Why This Case Will Soon Go Cold Again...

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DEDICATION. My guess is the average Homicide Detective in Suffolk pulls down about 200K a year. Much of that has to do with OT. You can by a lot of 'dedication' with that sort of money. Mullitply all that money with 25 years service and live 20 years and all that 'dedication' adds up to hundreds of thousands in pension payments.

I worked with several BS artists in the NYPD and they only got dedicated when the OT kicked in. Nothing wrong with OT when it is called for, but lets stop this dedication nonsense. Remember, my friends not one detective showed up for the Lucero homicide because Levy killed that perk of the 2 hour stand-by for doing nothing other than promising to pick up the phone.
DEDICATION. My guess is the average Homicide Detective in Suffolk pulls down about 200K a year. Much of that has to do with OT. You can by a lot of 'dedication' with that sort of money. Mullitply all that money with 25 years service and live 20 years and all that 'dedication' adds up to hundreds of thousands in pension payments.

I worked with several BS artists in the NYPD and they only got dedicated when the OT kicked in. Nothing wrong with OT when it is called for, but lets stop this dedication nonsense. Remember, my friends not one detective showed up for the Lucero homicide because Levy killed that perk of the 2 hour stand-by for doing nothing other than promising to pick up the phone.

So are you saying there would be more dedication to this case if there was more OT? What about a task force being created though? Is it not in the budget somehow?
"The detectives assigned to the homicide squad are some of the most dedicated and knowledgeable in Suffolk County. The units that support this squad -- such as the identification section, computer crimes section, criminal intelligence section and the crime lab -- are also the best in their respective fields."I

The above is a quote taken from Det.Stephan's letter to Newsday. In 2011 Det.Stephan took down about $218,000.00 in compensation. When Lucero was killed not one detective from homicide felt compelled to answer their phones when they were called in. Why did they not answer their phones? Because CE Levy took away the one-man a day 2hr. stand-by OT for being available. A stinking $90.00 stipend for spending 100am -3am, most likely in their beds making money off the taxpayer. "dedicated detectives?" what a hoot. Mind you this stipend was not even part of the contract, it was a bonus for those detectives. This is from a detective that brought in more than $200K in 2011.

How many of our readers make $200K a year? I wonder how many doctors bring in 200K a year much less the readers of this Blog Board? And you are only required to have a GED, not 8 or more years of schooling.

I had no IDEA they made that much. What was the quote? It didn't print out.
Imho Seaslug is a realist. You are an idealist, as am I. (at least thats the way you two come across to me.)
It takes both kinds working together to make progress and get the job done right. Like a yin yang kinda balance thingy.
DEDICATION. My guess is the average Homicide Detective in Suffolk pulls down about 200K a year. Much of that has to do with OT. You can by a lot of 'dedication' with that sort of money. Mullitply all that money with 25 years service and live 20 years and all that 'dedication' adds up to hundreds of thousands in pension payments.

I worked with several BS artists in the NYPD and they only got dedicated when the OT kicked in. Nothing wrong with OT when it is called for, but lets stop this dedication nonsense. Remember, my friends not one detective showed up for the Lucero homicide because Levy killed that perk of the 2 hour stand-by for doing nothing other than promising to pick up the phone.
That's nothing, about 2 years ago there was a homicide in Brentwood or North Bay Shore where the victim's body was left laying outside (covered by a tarp) for NINE hours because the homicide squad detectives wouldent come out until the next morning. Absurd.
Very off topic (my apologies!) but, speaking of Brentwood.... any local news (sightings or anything at all) on the man who fled from the Pilgrim Psychiatric Center (he was being transported from Brentwood to the Pilgrim Center) in May of this year?
That's nothing, about 2 years ago there was a homicide in Brentwood or North Bay Shore where the victim's body was left laying outside (covered by a tarp) for NINE hours because the homicide squad detectives wouldent come out until the next morning. Absurd.

same case i cited. the quote is on top of the post in quotation marks

9. Why did that idiot Dormer go public and say it was an accidental death when he doesn’t even know what the cause of death was? It is moronic on its face.

Actually, he said that before the body was found.

I guess saying so would be practical and helpful, especially if you have a target audience believing that there is in fact a "Disease" called the "Bipolar Disease".

