Why This Case Will Soon Go Cold Again...

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Why I think this case is stuck in a stalemate:

1. As of May 2011, a neighbor of CPH had been telling LE and the world that CPH is a "wolf in sheep's clothing" and that LE needs to search the marsh behind his house, he was even very specific about a particular location in the marsh: in the drainage ditch near the back of 47 Larboard Ct. (this is verifiable and publicly available evidence)

2. During the summer of 2011, we here on websleuths (some of us possibly in or tied to LE) used every tool available to scan, search, and extensively analyze the marsh behind CPH's house. SeaSlug did a particularly remarkable job of analyzing and sharing professional aerial photography of the marsh. (this is verifiable and publicly available evidence)

3. As of August of 2011, over 1 year after the SG incident and 6 months or more after the questioning of the three POI's, the Head of SCPD Homicide "did not think that CPH was the killer".
(this is NOT verifiable, but is my(I'm verifiable) word)

4. In December of 2011, for some non-public reason SCPD finally decided to do a full force entry and search of the marsh and made sure to search right up to the property line of 47 Larboard Ct. They found SG's possessions in the area that the neighbor specifically stated to search, and found SG's remains a distance away on the north side of the marsh. (this is verifiable and publicly available evidence)

5. SCPD immediately declared her death an accident. (this is verifiable and publicly available evidence)

* It seems to me that some non LE people were and are ahead of this "investigation". (this is my educated opinion)

What thread are the aerial shots on?
18. Bellone came from Babylon. Shaeffer came from Babylon. He is now back, bigger and stronger than ever. It was Shaeffer that helped Spota become DA.

Native came from Babylon too. They are both good guys. Levy orchestrated his own demise.

I do have to ask; who is the cop in charge that is rumored to have problems with prostitutes?
Another example of why this case will not be solved by LE. Anna Gristina just got a slap on the wrist...time served and probation. She pleaded down to one count of promoting prostitution. She had a laundry list of big wigs...there were wire tap tapes of her admissions about how she only took cash, used a different name and kept all her millions in off shore bank accounts. She was even tapped bragging about having some of her "Guys 'talk' to a rival pimp" thus scaring him away from enticing her girls away from her service and into his. She has admitted on tape to many punishable offenses and yet she has basically walked away Scott free.

J Ruis did exactly the same thing and served just about the same amount of time even though he was convicted of much more serious crimes. (Shannan once worked for him and maybe did up until the time of her death and disappearance.)

Another Madame, Colleen Gray, seems to have never been arrested for prostitution even though she too ran escort services in Florida and New York. Amber worked for her and most likely Kim, too.

Their clients are millionaires, politicians, judges, LE, lawyers, you name it. Many of the people who could arrest and prosecute these human traffickers would risk their careers if they expose these businesses and criminals.

The women and men who work for them are just chattel to their bosses and their clients. If they or the pimps and madames speak up they might end up like this: http://articles.cnn.com/2008-05-01/...mery-blair-sibley-prostitution?_s=PM:POLITICS

or like one of her former escorts...http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/29/AR2007012900654.html

Both supposedly hanged themselves...BB right before her trial and DJP right before her sentencing but not before she released some names and some big wigs in Washington had to retire.

It is IMO that this case is exactly the same. The message being sent is "don't rock the boat."
A quick OT, with my apologies to all.

There's a 24 yr old that went missing recently in the area. (I'm going to check if her case has been posted here after I comment.) I've also read recent reports about a website promoting prostitution in that area. Poor, unsuspecting women in Ft. Myers...

There wasn't a thread on her, so I posted one.


FYI: I opened a thread for Kamrie in the Missing Forum Discussion and posted additional info. An ex-boyfriend, RSO, is the key suspect.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=185850"]FL FL - Kamrie Cherai Mitchell - 24 - Live Oak - 25 August 2012 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
In the same breath with regards to corruption; someone will put a feather in their cap if they expose it.
DA Spota just got a favorable ruling from a Suffolk Acting Supreme Ct. Judge. Judge said Spota can run for a fourth term despite a local law forbidding him to run for more than 3 terms.

