GUILTY WI - Brittany Zimmermann, 21, Madison, 2 April 2008 *arrest in 2020*

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Scoles sounds like a real piece of work. The guy is more concerned with getting his guns back than bringing a murderer to justice. Smh...

From the same article Wisconsin State Journal 8/4/2016...

The new gun possession charge Scoles faces in Dane County is from the same search warrant conducted in January, 2014 that led to his conviction in federal court. The federal charge focused on the ammunition he possessed and unlawfully transported while the Dane County charge is focusing on his guns.

I can see why he's bitter. They're basically trying him for the same charge; one for the gun and one for the ammo arising out of the same case, two years apart.

Double jeopardy ( "No person shall … be subject for the same offence [sic] to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb." This provision, known as the Double Jeopardy Clause, prohibits state and federal governments from prosecuting individuals for the same crime on more than one occasion, or imposing more than one punishment for a single offense)

I would suppose they could charge him for each bullet every couple years and keep him in prison for a long time. I don't doubt they found some loophole to do this and are clearly using it as leverage to pressure him into talking about what he knows of Zimmerman's murder.

David A. Kahl's mugshot below, age 50. He looks late 60's. Drugs, alcohol and prison are taking its toll on him. I can also see why LE didn't release the sketch based on his description; he made it up and, as Maury Povich would say, he IS the suspect. His criminal background includes burglary, theft and sexual assault.

I also found it interesting that Brittany's fiance wouldn't comment on whether there were signs of sexual assault. TC Badger

I don't doubt that is one of the crimes involved. If Scoles ever does testify and states that Kahl confessed to sexually assaulting her, that will hang Kahls because that fact was never released to the public. Kahl stating that Zimmerman invited him in for a beer and that he hugged her in appreciation wouldn't be believed by a jury. His DNA and his own statement place him at the scene of the crime. If LE didn't find any beer bottles at the scene that will prove he also lied about that.


Side note FTR: Kahl has been to Kelly Nolan's hometown:

Waunakee Tribune, Thursday, May 20, 1993 issue shows,
David A. Kahl, Verona, was
cited for operating motor vehicle
while intoxicated at 5:35 a.m. at
West Main Street and Century
Avenue. He also was cited for
operating motor vehicle with prohibited
alcohol concentration.
Municipal Court arraignments set
for June 17.
I'd try him for everything I could find until he talks. It is pretty lame he got a felony for a relatively small amount of marijuana (just over an ounce) but this is a murder we are talking about. He just views it as an opportunity to leverage his own wants and needs rather than a chance to do the right thing because it's the right thing...
Interesting note on the Nolan case, but I tend to believe whoever killed her was at least an acquaintance, as the bartender who was originally walking her home reportedly passed her off to someone who knew her. I think that person (whose sketch I wish they WOULD release) is her murderer and I have a hard time believing it was Kahl. He also seems less likely to have had a car and been able to transport her, but I suppose you never know...
I'd try him for everything I could find until he talks. It is pretty lame he got a felony for a relatively small amount of marijuana (just over an ounce) but this is a murder we are talking about. He just views it as an opportunity to leverage his own wants and needs rather than a chance to do the right thing because it's the right thing...

It was a second offense which is a felony I believe.

As far as Kahl goes, he's gotten 5 DUI's already so I'd say he has access to vehicle(s). I agree, it's a slim chance that Kahl was involved in the Nolan murder.
Good point on the DUI's.

Yes, it was his second offense but it was a nonviolent crime and the amount of marijuana was just over the threshold to bump it up to a felony. To be fair, that is the kind of crime Obama has been pardoning or commuting sentences on. However, I just find it despicable that Scoles is using his knowledge to leverage his situation given the stakes involved. It does make you wonder, if MPD has a DNA match, witnesses IDing Kahl running scams in the neighborhood that AM, and Scoles admitting to contact with Brittany at the approximate time of the murder, then why is Scoles testimony so important?? I don't think a jury would find him particularly believable anyway. Unless as you say, he has intimate knowledge of the crime not released to the public....

I hope Brittany gets justice...
It is my belief that David Kahl did not kill Brittany Zimmermann. Despite the fact his DNA was found on her sleeve. Kahl was panhandling along with two other “homeless” men. Brittany Zimmerman gave Kahl money. Kahl shook her hand. That was it. There as never a beer involved. I don't know where that claim comes from but I suspect it is fictitious.

It must be weak DNA because the MPD knew about it early on. Police talked to Kahl a long time ago. The real killer is out there but David Kahl is all they’ve got, so they Persue it. To the point of leaning on Kahl's former cell mates.
Andrew Scoles claims Kahl confessed to the murder while they were in prison together. Scoles is just trying to get his record expunged.

