Why This case Is So Popular ??

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Unfortunately, with the family dynamics of this case, we feel like if we don't find her nobody will. Sad .
because her own mother doesnt seem to care at all about her and her grandparents are covering up for her killer so people want to take care of her.
For me the clincher was that KC didnt report her missing for 31 days, and how silent KC has been........even the other Mothers that killed their children spoke to the media regarding their cases (even if they were lying) they atleast asked for help in finding thier children......Kc has always been eerily quiet about this whole thing.....freaky!
Her own MOTHER could have cared less about her.. And there are still caring and conpassionate people in this world that we live in.
There are millions of missing people all over the world, many of them children. What is it about Caylee's case that makes thousands of people show up to search for her and tens of thousands more follow the story as if it is about someone we know?

I know I have devoted an embarrassing amount of hours reading about Caylee, and I have never been so entranced with another criminal case in my life. Why do you think the media (and us) have poured so much into this single story?

I can't imagine anyone waiting for 31 days to tell someone their kid is missing. It's beyond my comprehension. Completely. It does not compute.

Then you throw in the way the family has acted, all the lies, the DRAMMMA,
LP and NG.

Everyone wants to see Caylee found, given a decent burial, maybe some closure and justice.
The 31 days, the lies, the stealing, the partying, the behavior of the other A's. I think most of all the A's complete disregard for Caylee and their shameless pursuit of fame and fortune.
This little angel's big, beautiful, haunting eyes first drew me in. Then KC's total disregard and lack of emotion for the loss of this precious gift she was given appalled me and kept me glued. Then all the lies angered me and made me want to figure it all out because I just could not understand. I think the feeling that this baby needs a hero and desperately needs people to love and remember she's out there draws alot of emotion. We all just want her to be found. I am praying that happens this week-end.
Like previous posters have stated, it is the fact that she wasn't even reported "missing" for 31 days; the fact that her family has acted so strangely and has done everything they can for Casey, not Caylee; the very weird twists and turns in the case (from a cowboy-hat-wearing bounty hunter to a story about a script - strange); and most importantly, Caylee has touched all of our hearts. None of us can understand how anyone, especially her mother, could ever do anything to hurt her. She is the Angel of Children. :angel: :blowkiss:
Well, for me, it confounds the heck out of me because I love my own son with ever fiber of my being. He fills my very soul, and the thought of him going missing terrifies me, he has the flu today and that even has me upset.

The fact that someone could give birth to another being and not feel the same is what has compelled me to this case.

Caylee never stood a chance....KC should have been allowed the option to give her to another family. BUt she was an adult when she gave birth, and the decision was ultimately her own, no matter what Cindy ordained.

I'm getting into babble mode, so that is my cue to exit.
We have a ton of these threads so this will probably get merged. Just a reminder when starting new threads to make sure it isn't already covered another another title.

The reason thousands are showing up and why we are here is to END THIS!!!

Once Caylee is found, the A fam circus is over. The lies will stop. Casey will be convicted. And most importantly, Caylee Marie will be buried with the dignity and the grace she deserves. What she did not receive in life, she will be given in death. Respect, a voice, and a peaceful soul. She will be protected from further injustice and harm.
Couldn't have said it better myself. I for one am wrapped up in this case because I am a mother myself and can't fathom how a mother could do this to her own child. I realize other mother's have done this to their children. KC is such a cold person and what she did to her own flesh and blood, my mind and heart will never understand.

We have a ton of these threads so this will probably get merged. Just a reminder when starting new threads to make sure it isn't already covered another another title.

The reason thousands are showing up and why we are here is to END THIS!!!

