WI - Jacob Wetterling posters/video in home of deceased Vernon Seitz, also child *advertiser censored*

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"Vernon Seitz allegedly told his doctor in mid-December that he killed a 14-year-old boy in 1958, but Seitz died of natural causes before police could question him.MILWAUKEE - Was it the confession of a killer? He told his doctor he killed a child.
Now he's dead and police are forced to search for answers through the clues in his home. Those clues include child *advertiser censored*, books on cannibalism, and posters and articles on missing children."

"Seitz grew up in Racine, and while his sister-in-law called him a gentle man who loved children, neighbors told their kids to stay away from him."You get an eerie feeling from someone you just say stay away from them," said neighbor Shannon Crawford. "I'm very glad I didn't let [my kids] go over there more often."
Sister-in-law Susan Seitz, though, said Vernon was abducted and abused as a boy and believes his interest in child abductions stemmed from this experience.
"Vernon went to [Jacob Wetterling's] parents and confided in them and told them 'Jake is in heaven,'" she said, adding that she doesn't know whether he really could have killed two children 50 years ago."
At least the FBI are taking it seriously:

"The former head of Wisconsin's FBI office, though, thinks Seitz's confession could be believable."I think it would be something to take very seriously and coupled with what was found through the search warrant, I would give it great credibility," said retired agent Mike Santimauro."
"I think folks always have the potential to act out their fantasies, and sometimes they do." Santimauro focused in on a list of drawings found in Seitz's house that police say depict naked boys being abused and questioned whether Seitz himself could have drawn them.
"If he acquired all of this stuff and just had a fascination with it, that's one thing," Santimauro explained. "If he actively participated in it, then you may have other problems and other victims that need to be identified and interviewed."
Where there is smoke, there's fire. I agree with others that this seems like the start of something that will turn out to be MAJOR!
http://www.wisn.com/news/18426121/detail.html "He told me that although he liked little boys, he knew that you can't touch little boys, so what he did was paint them nude," Fetter said. "He didn't tell me about kiddie *advertiser censored* or anything. . . . If my patient lusts for boys but knows that he would get in boiling hot water if he did anything, then he can paint the pictures. That won't hurt anybody."

I am stuck on this statement by this doctor. It almost seems to me she is said okay ..draw your pictures and fed your problem Because I wouldnt want to get into trouble.

Shouldnt she of said you need to stop drawing pictures of this nature as it is a step worse then thinking about it ,now you have a guy with a pencil drawing details about hurting children and a picture to stareat ,he was making it real in his already warpped mind which was hurting himself .Maybe she thought she was protecting children somehow but her job was to treat the patient and from the amont of child *advertiser censored* they found I dont think he was only hurting himself. I think she should be reveiwed by the board based on her statement here. I also read she disputed the search warrents claim that he told her he killed two children.This was in the first linked article.

Is the FBI working on this?
This is totally scarey ALL the way around. Methinks some nudging of LE may be in order?

Me thinks skip the nudge and call the FBI, period. I have a very sick feeling we may be onto the other half of the equation of Ed Lanphear, who happened to be facing a plea deal around this time, and just got postponed until 2/13/09. Maybe a coincidence, but I would not be surprised to see a connection between these 2.

Lastly, are you effing kidding me they have "exhausted all angles" in this case? Somebody cite one case where theres a houseful of kid *advertiser censored*, pics, videos and hand drawn, books on torture and cannibalism, dirt piles and fresh concrete and there was never any crime committed????

Who sees this guy, what are his comings and goings, who saw him in the backyard, did they bring in cadaver dogs? Is it freshly fertilized, did they yank his drains, storm drains, etc.. Does he have a storage facility? Kids? Grandkids? Mrs. Wetterling REMEMBERS THE GUY ON THE SEARCH!!

I am stuck on this statement by this doctor. It almost seems to me she is said okay ..draw your pictures and fed your problem Because I wouldnt want to get into trouble.

Shouldnt she of said you need to stop drawing pictures of this nature as it is a step worse then thinking about it ,now you have a guy with a pencil drawing details about hurting children and a picture to stareat ,he was making it real in his already warpped mind which was hurting himself .Maybe she thought she was protecting children somehow but her job was to treat the patient and from the amont of child *advertiser censored* they found I dont think he was only hurting himself. I think she should be reveiwed by the board based on her statement here. I also read she disputed the search warrents claim that he told her he killed two children.This was in the first linked article.

Is the FBI working on this?

