Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #37

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Great posts this morning. What I am curious about is the red car and if it is the same one the Sheriff was looking for. My theory with this and how he could have stayed under the radar is: He had multiple cars, what if he didn't have the red car registered. He had multiple cars so he could have used a plate from a different car that was registered. I am sure they looked through motor vehicle records but it wouldn't show up if not registered. If he bought it from an individual opposed to a dealer he may not have re-titled it yet in his name. Just a thought, super curious to find out more about his cars and if LE was right on with the vehicle. MOO
He seems to be a smart man with no record, no job and an inordinate amount of time on his hands with a profound focus on what he wanted to do, at least the kidnapping part of it. I am not convinced he had a plan for the time after he got her up to the cabin. No wonder LE couldn't find him, he left no trail.
This story does not add up for me. I understand that there have been random kidnappings before, but a guy with a relatively light record, coming at 1 AM from 70 miles away and randomly targeting Jayme Closs for kidnap and brutally killing her parents in the doesn't make sense to me. There has to be a connection.

Interested in theories some of you may have.

This is my first time posting on Websleuths, but I have been reading for awhile now.

I feel the same way. I've really been racking my brain to try and figure this out.
His mother moved to the small town where Jayme's dance class was. Perhaps on a visit there to see his mother, he saw Jayme and her mother having something to eat in a local diner before dance class. In a small town like that people repeat their routines and if he knew that Jayme was there every Tuesday evening for instance he would easily be able to track her through the dance studio on line presence. He could easily follow her home to see where she lived and then check out the house when they were at work and school. It is very easy to do, I think, especially if the people being stalked have no idea it is happening. Look how much websleuthers find out, he could do the same.

Can you link me to the MSM article that states this info about his Mom? I'm curious to read about it.
I hadn’t heard that the accused’s mum lived near Jamie’s dance class but if this is the case as per pps it could be the link. I believe he had a sister- it could be that she also attended dance classes at same studio? Long shot thinking out loud and MOO.
I'm still so thrilled to see Jayme was found alive when I sign on now! It brings me so much joy to know Jayme is back home with her loving family. Although I cant feel anything but deep sadness knowing Jim and Denise were so senselessly murdered.

I've pointed out many times how such bad things seem to happen to such good people. This is another tragic example seen way too many times.

Jayme and her parents represent the all American family. They raised Jayme with tender loving care. They wanted her to enjoy the life of a child without growing up too fast and Jayme was doing just that before her life was ripped apart.

JP is not mentally ill any more than all the others who simply have evil in their hearts and minds.

These same kind of predators have crossed paths with other good families to murder...rape and kidnap. Most of the kidnapped victims weren't found alive. I am so happy to know Jayme survived.

I think Jayme is a survivor. She saw her parents and saw how strong and morally committed to doing the right thing was for them and she learned to be strong herself.

I believe she learned how to communicate with JP. She knew she had to stroke this beast's engorged ego in order to survive. She knew if she did not he could easily kill her.

I have no doubt during her entire 3 months ordeal he threatened her many times in order to still have full control.

But as the months went by he may have been more at ease when he left the cabin. He may have not locked her away when he left...only locking the cabin up that day.

He had to have her in a locked area since it's been said his friends never saw her. Sort of like Castro had done to his 3 kidnapped victims.

Imo every day Jayme was held captive she clung to the hope that one day she would see an opportunity to escape.

While he diabolically planned how to keep her imprisoned Jayme she was thinking how she could run to freedom and thank God that day came and she took it!!!

I truly hope none of the details come out as to what all she had to endure. None of the public needs or has the right to know.

I have no doubt though Jayme will tell the LE investigators all they need to know in order to bring justice for Jim..Denise and Jayme.

They will have an interviewer who is an expert in interviewing minor children ...most likely a FBI female agent who has much experience in doing these type of interviews.

Someone mentioned there had to be a connection somewhere between Jayme and her kidnapper. The thing is though there doesnt have to be.

There are so many public places he could have seen her without her knowledge. We dont live our lives in caves nor thinking we are being stalked by someone.

No matter where the location happened to be it doesnt help make any of us any safer even if it becomes known.

If it was at Walmart or a local diner people aren't going to stop going where they normally go in their daily lives nor should they.

Next time the obsessive stalker may see their intended target in other public places or even in their yard at home. So even if it becomes known it doesn't protect the next victim for none of them will know either if the suspect may be there planning to kidnap them out of their homes or even off the street in broad daylight.

Predators are always looking for targets and the victims could be anywhere at the time.

The problem is the victims have no idea who they even are for at that time they are nameless unknowns nor do they know they are being stalked by an obsessive predator who is a total stranger hellbent on kidnapping them no matter what it takes.