Strongly recommend (Despite my sis is a psychiatrist)
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41_8hZoVKjE&feature=related"]The Marketing of Madness, The Truth About Psychotropic Drugs-Full Length Documentary - YouTube[/ame]

As I said many times here Dormer doesn't strike me as an evil guy. I simply find him incompetent. In the Fios1 coverage he seems quite unhappy about the case not being solved on his watch. He no more tells the "training" boloney while referring to Mallia's search. Kinda straightforward as he can be.
Actually, he said that before the body was found.

I guess saying so would be practical and helpful, especially if you have a target audience believing that there is in fact a "Disease" called the "Bipolar Disease".

Strongly recommend (Despite my sis is a psychiatrist)
The Marketing of Madness, The Truth About Psychotropic Drugs-Full Length Documentary - YouTube

As I said many times here Dormer doesn't strike me as an evil guy. I simply find him incompetent. In the Fios1 coverage he seems quite unhappy about the case not being solved on his watch. He no more tells the "training" boloney while referring to Mallia's search. Kinda straightforward as he can be.


I hate to be bringing up the case of my son in law to make a point, but it is chock full of what EVIL looks like and how and why a retired NYPD detective got involved in an 8 year campaign to expose Spota and certain corrupt members of SCPD.

During the trial of my son in law three cops that he once worked with came into the courtroom: ' to see for ourselves.........we hope he didn't do this...' That is what they told me. Those guys heard so many lies spread by the DA and through Burke it was understandable how they could believe the SIL may have been guilty........they came to see for themselves. They couldn't have picked a better time to show up. On the stand was a LT.JH. JH was the sergeant on patrol when the burglary occcurred. He was also a police officer that had a case overturned because the judge found he tortured the man to get a confession. The Judge is now hitting tennis balls in North Carolina. He was widely regarded as one of the best judges in Suffolk County, I guess it was until he had enough of the lying and corruption.

What these three young men would understand is what does a police officer do when responding to a burglar alarm. LT JH lied!!!! and lied and lied. They were shocked of what they heard. While they went into that courtroom 50-50, I am sure they didn't leave that way. Fact is one of the cops apologized for not coming forth - he feared for his job.

LT JH saw the 3 cops in the audience and followed them out into the hallway. He screamed at them. When those cops got back to their command there was a message from Dormer: Each of you are to write me a letter explaining why you went to the trial. What was worse is he called the PBA for 'permission' to violate their rights of going to a courtroom as per the US Constitution.

That man is not only stupid, and incompetent, HE is EVIL and a coward.
“We hope that she is still alive. But it has also brought up this whole investigation which I think, in my opinion, has been happening for years now, and might not have been ever looked into,” Karen Gambino said.
Let show you how it works in Suffolk County. A few years ago I read a story in the papers that a Frank Spindel had been arrested by Spota for a $1.2million mortgage fraud. I thought the name was unusual. I thought to myself could this be the same Spindel that sat on the Marty Tankleff jury?

The Spindel I checked out lived in the same neighborhood as the Tankleff Spindel. He was about the right age to have been the Spindel juror. In one of the Spindel/Tankleff stories it was said Spindel lived next door to a Suffolk County homicide detective. Could this be true, and if so, how was he allowed to sit on the jury?

Near the end of the trial two other jurors made it known to the judge that their Spindel was giving hand signals to the prosecutor John Collins. They also said that Spindel was telling the other jurors that Tankleff’s sister Shari was telling people her half brother Marty killed their parents. Tankleff goes to jail and Shari gets all the money from the murdered parents when she was only in for no more than 10% if Marty wasn’t convicted and got his share. Marty gets convicted and the estate estimated to be a few million defaults to Shari. She gets that money and gives some of it to her husband who goes into business with the same detective that took the ‘confession’ from Tankleff. The name of the bar was Digger O Dells, in Riverhead,; if you are interested.

The two jurors that came forward gave their testimony to the trial judge, Al Tisch. Judge Tisch poo poohed their claims and the deliberations continued.

It was also widely reported that Spindel had a celebratory round of golf with Mr.Collins after the guilty verdict was rendered. It was also said that Spindel, Collins, and others repaired to the Clubhouse after golf and drank to the victory. That has never been denied. It was also said that Judge Tisch was there as well. That allegation has been denied.