Good News/Bad News? Good News is that as bad as Spota is the guy they had in the wings should Spota not be able to run made Spota look like a choir boy.

Former Legislator George Guildi, the person most responsible for getting that law passed some years ago is now safely enconsed in jail - courtesy: Spota.

SoHo Journal Publisher Don MacPherson is also a 'guest' of NYS. Mr.Mac had the temerity to take on the defense of Marty Tankleff. He was charged with mortgage fraud. Spota threw in Mrs.MacPherson as an 'inducement' for Don to plead guilty. Go to trial and risk both going to jail and their young son going into foster care.

Spota and Boy Toy Jim Burke dealt Steve Levy a deadly blow. Bellone danced right in with the other sugar plum fairies. Shaffer followed Bellone to Babylon. Boy Toy Burke is named Chief of Department by Bellone only minutes after Bellone takes office. They wait more than 7 months to appoint a police commissioner.

FOIL - LOLOLOLOLOL......yu guys are too funny. there are reports that Boy Toy was once brought up on Department charges for holding a prostitute against her will after he went back to her home to retrieve his weapon he left behind. Try and FOIL that and see where you get........LOL.

Does anyone really believe they want to solve this case if there is even a slight chance one of them will be exposed for anything?
I am writing in response to "Gilbert's mom asks feds to step in" [News, Dec. 21], in which John Ray, the lawyer who represents Shannan Gilbert's family, strongly criticized Suffolk County police detectives investigating the Gilgo Beach murders. It is quite obvious that Ray has not listened to Gilbert's 911 call nor spoken to any investigators assigned to the case. His claims are misleading and lack credibility. I have been a member of the department's homicide squad for 17 years and worked on the Gilgo investigation in its first three months.

I listened to Gilbert's 22-minute 911 call. The 911 operator tried several times to get Gilbert's location. At one point, she mentioned she was near Jones Beach. Gilbert never said she was at Oak Beach. It is hard to respond to a call when the person calling doesn't know where he or she is.

In the house at Oak Beach, Gilbert was not about to be murdered. Her demeanor on the tape was calm. You can hear male voices on the tape, and they are calm. At no time during this call was she desperate. From what I heard on the call, Gilbert was not speaking as if she were in danger. Despite this, she decided to run from the house and her driver, whom she relied on to take her back to New Jersey. During the investigation, I interviewed an individual who drove Gilbert to her "dates" in the past. He said she would leave houses and apartments in the same fashion as she did in Oak Beach. He described her as being a paranoid person and at times acting irrationally.

As we all know by now, Gilbert ran to another house seeking assistance. She was let into the house. When the gentleman in the house said he was going to call the police, she ran into the reeds across the street. I also interviewed this gentleman. Finally, she knocked on another door, but again ran away before the woman who lived there could find out what was going on.

Suffolk County has not turned down offers of help from the FBI. The FBI has provided a psychological profile of the offender and coordinated the use of a Blackhawk military helicopter to conduct an aerial search of the Ocean Parkway area, using classified equipment. In addition to the FBI, 12 other law enforcement agencies have assisted the homicide squad.

The detectives assigned to the homicide squad are some of the most dedicated and knowledgeable in Suffolk County. The units that support this squad -- such as the identification section, computer crimes section, criminal intelligence section and the crime lab -- are also the best in their respective fields.

Detectives have traveled to the hometowns of each victim many times to meet with the families, and to several states as part of the investigation. For most of 2011, the detectives assigned have set aside their personal lives, working long hours for weeks at a time. For Ray to insinuate that the homicide squad has given this case less than its full attention because of the victim's lifestyle is grossly inaccurate.

Det. Vincent Stephan, West Sayville

Editor's note: The writer is the secretary-treasurer of the Suffolk Detectives Association.

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I am writing in response to "Gilbert's mom asks feds to step in" [News, Dec. 21], in which John Ray, the lawyer who represents Shannan Gilbert's family, strongly criticized Suffolk County police detectives investigating the Gilgo Beach murders. It is quite obvious that Ray has not listened to Gilbert's 911 call nor spoken to any investigators assigned to the case. His claims are misleading and lack credibility. I have been a member of the department's homicide squad for 17 years and worked on the Gilgo investigation in its first three months.

