Why would Casey refuse to see her pastor?

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Jun 11, 2007
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I heard on a news report that Casey refused to see her pastor, and the chaplain at the jail had to tell her that they identified Caylee. Did she already know why the pastor wanted to see her? Was she afraid she wouldn't act right and didn't want to risk it? Is she in denial or does she just not care? What do you think?
She was meeting with Baez & Garcia at the time. Defense planning apparently had priority over spiritual comfort.
Spiritual conviction (i.e., she knows she did wrong and is not interested in putting forth any kind of confession or repentance the pastor might expect of her (would be my best guess.)
Because he probably knew her back in her innocent days, he knows guilty when he sees it, and she most likely couldn't face one person who was that good - OR maybe she felt she wasn't good enough to see her pastor - she knows she's guilty of this crime and she probably couldn't face the one person who wouldn't judge her
She was meeting with Baez & Garcia at the time. Defense planning apparently had priority over spiritual comfort.

Was Baez there or did I hear Baez was disappointed he wasn't the one to tell her?
IMO...She simply didn't feel like dealing with someone who she had to convince that she didn't do anything. Following the ID, she probably figured that's when the hard questions would start to come. JB probably doesn't ask those questions because he doesn't want to know/ already knows the answer.

Besides, do you really think she cares to pray for Caylee? I'm sure she is only interested in praying for herself, and that probably wouldn't have been the focus of this particular visit.
Because he probably knew her back in her innocent days, he knows guilty when he sees it, and she most likely couldn't face one person who was that good - OR maybe she felt she wasn't good enough to see her pastor - she knows she's guilty of this crime and she probably couldn't face the one person who wouldn't judge her

(My bold) I believe the Anthony's only began attending Stutzman's church as recently as July 2008.
She was meeting with Baez & Garcia at the time. Defense planning apparently had priority over spiritual comfort.

I didn't know that. I would be waiting breathlessly for news. This is not speaking well for her at all. Of course, I wouldn't be in jail, either. Why am I not surprised? Her behavior thus far hasn't been that of a grieving mother.
Because she is guilty of murdering her child and throwing her poor little body over the side of a hill.
IIRC The pastor for the jail told KC about the positive ID. The pastor she refused to see was from the GP's church.
Wasn't it reported that KC never actually went to that church. I surmise she doesn't care to talk to her mothers pastor.... and yes I am being a tad snarky!
Guess she had some snacks to order from the commissary...

That's about it, isn't it? NG made much of that. Who snacks when their child is missing, anyway? I'd be paralyzed. They'd have to get me some mental help.
I think she refused to see the "family pastor" because she knows she's guilty of the crime. How could one face a pastor (a man of God) and know deep down inside they have done something so unGodly?
If I was her, I would be scared to see him too!
I don't think she thought he would tell people what her reaction was.

I grew up Catholic and went to a Catholic school after we made our First Penance we would go thru the underground tunnels that ran from the school to the church once a month for confession.

It scared the crap out of me.

I always felt that my sins were the worst ones my priest was going to hear and it scared me to think he could tell someone--in my child mind I could clearly imagine the priest filling in all the nuns about my transgressions

You can't lie to a priest,you have to tell the truth or your going to hell. At least that is my feelings about being face to face with one!

If KC is as religious as CA makes her out to be maybe that's what her thought process was as well
Maybe she isn't religious. If someone had to tell me bad news, I wouldn't want a religious figure around.
She was probably afraid her head would start spinning around.
He wasn't there when she was told. I kind of snickered at that. He wasn't told until after everyone in the family was told.

That is what I thought I had heard. Thanks for the confirmation.
IIRC The pastor for the jail told KC about the positive ID. The pastor she refused to see was from the GP's church.
Wasn't it reported that KC never actually went to that church. I surmise she doesn't care to talk to her mothers pastor.... and yes I am being a tad snarky!

Yes, it was the jail chaplain, she refused the pastor's visit. Maybe she thought the pastor was talking to her parents, or maybe it was just the idea that he knew her parents. I'm wondering how the jail chaplain got in to see her. Does he just go to the cell?

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