Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #35

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I’m so so glad they were both there at the time. Henry is such a handsome and adorable dog.
I love Henry and I love Mollie. Love the puppy that Jayme met at the K house too. I'm a cat person (obviously) but love dogs just as much. I recognize the ability of these animals to give healing warmth. I'm grateful that dogs are involved to welcome Jayme on her steps home.
At first glance, he looks surprisingly like just another punk, but then I realized many of these violent types do look just like him, in that they are quiet nondescript loners who look harmless but are the most dangerous creeps around!
I think it sounds like he may have come from a troubled home. Twenty one, no job, not going to college- no purpose in life? A lot of these young murders seem like loners.
He was not employed, did not go to a job.

Of course he didn’t have a job. Entire case is infuriating. Young men today, go to work, be productive, stop this entitlement to everything, even to even kill a young girls parents and steal a 13 year old.
What I meant by "the kind of dialogue" on Discord, is that kids get very confessional with one another (in my experience), depression is common (probably from being on Discord too much!), and there's lots of griping about parents and teachers and siblings etc.
Again what is your point? LE said no communication please leave it at that until we hear otherwise - this sidetracks the discussion IMO
I would homeschool until my child felt ready I read Jaycee Dugards’ book but not Elizabeth Smarts I don’t remember what she did but she was certainly close in age

Yea that’s a good idea. I would probably do the same
She’s been found safe and there is still way too many “what if’s” and complete speculation in here. Go with the facts you know, not where ur wondering mind takes you! I said a LONG time ago it was a shotgun and folks argued. I used facts known and my experience with firearms, and I wasn’t wrong.
He may have sleuthed her just like we sleuth others- look through friends of friends lists and followers until you find something. No Trace

We talked about this before she was found, when everything was purely speculative, especially who in the house was the target. We know now for sure the target was Jayme.

There is still some misunderstanding that leads to speculation, especially the part on how JP came to know Jayme lived in that house.

It’s not looking like social media is providing many clues, so he must’ve (may have, not sure how to word it) spotted her from afar.

He did go in with shotgun blazing, so to speak. It is amazing a 21 year old could carry this off, but he did. IMO.
The house is still in his fathers name, however it there are back taxes owed, I know some are saying that the house was signed over but as of today it still list the father as the owner. I am still in shock and have never been happier to be wrong in my life. I did not think this would have a " happy ending". Long road ahead I am sure. Driving me crazy to know exactly how he knew her.

Also the photo of him and his mom and sister it says on the post where it is posted orginated from that he was leaving that August 17 , I assumed boot camp did he fail at that too ?

I am sure he is going to have some sort of psychological issue in the future to be discussed, some sort of social disorder. Now we wait.

Sorry for the rambling my head is still spinning

Yes - having been there myself, I got a definite boot camp feel from that photo :)

If he left for the military at age 18(ish?) in 2015, one path is to serve approximately two years and then return. We all go in lean, and then when we get home, we plump up (it seems) :)

Anyway--I definitely wonder whether he's a vet. Unfortunately, many MANY return with serious PTSD, and addicted to meds which increase the likelihood of violent outbursts. Oh--and, unemployed.
Thank you. I didn’t get in to see an actual PTSD specialist until a few years ago. Plenty of therapy, but not a specialist in PTSD. I wish I’d done it years ago. I’m so happy Jayme will have access to the best mental health care. They’ll have her with a PTSD specialist, so she can begin to learn that she doesn’t have to let her PTSD rule her life. That’s a long time coming for her, but I’m comforted to know she’ll have access to it when she’s ready.
And, as I am recently learning due to my own trauma from childhood, the specialists have so many more tools in their belts now and so much more understanding of the biological effects of trauma.
I think we would do well to focus on the Jennie-O plant at some point.

Both parents worked there, the accused worked there, and the allegedly-random underwear thief worked there.

Horrible looking place, I have to say. I can't imagine the hell inside.

