Identified! WI - Clinton, 'River Guy' WhtMale 1207UMWI, 17-20, 'Venom' TShirt, Nov'95 - Carl Junior Isaacs

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Some things I want to point out:

For those of you wondering, this was the graphics on his shirt. "Welcome to Hell" is Venom's debut album.

There is significance of the Venom t-shirt to me. Assuming he was "river man", Venom wasn't active in 1994, and Venom itself tells me he was into music outside what was mainstream at the time. Venom's hey-day was in the early 80's, and even then they didn't receive as high of popularity as Metallica. Nevertheless, Venom was a highly influential to later bands and an important catalyst to the thrash/black metal genre, but in 1994, Soundgarden's "Black-hole sun", Nirvana's "Heart-Shaped-Box" (was also the year Kurt Cobain committed suicide), Tool's "Prison Sex", Green Day's "Longview", and Beck's "Loser" were controlling the air waves.

Maybe someone remembers seeing him at a show?- I believe he was part of a music community, even if he was a loner, he possibly could have still went to shows. I read that the authorities checked the area's metal crowds, but I wonder where they actually went. One thing I know about metal is that if you don't like it, then you don't really understand it, from what I've seen. I wonder if the authorities went to the right places.

I personally am a part of a music community in my town, and it's not as well known, especially if you are from out of town. it's the kind of place I could see him being from. You'll see people wear the shirts of bands you didn't know anyone else knew.

Where I think the authorities checked instead-In my town there is a "bigger" music venue that is more well known, and if you're from out of town, that's where you'd think the cool spot was, but in all reality, if you're really into music, it's absolute garbage. They only have about 2 or 3 good shows a year, and everything else is the awful mainstream station bands. This is where I'd assume the authorities went, people that don't understand the genre think that it's all just noise anyways.

Maybe the authorities did check the wrong places, and he was part of a more underground scene that was less known. Record stores would be another good place to check, and any bar that doubled as a music venue.

Why I think he wasn't reported missing- Especially in the 90's, if you haven't heard from someone in a while you weren't initially concerned, communication was a whole different universe in that time. And if he had been staying with someone and got kicked out, he would have been using their phone number beforehand, so he wouldn't have any way people could reach him after.

If he was a part of a music community, I don't think people would be alarmed when he stopped coming around. In my music community, people come and go. I had to stop going to shows for awhile when I was in college and nobody assumed anything was wrong. Everyone's just happy to see you when they see you.

On why his family never reported him missing- My theories are that he was a foster child or he was estranged from his family. If he was a foster child, maybe the "I'm a fugitive" thing was him running away from a youth facility?
If he was estranged from his family, especially if he estranged himself deliberately, maybe his family assumed he didn't want to be found. I personally have a aunt that is missing involuntarily. I wonder about this often, if something ended up happening to her we'd never know, but she has refused all contact since 2001/2002, so it's been 15 years since anyone has heard from her.
I was drawn to this case by his Venom shirt, and have officially been sucked in.

I wonder if the witnesses to the "river man" called police after the occurrence, I mean an intoxicated man continually falling in a river shouting at the world is doubt a potential danger to himself, especially a drowning risk.

The witness accounts are intriguing, especially the accounts of his potential drunken rants.

A second witness saw the same man.

She heard him say, “How could she do this to me?” She said the man tried to climb a bank to get out of the creek. He fell back down the hill.

When he saw her, he yelled, “What are you looking at. You’re just like the rest of them.”

He also yelled, “Get out of here and leave me alone.”

The woman last saw him sitting on the creek’s bank.

A third witness also saw a man with the same description. She also said the man was in the middle of the creek.

The man looked at her and yelled, “I’m a fugitive. You’ll read about me in the paper.”

My take on this case:
1) He over indulged in alcohol post-break-up-Him and his girlfriend broke up that night and he drank himself stupid. Especially considering the random location, she could have kicked him out of her vehicle and he wandered.

