Why wasn't Caylee appointed a Guardian Ad Litem?

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Mar 21, 2006
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For those of you who know the in's and out's of court procedures, I have a question about the Guardian Ad Litem program in that County and why Caylee was not appointed a Guardian Ad Litem on the day her mother attended her bond hearing?

Do you know why this program was not offered to this little girl?

Thank you...


** for more information ...
I believe it is only given to a child who is actually present. Meaning...there IS a child who's best interest they are protecting. In this case, the child is missing and they cannot guarantee her safety TO protect her. Make sense?
I brought this up several weeks ago, several times as I truly felt it was in Caylee's best interests. From my research, there are 2 problems with that, the first being if it were challenged as to the validity of the motion, the state might lose and the Anthony's could have been given temp custody by Casey and there are no open claims as to their fitness, which given the fact they MAY be complicit in some way, might force LE to present evidence of that prior to it's readiness for the criminal case.
Secondly, it opens up the whole paternity issue, which is a little bit like Pandora's Box if you dont know for sure what it will bring and what new cast of characters LE might be dealing with.

All of this above goes to strategy issues from the State, I believe the reality was they always believed and or had at least preliminary evidence pointing to Caylee's death, which would make such a motion for the appointment without basis in fact, which is of course, not legal. I would have been interested from a legal perspective in seeing the State try it however, not at the expense of complicating the open investigation.
The burden is "absence of evidence of death", not proof of life.
I guess I was thinking about Caylee (at the time of the bond hearing) as possibly kidnapped and alive.

In light of this case, I would like to see the laws, rules changed for children like Caylee who have no voice while their mother is in jail.

She never had anyone go before a judge on her behalf to say anything to help her. It's always been about her mother.

The sex crimes and child abuse division is involved in this case. An attorney or some kind of unbiased representative for Caylee's best interests has been heavily on my mind, because Caylee is getting lost in all the craziness going on.

I think I might call that sex crimes/child abuse division on Monday and ask if there's a rep for Caylee, or if anyone can petition the court for one, or if a non-family member can hire an attorney for her or if the family has to agree.

It's making me more and more angry by the minute that the focus on Caylee has rapidly diminished, and that the people who have legal responsibility for Caylee (her family) are not acting in her best interests, in fact doing nothing for Caylee at all that I've been able to determine.

I would also love to see a fund established for Caylee's best interests that nobody but a court appointed independent representative could authorize expenditures for.

This fund could be used to pay an attorney for Caylee, searches, independent testing, private investigator, whatever needs to be done to ensure that Caylee's best interests are being served.

I'm going to poke around for info on that too. I'm not in Florida, and I imagine these things have to be established there and in accordance with FL laws.

I can make phone calls though. I don't mind poking people :)

ETA: There are civil suits that can be filed. I've been wondering if one can be filed on behalf of Caylee against Casey, Cindy, and/or George. I don't think anything can move Casey, but it maybe could light a fire under Cindy & George's behinds to take proactive and effective action to find out what happened to Caylee.

It's beyond me how they can hole up in that house day in and day out doing nothing. As witnessed in their 'rage' videos, they have just TONS of energy they could re-channel to getting out there and finding out

Thank you BeanE!

That would be so great of you to do that!

Someone needs to be the voice for this little girl.

She's been outshouted since day one.

I guess I'll jump right in, LOL. Child custody and abuse cases are civil cases, not criminal. The only interaction of the two would be if one outcome was used as evidence in the other. I am only familiar with Texas child welfare law, but I think CPS practices are fairly similar from state to state. I don't imagine CPS will get involved YET for the simple fact that if the state takes custody of a child and become managing conservator (and this would be where a GAL would be appointed), they have to protect her. You can't ensure the safety of a child you can't find.

Also, traditionally, a GAL in a custody case determines what is in the best interest of the child. Essentially a GAL is an advocate for the child to the court. The actual decision making would be left to the managing conservator.

Does that make sense? I'm kind of typing what I'm thinking.
The sex crimes and child abuse division is involved in this case. An attorney or some kind of unbiased representative for Caylee's best interests has been heavily on my mind, because Caylee is getting lost in all the craziness going on.

I think I might call that sex crimes/child abuse division on Monday and ask if there's a rep for Caylee, or if anyone can petition the court for one, or if a non-family member can hire an attorney for her or if the family has to agree.

It's making me more and more angry by the minute that the focus on Caylee has rapidly diminished, and that the people who have legal responsibility for Caylee (her family) are not acting in her best interests, in fact doing nothing for Caylee at all that I've been able to determine.

I would also love to see a fund established for Caylee's best interests that nobody but a court appointed independent representative could authorize expenditures for.

