Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #38

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I agree. The Closs family couldn't have done anything different. They had no idea there was even a threat. Thank you for recommending the book. I bought 3 copies on your recommendation. I believe it has already helped my daughter. It's such a scary world out there.
Which book?
I think its highly likely in his own sick twisted mind that he viewed JC as shinny object like others had while growing up. Only he didn't have the social skills to ever have one of his own. And I'm in no way hinting that females are objects, But I do believe that sick individuals like him do have these types of non social thoughts. In his mind he may think that it was his way of acquiring what he wanted as his own. I hope that makes some sense as it makes me almost ill to type. MOO
I hope he's impotent.
I wonder if all the available officers were already surrounding/arresting JP at that point (?) and then went to get JC after (?) I read somewhere that when LE turned onto his road (very rural) JP passed his own driveway and so was pulled over right there....maybe backup came right away for the JP arrest because of the high-profile case... not sure, though...
I believe he was arrested 11 minutes after the call came in. I will find the article. It took 29 min for them to get to her. Not sure ...
I think we’re all wasting our time trying to understand anything about this case. After reading the criminal complaint and letting it all sink in I’ve come to the realization that I’ve never seen anything like this before. Not even capable of understanding.
This will be determined at the plea hearing. All accused have the right to a fair trial. If defendant pleads guilty it will skip trial and go to the penalty phase. If the defendant pleads not guilty/ not guilty by reason of insanity etc it will move to trial.
Thank you. I thought a confession negated the right to trial. I've had some really wrong flow charts in my head about the legal system and a confession of guilt, I guess..
He did say he was prepared to kill anyone in the house. I believe that's why he went searching through the house after he killed James. If he had found anyone else there he would have killed them too. Imo

Oh he was for sure prepared to kill any witnesses, I just get the sense based on his previous canceled attempts that it shows to me that he would rather have gotten in and gotten out with jayme and as little commotion as possible. And its only my opinion, he may very well had wanted to kill everybody in that house accept for JC. And obviously its hard to get inside the mind of someone who commits such unspeakable acts and Its probably impossible to ever comprehend. So I'll just stop right there.
When did the 2 other attempts (by the perp)to kidnap Jayme happen..said perp admitted this...seeing this on my local news..was this info listed in the complaint..I only skimmed the document..
He’s certainly an “enigma,” as you can’t package him neatly into any category.

The issue here, is that this crime doesn’t have a lot of precedent.

Kidnappers don’t typically kill a family in order to achieve their goal.

I have no doubt that had there been more people in that house, he would have met the definition of a mass murderer.

But he doesn’t profile as a mass murderer, even though he does have some of the same traits.

I see him more like a serial killer than anything, but he also doesn’t meet that definition either.

This is a weird one.

It sure is, MassGuy. It's like LE was able to stop a potential monster after his first crime.

As much as the vengeance side of me wants a quick end, I hope someone is able to talk with him and get some idea of what made him this way to help stop this from happening in the future.
Both of those were experienced. This was a first-time deal most likely -- that's what's so unbelievable to me. Mass shootings, first time, I get -- those are usually suicide by cop anyways.

This crime...
It is hard to believe that someone so young could commit such a horrible crime. It amazes me that someone can kill and then just step over the body like nothing happened. I believe our society is desensitized to violence. So many violent shows and video games. It's just so hard to believe that there are some very sick people in this world. Just to spot someone at a bus stop and decide you want them. It's crazy.
You can have the whole box. :)

Maybe I'm just burned out of dissecting the miserable minutia. Jayme is safe. Bad guy has been removed from society. And between Jayme's family, thousands of volunteers searching, the Gordon neighbors (and Henry :)), a whole lot of people who didn't ask for any of this to happen rose to the occasion and did what needed to be done. They are the drop of good in a pool of insanity.

Aww, everything you said is spot on. Yes Henry, had it not been for him needing a walk it's hard to say how this might have ended. :)

Dear Rallibella,

Thank you so much for kindly posting this for us.

Interesting how the 911 dispatcher, Ms. Pullen, mentions her "gut feeling" that caused her to believe this was legitimate.

From the article you linked:
“The sound of her voice, I knew something was different about this and I remember looking at my partner that day and she said, ‘is this legitimate?’ And I said, “I think it is.' You have that gut feeling, you can hear it in her voice, you just kind of knew."
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I don't know if this has been posted yet, but I love this interview with Elizabeth Smart about what she thinks will help JC transition through and beyond this tragedy.... She's really very kind and insightful, and gives a good reminder of how the comments of others can sometimes cause kidnapping victims additional pain....
Kidnap survivor Elizabeth Smart on Jayme Closs’ road to recovery
I would love to see Elizabeth Smart one day sit down with JC. They are members of a terrible club. I think talking to someone who can honestly relate to JC, and has come out seemingly very well, might be some of the best therapy.
I think we’re all wasting our time trying to understand anything about this case. After reading the criminal complaint and letting it all sink in I’ve come to the realization that I’ve never seen anything like this before. Not even capable of understanding.
Way more terrible than I could have imagined SN.
Thanks! So I'm curious what the explanation is for why it took so long for the initial responding officers to get Jayme... is it just a geographically huge area?

Most sheriffs are widely dispersed. The original response was so quick because it was close to shift change (we learned from the complaint, as I theorized a long time ago, BC deputies were in dispatch when the 911 hangup happened).

For Douglas, it was mid-late afternoon, closer to shift change, and the units likely widely dispersed. If you live in a large, rural county, it can take a while.
This did present like a lockdown in which perhaps the police were present and securing the entire neighborhood & using the operator as a means of both distraction and ascertaining depth of deep $#!+ they were walking into.

Halfway through this call, the family whose home Jayme w

Mental flexibility and resourcefulness required of the operator at each & every second is astounding. Certainly it's a required facet to maintain such a job, but she performed very well & I hope that whatever center she works is providing support as 'a good cry' isn't nearly enough knowing how many lives were on the line that whole time.

Absolutely. In the interview of the dispatcher linked a few posts upthread, she said something like she
had full body shakes after the call and that Jayme is one strong girl she hopes to meet one day. She said she wants to give the whole Closs family a big hug.
Thanks! So I'm curious what the explanation is for why it took so long for the initial responding officers to get Jayme... is it just a geographically huge area?
thats what I’m thinking since it’s so rural??
Like a previous poster said though, you could hear one of the officers on the 911 call saying i need to know what I’m walking into or we’re walking into. I think i heard him say that 2 or 3 times on the call.
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