"How could she do this to me" suggests that whoever she is and what she did was recent. My thought is he was living at her place, they go out drinking that night, get in a fight, and she breaks up with him. She tells him to get out of her sight and pick up his things in the morning. When he doesn't get his things she just throws them out. I can just imagine a conversation between her and one of her friends "the idiot never got his stuff!",

When he doesn't get his belongings...- I believe she never thought anything of it at the time, maybe thought he was too much of a coward to face her, depending on how bad the break up was. I've had that situation happen to me before, the guy messed up, like "oh, seriously? I can't believe I ever dated that guy" messed up and I was stuck with all his stuff because he was afraid of facing me...If anything would have happened to him, I would have never known.

Why he wasn't reported missing-He probably was never reported missing because he got kicked out of where he was living. If all the circumstances above are true.
I wonder if she ever put two and two together when the skeleton was found. Maybe she hasn't come forward because she feels responsible in a way. He was overly intoxicated (assumingly) and ranting about her to strangers.
Maybe she didn't even know he ever went missing, and assumed he moved away after their break up. The 90's were a different time for communication, she couldn't just look him up on social media to see how he was doing then. It was fairly easy to drop out of sight in those times.

2) Mental Illness? Some of things he said could scream mental illness. particularly schizophrenia comes to mind. He could be self medicating with alcohol, which with this illness is dangerous mix. Especially "I’m a fugitive. You’ll read about me in the paper.” he may be experiencing delusions. Or it could also be paranoia, with a fugitive being someone that authorities are going after.

Abandonment issues- With " you're just like the rest of them" he definitely has had problems with women, either due to an untreated mental illness or alcoholism (this are anecdotes), I'm also assuming abandonment issues, after a break-up there is a short lived mistrust for the opposite sex.

Maybe the girl isn't as significant as you'd think- Redirecting back to the mental illness theory, the girl he is ranting about may not even be what you think...especially if its schizophrenia. I personally have been the girl on the other end of this situation, except I barely knew the guy. So I have some insight on this. He had untreated schizophrenia and would go off on these rants anytime he drank heavily. He'd curse my name, call me every derogatory name in the book, and blame me for things I couldn't have done. Some of the things he'd say didn't even make any sense. The most alarming thing about the situation was that I barely knew him ;therefore, never could have done anything to him. I knew his name saw him a few times, had small talk with him, that was it. He was nothing more than an acquaintance friend of a friend. He got kicked out of a local hangout and somehow blamed this on me, even though I wasn't even there when it happened, and definitely didn't have the authority to ban him in the first place. What I'm saying is the "river man's" rants might not of had much basis if he had a mental illness or could have just been drunken rants.

I personally believe he was just intoxicated after a stressful event just from the things he said.

I agree with a lot of what you say, especially that he was drunk, walking after stressful events. I think he and his GF were out, he drank too much, got kicked out of the car. I think he hasn't been ID'd yet because she or his friends have not seen his profile. It wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't exactly local to where he was walking. I've always been the one with wheels, moped, motorcycle, car. We used to drive all over for various reasons; I was known to jump on my motorcycle, take it a few hours up into the next state, or go down the shore. Had someone gotten out of my car, they may not know them either because my friends didn't always carry ID and a lot didn't have a drivers license.

I don't see how he couldn't be "river guy" who was seen October 16, 1994 around the same area wearing the same type of clothes. I personally wonder if saying the remains were there for a year is more correct then the newer time line of 5 months.

I hope 2017 is the year he gets his name back!
Find John "Clinton" Doe
During an autopsy conducted in December, 1995 the skeleton was examined by a Forensic Anthropologist and determined to be a Caucasian male, 18+/- (or 17-20) years old who stood approximately 5’6” tall and weighed approximately 140 pounds. He had long, straight, collar-length brown hair. Eye color could not be determined.

The forensic anthropologist estimated that the young male had been deceased for approximately one year, placing his time of death during the fall/winter of 1994. The death does not appear to be suspicious, but not enough information was present, so the cause and manner of death are undetermined.