Once Caylee is found, the A fam circus is over. The lies will stop. Casey will be convicted. And most importantly, Caylee Marie will be buried with the dignity and the grace she deserves. What she did not receive in life, she will be given in death. Respect, a voice, and a peaceful soul. She will be protected from further injustice and harm.
I agree with SS and want to add that Caylee is a tiny, innocent child who couldn't look after herself and expected her family to protect her. They didn't, and she's dead.
I for one am obsessed with this because you couldnt make this stuff up! Just when you think youve figured it out it changes. KC is just evil. The lies are so complicated and at the end is just this beautiful, innocent girl who didnt deserve any of this! At least if we can crack this case she will get justice. If not it was all "a huge waste"
These popular cases are comparable to best selling books. Thousands of books are published yearly yet only a few become mainstream popular. These popular books generally have a multifaceted plot which ups the ante for popularity.

This case is absolutely multifaceted. As were the cases of Madeleine Mc, Natalie H, Trenton D and Jonbenet R. etc.- The missing child initiates interest but to excite and maintain this type of "popularity" other aspects have to be present.

Giovanni Gonzalez, 5 years old, on visitation with his father, disappeared. His father said he didn't have him, he was arrested and bond set at $500,000. Father's not saying where the boy is. Giovanni disappeared one month after Caylee and also remains missing. There is a thread for him in Missing/Located. Now I've lurked here long enough to know there's a LOT of caring people registered here so lack of popularity doesn't equate to lack of care for the child. Giovanni's case just doesn't have the components to merit media attention. The media not only determines popularity- it provides resources that make for a workable case. Heck, the arrest warrant couldn't even be located for Giovanni's father.

Ironically, in Caylee's case, the components that lead up to her disappearance are the same components that ignited the determined resolve to find her. It's gone past popular....it's now personal.

Popular or unpopular, I think we all will agree that ALL the missing need to be brought home.
The story's Caylee's mother told. The cockiness to lie to the LE and keep lying. Leading them to her work place, etc.

The incredible Grand Mother. Wow! The things she has said, wants folks to believe. Expect folks to follow her lead, no matter what.

Finding Caylee at this point, will go a long way to make sure her Mother gets what's coming to her.
I hope this thread doesn't offend anyone for that is not my intent. I'm just curious as to why some things get soooooo much attention when others don't. I'm not taking anything away from Caylee what so ever for she deserves our prayers and support, too.. :blowkiss:

Well, I think this case is getting so much attention because we don't understand how a "mother" could NOT report her child missing and NOT even tell her family for 31 days. Then add in all the lies Casey has told. We want to know WHY?!

ANd...we just want peace and justice for this little girl.
What is it about her that is causing all this craziness. The police have solved the case. She did it. There are, horribly, many murders commited everyday that are as heinous, but do not receive the coverage that this case has. I'm talking about Casey not Caylee, the victim.
Why this murder?
What is it about Casey that is so compelling?
This is the most BIZZARE case I have ever followed......it gets worse every day.
Media coverage. Period.

Parents kill their children every day. The media reports it for a few days, someone is arrested (or not) and the whole thing quietly fades away. There is simply nothing to talk about anymore.

In this case, the grandparents chased and courted the media and gave people a lot to talk about. Florida's Sunshine Laws allowing the release of thousands of pages of documents gave the media and the public a lot to talk about. Attracted by the media coverage, a whole host of bizarre characters showed up to make names for themselves which gave the media and people even more to talk about. Without all that information in everyone's face day after day this case would have faded into the woodwork months ago. The public would have lost interest, followed shortly by the bloodsuckers.

There is nothing particularly unique about a mother killing her child. There is nothing remotely unique about Casey Anthony either. She's just a common criminal. Heck, people are not even talking about her (or Caylee) most of the time anymore. They talk about Baez, bounty hunters, shady kid finder orgs, shady PR reps, bizarre grandparents, smuggled bracelets, suicide attempts and macabre dolls. It's a reality soap opera and that's why it's talked about.
I for one am obsessed with this because you couldnt make this stuff up! Just when you think youve figured it out it changes. KC is just evil. The lies are so complicated and at the end is just this beautiful, innocent girl who didnt deserve any of this! At least if we can crack this case she will get justice. If not it was all "a huge waste"

I hope that None of Us give up....I know I'm in for the long haul....I sometimes wish I never found this Website:bang:

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