Like the Joel Marino murder, the motive here does not fit the crime. *These were not murders. They were executions.* Nothing stolen, both stabbed for apparently no reason.
The man who murdered Britney Zimmerman kicked her front door down in broad daylight. It was the middle of the day on a busy city street. He then kicked down an interior door. He took the cell phone from her hand and smashed it on the floor. She was then beaten, strangled and stabbed multiple times. Then this supposed burglar left without stealing anything. An hour and a half later David Kahl was still panhandling just around the corner from the murder scene. He gave his ID as collateral for money.

- So he killed Zimmermann, stole nothing, then hung around the area for over an hour and gave out his ID!? How does that make sense?

There is no way in hell this was a robbery. I’m no defender of David Kahl, but like Adam Peterson he is not a murderer.

The truth is coming out;
With all due respect, your blog post is difficult to follow and your theory pretty far fetched. Are you telling us you think Will Workman murdered Marino, Nolan, and Zimmermann? And that he had the forethought to steal Adam Peterson's possessions and DNA in order to frame him for the murder of Marino? The DNA match in the Zimmermann case was made in Dec of 2014 and it appears the police and family rightly have their sights on Kahl. Sounds like he was agitated, desperate, and extremely intoxicated that day. I think you are giving him too much credit in assuming he wouldn't do the stupid things you outlined. I hope the truth is coming but I respectfully differ in my opinion of what that truth is. And please don't get me wrong Workman sounds very creepy and the video exceptionally so, but I think the evidence in Marino's case is very solid, including the confession and suicide of his DNA matched, mentally unstable killer. I also think and hope the evidence in Brittany's case will eventually bring Kahl to justice. Do you have any evidence Workman even crossed paths with or knew any of the victims? I'll take DNA matches over circumstantial associations for now...
TCBagder, thank you for your feedback. It was fair and I respect that. I digress.

Putting theories aside, a few things concern me;

If Kahl killed Zimmermann what was the motive? Considering the nature of the crime- burglary doesn't fit and the "he's crazy" excuse is a bit contrived.

Why didn't witnesses who saw Kahl casually walking around the neighborhood after the murder notice blood on him? I should think there would have been blood on his cloths/hands. Perhaps I'm wrong. Would he have had to clean up somewhere?

Why did he stay in the area? No one does that. I don't care who you are, or in what state you happen to be in at the time. After committing a crime of that magnitude a person would run. Again I respectfully disagree- the "strung-out crackhead" excuse is also a far fetched theory.

While we're at it, what ever became of the blue moon break in DNA? Police said it was a match to the Zimmermann murder in -what, 2010? They never bring it up anymore? If it matches Kahl why haven't we heard about that?

Kelly Nolan, Joel Marino, Brittany Zimmermann- None of it makes any sense. I see posts here of people speculating that Kahl may have also killed Kelly Nolan.

It wasn't that long ago people suspected Adam Peterson of killing Marino, Kelly Nolan AND Brittany Zimmermann. That young man had issues, true -but there was someone close to him that knew he had issues. Peterson was mentally weak. He couldn't stand up to interrogation. How suggestive was Adam Peterson? Adam's cellmate was able to talk him into killing himself (on a night when he didn't really want to!) This to me is the most terrifying part of this whole repulsive tale. 19 year old Adam Peterson is a martyr not a murder.

But I have regressed into theory again..

Meanwhile there seem to be all these "Homeless men" in strange places at strange times. Peterson called police (twice) to report a homeless man. One call was placed 8 days before the murder. Someone had broken into his apartment.

David Kahl met two "homeless" men at a drug house. Together these three new acquaintances came up with this "flat tire" con. Who's idea was it I wonder? "Mitch" or "Hank"?

My suspect spent his time working closely with Madison's homeless Community. It was his job. Sometimes "homeless" is just another name for "drug addict". He knew that world well. It was his work environment.

Another source of income was tutoring struggling college students like Adam Peterson. Peterson was a recent drop out who had special needs. He may have needed a tutor.

And don't forget the connections to the murder of Suzanne Jovin at Yale University in 98'. He was there and it's all Eerily familiar. Things in New Haven are heating up. There has been a documentary long in the works (a group from New York).

So I say again, In my opinion (and it's only an opinion) Andrew Scoles is a liar.

Here is what I think;

Now who am I and why do I care?