A subsequent investigation and witness interviews revealed that a man wearing similar clothing was observed running in the Turtle Creek around 5:30 PM on October 16, 1994, near the location where the remains were discovered. Several witnesses from two different locations with decks overlooking the Creek, reported the young man was wearing blue jeans or camouflage pants and a flannel shirt, similar to that worn by the victim.

The subject, subsequently dubbed “River Guy” was described as appearing intoxicated at the time, as a witness reported he had fallen in the water two or three times. It is reported that the victim had been observed yelling at bystanders, telling them to ‘get away from him’, and that a woman named Mary had wronged or left him.

Most investigators on the case at the time, and to this day, are convinced River Guy and JCD are the same person. However, with only conflicting eye-witness statements as to the description of the individual running in the river, which were based on memories over one year old at the time, and the more recent scientific calculation of the minimum post mortem interval (time between death and the finding of the body) of about 5 months compared with the original time of death estimate of “at least one year” prior, raise doubts that the two described individuals are the same person. River Guy could be just another intoxicated teenager running in the Creek and have nothing to do with the death of John “Clinton” Doe. More conclusive evidence would need to be found in order to confirm or refute the connection between River Guy and JCD.

Some things I want to point out:

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For those of you wondering, this was the graphics on his shirt. "Welcome to Hell" is Venom's debut album.

There is significance of the Venom t-shirt to me. Assuming he was "river man", Venom wasn't active in 1994, and Venom itself tells me he was into music outside what was mainstream at the time. Venom's hey-day was in the early 80's, and even then they didn't receive as high of popularity as Metallica. Nevertheless, Venom was a highly influential to later bands and an important catalyst to the thrash/black metal genre, but in 1994, Soundgarden's "Black-hole sun", Nirvana's "Heart-Shaped-Box" (was also the year Kurt Cobain committed suicide), Tool's "Prison Sex", Green Day's "Longview", and Beck's "Loser" were controlling the air waves.

Maybe someone remembers seeing him at a show?- I believe he was part of a music community, even if he was a loner, he possibly could have still went to shows. I read that the authorities checked the area's metal crowds, but I wonder where they actually went. One thing I know about metal is that if you don't like it, then you don't really understand it, from what I've seen. I wonder if the authorities went to the right places.

I personally am a part of a music community in my town, and it's not as well known, especially if you are from out of town. it's the kind of place I could see him being from. You'll see people wear the shirts of bands you didn't know anyone else knew.

Where I think the authorities checked instead-In my town there is a "bigger" music venue that is more well known, and if you're from out of town, that's where you'd think the cool spot was, but in all reality, if you're really into music, it's absolute garbage. They only have about 2 or 3 good shows a year, and everything else is the awful mainstream station bands. This is where I'd assume the authorities went, people that don't understand the genre think that it's all just noise anyways.

Maybe the authorities did check the wrong places, and he was part of a more underground scene that was less known. Record stores would be another good place to check, and any bar that doubled as a music venue.

Why I think he wasn't reported missing- Especially in the 90's, if you haven't heard from someone in a while you weren't initially concerned, communication was a whole different universe in that time. And if he had been staying with someone and got kicked out, he would have been using their phone number beforehand, so he wouldn't have any way people could reach him after.

If he was a part of a music community, I don't think people would be alarmed when he stopped coming around. In my music community, people come and go. I had to stop going to shows for awhile when I was in college and nobody assumed anything was wrong. Everyone's just happy to see you when they see you.

On why his family never reported him missing- My theories are that he was a foster child or he was estranged from his family. If he was a foster child, maybe the "I'm a fugitive" thing was him running away from a youth facility?
If he was estranged from his family, especially if he estranged himself deliberately, maybe his family assumed he didn't want to be found. I personally have a aunt that is missing involuntarily. I wonder about this often, if something ended up happening to her we'd never know, but she has refused all contact since 2001/2002, so it's been 15 years since anyone has heard from her.