So true, i would think the doctor would have told him he needs to stop obsessing over children, as it only feeds his obsession. There is such thing as art therapy, however i fail to see how his drawing disturbing pictures did anything aside from fuel to the fire. He should have refrained from doing anything involving children. The doctor seems to have failed to recognize how disturbed the man actually was.
Am I the only one? My stomach hit the floor when I read the title. :( I guess I kind of still hoped that if Jacob Wetterling wasn't alive than he died quickly. The fact they found child *advertiser censored* with Jacob makes me feel sick. I can't imagine how his family is feeling right now. Does anyone know- is the first time photos or film has been found of Jacob W?
This man was my brother's barber when we were little. We lived in a house behind his shop. Very creepy! I wonder if he had anything to do with any missing children. Right now they don't think so, but I think there needs to be some digging.


YIKES! LMS that's scarey. Joseph Kallinger was our shoemaker when I was a kid and we were in there alot with my mom.

Tufts of hair? Probably he saved the hair of little kids whose hair he cut the lunatic.
Laini - I think the video was of him from before he was kidnapped. I am not sure if it was video the family released or what.

Filly - It is very scary! To think he could have had my brother's hair makes me sick.

Like others have said, it really seems like the tip of an iceberg. I really hope MPD doesn't drop the ball on this. Hopefully being in the news will compel people to come forward if anything happened to them. I pray he was only facinated with this, but to quote anotehr poster...if it quacks like a duck......
What about the other child *advertiser censored* found? Who are those kids? Whose shoes? Whose hair? What about the cannibalism books?

There has got to be more to this. They can't just shut the books on this case.
Laini - I think the video was of him from before he was kidnapped. I am not sure if it was video the family released or what.

Oh, good! I am glad that I misunderstood! Thanks
What about the other child *advertiser censored* found? Who are those kids? Whose shoes? Whose hair? What about the cannibalism books?

There has got to be more to this. They can't just shut the books on this case.

I am in the process of developing a Google map Image connecting Mr. Seitz known addresses and those of his relatives as we speak. I am appalled at the statement from the PD about "exhausted leads". This *person* was seeing a shrink for 11 years that we know of, I hope everyone will forgive me for saying that I dont think based on what was found that it's a stretch to say it was ineffective and he could have been highly dangerous. Where's his obituary, memorial announcement, what does his death cert say?

Even the report on what the Dr. said is conflicting, If this was in my hood i would be half way up the mountain with my torch already.
Lastly, are you effing kidding me they have "exhausted all angles" in this case? Somebody cite one case where theres a houseful of kid *advertiser censored*, pics, videos and hand drawn, books on torture and cannibalism, dirt piles and fresh concrete and there was never any crime committed????

Who sees this guy, what are his comings and goings, who saw him in the backyard, did they bring in cadaver dogs? Is it freshly fertilized, did they yank his drains, storm drains, etc.. Does he have a storage facility? Kids? Grandkids? Mrs. Wetterling REMEMBERS THE GUY ON THE SEARCH!!

They only discovered this stuff on Dec 13, IIRC. There's no way that's enough time to investigate this man's doings.
Milwaukee LE Spokeswoman (after 1 month):
"We have no information to substantiate any allegation that the deceased was involved in any missing children cases or homicides of children," Milwaukee police spokeswoman Anne Schwartz said late Tuesday in an e-mail. "We have exhausted all possible angles in this case."

Aruban LE Statement (after 3 1/2 Years)" . . . The investigation is not yet finished and my Office does not want to disclose these results to the suspect and thus make him wiser even before he has been confronted with these results. "

How pathetic can you be when you make Aruban LE look good in comparision??
OOh. Steadfast, that was powerful, and I agree.
I am new and have no idea if I am doing this correctly, but If I do, it is a google map showing the Seitz properties (for mods, no addresses, just coordinates). Note that Lanphear's "farm" is 37mi, repeat 37mi from Seitz Sr. estate. Jes saying'

Someone - PLEASE - tell me they are still investigating! Jacob Wetterling's face is forever etched in my mind.
YIKES! LMS that's scarey. Joseph Kallinger was our shoemaker when I was a kid and we were in there alot with my mom.

Tufts of hair? Probably he saved the hair of little kids whose hair he cut the lunatic.

I hadnt thought of that ,but after I read your post I was like eww omg ,then I thought about it and now I am hoping this to be the case. As creepy this guy saving childrens cut hair is ,it sure beats any other option.

Another scarey thought ,are those drawings pictures of the actual children whos hair he cut?

To think of a guy like this with sharp objects next to kids really makes me glad I cut my kids hair myself .
Milwaukee LE Spokeswoman (after 1 month):
"We have no information to substantiate any allegation that the deceased was involved in any missing children cases or homicides of children,"


Doesn't the fact the Wetterlings mother has said she remembers him from the search discredit this statement?

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