Why would Casey refuse to see her pastor?

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There was one small video clip they flashed on Nancy Grace last night that showed Casey crying...I think she was talking to George at the time. The facial expression and body language was alarmingly genuine to me...it wasn't her typical crocodile tears (as was her little lip quiver BS the night she was indicted). FWIW. MOO.

As for the theory that she didnt want to see the Pastor because she really didnt have any relationship to him...it was her parents that did etc. Funny...because she'd met with him time and time again since her incarceration months ago. Why turn him away on such an IMPORTANT day? I don't think she could face him, honestly.

Now that the body has been identified positively, I'm certain Casey feels/knows that all eyes are on her....and not in a positive way. If she truly is sociopathic, she's going to take this and magnify it immensely. She is going to victimize herself in the absolute sense.
Baez was afraid KC might talk. IMO,he is the one responsible for KC refusing the visitation offered by the pastor. Why is Baez so concerned? :rolleyes: Is he fearful KC might break down and confess?

Now that makes sense- hadn't considered it myself.
Because she felt there was nothing to be gained by seeing the Pastor again.
I doubt he'll become a regular fixture in her cell.

She's known from the moment Caylee died, she's moved past it and is focusing
(once again) on herself.

She was focusing on herself when Caylee died. JMO

When has this girl not focused on herself?
Yes, it was the jail chaplain, she refused the pastor's visit. Maybe she thought the pastor was talking to her parents, or maybe it was just the idea that he knew her parents. I'm wondering how the jail chaplain got in to see her. Does he just go to the cell?

In my day, you know, before electricity, well computers, the chaplain was onsite and just part of the free-man staff. In Cali they just walked to the cell or dorm or whatever the housing situation was. KC is in solitary for her protection so he could have seen her there.

Oh to have been a fly on that wall.
There was one small video clip they flashed on Nancy Grace last night that showed Casey crying...I think she was talking to George at the time. The facial expression and body language was alarmingly genuine to me...it wasn't her typical crocodile tears (as was her little lip quiver BS the night she was indicted). FWIW. MOO.

As for the theory that she didnt want to see the Pastor because she really didnt have any relationship to him...it was her parents that did etc. Funny...because she'd met with him time and time again since her incarceration months ago. Why turn him away on such an IMPORTANT day? I don't think she could face him, honestly.

Now that the body has been identified positively, I'm certain Casey feels/knows that all eyes are on her....and not in a positive way. If she truly is sociopathic, she's going to take this and magnify it immensely. She is going to victimize herself in the absolute sense.

I like your post. I thought the same thing when I watched that video and wonder if LP hadn't bailed her out if she would have cracked during her first incarceration. A poster on a thread a few days ago mentioned she was passing letters back and forth from her parents through the pastor, or I think the pastor was reading letters back and forth (that way there would be nothing for the jail to release since his visits are confidential) which sounds very plausible. KC may have been too afraid of what message he was bringing from her parents this time? Her only fear in life from what we've seen is her fear of CA. You are dead on that KC will victimize herself as much as possible. Heck, the meter reader is already being blamed!
Why wouldn't Casey see her pastor? Because she was afraid she'd burst into flames.
Casey refused to meet with the pastor because she felt it would be a "huge waste of time" !!!!!!

since she already knew what he had to say it would have been

and besides the burns she got when touched the holy water during the last visit are just starting to heal
Baez was afraid KC might talk. IMO,he is the one responsible for KC refusing the visitation offered by the pastor. Why is Baez so concerned? :rolleyes: Is he fearful KC might break down and confess?

I don't think Baez has the control over his client that everyone else seems to. Casey does what Casey wants to do. It is convenient for her to let her attorney do the talking. It is convenient for her to not have to be the one to say she doesn't want to see her parents. She is standing behind Baez by choice. She is a coward and always will be, but she is probably more in control of her life right now than she ever was under Cindy's roof. She is choosing not to confess, she is choosing not to plea, and she is definitely choosing who speaks to her. I am sure she loves that power.
Because he probably knew her back in her innocent days, he knows guilty when he sees it, and she most likely couldn't face one person who was that good - OR maybe she felt she wasn't good enough to see her pastor - she knows she's guilty of this crime and she probably couldn't face the one person who wouldn't judge her
The word innocent and KC do not belong in the same sentence and I am not referring to just murder here.
I believe that Casey refused to see her pastor because she would not be able to FAKE the level of grief REQUIRED of a mother who ACTUALLY loved and cared for her child and she KNEW that he would SEE straight through her sorry a$$ and so she just blew him off. She needs nothing from him, as she has no SOUL and could not care less about the daughter that she left as so much garbage by the wayside and she does not want to risk him KNOWING this and perhaps discussing it with someone like perhaps his wife or a close confidante and then it gets out into the public somehow: Casey is NOT grieving so what does she need with him?
At the risk of being called a total idiot, I'm going to share my opinion on this particular issue.