In the interest of transparency, I feel I should share a little about who I am and where I'm coming from;

Because of circumstances I had no control over, I crossed paths with a madman. I am convinced my former next-door neighbor is mentality ill.

Although I went to great lengths to avoid this man (We lived near each other for six years) I had numerous chance encounters with people who knew him. I learned things I wish I didn't know. I heard things I couldn't believe from his acquaintances, both friend and foe.
-His friends defend him to no end (I hear he is very charismatic) but the people who don't like him are a combination of frightened, dumbfounded, outraged.

I once had a chance encounter with my neighbor. I had heard very little about him at the time. What I saw that day was certainly odd but not alarming, that is, until it is put into context;

He had just been convicted of fifteen felony counts for being a sexual deviant. His mug shot was on the front page of the Wisconsin State Journal along with a disturbing article. He was publicly shamed, yet he was in high spirits. He displayed no humility. He was overtly confident. Even happy.

I watched him aggressively hit on two young women in the parking lot outside of his apartment. They were half his age. He was really coming on strong. One of the girls was obviously uncomfortable. At least that's how I read her body language (I was standing about eight feet away).

I saw him, I lingered, I eavesdropped and witnessed something creepy. It's the timing that I find alarming. This encounter happened only three weeks after his sentencing and he displayed no shame. Quite the opposite.

Eventually it became obvious to him that he was making the young women uncomfortable. There was literally a spring in his step when he left, bounding up a set of stairs. Why so happy? Perhaps because he had avoided jail time? That would assume he was in fact pleased with his sentencing; house arrest and probation.

As time went on I was being bombarded with information from the most unlikely places; Old friends, new friends, women that I dated, customers, co-workers. There was a time when it seemed as if I couldn't leave the house without some random person telling me something I didn't want to know about my strange neighbor.

In a way I couldn't help but became curious. I did a Google search, and that was my undoing. I opened Pandora's box. I read a mountain of information. I extrapolated on all I had learned. I assumed nothing and allowed my imagination to run wild.

I began with a question once posed to me by a reporter, Sandy Cullen at the Wisconsin State Journal; Could my neighbor have killed Kelly Nolan? I made a long list of things that must be true in order for this possibly to exist. Many of those things were easy to find out, some took a lot of time and effort. Some we will never know. I wasn't trying to prove he did it. I was trying to reassure myself that he didn't.

A staggering number of items on this list have been checked off in the affirmative -But what's truly disturbing is that on the occasions I was wrong about something, in its place I would find something even more interesting than my initial query. More questions would arise, resulting in more affirmations. These revelations resulted in the list expanding to include other crimes. It was a natural, almost effortless progression.

I reluctantly became an amateur detective. Something I am not qualified to do and have no interest in whatsoever. Despite myself, my investigation snowballed. I have accidentally stumbled across a terrible truth. Call it beginners luck. It's not my fault.

If you look at what happened to Suzanne Jovin, Kelly Nolan, Joel Marino, Adam Peterson and Brittney Zimmermann you will find an endless amount of information that doesn't make any sense at all.

...But when you add my suspect to the equation -with the understanding that; in all of the above cases he was in the area - and If you are familiar with his well documented history, a pattern emerges. You need only rudimentary knowledge to get a sense of it. It's that obvious.

But what do I know? I don't like it when someone shows up at my place of work and tells me how to do my job. Detective Greg Esser didn't like it when I showed up at his police department and spoke my mind six years ago. It was after my meeting with Detective Esser, and seeing his reactions to that I had to say, that I became convinced that something truly bizarre is going on here.

In time I learned to my horror that Detective Esser's career was accelerated with the conviction of Adam Peterson. He was lead detective and is among those credited with "solving" the Marino murder.

I went to the police department to tell them that there is been a mistake - and later found out that I was talking to the man who made that mistake.

I realized that the police can't help and are in fact part of the problem. I did not take this news well. I lost hope for a few years. Then attorney Jeff Scott Olsen got involved. Together we brought in a private detective, Liz Feagles. In the three years we have been working together, Jeff and Liz have never charged me a dime. Because they understand; it's not my fault. This has nothing to do with me.

The Madison Police Department has denied our most recent record request. I don't blame them because what we asked for will only support the claim that Adam Peterson was innocent. Keep in mind, this is information about a closed case (The Marino murder) and is fair game under the freedom of information act.

I'm glad that there has been progress in the Zimmermann case. There has also been progress in New Haven ct. (The Suzanne Jovin murder). Still things can't happen fast enough for me. I want this to be over. I'd like my life back. I should also add - that's all I want.