I listened to Gilbert's 22-minute 911 call. The 911 operator tried several times to get Gilbert's location. At one point, she mentioned she was near Jones Beach. Gilbert never said she was at Oak Beach. It is hard to respond to a call when the person calling doesn't know where he or she is.

In the house at Oak Beach, Gilbert was not about to be murdered. Her demeanor on the tape was calm. You can hear male voices on the tape, and they are calm. At no time during this call was she desperate. From what I heard on the call, Gilbert was not speaking as if she were in danger. Despite this, she decided to run from the house and her driver, whom she relied on to take her back to New Jersey. During the investigation, I interviewed an individual who drove Gilbert to her "dates" in the past. He said she would leave houses and apartments in the same fashion as she did in Oak Beach. He described her as being a paranoid person and at times acting irrationally.

As we all know by now, Gilbert ran to another house seeking assistance. She was let into the house. When the gentleman in the house said he was going to call the police, she ran into the reeds across the street. I also interviewed this gentleman. Finally, she knocked on another door, but again ran away before the woman who lived there could find out what was going on.

Suffolk County has not turned down offers of help from the FBI. The FBI has provided a psychological profile of the offender and coordinated the use of a Blackhawk military helicopter to conduct an aerial search of the Ocean Parkway area, using classified equipment. In addition to the FBI, 12 other law enforcement agencies have assisted the homicide squad.

The detectives assigned to the homicide squad are some of the most dedicated and knowledgeable in Suffolk County. The units that support this squad -- such as the identification section, computer crimes section, criminal intelligence section and the crime lab -- are also the best in their respective fields.

Detectives have traveled to the hometowns of each victim many times to meet with the families, and to several states as part of the investigation. For most of 2011, the detectives assigned have set aside their personal lives, working long hours for weeks at a time. For Ray to insinuate that the homicide squad has given this case less than its full attention because of the victim's lifestyle is grossly inaccurate.

Det. Vincent Stephan, West Sayville

Editor's note: The writer is the secretary-treasurer of the Suffolk Detectives Association.

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When I read an article like this, the first thing I think is what is the author's underlying agenda. The author had real motivation to clear the name of the SCPD for his own (and others') benefit.

Once the agenda is assumed, the author's phrasing gives additional meaning.

What I take from this (IMO):

What is it about what Ray said makes it obvious to the author that he neither heard the 911 call nor spoke to the investigators assigned to the case?

If Ray had heard the 911 call and spoken to investigators, what motive would HE have to publicly lie? (As far as I can judge, the author has more to lose with the truth than Ray has by lying.)

The author worked on the case for the first 3 months, but there is ZERO record that occurred May 1, 2010 besides the 911 call. Why not the early morning of May 1, 2010?

GC called 911 from a landline. Nobody has described that 911 call. So, apparently we're supposed to believe that a person (drunk, drugged, bipolar... or not) calmly called 911, spoke with the operator for 23 minutes, ran for a "neighbor's assistance", then calmly knocked on a stranger's home before sunrise (while still on the 911 call?), then ran from said house because he "said he was going to call police" (something she had already done herself), then said neighbor also called 911 saying, what, a woman came into his home by his invitation calmly until running down the street again? How, in any way, would anyone come up with that scenario as a perfectly logical explanation? Not I.

An FBI profile and help with areal images means nothing if it isn't utilized.

"Most of 2011"... that disgusts me considering SG went missing May 1, 2010. So, Ray doesn't need to "insinuate" anything, the actions of the SCPD support Ray's "insinuations".
Does anyone really believe they want to solve this case if there is even a slight chance one of them will be exposed for anything?

You mean like one of the most infamous serial murderers in modern history being a former member of the Suffolk County Police Department?

The SCPD didn't ask a former colleague if they could kindly interrogate him, take cadaver dogs through his property, and to take a poly for no reason...

