WI - Audryna Bartsh, 3, tortured to death, Holmen, 31 Oct 2014

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I just found this page and started reading the material.

RIP Audryna. What a precious little girl. She deserved so much more out of life!



Justice for Audryna: https://www.facebook.com/justiceforaudrynagrace

Bartsh's FB: https://www.facebook.com/dylan.bartsh

Rundle's FB: https://www.facebook.com/JaYmOnStA1990

On Wednesday afternoon, a La Crosse County judge set a $2,500 cash bond for Rundle. Her next scheduled court appearance is Wednesday, February 25.

Bartsh was held in the Winona County Jail and awaited extradition to Wisconsin. He appeared in La Crosse County Court Thursday afternoon. A judge set a $2,500 cash bond for Bartsh. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for March 4.
How in the world can they receive this kind of low bond? This is a travesty of Justice for this baby girl!!!
I am kind of fascinated by hers-did she change her name? I mean, she posted a picture of herself with Audryna 19 hours ago. She is out and she is posting pictures on social media?

I am a little too late. By the time I went to look at it she had taken it private so there is not much to see now.
Interesting that there are pics of the abused child, appearing abused on Facebook, that a family member got scared when one parent yelled at them over a comment or question about the obvious abuse, but not 1 person called 911 or CPS anonymously before the child died. One visit to an ER while you were babysitting would have put a mandatory reporter in the mix. For all Americans who talk about helping others, when it comes down to it, we are a lot of talk sometimes. JMO
There's a picture on Dad's Facebook page that is really bothering me. I'm not sure if I can post it. If you go in his mobile uploads folder, there's a picture of a little girl in an orange shirt with a watermelon on it and wearing white sunglasses. If you zoom, it looks like her whole left side of her face and chin is blue (bruised?). Or am I seeing things? I think this is Audryna. :(

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There's a picture on Dad's Facebook page that is really bothering me. I'm not sure if I can post it. If you go in his mobile uploads folder, there's a picture of a little girl in an orange shirt with a watermelon on it and wearing white sunglasses. If you zoom, it looks like her whole left side of her face and chin is blue (bruised?). Or am I seeing things? I think this is Audryna. :(

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Yes and yes. :( Interesting that Rundle/Gernado took her FB private, but not surprising. It is hard to have public scrutiny...oh wait, it is much harder to be a toddler who was tortured and murdered by the people who were supposed to care for her.

My crystal ball says she will try for the abuse excuse. He will be caught unawares by this pleading and it will be yet another he said/she said case.
Yes, I think she made some of her pictures private, but her main FB page is still public. No postings from either one. They must still be out enjoying their $2500 freedom.

Their FB's are interesting, some pics look like the kids are clean, well-cared for, loved. Some not as much. Interesting that the dad has way more stupid postings than pics of children. I feel sorry for all these precious kiddos and hope they are being loved and well-cared for now.

Here is the picture I'm talking about. (I'm a long-time lurker who is starting to join in so if I'm not supposed to post this, please let me know) If this is not a lighting thing and her face is truly bruised like this, that is one horrific bruise. Why did no one see this?

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Wow, that image will haunt me all the days of my life.



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That's not bruising in the pic, I don't believe. There is no swelling whatsoever. Looks like some kind of green coloring - maybe from fingerpaint, easter egg dye, something like that. No one would post that pic on their page if that was an enormous bruise.
Is there something that's not being said here? On Jaymie's page, there are people who seem to be on her side. Was this abuse more one-sided than the articles make it appear? Comments under some of the articles are interesting.

The photos of the dying little girl being caressed by her grieving mother are more than I could take. Horribly sad. I wonder why she lost custody? And no visitation? The mom seems very articulate and very loving in her posts. If she had had at least visitation this baby's death might've been forestalled.


This baby was murdered by felony child abuse and the bond was 2500.00??? Where is the complete and utter outrage? They have been out and about for the better part of 5 months. They are finally arrested and they are given a bond of 2500.00?? Where are the other children?


It's insane. I don't understand.

Why was this child on Pedialyte and Ensure - eating disorder or other medical issue ? Why was she singled out for abuse - behaviour challenges (facial features are highly suggestive, depressed nasal bridge, pronounced epicanthal folds, smooth philtrum, thin upper lip) ?

*not victim blaming* Just ruminating over contributing/precipitating factors.

I don't see one damn sign of anything wrong with this child that would indicate any kind of "behavioral challenges". That's always the lame excuse, BTW, of abusers and child murderers who commit these atrocities. Look at the photo of the child on the step-mother's FB page. Totally beautiful and normal child.

The fact is that in very many abuse cases, one child is singled out of a family of children. Often it is the toddler in the stage of potty training. For some reason, potty training seems to incite extreme, mind-blowing rage in certain "people". (Monsters). Or that stage of childhood in general does.

Poor little two year old doll baby. I keep typing and erasing what I want to say about these two. Disgusting.
that picture of Audryna in the sunglasses reminds me of dear little Caylee ...

You're so right about the "potty training" stage and child abuse. I read it all the time. Seems very prevalent. 2 and 3 can be very taxing years for parents.

This abuse seemed so drawn out though. Not just "snapping" like we read so much in the news (esp with "boyfriends" of moms who kill the toddlers). They slowly tortured this poor baby.

And where's the outrage about the paternal grandmother? She knew the child was not being treated well but backed off because her son told her he would handle it? What kind of grandmother does that?

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