even get her in trouble? Why does NeJame let her keep on talkin'? I don't get it.

Also, do these meds impact her driving ability and, if so, why is she still driving all over, with helicopters hovering overhead, with media vehicles in her neighborhood? If she's too medicated to take a lie detector, would that also make her an unsafe driver?

and dont forget she is driving around under the influence of these Meds !
Cindy just chooses to see things how she wants them to be. I know alot of people like her, who have serious problems facing reality. They just can't do it. Kind of like the wife who knows her husband is cheating, but looks the other way, if I don't see it with my own eyes, I don't have to accept it as real. They don't look for the truth b/c they don't really want to know the truth. They just want someone to simply say, "it's not true" and they choose to believe it.
I do not think CA is in denial. I think CA knows like most of us her grand daughter Caylee is dead and at the hands of KC.
CA loves the attention of the media. She loves it and can not get enough of it.
CA also likes the idea of the money they are set to receive.
The A's have known since that initial phone call to 911 KC had done something and then the odor in the car confirmed it. I think the grieving process has been over for Caylee for some time now and for CA, it is every man for himself. The A's never searched for Caylee, never even pretended to search, they requested and sent other people to look but never did they themselves participate in a search, unless you want to count their own backyard prior to LE searching their backyard.
No, CA telling the public that she receives Tips on a daily basis but then refuses to share the tips with the public (she is admonishing for Not looking for Caylee) is very telling in and of itself.
I am tired of her nonsense and her feeble attempts at celebrity. I will be very happy when the media tire of her and her lies.JMHO.

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