Doing that sort of thing to a 'good old boy' in an extremely high profile case is very damaging and I think the SCPD would have avoided doing it if they could have.... but we all know they did it, and we know CPH refused the poly and has repeatedly fled the area, and has now more or less left his family and moved to a different house in Florida with another swamp in his backyard... However will we solve this big mystery? :p
An FBI profile and help with areal images means nothing if it isn't utilized.

It has also been reported that the feds took Cruz's laptop. Sure... he is just on their radar for moving an 8 ball from Brooklyn to Maine, and the feds just want his laptop to see who he swaps nickel bags with....right.

IMO the feds do have their hands in this case..
I really hope LE has made more headway in this case and have us all duped then we are giving them credit for. I hope the LE is the "Smartest Guys in the Room"
"The detectives assigned to the homicide squad are some of the most dedicated and knowledgeable in Suffolk County. The units that support this squad -- such as the identification section, computer crimes section, criminal intelligence section and the crime lab -- are also the best in their respective fields."I

The above is a quote taken from Det.Stephan's letter to Newsday. In 2011 Det.Stephan took down about $218,000.00 in compensation. When Lucero was killed not one detective from homicide felt compelled to answer their phones when they were called in. Why did they not answer their phones? Because CE Levy took away the one-man a day 2hr. stand-by OT for being available. A stinking $90.00 stipend for spending 100am -3am, most likely in their beds making money off the taxpayer. "dedicated detectives?" what a hoot. Mind you this stipend was not even part of the contract, it was a bonus for those detectives. This is from a detective that brought in more than $200K in 2011.

How many of our readers make $200K a year? I wonder how many doctors bring in 200K a year much less the readers of this Blog Board? And you are only required to have a GED, not 8 or more years of schooling.
... in their beds making money off the taxpayer. "dedicated detectives?" what a hoot.

I'm so confused, hawkshaw - Det Stephan asserts that the squad is hard-working and selfless in their pursuit of truth, justice and the American way. You seem to have a different view altogether. Who's a fella to believe??
"The detectives assigned to the homicide squad are some of the most dedicated and knowledgeable in Suffolk County. The units that support this squad -- such as the identification section, computer crimes section, criminal intelligence section and the crime lab -- are also the best in their respective fields."I

The above is a quote taken from Det.Stephan's letter to Newsday. In 2011 Det.Stephan took down about $218,000.00 in compensation. When Lucero was killed not one detective from homicide felt compelled to answer their phones when they were called in. Why did they not answer their phones? Because CE Levy took away the one-man a day 2hr. stand-by OT for being available. A stinking $90.00 stipend for spending 100am -3am, most likely in their beds making money off the taxpayer. "dedicated detectives?" what a hoot.

Hawkshaw I am sure you are aware that the SCPD actually handed out awards to themselves regarding the bodies they found on the Parkway? WTF

I didn't realize this was an easter egg hunt and the goal was just to find bodies or parts of remains! Isn't their task to find and catch criminals? Way to pat yourself on the backs. These guys live in as much of a fantasy world as the LISK.
Hawkshaw I am sure you are aware that the SCPD actually handed out awards to themselves regarding the bodies they found on the Parkway? WTF

I didn't realize this was an easter egg hunt and the goal was just to find bodies or parts of remains! Isn't their task to find and catch criminals? Way to pat yourself on the backs. These guys live in as much of a fantasy world as the LISK.

Yeah, talk about jumping the gun on the back patting! I'll be glad to hand them an award when they arrest/prosecute the LISK, but until then...
Yeah, talk about jumping the gun on the back patting! I'll be glad to hand them an award when they arrest/prosecute the LISK, but until then...

Is there a LISK Task force or is the Homicide squad just working this as they would any other case ?
Is there a LISK Task force or is the Homicide squad just working this as they would any other case ?

I had called in a tip at one point and my call was directed to homicide. I don't believe there's a specific task force, though.
Is there a LISK Task force or is the Homicide squad just working this as they would any other case ?

I heard the unofficial name for the task force on the Gilgo investigation is the "G-Force".


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