Thanks for the info on Venom. I was born in 65 so was a teen of the 80's. It was such a great time for music; there were punk groups, early rapping, country, rock; "glam rock" and of course various types of metal which not everyone was into. Welcome to Hell was released in December 1981. If he was 17 to 20 in 94 his possible year of birth is 77 to 74; he would have been pretty little when it came out. He was probably around the music growing up. I'm not sure how available the shirt was when he was a teen but we had places where we could buy shirts like that.
I agree with a lot of what you say, especially that he was drunk, walking after stressful events. I think he and his GF were out, he drank too much, got kicked out of the car. I think he hasn't been ID'd yet because she or his friends have not seen his profile. It wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't exactly local to where he was walking. I've always been the one with wheels, moped, motorcycle, car. We used to drive all over for various reasons; I was known to jump on my motorcycle, take it a few hours up into the next state, or go down the shore. Had someone gotten out of my car, they may not know them either because my friends didn't always carry ID and a lot didn't have a drivers license.

I've wondered if he even had a license myself, but it makes me wonder how he obtained alcohol without one, especially if his estimated age range was under 21 (17-20). If he at least looked old enough he may have gotten a way without showing his I.D. or he just hung around an older crowd like I did, I also knew people that were just barely underage that would grow out their beards to get away with buying beer without suspicion. In the rougher, poor parts of town you can easily get away with stuff like that in my town. Makes me think of the Dazed and Confused scene where Mitch gets away with buying beer.

I don't see how he couldn't be "river guy" who was seen October 16, 1994 around the same area wearing the same type of clothes. I personally wonder if saying the remains were there for a year is more correct then the newer time line of 5 months.

I hope so too! The past couple of years I've seen cases I never thought would be solved resolved. Like Jacob Wetterling's body being found, Sharon Marshall's true identity being discovered, "Cali doe" was identified as Tammy Alexander; as well as, "Dana point doe" being identified as Holly Glynn. And I can't forget "Grateful doe's" being identified as Jason Callahan! I remain hopeful.
Thanks for the info on Venom. I was born in 65 so was a teen of the 80's. It was such a great time for music; there were punk groups, early rapping, country, rock; "glam rock" and of course various types of metal which not everyone was into. Welcome to Hell was released in December 1981. If he was 17 to 20 in 94 his possible year of birth is 77 to 74; he would have been pretty little when it came out. He was probably around the music growing up. I'm not sure how available the shirt was when he was a teen but we had places where we could buy shirts like that.

No problem, I personally wish I was a teen in those times. Specifically in Seattle before grunge blew up when everything was experimental metal/punk, before the "grunge" staple basically.
I don't really think the time the album was released is really significant. I was born in 1991, and when I was around his age I was listening to 80s metal, 70s punk, and well, Venom. Anything that was influential is timeless. Any pioneering band seem to appeal to each generation. It's like Black Sabbath, The Door's, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Iggy Pop, Nirvana, and the Talking Heads still being widely listened to today.
Also regarding his interest in Venom, a lot of metal bands that were around at the time had been influenced personally by Venom, and a number of them had been pictured wearing their shirts, which could also be why he knew about them. I've found bands this way myself, your idols like them so they must be cool! I actually found them after reading an article on early Metallica that listed bands they listened to starting out.

Notably I found pictures of band members wearing Venom shirts that had album releases in 1994.
Dave Mustaine (Megadeth) wearing the same shirt as John Clinton doe, along side James Hetfield (Metallica).

Phillip Anselmo (Pantera) also wearing the shirt

As for the t-shirt's age (when he got the shirt), I bought a Iron Maiden t-shirt in 2006 that listed the copyright year as 1981, which is the year the album Killers came out. I read his shirt had "©Venom 1987" under the design. I'm saying this to clarify that he may have purchased the shirt later. I looked it up and Hot Topic has been around since 1988, but I am not sure how widespread they were in 1994. But that could be where he get his shirt at.
He could have also gotten it at a Venom show as well. I am not sure about the mid-90's, but in the 80's they had all age venues.
When I could't sleep last night, I was thinking about the things he said and came up with another theory and possible lead.