This fund could be used to pay an attorney for Caylee, searches, independent testing, private investigator, whatever needs to be done to ensure that Caylee's best interests are being served.

I'm going to poke around for info on that too. I'm not in Florida, and I imagine these things have to be established there and in accordance with FL laws.

I can make phone calls though. I don't mind poking people :)

ETA: There are civil suits that can be filed. I've been wondering if one can be filed on behalf of Caylee against Casey, Cindy, and/or George. I don't think anything can move Casey, but it maybe could light a fire under Cindy & George's behinds to take proactive and effective action to find out what happened to Caylee.

It's beyond me how they can hole up in that house day in and day out doing nothing. As witnessed in their 'rage' videos, they have just TONS of energy they could re-channel to getting out there and finding out


Beane: there is confirmed eveidence of decomposition and DNA, belonging to Caylee. I share your frustration, which is why I made the calls you are referring to a few weeks ago, I gave the explanation I researched and was given, but did not post the source for obvious reasons. Sadly, the advocates for Caylee are US, The State Attorney of Fla and Yuri Melich's team in conjunction with OCSD.
I guess I was thinking about Caylee (at the time of the bond hearing) as possibly kidnapped and alive.

In light of this case, I would like to see the laws, rules changed for children like Caylee who have no voice while their mother is in jail.

She never had anyone go before a judge on her behalf to say anything to help her. It's always been about her mother.


I also would have liked to see a GAL appointed.

But I can see that taking steps to do so would allow 'team Anthony' to play the victim card. They already made it clear that defending Casey is their Number One priority & imagine how much worse it would get IF the grandparents were out there accusing the govt. of 'STEALING Caylee from a loving home.' Ugh.

Well, I'm committed to this issue with you then!

It can't, shouldn't happen again to any other child!

Somewhere in this mess we call a system, we need a safety net for children like Trenton, Coralrose, and Caylee where when the parents are suspect, someone is appointed to GUARD the child. Dead or Alive.

Beane: there is confirmed eveidence of decomposition and DNA, belonging to Caylee. I share your frustration, which is why I made the calls you are referring to a few weeks ago, I gave the explanation I researched and was given, but did not post the source for obvious reasons. Sadly, the advocates for Caylee are US, The State Attorney of Fla and Yuri Melich's team in conjunction with OCSD.

Blink, I am so sorry. I'm awfully tired today, and completely missed your post. Please forgive me.

Thank you for researching. If you find out anything else, or could use some help with this at any time the situation may change, please holler!

Again, so sorry I missed your post. I most definitely would not deliberately ignore or dismiss what you say!!

Beane- abslutely no apology necessary, we are all on the same team. I will absolutely work together with anyone and everyone willing to help find the voice for this baby, and all others in need of it.
Somewhere in this mess we call a system, we need a safety net for children like Trenton, Coralrose, and Caylee where when the parents are suspect, someone is appointed to GUARD the child. Dead or Alive.


I agree.

random and OT, that's kind of what happened in Eldarado, and it didn't go over to well
Tell me where to begin or tell me where to follow .... I'm very serious about helping!

drumstick, thanks for asking this. I've been wondering too. Looking forward to reading all of your posts on this.
Thank you everyone for your comments!

We can all be a voice for Caylee by asking the media to cover the search instead of staying stuck on Casey.

We don't want to see Casey's face on tv anymore.

We don't care about her legal troubles! Leave it to the lawyers!

We want to see Caylee's face and we want them to put the emphasis on the search for this little girl!

We all can help in our own ways!

Demand coverage of the search for Caylee!

thanks again to everyone,


Thank you everyone for your comments!

We can all be a voice for Caylee by asking the media to cover the search instead of staying stuck on Casey.

We don't want to see Casey's face on tv anymore.

We don't care about her legal troubles! Leave it to the lawyers!

We want to see Caylee's face and we want them to put the emphasis on the search for this little girl!

We all can help in our own ways!

Demand coverage of the search for Caylee!

thanks again to everyone,



I appreciate what you are saying, that it seems everything is focused on Casey instead of looking for a helpless, three year old little girl. But, if I may ask, WHERE are folks supposed to look for Caylee. Since Casey won't talk about what actually happened and Caylee was not reported missing for 30 days....where is one to start looking without Casey helping with her knowledge.

Jose Baez and Cindy after Casey's arrest.

Around 7:29 time frame on this video...does Jose say that Casey does know where Caylee is? Did I hear that wrong!!! If, indeed he did....then WHY NOT DISCLOSE WHERE SHE IS? WHY bring in TES to search when Casey KNOWS what happened?


Also, Why does he think the LE can't arrest her again? Why is he trying to bash the LE when it is his client who tells falsehoods as to the whereabouts of a 3 year old child?

I just don't get this family!!!

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