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His mother moved to the small town where Jayme's dance class was. Perhaps on a visit there to see his mother, he saw Jayme and her mother having something to eat in a local diner before dance class. In a small town like that people repeat their routines and if he knew that Jayme was there every Tuesday evening for instance he would easily be able to track her through the dance studio on line presence. He could easily follow her home to see where she lived and then check out the house when they were at work and school. It is very easy to do, I think, especially if the people being stalked have no idea it is happening. Look how much websleuthers find out, he could do the same.

Agreed, he could of randomly seen here once or maybe twice and became obsessed instantly.
Follows home once, knows where they live.
Then returns to house at some point covert just to canvas and watch in/out actions or awake/sleep routine. Not something that would be hard to do in that area with a bit of camo coverings.

Also considering the area, he may of already been in that house to scope the layout while family was away. Unlocked doors are non uncommon. My friends parents have never locked their door in 32 years...

Does this for weeks, months until he's ready... or just once and bang.

Either way I agreed that someone else noted he didn't think out the end game well enough.

I doubt JC was a video gamer, I just don't get that vibe.

I'm anxiously awaiting details and house photos. Perhaps a few more dets will come out tomorrow!
I can't imagine the level of PTSD poor Jayme is going to be dealing with for, probably, the rest of her life. I also can't imagine how it is going to affect her and even her friends to not know what the connection she was targeted. I'd be afraid to leave my home!
I’ve said for months this case has many similarities as that of Shasta Groene’s kidnapping with a young girl taken while the rest of her family was brutally killed.

Shasta’s kidnapper just happened to see her at random one day. After that, he began methodically stalking her and learning the family’s routines so he knew when to strike.

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if that’s what happened here. The killer in this case was visiting family in Barron and just happened to see Jayme. He now has a target in his head and comes back to stalk her movements, learn where she lives, etc.

Barron is a small area, so there’s only so many places Jayme could’ve gone and I would imagine it would’ve been somewhat easy to trace. Since the people in a small close knit place like Barron wouldn’t ever suspect something like this could happen (nor could many of us), it’s very possible Jayme and her parents had zero clue they were being tailed.

Poor James & Denise - they really had no chance
Great posts this morning. What I am curious about is the red car and if it is the same one the Sheriff was looking for. My theory with this and how he could have stayed under the radar is: He had multiple cars, what if he didn't have the red car registered. He had multiple cars so he could have used a plate from a different car that was registered. I am sure they looked through motor vehicle records but it wouldn't show up if not registered. If he bought it from an individual opposed to a dealer he may not have re-titled it yet in his name. Just a thought, super curious to find out more about his cars and if LE was right on with the vehicle. MOO

They were looking for a red/orange 2014+ Dodge Challenger. I'm certain LE was able to distinguish car initially compared to a the 2000'ish Fors Taurus that was recovered. Possible other vehicles in yard related but we are unsure what those are.
Can you link me to the MSM article that states this info about his Mom? I'm curious to read about it.
I cannot give you the link. I read on here a couple of threads ago that the town is Haugan and is up route 53 from Barron and when I come back from church, I will try to find the exact quote.
Another possible “profile” of the killer, from an amateur profiler, obviously without having any crime scene information whatsoever:

- no drugs/alcohol...very fit (can kick in a door)
- loner, very little contact with anyone (why there are no people coming forward about a change in behavior etc)
- survivalist/minimalist (no problem living in the north woods)
- hunter (saw Jayme as his “prey,” planned the surprise nature of the attack)
- mapped this out over an extended time (stalked home, knew patterns, knew community, knew routines etc)
- worshipped Jayme from afar/no prior interaction with family (perhaps had initial chance sighting at school, running in park etc which grew into an obsession)
- technology averse (preferred cunning, wits, camouflage, hunting psychology etc instead of SM)
- unemployed/lots of time to study Closs home stealthily (may have stalked home unnoticed on multiple occasions)
- “bad” or no relationship with own parents (so no reservations whatsoever about killing parents of Jayme)
- not angry/focused and methodical

I do think as was mentioned many posts back that the most recent presser was a dog whistle. Jayme must be depressed, despondent, sad...if he took her because he loved her and her childlike happiness, he wants to make her happy again...the aunt’s plea gave him a road map to make her happy. Let’s hope he falls for the bait and someone notices.

I must respectfully discount the “cellphone scanner” app theory...because the phone would have surely pinged a cell tower.

The only other thing I will note at this point is this...did anyone else find it odd that the sheriff made it a point in one of the pressers to talk about the thank you notes?

all moo...all of it.

This comment has been referenced many times in the last two days, so I thought it would be interesting to take a closer look.

