Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #39

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Hmph. I'd love to hear from them as to why that car didn't seem important at the time and why the other two vehicles they put out there in their press conference were important.

I dont understand why they ask for leads on the other vehicles. Maybe they were trying to confuse Patterson... Hard to say, but if they did release info about Patterson's sister's car, they may have received a lot of unwanted leads as well..
I wonder and would guess they asked him his route but it is not in the complaint which never tells all does it, more will come out probably down the line. He could have turned left at the edge of Barron proper and taken the back way to and down 25 (where a search was some time later staged interestingly enough) and then got on Highway 53 at the Highway 48 in Rice Lake on ramp. Or taken a number of back roads. He could get around going through Barron but I wonder, like you, did he drive casually right through Barron to the Highway 8 on ramp to 53? I too though would like to know if Kwik Trip, etc. cameras were looked at off the bat. I do not know how their street views are (but with all of the gas drive offs, one would think they would have pretty decent ones and Barron is two lane now isn't it where it used to be four so a good pic is a pretty good possibility?) A few weeks ago, a Kwik Trip in Cumberland has a very clear photo of someone at their door police were looking for. An extremely clear in color close-up. Made me wonder if their cameras all around are that good...
Quite honestly I expected him to head west on Hwy 8 then take one of the N/S roads to get onto roads that would have no traffic at that time of night. That way, by heading west, away from Barron, your chances of meeting any LE would be virtually nonexistent. You also have to remember that he didn't know what was in the house, it could have had 5 teenagers all with cellphones plus the parents cellphones. And all it takes is one to call 911. He never expected LE to be there so quick as he just escaped by less than a minute.

Being he went east I am guessing he went all the way to Hwy 53. First of all that would be the fastest way as it is just like 4 miles east of Barron and is 55 MPH once outside of town. You get on Hwy 53 and it is 70 MPH straight to Gordon only slowing down for Trego. The reason I don't think he turned north on Hwy 25 is first of all it is slower, as you have 55 MPH for almost 10 miles (to Hwy 53), and you slow to 45 before you get to the ramp at Hwy 53 by the DMV in Rice Lake. Also, if you turned on Hwy 25 north not only do you drive right by the Sheriff's office (County Criminal Justice Center) where all the cops will be coming from but also once you go through Barron far enough to get to Hwy 25, you are past most of the places that you would think would have security cameras such as the gas station, like Holiday, Kwik-Trip and food joints like McDonald's and Subway. Also, don't quote me on this, but I believe CVS drugs is on the corner of Hwy 8 & Hwy 25 and the drugs stores would certainly have cameras all over so if you drove by 2 sides of CVS (Hwy 8 then turn north on Hwy 25) your chances would be that much greater to be caught on a security camera. One has to remember this was after midnight on a Sunday night so the traffic out is going to be at a minimum. If I read it correctly LE said JP's vehicle was the only one they met. I'm guessing he wanted the fastest way back to Gordon.

But after having said all that is feasible after he realized the cops were at the house so quickly he could have taken any number of back roads north and staying off the main roads where he knew there would be virtually no chance of meeting any other cars, especially LE.

The information will surface. Again, I grew up on all those little back roads around there and I just can't imagine for the life of me why he headed east. I think he didn't imagine a 911 call would be made as soon as it was. The call was made before the issue with taping Jayme and I am sure that in itself, the taping, was over a minute in length as he first requested Denise do it then after awhile he took over the job taping the mouth/head, the hands and the feet.

It will be interesting to find out the actual route. MOO
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With all due respect to all the profiling that is going on here, my sister is a psychologist for the state I live in and only deals with sexual predators. I asked her about this and she stated that first, you cannot profile anyone based on statements made to the police because they are not giving accurate accounts most of the time. Second, it is impossible to profile someone through media accounts. She says it takes hours and hours of one on one time together to even try to put a phycological profile together to prepare for cases. She said yes, you can look at the crime itself and it may give you a starting point of where to begin but sooooo much more goes into it. I will stop at that because
I really didn't even want to go there.
You know something... that's a good theory. As another thought: they may not of wanted to have possibly spooked Patterson into murdering JC. It seems reasonable.
Yea, let's just keep it quiet and let him keep having his his way with her if he hasn't killed her yet
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Thank you... that's what we need to try and get at... it seems to be somewhat of a head scratcher if you ask me..

Head scratcher to put it lightly... why on earth would you not at the very least...

Take the photo from the cop camera... say to everyone at a news conference.. this car is 2009 Taurus that was traveling on HWY 8 at 12:59.... they are not a suspect at all... but we want to talk to them and ask them if they passed any cars on way home, did u see anyone pulled over side of road, anything at all go zooming past you.

It’s like they simply said the Taurus yielded so there cool....WTF... FITZ/FBI are likable but this is kinda weird none follow up.
Again, loyalty is something that can be as simple as compliance when it comes to trauma bonding. It doesn't imply anything aside psychological allegiance to a captors wishes.

