Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #38

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I think its highly likely in his own sick twisted mind that he viewed JC as shinny object like others had while growing up. Only he didn't have the social skills to ever have one of his own. And I'm in no way hinting that females are objects, But I do believe that sick individuals like him do have these types of non social thoughts. In his mind he may think that it was his way of acquiring what he wanted as his own. I hope that makes some sense as it makes me almost ill to type. MOO
Does anyone think a mental evaluation will be done on the perp?

Wonder if he has asperger's?

Even if he is proven to be on the spectrum....he still needs to be held accountable for his crimes. Definitely wondering how this case will be presented next month..

The way he was nodding his head in anticipation of answering the judge makes me think he is not on the spectrum.
Does anyone think a mental evaluation will be done on the perp?

Wonder if he has asperger's?

Even if he is proven to be on the spectrum....he still needs to be held accountable for his crimes. Definitely wondering how this case will be presented next month..
I think it's very unlikely that he has any variation of Autism. I'm sure he will be evaluated, complete with a full background history. But even if he is found to have a Mental Health Disorder, I can't see how it would effect his accountability. Especially if he has a Personality Disorder.
He seems pretty calculating to me. Imo
I brought it up in the Watts and Tibbetts thread.

It’s an excellent guide for trusting your instincts, and avoiding danger, especially in relationships.

This advice certainly could not have helped the Closs family, as you can’t recognize a threat unless you see it coming.

Nobody could have seen this coming.

In regards to JB, I’m sure that it would have helped guide people the hell away from him.

But I’m not sure there’s a a great deal that could have been done, atleast in regards to those who encountered him (outside his family).

We’ve heard that he was a quiet student, but not a problem one. There’s lots of people who fit that description, and they don’t go on to become killers.

So people could have protected themselves from him, but that was no help to the Closs family.

Isolation served him well.

I agree about it not helping the Closs family. Anything that they *could* have done is just stuff that we can see in hindsight and comes with a lot of "ifs'." They didn't do a darn thing wrong, and did several things right, and nobody saw this coming. But yeah, perhaps if he'd exhibited signs (and he may have) so that people could have intercepted him earlier...Of course, he may not have shown many at all.

TGOF is a a good book, though.
Here in Canada we are to STOP in both directions. Although, if it was same in the U.S., I doubt the vehicle in question would've been stopped anyways for disobeying the road rules as LE was busy heading to the 911 call. Unfortunately.

And I thought it was very smart (I hate to use a positive word to describe the creep) of JP to pull over and act like he was just a normal person out for a drive. He really kept his head which also may have diverted suspicion from him.
Does anyone think a mental evaluation will be done on the perp?

Wonder if he has asperger's?

Even if he is proven to be on the spectrum....he still needs to be held accountable for his crimes. Definitely wondering how this case will be presented next month..
Why would they give him a mental evaluation? He can't be found legally insane as he planned how to get away with these crimes and then tried to hide it. He knew right from wrong.
But idk maybe him having some mental something might get him medication or something so he doesn't have these fantasies? idk.
I think its highly likely in his own sick twisted mind that he viewed JC as shinny object like others had while growing up. Only he didn't have the social skills to ever have one of his own. And I'm in no way hinting that females are objects, But I do believe that sick individuals like him do have these types of non social thought. In his mind he may think that it was his way of acquiring what he wanted as his own. I hope that makes some sense as it makes me almost ill to type. MOO
You’re certainly not wrong.

He definitely saw Jayme as an object, and was willing to go to unspeakable lengths in order to get her.
I brought it up in the Watts and Tibbetts thread.

It’s an excellent guide for trusting your instincts, and avoiding danger, especially in relationships.

This advice certainly could not have helped the Closs family, as you can’t recognize a threat unless you see it coming.

Nobody could have seen this coming.

In regards to JB, I’m sure that it would have helped guide people the hell away from him.

But I’m not sure there’s a a great deal that could have been done, atleast in regards to those who encountered him (outside his family).

We’ve heard that he was a quiet student, but not a problem one. There’s lots of people who fit that description, and they don’t go on to become killers.

So people could have protected themselves from him, but that was no help to the Closs family.

Isolation served him well.
He's an enigma to me at this point. He has the hallmarks of certain other killers and stark contrasts as well. I'm sure we'll find out more going forward. Thanks for the book rec
I brought it up in the Watts and Tibbetts thread.

It’s an excellent guide for trusting your instincts, and avoiding danger, especially in relationships.

This advice certainly could not have helped the Closs family, as you can’t recognize a threat unless you see it coming.

Nobody could have seen this coming.

In regards to JB, I’m sure that it would have helped guide people the hell away from him.

But I’m not sure there’s a a great deal that could have been done, atleast in regards to those who encountered him (outside his family).

We’ve heard that he was a quiet student, but not a problem one. There’s lots of people who fit that description, and they don’t go on to become killers.

So people could have protected themselves from him, but that was no help to the Closs family.

Isolation served him well.
I agree. The Closs family couldn't have done anything different. They had no idea there was even a threat. Thank you for recommending the book. I bought 3 copies on your recommendation. I believe it has already helped my daughter. It's such a scary world out there.
I disagree, although only based on the videotape of him from the hearing today. He didn't strike me as nervous at all, in posture or speech, and he held his chin high, which I read as defiance. MOO...
Yes, or at least confidence or pride. He may very well have been shy and withdrawn as a child, but fantasized about being something like an action hero. I bet we find out that he is pretty intelligent, too. Imo
Someone on the Chris Watts thread suggested a book, "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin De Becker. I haven't read it yet but my daughter is reading it now and she said it has taught her a lot. I believe the signs are there. We just need to know what to look for.