Remember when Cindy said Casey couldn't sleep in her own room while at home? That she slept on the floor in their room? I also think (likely everyone will disagree with me here also) that SOME of the tears Casey shed behind bars as seen in jail videos are genuine when thinking about Caylee.

While this woman is sure as hell not up for Sainthood, I do think something happened to Caylee that wasn't supposed to (her actions after the fact not included) and that she does have some level of heartache/remorse. It's burried deep...but it's there.

I think the jail called the Pastor, or maybe he decided on his own to come up there? My guess is that Casey felt that she might say more than she should, given the news of the day, and didn't want to "risk" it. She might also have felt (and this would be against her character for sure) that at that time, LYING to a man of faith wouldn't be the right thing to do.

Her turning away her Pastor, to me anyways, says that she is feeling some level of guilt or remorse.


I think that the deed happened in Casey's room and that is why she couldn't sleep there. That or, her room was facing the road with the protesters and along with the ranting outside and the lights, she couldn't sleep.
For the tears in jail, I think they were just like when she was in the presser with Baez..She cried only when she heard something from her parents that pressed the button on her, like their own grief and such, or how much they miss Caylee, or when they talked of being together, just like in the presser when JB says she is "someone's daughter"
I think she turned away the pastor because Baez instructed her to do that. I think that he worries that Casey will admit to doing something that will get back to her parents, which will basically cost a potential million dollar book deal, or a spot on GR's panel in the future..
I believe that Casey refused to see her pastor because she would not be able to FAKE the level of grief REQUIRED of a mother who ACTUALLY loved and cared for her child and she KNEW that he would SEE straight through her sorry a$$ and so she just blew him off. She needs nothing from him, as she has no SOUL and could not care less about the daughter that she left as so much garbage by the wayside and she does not want to risk him KNOWING this and perhaps discussing it with someone like perhaps his wife or a close confidante and then it gets out into the public somehow: Casey is NOT grieving so what does she need with him?


The whole thing is so transparent, just like Scott Peterson. They can lie all they want, but we, as outsiders who don't LOVE them, see through their BS.

I always used to wonder how Laci ever fell for Scott, his obvious sociopathic personality made me gag. Same thing here. We are shocked that Cindy and George and Lee believe her lies. It validates our beliefs when someone like Rick (Cindy's brother) speaks up and tells Cindy that Casey is a liar.

Love is blind.
IMO...She simply didn't feel like dealing with someone who she had to convince that she didn't do anything. Following the ID, she probably figured that's when the hard questions would start to come. JB probably doesn't ask those questions because he doesn't want to know/ already knows the answer.

Besides, do you really think she cares to pray for Caylee? I'm sure she is only interested in praying for herself, and that probably wouldn't have been the focus of this particular visit.

Yeah, I was thinking about the Rosary around her neck and the sign of the cross she made earlier. Was this all show, or did she think that God would protect her from having her daughter's remains found?
Yeah, I was thinking about the Rosary around her neck and the sign of the cross she made earlier. Was this all show, or did she think that God would protect her from having her daughter's remains found?

The Baptist Church does not use Rosaries or the "sign of the Cross' and prohibits it in their doctrine. Fits well with my opinion of them.
<<She needs nothing from him>>

I think this is it in a nut shell.
<<Fits well with my opinion of them.>>

Not sure how you mean this exactly, but let's not bring religion into this...especially if you're going be critical.
Why would Casey refuse to see her pastor?
She had nothing to say him ..

It was old news to Casey ..
She knew Caylee was dead ..
She killed her! :furious:

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