  • Regarding kicking in the door, wan't the door shot?
  • We don't know anything about drugs and alcohol use. His brother has drug related offenses so he may have drug use history - too soon to say no drug/alcohol abuse.
  • Regarding being a "loner," we know that he lived alone, but according to recent reports, his friends visited and Jayme was hidden. There are mixed reports about whether people were "coming and going" from the property, or whether it was so quiet that no one knew he was there
  • He lived in a vacation community, but he did not live in a vacation home. He lived in the area year round and does not appear to be a survivalist or minimalist.
  • He has a gun, may have hunting experience, but there's nothing to support that he is a hunter at this time.
  • He very likely watched Jayme prior to her abduction, but we don't know if that was a day, a week or a month, so it's impossible to know whether he mapped this out over an extended period of time.
  • I kind of doubt he "worshipped" her. I think it's more likely he wanted to possess her in the way that people want to possess a car.
  • Regarding "technology averse", I'm inclined to think that his brazen attack might have been normalized by violent gaming (per Massguy)
  • He is unemployed
  • His relationship with parents may have been one of neglect rather than "bad." His parents provided him a home and left him alone. That may be what he wanted.
There were two possibilities here: Jayme alive or deceased. If she was alive, as the Sheriff stated, she was held captive somewhere. If she was deceased, it was still possible that she was held captive somewhere prior to being murdered. I do believe that if she had been recaptured at the time of her escape, she would be deceased today.

Given that only Jayme was taken from the house, I'm surprised that the Sheriff thought that the parents were the target.
They were looking for a red/orange 2014+ Dodge Challenger. I'm certain LE was able to distinguish car initially compared to a the 2000'ish Fors Taurus that was recovered. Possible other vehicles in yard related but we are unsure what those are.

Do you have a link to where they identify a Ford Taurus as the car recovered? I have not seen that.
I’ve said for months this case has many similarities as that of Shasta Groene’s kidnapping with a young girl taken while the rest of her family was brutally killed.

Shasta’s kidnapper just happened to see her at random one day. After that, he began methodically stalking her and learning the family’s routines so he knew when to strike.

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if that’s what happened here. The killer in this case was visiting family in Barron and just happened to see Jayme. He now has a target in his head and comes back to stalk her movements, learn where she lives, etc.

Barron is a small area, so there’s only so many places Jayme could’ve gone and I would imagine it would’ve been somewhat easy to trace. Since the people in a small close knit place like Barron wouldn’t ever suspect something like this could happen (nor could many of us), it’s very possible Jayme and her parents had zero clue they were being tailed.

Poor James & Denise - they really had no chance

I believe Joe Duncan is one of the worst pedophile predators in recent history. Duncan was a sadist. So the thrill of torturing his victims was just as much a part of the thrill as the repeated rapes and murders.

Duncan didnt just target Shasta. He targeted both Shasta and Dylan. His perversion...torture and repeated rapes done to little 11 year old Dylan every day in captivity was demonic.

Just like he tied the little boy to a tree in CA and subjected him to unimaginable tortures and repeated rapes before killing him leaving him tied to the tree.

He was ruled as a sexual sadist deviant who was untreatable and this was when he was barely a teen. But the let him out even though they knew he was extremely dangerous.

At the age of 8 he had begun sexually assaulting 5 year old boys in his neighborhood.

He seem to have no gender preference. All he seem to care about is they were young innocent children.

I'm glad that JP will never be out to hurt anyone else.

His mother moved to the small town where Jayme's dance class was. Perhaps on a visit there to see his mother, he saw Jayme and her mother having something to eat in a local diner before dance class. In a small town like that people repeat their routines and if he knew that Jayme was there every Tuesday evening for instance he would easily be able to track her through the dance studio on line presence. He could easily follow her home to see where she lived and then check out the house when they were at work and school. It is very easy to do, I think, especially if the people being stalked have no idea it is happening. Look how much websleuthers find out, he could do the same.

After I learned early on that Jayme was involved with dance I thought that was one of the most likely scenarios. Either noticing her at a dance recital or somewhere on the way to dance practice.

One of my friends owns a large dance studio and I often help her with class and recitals. The recitals are open to the public, and we always have people attending who do not have a connection to any of the students. Once a year she has a large show that is held in a local school and is advertised and the public is invited.

The parents often take the students out to eat before or after class or recital, even just a quick stop for ice cream. The girls usually wear their dance leotards to and from class and it would be easy to notice them and either follow the car home or find their address through the license plate.
Your daily reminder:


I keep hearing reporters saying Jayme’s a survivor. Yes, 1000% she’s a survivor. But, that’s not it. To think that she kept courage even after 88 days of whatever Hades JP put her through....amazing. Jayme’s a WARRIOR!
Could her dance studio be in a location such as a plaza or shopping center where there is also a book store, comic book shop or such that he would have visited regularly, too?
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