"How could she do this to me" - What if a girl was threatening to press charges on him for whatever reason. Let's just say that if he was an alcoholic, things can happen when he's inebriated, and we have evidence of this. He was stumbling into a creek and yelling at strangers. Either it be assault or sexual assault, some people become more sexually aggressive when drinking or more aggressive in general. it could also be made worse if the girl ended up being under-aged. But whatever the reason, the girl could have been someone threatening to press charges against him.

"What are you looking at? You're just like the rest of them. Get away from me!" - Telling her to get away because she'll probably press charges on him too. (Drunk mind-state of course)

"I’m a fugitive. You’ll read about me in the paper.”- You'll hear about the charges against him in the paper after she presses charges. He's potentially being a little dramatic because he's intoxicated. Emotions get amplified when drunk sometimes.

The Potential Lead:
If what he was worried about on the night of the sighting is true, there may be a report filed against him. And since he died that night, the police weren't able to contact him for questioning.
I think someone should check for any charges that were pressed in the fall/winter of 1994 that the suspect couldn't be reached. Would the charge evenly be dropped if the suspect is not ever located?

Another thing, Rock county is located right over the state line of Wisconsin and Illinois so our doe could easily be from Illinois.

I found a links that lists all the concert venues in Wisconsin. I don't have time to look at it with it being New Year's and all, but I will later.
His body is listed as being found on 10027 Waite Road, Beloit, Wisconsin.
May 2017 be the year that gives Clinton Doe his name back!

I guess he's never been reported missing or his family thinks he's a MP but something went wrong with LE and he's actually not listed (anymore).
I've wondered if he even had a license myself, but it makes me wonder how he obtained alcohol without one, especially if his estimated age range was under 21 (17-20). If he at least looked old enough he may have gotten a way without showing his I.D. or he just hung around an older crowd like I did, I also knew people that were just barely underage that would grow out their beards to get away with buying beer without suspicion. In the rougher, poor parts of town you can easily get away with stuff like that in my town. Makes me think of the Dazed and Confused scene where Mitch gets away with buying beer.

I've gotten my hands on liquor since I was 11. It wasn't hard

I hope so too! The past couple of years I've seen cases I never thought would be solved resolved. Like Jacob Wetterling's body being found, Sharon Marshall's true identity being discovered, "Cali doe" was identified as Tammy Alexander; as well as, "Dana point doe" being identified as Holly Glynn. And I can't forget "Grateful doe's" being identified as Jason Callahan! I remain hopeful.

I run Cali's FB page, was involved in GDF/Jason's ID and a few others over the years (Mendocino Jane Doe's) they will all get ID'd when someone sees their recon

No problem, I personally wish I was a teen in those times. Specifically in Seattle before grunge blew up when everything was experimental metal/punk, before the "grunge" staple basically.
I don't really think the time the album was released is really significant. I was born in 1991, and when I was around his age I was listening to 80s metal, 70s punk, and well, Venom. Anything that was influential is timeless. Any pioneering band seem to appeal to each generation. It's like Black Sabbath, The Door's, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Iggy Pop, Nirvana, and the Talking Heads still being widely listened to today.

My son is born 85, he likes what I like too, plus bands of his days like Matchbox 20. My daughter born a few years after you in 93 went the other way with rap and music of today

Also regarding his interest in Venom, a lot of metal bands that were around at the time had been influenced personally by Venom, and a number of them had been pictured wearing their shirts, which could also be why he knew about them. I've found bands this way myself, your idols like them so they must be cool! I actually found them after reading an article on early Metallica that listed bands they listened to starting out.

Notably I found pictures of band members wearing Venom shirts that had album releases in 1994.
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Dave Mustaine (Megadeth) wearing the same shirt as John Clinton doe, along side James Hetfield (Metallica).

