Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #38

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Will there need to be a trial since JP has confessed and given an accounting of how things went down?

If murder carries a life sentence, right there is two life sentences. What can they plea it down to one life sentence without parole, plus the 40 years for kidnapping? It doesn’t matter, this monster will never walk free again!

Why spend taxpayers money and put JC thru the trauma of
a trial when bad boy has admitted to the crime and explained how he carried it out? Jayme is a living victim to what he says and can collaborate it.

The sooner he is sent to the big house and out of the news, the sooner Jayme can begin her privacy, healing, and new life.
I think unless a plea deal is on the table and accepted this case will go to Trial.
True! I've had pets (dogs and even cats) who know when someone is arriving well before the person is within hearing distance. I live in the city where there is always sound around us, but the animals still know. I didn't think about this aspect, but it possible the dog sensed something. Well, I will like to think that anyway. :)

The fact that Jayme's dog alerted her that someone was pulling in their driveway is another example.
I'm pretty sure law enforcement will look at this particular crime as a case study for many years. Guy has blood of ice, doesn't care if people are killed to achieve his ends and does lots of clever things to minimize evidence.

One wonders about his upbringing.

Good on Jayme for escaping - she's a brave young woman.
Can't help but wonder about the upbringing. And if true- the foster care experience. Something went wrong somewhere apparently.
The Taurus is massive oversite by cops.... but to be fair to them ... they were told they heard yelling going to domestic violence situation.... so they likely thought... if this guy beat up his wife and took off we will find him ..., and 2 min later at house they thought ok that wasn’t him...he’s dead..

Only 2 hours later could they put out apb for one of most popular cars they’d have 40.000 Taurus leads really quick

It was registered to sister at home of 55 yr old divorcee who’s got a new girlfriend..

James parents would be long dead...

There was close to 0 way to prevent this Crime at the time...

Hurt people hurt people so somebody tell me when JP was hurt and how, u had to nip in bud in front end. Doesn’t absolve him but might stop next person... remove schizophrenia stigma and reopen institutions... this dude shoulda been in padded cell... or somewhere outside public.
I'm pretty sure law enforcement will look at this particular crime as a case study for many years. Guy has blood of ice, doesn't care if people are killed to achieve his ends and does lots of clever things to minimize evidence.

One wonders about his upbringing.

Good on Jayme for escaping - she's a brave young woman.

Studies on young males committing homicides show they all
came from homes where parents or caretakers were rejecting
of the male, showed deprivation (emotional and physical)
and generally negligent of the child's needs.
In most cases it is faulty upbringing that causes these crimes.
Me too. I live only 20 miles outside of a major city and when a large truck overturned in the driveway it took almost 20 minutes for a medivac helicopter to arrive. It happens all the time in these rural areas. I'm just glad that Jayme was with cool as cucumber awesome people.

Dear Yellow Rose,

I genuinely appreciate your insightful and deeply compassionate posts! I know I'm not alone feeling this way! :)

That's the part that feels so amazing to me, as you say, "the cool as cucumber awesome people". You've summed them up perfectly!
I just watched John Walsh on GMA and he said in his ten years with Missing and Exploited Children, he doesn't find him seeing her at a bus stop and zeroing in on her all that rare. He stated children are most vulnerable going and coming from school and that there are "bus surfers" who are pedophiles who follow school busses and watch for children.

I don't have a link because I watched this live on TV just now.

I’m reminded of tragic Daniel Morcombe’s case he was kidnapped and murdered by an evil paedophilie from a bus stop in Australia in 2003. It really is a miracle Jayme has survived.
Goodness gracious! Does no one on WS ever sleep? ;)

I’m bringing forward, again, the criminal complaint document. It contains a lot of precise information and I’m very glad it’s been released, because it helps enormously when sifting through the various media reports as well as “I heard”, I read” etc.

It also answers several questions (NOT ALL) that keep coming up.

Also, from following other cases, an initial criminal complaint/charging hearing (almost) never has all the details and information that authorities have.

Whether or not JP eventually pleads guilty, or is offered or takes a plea deal, we haven’t even got to “discovery” yet. All we have so far is minimal info from the initial interviews with JP & JC. In fact, said interviews have only just started.

Regarding his defence lawyers, they didn’t have the document until early Monday either. I’d take anything they’ve said so far with a huge pinch of salt, although I am side-eying what I’m perceiving as a bit of “grandstanding” from one of them.

Again, from the official document amongst other things, 89 pieces of evidence were removed from JP’s home. That’s going to take time to process.

IMO, LE, the 2 DAs (Barron & Douglas counties) have much much more than they’ve released yet.
But that wouldn't of mattered in this case because it was a violent home invasion in the middle of the night long after the school bus had left. All IMO.
I agree. I was responding to the post about “bus surfers” and the vulnerability of kids at bus stops. I in NO way meant to imply the Closs parents could have prevented this. They could not have.
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Yours was not the only post although it was a bit better than the others.

They don't need to post but they want to.

