Why would Lou Smitt and another FBI profiler say they did not do it?

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Me neither.

Let’s review. You and your wife are suspects in the worst imaginable crime you could ever be accused of ‘THE RAPE AND MURDER OF YOUR OWN CHILD”. You are obviously dealing with a bunch of cops that don’t know what the hell they are doing. They are accusing YOU of the crime. Weeks later the DA hires one of the TOP homicide detectives in this country and guess what, he thinks YOU are innocent. In comes up with COMPELLING evidence that a stun gun MAY have been used to subdue your sweet little child, and up until this point there is little to NO evidence of an intruder. You go on NATIONAL TV with your wife to proclaim your innocence, and in addition you make a PROMISE to the nation and to your murdered child that you will do EVERYTHING WITHIN YOUR POWER, to catch this horrible intruder and bring JUSTICE to your murdered daughter. Now this wonderful detective who got down on his knees with you and prayed for your daughter and for guidance during this case, looks to you and states, “We need to exhume JonBenet’s body to PROVE my wonderful stun gun theory is true, it may help in catching this horrible intruder pedophile, and most certainly would help us ascertain what type of stun gun was used during the commission of this crime.” Now you look this detective in the face and blatantly tell him, “NO”. The ONLY person going out on a limb for you and you tell him NO. Two people who CLAIM to be Christians that know that their child’s soul is in heaven, say NO. “They don’t want to disturb her, yet they would rather her murderer continue seeking out other victims. Does this make ANY sense at all?????? What sort of parents does this make the Ramsey’s if they state they set up a foundation to help other children in JonBenet’s name, yet won’t do the ONE thing that may help every child from being another victim of this pervert by taking this monster off the streets? The Ramsey’s KNEW that exhuming the body and letting Lou Smit and his crew perform another autopsy would not only reveal a stun gun was NOT used they were afraid that there would be further evidence that would implicate them. The refusal to exhume the body only FURTHER implicates their involvement. Because NO loving parent of a murdered child would NOT exhume if it meant possibly catching a killer.
Originally posted by Ned
The Ramsey’s KNEW that exhuming the body and letting Lou Smit and his crew perform another autopsy would not only reveal a stun gun was NOT used they were afraid that there would be further evidence that would implicate them. The refusal to exhume the body only FURTHER implicates their involvement. Because NO loving parent of a murdered child would NOT exhume if it meant possibly catching a killer.
You nailed it, Ned. If another autopsy had revealed that the marks weren't from a stun gun, another of the Ramseys' "proof" of an intruder would've gone POOF, just like the hair on the blanket and the Hi-Tec print did...and as you said, a second examination of the body might have revealed something that would point to the Rs' involvement. They didn't want to press their luck. Their refusal to have the body exhumed had nothing to do with wanting JonBenet to rest in peace. It had to do with their desperate need to hang on to their ammo and avoid being caught.

I think it's time for Ramsey supporters to wake up and realize that the stun gun scenario is baloney...a scam.

Lets keep in mind this would have been a very thoughtful intruder who carried up some pineapple in a tupperware bowl for JonBenet to nibble on before zapping her with the gun!! Good Grief!
It’s sad but it’s things like this that make the case laughable. To think that an intruder would have brought in FRESH pineapple of all things to “coax” his victim out of bed, then later has to use a stun gun. Why bother with the pineapple then if he had a stun gun? It’s this kind of mentality in this case that infuriates me so. You can’t on one hand claim a stun gun was used and IGNORE the pineapple evidence. She ate that pineapple, and she ate it AFTER she arrived home. The intruder didn’t just help himself to the Ramsey’s refrigerator. Bowl, spoons and all. This is just ridiculous thinking. I don’t buy Lou’s explanation that the time of pineapple digestion cannot prove for certain it was eaten after JB arrived home. This is where the White’s testimony of that evening is crucial. The fact that JB ate cracked crab that night, and most likely other things that were later NOT found in her digestive track, proves to me that the pineapple was eaten after she arrived home, even if it did take longer to digest. That pineapple is one of the most important clues we have in this case, and it seems to get ignored and brushed off by Ramsey’s supporters. The fact that the Ramsey’s DENY knowing anything about it is even more suspect, since pineapple was found in plain site on their kitchen counter with Patsy’s and Burke’s fingerprints on the bowl. Had they acknowledged the fact that there was pineapple, I may not find it suspect, but Patsy’s out right denial of it, speaks volumes to me. They never factored that into their “JonBenet was asleep when they arrived home theory”.

I would imagine that in time if not by now, Burke Ramsey is going to question his parents regarding this night. His statement that JonBenet was alive and help walked in presents that night, most certainly is still with him.
To Sandy the unfamiliar pineapple had the authentic taste and appearence of happiness and she focused her small eyes closely on the pale gold cubes before she scooped them up in her spoon, and she thought the sharp taste on her tongue was that of a special happiness, which was nothing to do with eating, and was different from the happiness of play that one enjoyed unawares. Both girls saved the cream to the last, then ate it in spoonfuls. TPOMJB

Too bad Patsy didn't have her stomach pumped, 12/26/96.
jubie said:
Lets keep in mind this would have been a very thoughtful intruder who carried up some pineapple in a tupperware bowl for JonBenet to nibble on before zapping her with the gun!! Good Grief!

Its possible to assemble the pieces a lot of different ways, some of which obviously don't make much sense from any viewpoint. A better suggestion would be that JB was up seen, or unseen, and ate some pineapple around 10pm, then went up to bed. That's consistant with the autopsy, as far as digestion time.

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