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Phillip Anselmo (Pantera) also wearing the shirt

As for the t-shirt's age (when he got the shirt), I bought a Iron Maiden t-shirt in 2006 that listed the copyright year as 1981, which is the year the album Killers came out. I read his shirt had "©Venom 1987" under the design. I'm saying this to clarify that he may have purchased the shirt later. I looked it up and Hot Topic has been around since 1988, but I am not sure how widespread they were in 1994. But that could be where he get his shirt at.
He could have also gotten it at a Venom show as well. I am not sure about the mid-90's, but in the 80's they had all age venues.

They're so young in the pics. I like some Metallica but was more into Pantera.
He could have gotten his shirt from hot topic or Spencer's or one of the other small stores selling stuff like that, or mailed away for it

The Potential Lead:
If what he was worried about on the night of the sighting is true, there may be a report filed against him. And since he died that night, the police weren't able to contact him for questioning.
I think someone should check for any charges that were pressed in the fall/winter of 1994 that the suspect couldn't be reached. Would the charge evenly be dropped if the suspect is not ever located?

Another thing, Rock county is located right over the state line of Wisconsin and Illinois so our doe could easily be from Illinois.
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Good luck looking for a paper file from back then, it probably got thrown out because it was too old. Personally think he was just being a wise *advertiser censored* when he said he's a fugitive.

I found a links that lists all the concert venues in Wisconsin. I don't have time to look at it with it being New Year's and all, but I will later.
His body is listed as being found on 10027 Waite Road, Beloit, Wisconsin.

Could be a lot of work trying to figure out if any bands were playing then. Could have been coming from a party

May 2017 be the year that gives Clinton Doe his name back!

I guess he's never been reported missing or his family thinks he's a MP but something went wrong with LE and he's actually not listed (anymore).

It's June 2017 now any updates or nah????

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I was looking at that hand-made horned deer/stag pendant and wondering if this lad could have been pagan. It looks the sort of thing someone might knock out and flog for a few bucks at a festival.

He was found not that far from the HQ of Circle Sanctuary which is in the Barneveld area. Circle has long held open festivals and events at various times of the year, and the remains were found fairly close to I90 so maybe he was hitching to or from an event and flagged down the wrong ride.

George Dewey Nutting
Missing since June 12, 1988 from Houston, Kent County, Delaware
Classification: Endangered Missing

Vital Statistics
Date Of Birth: March 29, 1968
Age at Time of Disappearance: 20 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'5-5'6"; 140-145 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: White male. Brown hair; blue eyes.
Nicknames: Buddy
Marks, Scars: Approximately 3 to 4 inch scar on forearm. Possibly a healed fracture to wrist.
Fingerprints: Available.

Circumstances of Disappearance
Nutting was last seen at the Gun and Rod Club in Houston, Delaware on June 12, 1988.
He never returned home and had several altercations that night. He had an argument with his wife, who last saw him walking away from the club, in an intoxicated state. The wife reported him missing when he hadn't returned the next day. Foul play is possible. The police have not made any arrests in this case. Foul play is suspected.


George Dewey Nutting
Missing since June 12, 1988 from Houston, Kent County, Delaware
Classification: Endangered Missing

Vital Statistics
Date Of Birth: March 29, 1968
Age at Time of Disappearance: 20 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'5-5'6"; 140-145 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: White male. Brown hair; blue eyes.
Nicknames: Buddy
Marks, Scars: Approximately 3 to 4 inch scar on forearm. Possibly a healed fracture to wrist.
Fingerprints: Available.

Circumstances of Disappearance
Nutting was last seen at the Gun and Rod Club in Houston, Delaware on June 12, 1988.
He never returned home and had several altercations that night. He had an argument with his wife, who last saw him walking away from the club, in an intoxicated state. The wife reported him missing when he hadn't returned the next day. Foul play is possible. The police have not made any arrests in this case. Foul play is suspected.