Comments on the state of her hair after having been in a big dread-lock in that weather and the indication she should be mortified about it is really quite unnecessary, imo.
And I didn’t say she SHOULD be. I said I would’ve been. Stop putting words in my mouth. Also, if she isn’t now, she will be in good time, not because of her hair, but because of the circumstances. I know plenty of teens who don’t like or want their lives shared on SM by parents/family even on their best of days. One photo is enough.
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I think unless a plea deal is on the table and accepted this case will go to Trial.
What kind of Plea deal can they offer? One life sentence instead of two? The States attorney stated after the arraignment yesterday that there is no indication that this wont go to trial. The attorney's for JP have stated that they have defended cases with much more evidence and have had the case thrown out/dismissed.
I read it as he was on his way home from work. I assumed he had just quit/been fired and wondered if this was his trigger. If he was on his way TO work, I then wonder if he then quit to pursue JLC.
You are correct. Patterson told investigators that he spotted 13-year-old Jayme Closs boarding a school bus as he drove to his job at a cheese factory near Almena, Wisconsin, and "made up his mind to take her," according to charging documents. Charging documents reveal suspect's tactics, horrific new details in Jayme Closs kidnapping
Can't help but wonder about the upbringing. And if true- the foster care experience. Something went wrong somewhere apparently.
Other than the neighbor's comment is there any other source that says they were in foster care? Why would they go into foster care if both parents are alive, even if not living together? No other available relatives?
I just dont understand why the details of the only car the police encountered on the way to the Closs house were never revealed? Instead details of 2 completely unrelated cars were released. The police stated that it was the ONLY car that hey saw en route to the crime scene responding to the 911 call. I think i read somewhere on here that they got a pretty good look at the car and said that it was an older red, maybe a ford taurus car with something black in the middle of the back bumper? Can anyone confirm that and explain why that info was never released?
IMO I can believe he didn't do additional research on the family ahead of time. I think the reason he didn't go in the two previous times he went to the house was that it probably isn't out of line to assume many homes have guns there, being a hunting community and what not (plus wild animals coming onto rural property). I think he wanted the family asleep so it was a total shock and no time for a parent to grab a gun. I also think something else that proves he didn't do much surveillance or research into the family was IMO I don't think he knew they had a dog. Many dogs will alert to someone on the property just like Molly did. He probably didn't account for James being at the door waiting for him.

This is all speculation on my part, but I can totally see him just showing up thinking "If the family is caught unaware and asleep, it doesn't matter if they have a gun or who is there because I will catch them off guard." MOO
On my bus duty days I often wished every child getting on the bus leaving school would have some adult in charge to see them safely the rest of the way to their homes as they got off the bus.

I am the neighborhood mom who is most always home, so I ALWAYS make sure that all the kids who get off the bus get home safely. I have had to keep an extra kid or two at my house because their parents were stuck in traffic or whatever, but oh my gosh, I'd never forgive myself if something happened. I know the driver appreciates not having to return a 1st grader back to the school if mom isn't at the stop on time, and all of the parents in our small neighborhood have given permission to the driver to release the kids to any of us. I did not know the info about pedophiles and bus stops, but now that I do, I will be even more vigilant.
My favorite part of the 911 call was when Mrs. K says something like, "Uh, if you all could get over here quickly then that would be great." (I am paraphrasing.) I bet everyone in that house was terrified while they waited for LE to come and take over. They handled it super well, but could you imagine sitting there and knowing that a stone cold killer could be sneaking around your house, searching for a kidnapping victim that was currently sitting on your sofa? Kudos to them.

You never know what you would do until the situation actually happens. But when I was listening to the call that lasted 30 minutes, after 10 I was screaming at my phone and cursing saying get there get there get there because I knew the call lasted 30 minutes and couldn't figure out why it was taking so long. I do understand now looking back, but I can't imagine myself being on the phone for 30 minutes and not starting to get more emotional and aggressive with the dispatcher. Kudos to her!
They didn't know it was a crimes scene at the time. Seems like getting to the house with the emergency call would take precedent since, at that point, they didn't know if the crime was currently in progress-or if there was even one at all. If that car had NOT been involved in the crime and they'd stopped and pulled it over before going to the house, then that would be a whole other can of worms to consider. If I dial 911 then I am hoping that emergency services are coming straight to me-not stopping along the way to hand out tickets for traffic violations.

I have questions about why they didn't mention that vehicle later. However, I guess I'm failing to see the complaints about them not pulling the car over at the time. We have hindsight and information NOW that LE didn't have at the time.

I tend to agree with this. I'd rather have police officers focused on helping people. Vehicle license plate/registration issues are pretty low on the list of things police officers should worry about IMO. Obviously it would have made a difference in this case, but that's not the norm.
I would say ring camera woulda stopped him... but I’m not sure if there were 10 cameras he’d not do this...

He says he tried this twice before worried about being caught... I still think he had to do recon or was in house before... ring cams or security cams are cheap now and covered by insurance... if he’s 6 ft doughy guy in Wisconsin that would be hard to narrow down ... especially no record...

Do y’all honestly believe 0 recon, o google search, 0 anything...

Just spot jayme ... that’s it?

I don’t think ring, or other cameras would have stopped him.

I do think he had “planned out” a scenario/fantasy beforehand, possibly had been “playing” & refining it in his mind for sometime (years?), then yes, bam, saw JC, “that’s the one” & went for her.
In the end the Occam's Razor rule turned out to be correct once again.

It turned out to be exactly what it seemed to be all along which was an unknown predator had invaded the home belonging to a very good family and brutally murdered two loving parents so he could kidnap their daughter Jayme who was the 13 year old child victim he had randomly targeted.

There was simply no evidence throughout the entire three months showing anything other than exactly what it appeared and turned out to be.

Absolutely right. And I argued with my LE son when he told me that's what happened. He based it on Jayme being taken and not being killed like her parents. I'll have to apologize to him.
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