I literally work with this every single day of my life. Hoping the certified trauma therapist who has been around these threads can chime in. I've never bothered to have my profession verified (for a variety of reasons).

Respectfully, the words "loyalty" and "compliance" have two very distinct and different meanings. There is no evidence whatsoever that the terrorized child victim of this horrific crime was in any way "loyal" to her captor. The fact that she risked her life to flee is proof.

With all due respect to all the profiling that is going on here, my sister is a psychologist for the state I live in and only deals with sexual predators. I asked her about this and she stated that first, you cannot profile anyone based on statements made to the police because they are not giving accurate accounts most of the time. Second, it is impossible to profile someone through media accounts. She says it takes hours and hours of one on one time together to even try to put a phycological profile together to prepare for cases. She said yes, you can look at the crime itself and it may give you a starting point of where to begin but sooooo much more goes into it. I will stop at that because
I really didn't even want to go there.
Your sister is RIGHT. But people are are always going to label, share opinion. Right or wrong. That's why I tried to bring the actual characteristics of certain diagnosis up.But I do agree
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I do care as well, however something had to have happened in that home. If the father feels any level of responsibility, I would say it's well founded. Both of his sons have committed crimes, personal crimes, and any person looking in has to wonder what in the world nurtured that kind of future behavior. Had it just been one child in the family, then it would be an anomaly, but to have two sons? Something happened in that home. Someone turned a blind eye at the very least.

I could come at the information we have so far about the family from a slightly different angle, but it’s PURE SPECULATION on my part:

Perhaps family were concentrated on/or tearing their hair out over dealing with the child (young adult) who DID have multiple & repetitive criminal convictions to a point where the quiet, loner, polite (insert various descriptives we’ve heard so far) youngest sibling was under the radar. Simply because he wasn’t causing trouble at the time. Or was better at hiding it.

Again, this is pure speculation.
With all due respect to all the profiling that is going on here, my sister is a psychologist for the state I live in and only deals with sexual predators. I asked her about this and she stated that first, you cannot profile anyone based on statements made to the police because they are not giving accurate accounts most of the time. Second, it is impossible to profile someone through media accounts. She says it takes hours and hours of one on one time together to even try to put a phycological profile together to prepare for cases. She said yes, you can look at the crime itself and it may give you a starting point of where to begin but sooooo much more goes into it. I will stop at that because
I really didn't even want to go there.
You can do it, but if you're looking for greater accuracy you need to have more information. :)
Quite honestly I expected him to head west on Hwy 8 then take one of the N/S roads to get onto roads that would have no traffic at that time of night. You also have to remember that he didn't know what was in the house, it could have had 5 teenagers all with cellphones plus the parents cellphones. And all it takes is one to call 911. He never expected LE to be there so quick as he just escaped by less than a minute.

Being he went east I am guessing he went all the way to Hwy 53. First of all that would be the fastest way as it is just like 4 miles east of Barron and is 55 MPH once outside of town. You get on Hwy 53 and it is 70 MPH straight to Gordon only slowing down for Trego. The reason I don't think he turned north on Hwy 25 is first of all it is slower, as you have 55 MPH for almost 10 miles (to Hwy 53), and you slow to 45 before you get to the ramp at Hwy 53 by the DMV in Rice Lake. Also, if you turned on Hwy 25 north not only do you drive right by the Sheriff's office (County Criminal Justice Center) where all the cops will be coming from but also once you go through Barron far enough to get to Hwy 25, you are past most of the places that you would think would have security cameras such as the gas station, like Holiday, Kwik-Trip and food joints like McDonald's and Subway. Also, don't quote me on this, but I believe CVS drugs is on the corner of Hwy 8 & Hwy 25 and the drugs stores would certainly have cameras all over so if you drove by 2 sides of CVS (Hwy 8 then turn north on Hwy 25) your chances would be that much greater to be caught on a security camera. One has to remember this was after midnight on a Sunday night so the traffic out is going to be at a minimum. If I read it correctly LE said JP's vehicle was the only one they met. I'm guessing he wanted the fastest way back to Gordon.

But after having said all that is feasible after he realized the cops were at the house so quickly he could have taken any number of back roads north and staying off the main roads where he knew there would be virtually no chance of meeting any other cars, especially LE.

The information will surface. Again, I grew up on all those little back roads around there and I just can't imagine for the life of me why he headed east. I think he didn't imagine a 911 call would be made as soon as it was. The call was made before the issue with taping Jayme and I am sure that in itself, the taping, was over a minute in length as he first requested Denise do it then after awhile he took over the job taping the mouth/head, the hands and the feet.

It will be interesting to find out the actual route. MOO
You may be right. When LE passed by his plans may have drastically changed.
Head scratcher to put it lightly... why on earth would you not at the very least...

