WI - Jacob Wetterling posters/video in home of deceased Vernon Seitz, also child *advertiser censored*

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LE may just be playing this down right now to keep from getting overwhelmed with phone calls and want to handle this one case at a time.
What kind of video was it?

A sexual video? Or just a video watching him walk around or play?

That is bizarre!!
It's Timothy Bindner all over again, isn't it? We all know he's creepy and probably guilty of something, but there doesn't seem to be anything LE can do about it. They'll probably give this guy an award, too, even if it is posthumously.

Doesn't the fact the Wetterlings mother has said she remembers him from the search discredit this statement?

Of course, absolutely. If you freeze frame on the video, you can review some of the items seized, it is ASTOUNDING. It is not just child *advertiser censored*, but it does appear to be all of boys or men; one of which appeared to be a deceased white male????

Who drives 7 mi to a search and meets the Mom and proclaims to be a psychic as well? His business was unregistered in Wisconsin, this guy screams
"expunged juvenile record" to me. Good people of Wisconsin, Minnesota, please do NOT let this die without further investigation.

For Instance, where is he getting slides of nude kids? Books on cannabilisim?
Does he have a library card or is he ordering from Amazon?
Here is some more info on it. Looks like Racine police are still looking into it.


Well, that is a different story than we heard yesterday, any locals want to weigh in who we should believe?


He was solicting kids how long ago? This guy has victims, I am sure of it.
I want the press to release the seized items list, maybe something on it belonged to a known victim?? Hello??
Seitz also claimed to be a psychic and traveled throughout the Midwest offering his services to the families of missing children, Fetter said.

Who else did this guy approach??
From lilmisssleuth's link:
"Fetter [the psychiatrist] said that in November, Seitz asked her to contact Racine police and set up a meeting with them so he could confess to the shooting. Fetter said she talked with Racine police, who said they could not find any evidence to support claims and therefore did not meet with Seitz."

What is it with these Wisconsin police departments saying that they can't find any evidence, so they won't investigate further??? If something seems extremely hinky and you haven't found any evidence, then that's when you need to investigate further!
His shop and home are in a typical suburban type neighborhood. St Francis has a small town feel even though it is just outside the city of Milwaukee. Most of the houses were built in the 60s. 3 bedroom ranch homes. Everyone knew everyone type thing. My dad went to his shop for years for haircuts. I don't really remember him saying anything was odd about him. He seemed like a typical barber in a small town. His shop was in a very small mini mall type thing. Maybe 4 store fronts which included a ice cream parlor and insurance agency. A freind of mine lived about 2 blocks from him (in BayView which is part of Milwaukee). Her brother remembers delivering food to him all the time. He would always say "God Bless" when he delivered it.

We sold the house about 10 years ago now. The neighborhood really hasn't changed much since I was younger. I am 34 now and lived there since I was 2 until I was about 20.
Seitz also claimed to be a psychic and traveled throughout the Midwest offering his services to the families of missing children, Fetter said.

Who else did this guy approach??

Isn't this behavior typical of a predator?
lilmisssleuth, that's why it reminds me of Tim Bindner! Didn't he "help" search for missing California kids, like Amber Schwartz-Garcia (can't remember off hand the specific cases), when in fact there was a lot of evidence pointing toward him being the abductor? It's so similar...
What if Seitz's claims of being abducted from the zoo and having to shoot a 14 year old boy are confessions of his own acts in a roundabout way? Maybe Seitz kidnapped and shot a boy. He could of made up the story of his being abducted as a way to get in less trouble and either brag a little. He could have kidnapped boys anywhere. I really hope LE goes through the pictures and evidence well.
What if Seitz's claims of being abducted from the zoo and having to shoot a 14 year old boy are confessions of his own acts in a roundabout way? Maybe Seitz kidnapped and shot a boy. He could of made up the story of his being abducted as a way to get in less trouble and either brag a little. He could have kidnapped boys anywhere. I really hope LE goes through the pictures and evidence well.