I mean no offense - I'm not slagging gaming; just speaking from experience as a parent (and participant!) in some of the dialogue that takes place on Discord chat, etc. Police said they don't feel the two met via social media, but Discord chat is not really social media; it's very private in many cases.

Investigators are going to be very close-lipped about any method by which they felt the two may have interacted; with all due respect to the press conferences, we can't assume that there was no digital interaction (or digital aspect) to the case.

They may never have interacted, for example - Jake may have just lurked inside a game chat.

I know police are trying to be super careful about not "blaming the victim," e.g. making any suggestion at all that she played a part in her own kidnapping. If they go overboard protecting Jayme I'm fine with that. But there are a lot of legal ways to speak the technical truth (no pun intended) while not revealing all: Discord not being social media, for example.

I am mostly just thrilled she has been found alive, and I and my co-workers have had huge smiles on our faces all day. Feels SO good to have good news for a change (of any kind!)

I personally would qualify Discord as social media. Many streamers use it to keep up with their communities, hold polls, etc. Of course there are many other communities around anything you can think of - gaming, fashion, art, environmentalism, etc. And you can also private chat. These are similar to other forms of social media.
On Martha McCallum just now, Sheriff Fitzgerald just said they have had all three Closs phones the entire time and found no digital footprint that showed interaction with JP.
Please take note of this, all of you who want to continue to insinuate she must have known him or been involved with him in some way. No way a teenager these days has a relationship that leaves no digital footprint.
What I meant by "the kind of dialogue" on Discord, is that kids get very confessional with one another (in my experience), depression is common (probably from being on Discord too much!), and there's lots of griping about parents and teachers and siblings etc.

If I understand you correctly.... people and kids can 'chat' on Discord without having a SM account... other than using an email (like a Yahoo address) to sign up with ?

Is it possible JP was posing as another teen girl and Jayme was duped into posting pics of herself and maybe even an accurate addy ?
As in, LE may see that she was chatting with another teen girl -- only it wasn't a girl at all.
That alone is bone-chilling.

Trying to figure out how JP even knew who she was and where she lived.
Another possibility is that he lurked around at sporting events and her dance recitals/competitions.
Chilling thought that Jayme and her parents might have been stalked w/o even knowing it.
What a world.

I am deeply saddened that she couldn't have been rescued SOONER.
Jayme practically rescued herself by taking a chance when she saw it.
What a brave girl.
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She’s been found safe and there is still way too many “what if’s” and complete speculation in here. Go with the facts you know, not where ur wondering mind takes you!
She's alive. She's safe. She's SMILING. And the bad guy is in custody. I think that's plenty more than enough to enjoy for at least a day or two. :)
If I understand you correctly.... people and kids can 'chat' on Discord without having a SM account... other than using an email (like a Yahoo address) to sign up with ?

Is it possible JP was posing as another teen girl and Jayme was duped into posting pics of herself and maybe even an accurate addy ?

Trying to figure out how JP even knew who she was and where she lived.
Another possibility is that he lurked around at sporting events and her dance recitals/competitions.
Chilling thought that Jayme and her parents might have been stalked w/o even knowing it.
What a world.

You can use discord with an email. However, didn't LE comb over all phones?
I personally would qualify Discord as social media. Many streamers use it to keep up with their communities, hold polls, etc. Of course there are many other communities around anything you can think of - gaming, fashion, art, environmentalism, etc. And you can also private chat. These are similar to other forms of social media.

Definitely not unprecedented for chats to be described as social media; parents and adults in particular overgeneralize (knocking my own generation here ;)

Someone here (my apologies for forgetting who!) suggested looking into whether he was a delivery driver; great suggestion, since that provides an offline alternative to how he became aware of her (if in fact he did become aware of her--given the wild changes in the various official statements, I think we're far from being able to take any item at face value just now).
Very interesting - thank you for this observation! I'm definitely not wise to the ways of voluntary housing surrender.

Yep. It’s actually a bit better on your credit score (albeit not a world of difference) if you do voluntarily turn over your possession. This is actually very common with vehicles, surprisingly.

I am curious the career his father has.

So he has no family ties in Barron?
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