There is certainly resemblance.
A few pages back there is a list of MPs who have already been compared to this JD, it's quite extensive. I would take a look to see if he's already been ruled out. If not, definitely worth a submit if you've already checked the JD rule out page and George isn't on it.
There is certainly resemblance.
A few pages back there is a list of MPs who have already been compared to this JD, it's quite extensive. I would take a look to see if he's already been ruled out. If not, definitely worth a submit if you've already checked the JD rule out page and George isn't on it.
Nope I don't see him..
I think you should, too, but it doesn't appear they have matching identifiers. They really need to track down family to give DNA for George Nutting, he only has fingerprints available. Bummer, because the circumstances would fit.
Here's his NamUs page
I think you should, too, but it doesn't appear they have matching identifiers. They really need to track down family to give DNA for George Nutting, he only has fingerprints available. Bummer, because the circumstances would fit.
Here's his NamUs page

Submit it anyway. Often a submission like this is all it takes to get the ball rolling. Some agencies even make it a policy not to inquire for DNA until there's a potential match.

And it's not uncommon for information to be held locally and not noted in the national databases, or for entries to be incorrect.

In this case, I would also suggest calling or emailing Jack. I hope he's still around; the website hasn't been updated for quite a while.

Jack Friess, Team Leader
Find JCD Project (
New Look Investigations

I think you should, too, but it doesn't appear they have matching identifiers. They really need to track down family to give DNA for George Nutting, he only has fingerprints available. Bummer, because the circumstances would fit.
Here's his NamUs page

Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
Submit it anyway. Often a submission like this is all it takes to get the ball rolling. Some agencies even make it a policy not to inquire for DNA until there's a potential match.

And it's not uncommon for information to be held locally and not noted in the national databases, or for entries to be incorrect.

In this case, I would also suggest calling or emailing Jack. I hope he's still around; the website hasn't been updated for quite a while.

Jack Friess, Team Leader
Find JCD Project (
New Look Investigations

Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk

I hope he's still around,too. I noticed there haven't been any updates.
Kevin Gerald Mahoney is missing from Fargo, North Dakota since late 1993 after leaving a friends house. The only reason I came up with this potential match was because I typed the wrong date into Namus, because River Guy was evidently alive in 1993 if he bought a pair of basketball shoes. The MP looked kind of similar to me in regards to the reconstruction, but the case file says that isotopic testing showed that River Guy was from the Great Lakes (MN, IL, WI, MI etc.). However, I had a look at the MP file again, and Fargo sits right up against the state border with Minnesota, and some of the MP's family are confirmed to have lived there (in fact, I believe he was visiting one at the time of his disappearance). The height and weight are a bit off, but the time interval if the MP and the UID could have led to changes in height and weight (as well as the state of remains). The really baffling part are the circumstances, and I'm not sure I believe the MP would have just vanished without notifying family.
Kevin Gerald Mahoney is missing from Fargo, North Dakota since late 1993 after leaving a friends house. The only reason I came up with this potential match was because I typed the wrong date into Namus, because River Guy was evidently alive in 1993 if he bought a pair of basketball shoes. The MP looked kind of similar to me in regards to the reconstruction, but the case file says that isotopic testing showed that River Guy was from the Great Lakes (MN, IL, WI, MI etc.). However, I had a look at the MP file again, and Fargo sits right up against the state border with Minnesota, and some of the MP's family are confirmed to have lived there (in fact, I believe he was visiting one at the time of his disappearance). The height and weight are a bit off, but the time interval if the MP and the UID could have led to changes in height and weight (as well as the state of remains). The really baffling part are the circumstances, and I'm not sure I believe the MP would have just vanished without notifying family.

Could certainly picture him wearing a metal t shirt, imo


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Hm. There's quite a resemblance there. The UID appears to weigh considerably less, but there's enough time to have lost a lot of weight.

The general face shape is right. Same proportions, same general jaw and cheekbones. Eyebrows are very similar. Similar small eyes and rather small thin mouth. Even similar rather long muscular neck. Chin and jaw are a little different but some of that could be Kevin's extra weight and the slightly different pose.

And as Dotr mentioned, there's a similar style as well.

venom uid with Kevin Mahoney.png

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