I agree. He could have fudged on the dates it supposedly happened, too. I think they should look at all the unsolved murders of teenage boys in southeastern Wisconsin.
I am just so perplexed and shocked. Firstly this is the first I have heard of this and can't believe they found a video of Jacob. Secondly - WTF is wrong with LE??? You find child *advertiser censored*, crude hand-drawn pics of young nude boys, material indicating an obsession w/ missing children, tufts of hair but most of all you find a video of a little boy who has been missing for a long time and then have the audacity to say you have no evidence to believe any crime has been committed and all avenues have been exhausted Did no one of the police force think that statements sound utterly ridiculous and irresponsible? I would think with all the things taken from the house they have plentry to work on. Like, um, where did he get a video of Jacob? It is not like they are for sale at Blockbuster or something. Seitz's was living in Wisconsin - that is not far from Minnesota. It kind of sounds like he knew he was sick and could die and if he had lived longer and gottne the attention he wanted from LE the confession of the two boys could have opened the flood gates
That being said I do question his credibility considering who told one person he killed two boys, told someone else he killed two men in Chicago and one in a home invasion.
Despite all of that, what they found in his house speaks volumes and it should take weeks to process all of that yet LE is saying they have exhausted all avenues.....

I really hope LE will let us know what kind of video they found of Jacob.
I am just so perplexed and shocked. Firstly this is the first I have heard of this and can't believe they found a video of Jacob. Secondly - WTF is wrong with LE??? You find child *advertiser censored*, crude hand-drawn pics of young nude boys, material indicating an obsession w/ missing children, tufts of hair but most of all you find a video of a little boy who has been missing for a long time and then have the audacity to say you have no evidence to believe any crime has been committed and all avenues have been exhausted Did no one of the police force think that statements sound utterly ridiculous and irresponsible? I would think with all the things taken from the house they have plentry to work on. Like, um, where did he get a video of Jacob? It is not like they are for sale at Blockbuster or something. Seitz's was living in Wisconsin - that is not far from Minnesota. It kind of sounds like he knew he was sick and could die and if he had lived longer and gottne the attention he wanted from LE the confession of the two boys could have opened the flood gates
That being said I do question his credibility considering who told one person he killed two boys, told someone else he killed two men in Chicago and one in a home invasion.
Despite all of that, what they found in his house speaks volumes and it should take weeks to process all of that yet LE is saying they have exhausted all avenues.....

I really hope LE will let us know what kind of video they found of Jacob.

:clap: ITA! This is horrible. I hope we find out answers to this disgusting case. What a of a man.
This is just crazy. Unbelievable. I really hope the FBI does a hard look at the case. They can't just dismiss it after less than a month!

That said, some people are weirdos. We might not want to accept it, but having thoughts and drawing horrible things aren't usually crimes. If this man really is innocent, and was making up confessions, etc., for attention, that needs to be checked out too.

Part of me hopes he didn't do anything since it is just so awful. The other part wants him to be guilty of something to bring closure to a family.
You know I am really shocked at what the therapist has said about the drawings. I've been thinking about that all day. Did the therapist know about the child *advertiser censored* collection? The *advertiser censored* is a crime. And *advertiser censored* collection has been connected to child molestations statistically. A drawing takes that one step further in that it actively involves the person in the *advertiser censored*/child image so I would guess that would be one step further down the line, closer to actual involvement with a child. And what did he use for models for those pics he drew?

How many other persons does that therapist have who has an "innocent" *advertiser censored* collection that isn't getting reported?
I don't think we know for sure that he did the drawings.

And if he did, I think he and the therapist probably talked about it and decided that it was a way for him to get those emotions out without physically harming someone. I've drawn and painted some pretty nasty things in my day (and no, child *advertiser censored* is not among them) and you could go through my collection and say I'm suicidal or homicidal, but it's not true.

That's not to say I think it's okay. I don't think child *advertiser censored* is okay in any shape or form. But I think what the therapist is trying to say is this: if he's drawing them, he's not hurting them.

Now, typically I'd agree that this does nothing but continue the cycle of obsession. But I don't know the details. It could be that this guy was very old (if he died of natural causes) and this was the best therapy for him. However, personally, I don't think there's any better therapy than chemical castration, whether he's physically impotent or not.

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