Back to Spindel. I figure the mortgage fraudster is the same person of Tankleff. I start doing a court search of his arrest and find that when he was arraigned he went to court without an attorney and was released on no bail - ROR. A $1.2 M mortgage fraud and he walks out of the courtroom scot-free.

I continue to follow his progress thru the courts and find that the Suffolk County provided him with a NYS 18 B Lawyer. This guy doesn’t even have to pay for a lawyer. I then come to the conclusion that Spindel will never go to jail because if he has to go to jail he will spill the beans on the gangsters that put Tankleff in jail. He is in a great position because the statute of limitations have been passed for whatever crimes he may have done. But if he tells all there are going to be a lot of people that will have a lot of explaining to do, if and when Spindel bares all. I make a prediction on the Internet that Spindel will never see the inside of a jail. Even if the scum knows I brought this to light there is nothing they can do other than to let him go. Spindel holds all the trump cards and the DA holds none.

By now you might be asking yourselves: why would Spota arrest this guy if he knew it could come back in his face? Well, the answer is, IMO, is Spota has so many skeletons buried in Suffolk County that he didn’t realize what he was doing until the arrests were made. But Spindel didn’t forget what he did and surely made his identity and intentions known, I.e., scream like a wounded eagle.

Spindel pleads to the charges. His partner had already pleaded out and received probation. Now it was Spindel’s turn. I follow the case and find the day he was to be sentenced. I tip off Newsday and tell a reporter they should be there because this could be a big story. A reporter shows up at the court and waits for Spindel to be sentenced to 5 years probation. Spindel leaves the court and the reporter asks him if he is the same Spindel Spindels ignores him and leaves the building. Newsday will say they couldn’t write the whole story because they couldn’t confirm whether this Spindel is one and the same Spindel of Tankleff infamy.

NO, my friends, your can’t make this stuff up. Newsday doesn’t write it because Long Island’s paper of record ‘couldn’t’ confirm it.

Why would you folks think it is any different with the Gilgo Case if someone that is in the good ole boy club involved in this case?
As you good folks should know by now Tankleff had his conviction over- turned by the appellate court. I remember sitting at a Tankleff fund raiser with a few hundred people and Tankleff's lawyer said before the appeal was even filed that this case would NEVER go to trial whether or not the conviction is over-turned because Spota wants no part of it. Of course, Mr.Barket was proven to be correct.

During the course of the hearings the defense asked for a special prosecutor because the DA was conflicted. DENIED and denied again and again. After the conviction was over- turned the decision had to be made to try or not try Tankleff again. It was then that Spota punted to then then NYS AG Cuomo to investigate the case. Cuomo would recommend a new trial wasn't viable, but added there was sufficient evidence the arrest and conviction was justified.
Dude, where do you find all of these wacky pictures you post? THey are pretty funny. None beat the "Goat Costume Picture" though. BTW can I borrow that? I am going to go to Newsday, I am really stressed out.
Other than the work some sleuthers are doing to get the 911 call released not much is happening again.

I have a couple questions that I do not know the answers too, and I was hoping somebody might have some ideas.

We all assume there is a serial killer involved whom we call LISK. It appears that this serial killer has stopped killing. As far as I understand he has not killed for at least two years.

Question #1, Is it typical of serial killers to stop unless they are in jail, or caught?
I was under the impression they just continue killing until they are stopped.

Question #2, Disregarding SG's death, I believe the other ten bodies found had been dead for many months or years. Therefore if we disregard SG's death as part of the mix, it is possible that the LISK has not been active for years. Does that make sense?

I wast just thinking about that last night. I hadn't even considered, however that he had stopped. I just assumed he changed the location where he leaves his victims. Perhaps he is dead or in jail.
AC was the last I believe. I think she was killed around labor day weekend AFTER SG.
A source who speaks with SCPD all the time told me a few months back that law enforcement feels the killer is likely either in prison or dead from a drug overdose.
A source who speaks with SCPD all the time told me a few months back that law enforcement feels the killer is likely either in prison or dead from a drug overdose.
What makes them so certain that if he is dead it is due to a drug overdose?

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