Thank you so much for mentioning "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin De Becker.

The first time I'd heard of this book was a few years ago, here on Websleuths. I don't recall whether it was @Tricia or one of the stellar moderators here who recommended "The Gift of Fear".

This important, and essential book in my opinion, should be read by everyone of all ages. I learned so much from it.

I especially recommend giving a daughter or son a copy of this important book.

It is an important topic for a family discussion.

I gave my daughter this book and after we both read it, we discussed the importance of listening to the natural survival instinct which all humans have - our gut instincts.

From the book:
"The threat of violence surrounds us every day. But we can protect ourselves, by learning to trust—and act on—our gut instincts."
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Don't know if this has been mentioned before and perhaps I'm stating the obvious. but JP's statement that "when he saw J.L.C., he knew that was the girl he was going to take," means to me that he had previously decided to take a girl and had been looking for the 'right' girl. No doubt doing all his planning on how to get away with it prior to even laying eyes on Jayme.

I agree. How does and why does one just wake up
and decide “I’m going to take a girl.” ??!!!

How long had it been since his mind was made up that he was indeed going to take a girl?
Also, I’m really disturbed by this from The Daily Beast link hereKidnap Suspect Jake Patterson Allegedly Hid Jayme Closs Under His Bed for Hours at a Time
“After Patterson’s court appearance Monday, Barron County District Attorney Brian Wright said there’s more to the alleged kidnapping and murder plot than what authorities included in the criminal complaint.

Prosecutor Mark Fruehauf of Douglas County, where Jayme was held captive, said he could soon file charges against Patterson, too.

Asked what Patterson’s end goal was in snatching Jayme, Wright declined to comment outside of what’s alleged in the shocking .
I can believe it. Joseph Duncan was literally just driving down the road when he saw Shasta Groene playing out in her yard. He broke in, killed her parents, and then took her and her brother away. (Sadly, he killed her brother, but Shasta was later rescued.) Prolific serial killer Henry Lee Lucas used to just go to parking lots and sit there and watch people until he found the victim he wanted.

Both of those were experienced. This was a first-time deal most likely -- that's what's so unbelievable to me. Mass shootings, first time, I get -- those are usually suicide by cop anyways.

This crime...
I have a question which seems so dumb to me but I guess it's because I've never had experience with the legal system as a defendant.

The guy has confessed to 2 murders. Once a person confesses, how exactly do they end up going to trial? I understand due process of law, but I've always thought once a person calmly admitted to commission of a crime or crimes, they were then bound over for sentencing after the DA has all evidence in for the state.

I wouldn't call what I've read in the legal documents " excited utterances" which are when a person jumps up and says " I did it" and they are either altered mentally due to substance abuse or maybe just shocked in some way at the moment.
Yes. They did a great job. Hats off to them. I cried listening. Jeanne held it together during the call so calmly, but as she hung up and said thankyou to the dispatcher you could hear in her voice she was ready for a good cry. God Bless her. The range of emotions she was experiencing had
to have been beyond overwhelming especially considering how they had to remain calm knowing a maniacal evil killer was on the loose potentially 3 doors down and they had his escaped prey. That’s scary! but for Jayme they put on a brave calm face so she wouldn’t sense their fear. The dog scratching the door sensed it, though.

Something i noticed though was how LONG it took for them to get there. That was stressing me out. How far is the nearest police station?

This did present like a lockdown in which perhaps the police were present and securing the entire neighborhood & using the operator as a means of both distraction and ascertaining depth of deep $#!+ they were walking into.

Halfway through this call, the family whose home Jayme was taken to was told to 'tell the parents not to come'; am unsure if that family had wanted to bring their relatives INTO a volatile situation?

Mental flexibility and resourcefulness required of the operator at each & every second is astounding. Certainly it's a required facet to maintain such a job, but she performed very well & I hope that whatever center she works is providing support as 'a good cry' isn't nearly enough knowing how many lives were on the line that whole time.
@MsBetsy said:
I read that she saw the car pulling in the driveway, after hearing the dog bark, and then she went to wake her parents up. Imo
Thinking the same. To tired to check. Other thing about the driveway, I think it was downhill.
Re. Complaint (pg 6 of 12)

J.L.C. stated she got up to investigate why her dog was barking and noticed there was someone driving up their driveway. J.L.C. stated she went to her parents’ room and woke them up. J.L.C. stated her parents got up and her father went to the door to see what was going on. J.L.C. stated there was a man (later identified as Patterson) at the door with a gun, so she and her mother hid in the bathroom with the door closed. J.L.C stated that she and her mother hid in the bathtub.
Gaaah, so wonderful! Now pass the tissues you big softie. :D
You can have the whole box. :)

Maybe I'm just burned out of dissecting the miserable minutia. Jayme is safe. Bad guy has been removed from society. And between Jayme's family, thousands of volunteers searching, the Gordon neighbors (and Henry :)), a whole lot of people who didn't ask for any of this to happen rose to the occasion and did what needed to be done. They are the drop of good in a pool of insanity.
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