Why would casey have told anyone where to find the body?

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Let's see if I've got this right. According to LP:

Casey told someone at the jail where the body was.
She also told Lee.
The person at the jail told.....?
Lee for some reason told the meter reader's supervisor because he lived in the neighborhood.
The meter reader's supervisor told the meter reader.
Lee also told the meter reader directly.
The meter reader told DC? No, Lee told DC.
DC told JH
JH told LP

I guess I don't have it straight. :rolleyes:

LP can speculate about the MR, but when he said the night before that Kronk's supervisor was Goerge and Cindy's neighbor, that might mean that something was overheard. Maybe Lee and Casey talking in the backyard, or maybe something along those lines. He doesn't have that piece of the puzzle perhaps, but I think he is closing in on something. Needless to say, there is a video tape and it appears that Hoover told him about this after Caylee's body was found. LP did the right thing and contacted his FBI friend and the authorities. This going public with what he knew put the pressure on Hoover to come forward and pushed LE to meet with Hoover and see what the heck he had from the month prior to Caylee being found.

LP ain't all that bad, just some of his theories are a bit off just like the rest of us. He does have other information and passes it along when he can. We don't know what he knows regarding his chain of events speculated upon that brought Kronk out there again and again.

Water receded in late November or early December. That is when the body was finally revealed,,, or what was left of it. Maybe DC couldn't find it because of the water. We won't know until or if we get to see the 10 minute tape Hoover took.
Let's see if I've got this right. According to LP:

Casey told someone at the jail where the body was.
She also told Lee.
The person at the jail told.....?
Lee for some reason told the meter reader's supervisor because he lived in the neighborhood.
The meter reader's supervisor told the meter reader.
Lee also told the meter reader directly.
The meter reader told DC? No, Lee told DC.
DC told JH
JH told LP

I guess I don't have it straight. :rolleyes:

LOL Chilly. Once again, you are my voice of reason.

I'm off to find a thread that doesn't make my head hurt and isn't slamming the A family. Got any ideas?

Crime scene photos. THAT'S IT. I can see things over there. And NO, I'm not slamming those who see things in the photos. I see things too. I actually see a lot of things. That's why I need the Excedrin Migraine.

I bought a LARGE bottle of Excedrin Migraine just today at Costco. I'd be happy to share with anyone who needs it :)
My partner and I have been discussing this very question - no matter what, why would KC want the remains found? Might it be possible Lee persuaded her to bring the nightmare to an end, for the sake of the family? I find this hard to believe because she has always seemed so selfish. I just can't imagine how it could benefit KC to have the remains found.

After today I do know that I'm going to have to start buying Excedrin Migraine in bulk.

Ditto.... I'm getting tornado-ized lately....
LOL Chilly. Once again, you are my voice of reason.

I'm off to find a thread that doesn't make my head hurt and isn't slamming the A family. Got any ideas?

Crime scene photos. THAT'S IT. I can see things over there. And NO, I'm not slamming those who see things in the photos. I see things too. I actually see a lot of things. That's why I need the Excedrin Migraine.

I bought a LARGE bottle of Excedrin Migraine just today at Costco. I'd be happy to share with anyone who needs it :)

You might want to try the Bizarre News forum (and no, this isn't it). I don't think even Excedrin is going to help today.
Let's see if I've got this right. According to LP:

Casey told someone at the jail where the body was.
She also told Lee.
The person at the jail told.....?
Lee for some reason told the meter reader's supervisor because he lived in the neighborhood.
The meter reader's supervisor told the meter reader.
Lee also told the meter reader directly.
The meter reader told DC? No, Lee told DC.
DC told JH
JH told LP

I guess I don't have it straight. :rolleyes:

WOW you make it sound all so confusing. I guess you don't lol
Let's see if I've got this right. According to LP:

Casey told someone at the jail where the body was.
She also told Lee.
The person at the jail told.....?
Lee for some reason told the meter reader's supervisor because he lived in the neighborhood.
The meter reader's supervisor told the meter reader.
Lee also told the meter reader directly.
The meter reader told DC? No, Lee told DC.
DC told JH
JH told LP

I guess I don't have it straight. :rolleyes:

Not yet...LP should have it all straightened out by tomorrow's NG.
She could have told Lee and he could have told someone and that person wanted the reward $. Or Lee could have told GA and he felt enough was enough. It is SO fishy they were out of town for the discovery. This whole thing cannot get any weirder!
she told to get it off of her conscience. she felt badly and wanted Caylee to have a proper burial.

The only possible reason that I can think of is that she tried to stage the body/disposal in a manner that frames someone else (not necessarily ZFG)...

I have a hard time believing the KC has given any information about the location of Caylee to anyone.

The only possible reason that I can think of is that she tried to stage the body/disposal in a manner that frames someone else (not necessarily ZFG)...

I have a hard time believing the KC has given any information about the location of Caylee to anyone.


Me too. My theory.(one of a hundred) GA knew all along, told CA and LA and attorney. JB told KC and someone in the jailhouse overheard and told MR. PI's were sent to make sure after the waters had gone down to make sure remains would never be found. Too late MR already found Caylee and called LE. JMO. KC didn't know the disposal site.
I think she wanted the body found while she was in jail because she thought it would look like someone else (zanni,jblanchard murderer?)did it
Remember she thinks she is getting away with everything, and she is just the best liar. You can tell she thinks she is in her LE interviews.

