Why would Casey refuse to see her pastor?

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If she was seeing him willfully before, why not today? I'm sure she's directly into survivor defense mode. Too bus to grieve or think about caylee, just find a way out of this mess.

IF IF IF she ever did get away with anything, and was ever allowed to walk the streets again, does she even think she'd have a normal life? She's the face of a child killer, even if proven innocent.
Since 'Everyone lies ,everyone dies' seems to be about as deep as her philosophical/spiritual viewpoint goes and seeing that she is a card carrying sociopath with neither guilt or remorse merely anger at being interfered with what possible use could she have for a Pastor?
She sees no need to repent she's pissed.Thats all thats come off her from day one.
Maybe this is one more thing a talking head got wrong? That happens at least once a day & on some days, like today, it happened at least once on every single show I watched.

I don't think they will be able to get any testominy concerning her action with the pastor today, or her reactions to the news. Unless it has some clear and readily apparent bearing on the case, and is not just used to sway the jury emotionally.

Even then it is doubtful that the State Attorney would use it. It just seems tacky,and ultimately a gross invasion of privacy and grief. Feigned or otherwise. There is no real reason to use it, and sofar LE and teh SA has seemed to be above such classless moves to win a point. They have been calm measured and professional at every step, and have given the family including KC every courtesy to grieve.
If anything happened to either of my girls it would be the most devastating thing that could ever happen to me- there is NO ONE I could suffer the loss of as much as my 2 babies. I carried them and gave birth to them and my feelings for them run deeper and more bonded than to anyone else on earth.

I would need all kinds of help as I would be so ripped up to the very depths of my soul, I would be in need of sedatives for one thing, then no doubt I would need the support of any pastors, counselors, friends, etc.

I would fall to pieces. And would probably not be able to function, eat, sleep....I would just be a puddle of tears on the floor in the corner and would need people to pick me up in my time of grief.

KC just needs ....what? A deck of cards, some candy, a meeting with her defense lawyer? But no pastor or anyone else for support? :furious:

She has to be a sociopath. I see no evidence that she is not. I don't understand stealing, much less stealing from friends and family, but to see the lack of feeling for her poor child......I don't get it. She can't be someone who COULD care but just doesn't, she just simply has to be someone who CAN'T care because she's a socipath, it is the only explanation I will accept, this does much further than just simply being "selfish".
because she didn't feel like acting and/or she wanted to know the latest scope on how they could put the blame on the meter man. her "oh God, this can't be happening" moment is over, and now it's on to "a way out of this place".
She has no thought for Caylee, not even one. jmoo
Do clergy receive counseling for themselves when they know an admission uf guilt by a mother? They aren't allowed to devulge the confession so it must make it ver difficult to hold that kind of information inside.
Was Baez there or did I hear Baez was disappointed he wasn't the one to tell her?

Baez was afraid KC might talk. IMO,he is the one responsible for KC refusing the visitation offered by the pastor. Why is Baez so concerned? :rolleyes: Is he fearful KC might break down and confess?
She was not interested at the moment. She is only interested in seeing people who might benefit her for the time being. There wasn't any use in visiting him today.


That's exactly what I think. Also, he may have annoyed her during their last visit.
Why would Casey refuse to see her pastor?

Why complicate things, she already knows she's on the A train to hell.
1.) Her family sent him.
2.) He wasn't driving a bus she could throw them under.
3.) The defense attorneys were.
Did they wait until he had to hit the men's room, or what?

He should have laid off that last cup of coffee. :crazy:

This means that the defense didn't see her reaction first-hand either, and cannot spin.
Oh, she needs her parents....they provide money and gifts. She will not cut them out.
The Pastor should have been put WAY ahead of JB. She didn't feel like putting on her mask for him, simple as that. She had more important people to see. People that can help her. The pastor is of no use to her at the moment.

This whole family does not strike me as religious in any form.

IIRC CA stated in one of the LE interviews that they had faith but never went to Church. So going to Church is new to them, occuring after that interview.
Because she has no need for him. He most likely did not buy her bag of lies, so therefore he is not allowed near her. She is ticked off because all her lies are being tossed back at her.
Yes, it was the jail chaplain, she refused the pastor's visit. Maybe she thought the pastor was talking to her parents, or maybe it was just the idea that he knew her parents. I'm wondering how the jail chaplain got in to see her. Does he just go to the cell?

I'm thinking it's standard procedure that the jail chaplain notify next of kin when the ME cannot.
Yes, everyone. When I mention it, the first thing they say is "She killed her." A normal reaction. After all, her behavior really does say it all. I can't help wondering what Cindy is thinking. Strange that C&G didn't go to the jail and tell her themselves, or at least Lee.

NO WAY. The jail visit would be taped and her reaction would be front page news.
Oh, she needs her parents....they provide money and gifts. She will not cut them out.
The Pastor should have been put WAY ahead of JB. She didn't feel like putting on her mask for him, simple as that. She had more important people to see. People that can help her. The pastor is of no use to her at the moment.

This whole family does not strike me as religious in any form.

No she doesn't Need her family. She's got JB and he'll provide money and gifts. No way will he let her go without and take the chance that she'll fire him and sign up the next pro bono in line looking for loads of publicity and fame. She's gonna turn on her parents and lee, just watch. We haven't heard the last of the lee trying to touch her crap.
She can avoid her pastor, but she cannot avoid her maker. She will have her judgment day before God and will have to explain her actions.
Why does everyone assume this is her pastor? I believe her parents just started going there recently and it isn't Casey's pastor. I wouldn't want a stranger at a time like that. Baez is much more of a friend than him. I would assume the one time he visited her is the first time she'd met him.

Because why would she see a person of the cloth when she can deal directly face to face with her SAVIOR, JOSE BAEZ? hahahahahahaha

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