Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #34

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'Call 911': Neighbor speaks about finding missing teen whose parents were murdered
"I think [Jayme] looks thinner than what her pictures showed," K said. "She definitely looked unkempt, kind of -- she didn't have shoes that were hers. She was wearing really big shoes that she obviously took from wherever she came from. She looked, overall, in good condition, just a little unclean, like she'd been held captive."

On Thursday, K said she and the neighbor sat Jayme on a couch and called 911, with someone staying on the line with them until police arrived and took her to a hospital about half an hour later. In the meantime, they talked, Kasinskas added.

"She was very sweet," K said. "I asked her some questions about if she'd ever heard of Gordon, Wisconsin. She had not. Stuff like that. Not anything real specific, but she did talk to us a little, talked to my kids a little bit. I introduced her to my new puppy. We kept it very simple and just very calm until the cops got here to take her."

Jayme told the women she had been at a house a few down from Ks' and that she hadn't known the person who was holding her, K's recalled, but that it was the same person who killed her parents.

"We probably have walked our dog by that house on numerous occasions," K said, although she added she was not familiar with who lived there.

(names changed to initials by me)
I cannot imagine that anyone that follows a crime blog such as this one pretends not to read nor be exposed to every detail of a case and that does not mean you have to be "excited" by it. If you followed the Arias trial you were not spared any gruesome detail. Nor the Anthony case. Pictures of Travis dead in the shower, being drug along the floor by Jodi while bleeding out and such were discussed in extreme detail on this very Websleuth site. Dozens upon dozens of pictures were posted and discussed. So when you suggest people are "excited" to see you are being misleading. None of us that study crime are "EXCITED" by any of it. But if you know forensics, crime scenes and crime you would understand why it is important to want to SEE and KNOW. SEEING and interpreting is a big part of crime solving and understanding and SLEUTHING..............!!!!!!!

The difference is that Jayme is alive. While I am interested in the investigation, I think her comfort is more important than us knowing all the details. This is HER story. She is a child and her privacy should be inviolate. She and LE have no requirement to share what she's been through at this point. She saw her murdered parents and has been held captive, enduring God knows what. She needs safety and security now. MOO.
So glad she ran an got away and he didn't notice or could not find which way she went. She probably bided her time until she saw her opportunity. Then probably bolted out of window or something since he probably had the doors chained and bolted somehow.

Get that girl some counseling and to her friends and family!
I wonder If word of another press conference had the abductor nervous and he let his guard down somehow?

Couple of people thought it was local druggie that did this and Jayme was the robbery target.. looks like there correct... just off by 60 miles...

Don’t know that perp was druggie but if you live in crap house in middle of woods 60 miles from most logical employment.. this is bizarre... and if he did this and wasn’t taking drugs ... this is just him... like Ted bunny....that’s scary af. How did these afford house and go to work and keep her prisoner... stunning..
Don't get me started. Incarceration is not an effective deterrent to make people think twice about doing this or getting caught.
Neither's the death penalty. But perps who commit crimes like this aren't gonna be deterred by the possibility of either the death penalty or lengthy incarceration. So, I can only hope for justice that fits the crime.
The difference is that Jayme is alive. While I am interested in the investigation, I think her comfort is more important than us knowing all the details. This is HER story. She is a child and her privacy should be inviolate. She and LE have no requirement to share what she's been through at this point. She saw her murdered parents and has been held captive, enduring God knows what. She needs safety and security now. MOO.

Agree 1000%. tell us who is in custody and that's it.
So if this report of a 21 year old is true and he actually lives there at Eau Claire Acres, then it seems likely to me (pure speculation) he met her thru a chat website. It is probably that she has either interacted with him physically and/or been seeing him, etc. Regardless, the guilt this girl must feel is just terrible. But it is NOT HER FAULT!
It’s also possible he is from Barron and it’s a family property.
Matt Jarchow on Twitter
We’re in Barron today awaiting a press conference with Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald. We’ll stream it live for the latest #JaymeCloss updates at 10.

Elizabeth Smart: 'What a miracle!!! Jayme Closs has been found'
Elizabeth Smart, an outspoken advocate on kidnapping after her much publicized captivity in 2002 shook the nation, called it a miracle Friday that Wisconsin teen Jayme Closs has been found alive.

Smart posted on Instagram: "What a brave, strong, and powerful survivor!!!! No matter what may unfold in her story let’s all try to remember that this young woman has SURVIVED and whatever other details may surface the most important will still remain that she is alive."

“When I look in the mirror, I also see a mother and a wife, and someone I am proud to be,” she said in an interview in March. “I see an advocate. I see a survivor.”

Even with all the terrible things that happened to her, Smart told the Arizona Republic that in many ways, she was lucky.

Smart concluded her Instagram post with a powerful message: "May god bless you Jayme Closs and may we all continue to search for every missing child."
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