Take the photo from the cop camera... say to everyone at a news conference.. this car is 2009 Taurus that was traveling on HWY 8 at 12:59.... they are not a suspect at all... but we want to talk to them and ask them if they passed any cars on way home, did u see anyone pulled over side of road, anything at all go zooming past you.

It’s like they simply said the Taurus yielded so there cool....WTF... FITZ/FBI are likable but this is kinda weird none follow up.

I've had those thoughts as well... They probably debated about it too.
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Another thing I’ve been thinking about is the fact that JTP says in the criminal complaint that he left the loaded shotgun outside of his room for two weeks after the abduction. That’s somewhat telling in regards to what kind of freedom he allowed Jayme to have even when he was home. I can’t imagine he wasn’t letting her have any freedom whatsoever within the house while he had a loaded shotgun sitting out.

Jake Patterson Criminal Complaint | Autopsy | Burglary
Lou Raguse on Twitter

Then there's this:
Circling back to this, authorities withheld that info because it was the best lead they had. They were trying to find a red Taurus owner and didn’t want him to know they had that info and get rid of it.

He took the precaution of hiding the license plate if I'm understanding this, so did he also conceal the vehicle once he had her?

Maybe the family left behind a clunker when the driver moved off, and JP fixed up one as his crime car?

Or did he have another car or was this kind of passed down to him as the youngest? In sister's name correct? A female listed as red toy owner might not be on the top of an investigative list as might a 21 year old male.
Quite honestly I expected him to head west on Hwy 8 then take one of the N/S roads to get onto roads that would have no traffic at that time of night. You also have to remember that he didn't know what was in the house, it could have had 5 teenagers all with cellphones plus the parents cellphones. And all it takes is one to call 911. He never expected LE to be there so quick as he just escaped by less than a minute.

<snipped by me.>

The information will surface. Again, I grew up on all those little back roads around there and I just can't imagine for the life of me why he headed east. I think he didn't imagine a 911 call would be made as soon as it was. The call was made before the issue with taping Jayme and I am sure that in itself, the taping, was over a minute in length as he first requested Denise do it then after awhile he took over the job taping the mouth/head, the hands and the feet.

It will be interesting to find out the actual route. MOO

Yes. I was also surprised he went East. Never seriously considered perp would do that. As to the response I believe he was thinking LE response time in Gordon.
I agree about the blind eye part, but just wanted to clarify on the older brother - from what I understand he had one charge of sexual contact with a 16 year old girl when he was 18 (this happens a lot) and the other charge was marijuana related. Neither one, IMO, is indicative of anything other than him being an immature teenage boy. Neither of those charges are anything compared to what JP has done. IMO, please correct me if my understanding of the older brother is wrong. He seems very supportive of the family and what his father is going through in pictures I've seen. He, IMO, is also a victim too - he will forever be known as the brother of monster JP.

It was a 15 year old he met online and drove 3 hours to meet:
According to court records, six years ago, when Erik Patterson was 18, he drove from Gordon to Buffalo City, nearly three hours away, to meet a 15-year-old girl and have sex with her. The girl told police she met Erik three weeks earlier on "an online chat site." Erik told police he "thought she was 17." In Erik's car, police found several maps, clothes and a police scanner.
Erik Patterson was charged with criminal sexual assault in the second degree, but the charge was reduced to fourth degree. He pled no contest and got a year probation. He moved to Leadville, Colorado a few years ago, where he worked at a Subway sandwich shop. A manager told FOX 9 he did a "s----- job and smoked a lot of pot."
Authorities investigating criminal history of Closs suspect's brother

Of course that is no comparison to murdering a 13 year old girl's parents and taking her captive for 88 days. But the brother's record also hints at predatory behavior IMHO.
With all due respect to all the profiling that is going on here, my sister is a psychologist for the state I live in and only deals with sexual predators. I asked her about this and she stated that first, you cannot profile anyone based on statements made to the police because they are not giving accurate accounts most of the time. Second, it is impossible to profile someone through media accounts. She says it takes hours and hours of one on one time together to even try to put a phycological profile together to prepare for cases. She said yes, you can look at the crime itself and it may give you a starting point of where to begin but sooooo much more goes into it. I will stop at that because I really didn't even want to go there.

Profiling through statements and media accounts is done by experts and laypeople all the time (the FBI has a division dedicated entirely to that).

Respectfully, perhaps you mean diagnosing? I absolutely agree with that. No one can diagnose any psychological illness or personality disorder in JP based on the statement, the things he did or things posted here. That takes many many many hours of in person evaluation, history of behavior, etc. Even then it's pretty difficult when you are dealing with people that are excessively self servant and dishonest.

At best, anything said here is speculation as to what psychological profile JP most closely resembles. MOO
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