I saw a story that was similar. 2 kids were missing, left with stepfather,stepfather was found to be a pedophile. He is considered prime suspect. He then actually turns himself in and is put in jail on a previous charge in another state
The childrens bodies are found while he is in jail.The are skelatonized at this point. ( a farmer finds 2 little skulls )
He thinks he is home free, there is no proof it is him and no cause of death because the bones show no trauma.
BUT an entomologist steps in and tests the flies larvae and proves the bodies were there BEFORE he turned himself in. He was found guily.

This kinda parallels the Anthony case and I really think Casey thought she could lie her way outta anything afterall she has been doing it for life
I think if she did set it up to look like a kidnapping, and it was looking so bad to the defense, she thought finding it with the duct tape would make the kidnapping look better.

I have to agree. Her story about ZG is unbelievable without the body since there was no place in the world now Caylee could go without being identified. Her story of kidnap becomes more real if the body is found with the duct tape KC placed on her to stage the kidnapping story. I believe she passed the word to LA during their jail conversation where she lit up as he obviously got the message on location about mutual friends location. Mutual friends being either the hamster or childhood friends in the woods near home. Like he had admitted prior, "We share things only brothers and sisters can share" or close to that statement. I think originally he was supposed to move the body perhaps but even making sure it was found was ok because media had already predicted that most body tissues would be gone and cause of death likely impossible to determine. LA couldnt go there without being followed but Im guessing he found a way to leak the word along to someone who could go there. Either way, the word came from KC as to body location IMHO
I think if she did set it up to look like a kidnapping, and it was looking so bad to the defense, she thought finding it with the duct tape would make the kidnapping look better.

Okay TURBO, I think this sounds pretty reasonable in a Casey wacked out sort of way. But, it's all a guess. We can't even come up with a motive. But I like your thought.
That's a wonderful synopsis, Chilly, it might simplify it more to write in the form of a logical, elegant mathmatical equation -

ax= d+b-c
x= d+ b-c
Caylee's birthday had past. Her parents came to see her six days later after being denied several times. After they left, she wrote a note to S. Beary in hopes to see her dad. She felt guilty, her parents were heartbroken. She was going to tell her dad where Caylee was, but, just in time a defense atty showed up. She told him about the visit with her parents and her need to tell them, and he talked her out of it. Date 8/14.
She feels better, she doesn't have to tell her parents after all.
Whether the pi figured it out or was told by Baez, we don't yet know. Whether the MR has a connection to the pi, or any defense team member, we don't yet know. It is also possible the defense team knew before 8/14.
LA said that he and Casey could tell each other what they couldn't share with anyone else. At some point it is possible that Casey told LA where Caylee was. If, or when, we don't know, but it is probable imo that he knew where she was before she was found. Perhaps on one of those rides in his car in route to or from that person she saw once a week about her permission to go see Baez for however long?
Who told the pi? I don't know if we know yet, but it is possible that LA could have told them, if he knew.
If CA and GA knew, they should be in jail yesterday, but if LA knew, I can see how he might struggle with what to do. Knowing the info would kill his parents, his mom, and convict his sister to life in prison, but it sure wasn't right to just leave Caylee there either. Thus, it is possible he told pi. However, if this ends up being what happened, he needs to do what's right, and I expect he will. If LP knew on Nov 16, and told LE, I can see them not taking him seriously, and even ignoring it, because of the little econ fiasco that had occurred only days earlier.
keaska;3140159]I agree. I don't think she did. This IS an investigator that was looking..keep that in mind. Besides, if she had told Lee..unless she has told him in a letter... which I doubt, wouldn't there be a recording of the conversation?

When you really think about this case and all the FBI info that describes mothers who kill and where they deposit the bodies ... I wonder why all the mystery about this case. If the FBI profile had been followed, wouldn't we have been at the find point a lot sooner? I just do not understand all of the "stuff" about this case getting so bamfoozled, corrupt and media-worthy. It is strange. This appears to be a fairly straight forward murder case to have gotten so jumbled up. Who does all this benefit?
Okay TURBO, I think this sounds pretty reasonable in a Casey wacked out sort of way. But, it's all a guess. We can't even come up with a motive. But I like your thought.
According to LP, ok, Casey was telling Baez that JG could have taken and killed Caylee because he was jealous of her and Caylee's love for each other. CA, according to LP thought it possible. This conversation occurred allegedly post first release, and LP was present. If this happened, Casey herself states the motive, just transfers it over to JG instead of herself. She does tend to transfer info around, so it's plausible, and CA herself states in her myspace that jealousy was the reason Casey took Caylee away from her. posted her myspace 7/3.
KC Anthony Dominic Casey Carlos Padilla Tony Padilla Leonard Padilla
Dr. Henry Lee Anthony Lazzaro
Hoover and the F.B.I. and the sweepers removed from the Anthony home
Gail St. John Allen
Nick Savage Nancy Grace
Jane Valez Mitchell Penny Douglas Fir Linda Kenney Baden

It all makes perfect sense.

That was brilliant Deputy. :blowkiss:

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