So I say again, in regards to the Zimmermann murder; Andrew Scoles demands the world in exchange for a lie. I offer the truth (as repulsive as it is) and expect nothing in return. Only peace of mind.

Man who claimed key information in Zimmermann homicide dies in crash

Andrew Scoles, 39, died Saturday from injuries suffered in a crash on July 20 in Fitchburg, according to a release from the Dane County Medical Examiner's Office.

Scoles had previously shared with investigators that while he was in a federal prison in West Virginia, a Wisconsin registered sex offender named David Kahl "broke down in tears" and confessed to killing Zimmermann.

Koval said detectives had always been concerned about Scoles' credibility, given his expressed intention to use the information to his advantage, but that the Dane County District Attorney's Office had been involved in some preliminary discussions about what information he could share.

Zimmermann's family is convinced of Kahl's guilt, and that Scoles was the key to the case. Brittany's mom, Jean Zimmerman, said she was stunned to learn of Scoles death.

Brother speaks about sister's murder after key to cold case is lost

"I'd put my right hand on a bible and swear on it. I know for a fact Mr. Scoles had information," he said. "It just shocked me. You know, having him gone was [the last] key that we really needed."

"It just really blew me away about how selfish he could be."
Still no answers 10 years after murder of UW student
A brutal murder of a young woman is still unsolved a decade later.

Monday marks 10 years since UW-Madison student Brittany Zimmermann was found stabbed and strangled in the middle of the day in her apartment in downtown Madison, just blocks from the Capitol. Her killer has never been found.

The brazen crime has left her family devastated, with no closure, and at the end of the rope.

"All 10 years I've asked, please let us know what happened that day," said her mother, Jean Zimmermann.

Memories are all the Zimmermanns have left, 10 years after their 21-year-old daughter was taken from them on April 2, 2008 in a home on Doty Street. Her parents Kevin and Jean have actively worked with Madison police to keep attention on the unsolved murder from several hours north in Marshfield.

Early on, they had hope.

"When you're told you're 99 percent sure that [the investigators are] on the right path and then all of a sudden you find out that path is the complete wrong path, now you're sitting back and thinking all these years wasted and this person's getting farther and farther away," said Kevin Zimmermann.

The fact that the cops won’t call a 10 year old case “cold” is almost laughable, except it almost seems like they’re just being stubborn and letting their pride get in the way. It’s been 10 years. They have nothing. Let the family hire a cold case investigator and see if they can find something. I get not wanting to make everything public but look how well that’s working for both Brittany and Kelly Nolan.
I've been following this case (and the Nolan case) since the beginning. I lived in Madison at the time and clearly remember how unsettled everyone felt, especially around campus. I've never posted but I've checked this site periodically as this community tends to offer great theories and insights. I thought I'd share the most recent update in this case. David Kahl (who is currently incarcerated) is being charged with her murder:

Man charged in 12-year-old murder of UW-Madison student Brittany Zimmermann
I've been following this case (and the Nolan case) since the beginning. I lived in Madison at the time and clearly remember how unsettled everyone felt, especially around campus. I've never posted but I've checked this site periodically as this community tends to offer great theories and insights. I thought I'd share the most recent update in this case. David Kahl (who is currently incarcerated) is being charged with her murder:

Man charged in 12-year-old murder of UW-Madison student Brittany Zimmermann

OMG. As a Madison resident, this is great news!
Mental exam ordered for man accused of killing Brittany Zimmermann

A judge in Dane County has ordered a competency examination for the man charged with killing a University of Wisconsin-Madison student in 2008.

Attorneys for David Kahl say he has had recent medical episodes which raise questions about whether he has the ability to assist in his defense. The nature of those episodes were not described in the defense attorneys’ letter to Judge Juan Colas.

Mental exam ordered for man accused of killing Brittany Zimmermann
Accused killer of Brittany Zimmerman found competent to face charges

MADISON (WKOW) -- The man accused in the 2008 killing of UW-Madison student and Marshfield native Brittany Zimmermann was found competent to face charges Thursday.

Dane County Judge Juan Colas made the decision on David Kahl, 55, after a medical expert's opinion was that Kahl could understand the court proceedings. Kahl did not dispute that finding at this time.

A criminal complaint states Kahl got into the 21-year old Zimmermann's downtown apartment in April 2008 and killed her. The complaint says Kahl's DNA matches DNA lifted from crime scene evidence. Authorities say Kahl had approached strangers on the day of the killing and asked for money, using the ruse he needed funds for car repairs but intending to buy drugs.

Colas scheduled a preliminary hearing for Kahl July 15...

Accused killer of Brittany Zimmerman found competent to face charges

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