Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #39

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Maybe not. What struck me about this case is not only the degree of rage displayed by this monster but also that the targeted victim at the bus stop is the only child in a loving, two-parent household and the killer has divorced parents, his mother apparently moved out of the household and she drives a school bus. I think family dysfunction and dynamics will be the center of the defense if PF decides to go to trial.

What struck me was an opposite impression: that he murdered two people-strangers in dispassionate cold blood, one in front of her child after he found both trying to hide from him in the bathtub, a mother's arms around her daughter, powerless to shield her, methodically accomplishing 2 murders and a kidnapping and an escape in a few minutes, and blandly reviewing his performance when caught as regrettably somewhat imperfect.

I'm afraid though, to think of what rage he likely exhibited to Jayme, and how he also likely punished her for his rage and feeling out of control (beyond the several instances included in the criminal complaint).
It's much easier to put the puzzle together when one has all the pieces. Many of the things that JP did as a younger person don't necessarily raise red flags on their own. (The animal thing is pretty troubling, for instance, but I stayed to the side and didn't participate in my 26-person class picture, either.) Out of context, many of the things that JP did over the years could have non-nefarious explanations. However, when you piece them all together, they DO paint a much different, unsettling, kind of picture.

I think this is where I start getting antsy. There's nothing wrong with being a loner, nothing wrong with playing video games, etc. We can't just pick ONE of those things out of the group and say, "This was the sign!" It's only when you look at everything together that the pieces start falling into place. Out of context, some of the pieces are totally benign.

Slashing the gf’s mother’s tires when she dropped him because of his horrible temper? Not benign to me
It's much easier to put the puzzle together when one has all the pieces. Many of the things that JP did as a younger person don't necessarily raise red flags on their own. (The animal thing is pretty troubling, for instance, but I stayed to the side and didn't participate in my 26-person class picture, either.) Out of context, many of the things that JP did over the years could have non-nefarious explanations. However, when you piece them all together, they DO paint a much different, unsettling, kind of picture.

I think this is where I start getting antsy. There's nothing wrong with being a loner, nothing wrong with playing video games, etc. We can't just pick ONE of those things out of the group and say, "This was the sign!" It's only when you look at everything together that the pieces start falling into place. Out of context, some of the pieces are totally benign.

Slashing the gf’s mother’s tires when she dropped him because of his horrible temper? Not benign to me
Yeah. That can mean a lot of things. Knowing what we now know about him, it definitely makes a lot of sense.

This guy couldn’t last more than a day or two in a normal job. Being surrounded with people and being constantly told what to do, not a chance.

His recruiter was an idiot.
Hmm....your comment about "being surrounding by people" actually might be a clue to his dismissal. He didn't like forming a camaraderie with his classmates, I'm sure he didn't like it with a bunch of males who were likely competent, competitive, hardworking, and genuinely tough both mentally and physically. Teamwork isn't exactly his strong point. Neither is perseverance.

Living in close quarters with a bunch of people probably was something he couldn't handle (And - there is no shame in being an introvert, so no need to defend the introverts of the world - but boot camp was not the place for this particular perp. My comments are about the perp, not about any introverts you personally may know or be.).


Not sure why my response became part of quote (above) . . . Try this again . . . Denise was never removed from the tub so I’m thinking the blood he almost slipped on was near the front door (James’ blood). He shot Denise as he was exiting the bathroom, was turning away from her is how I read it in complaint. Still, small room and you would think there would be some spray from a shotgun blast. I’m sure that’s being tested . . . Priding himself on the (almost) perfect crime, funny he would leave anything with potential evidence.
Hmm....your comment about "being surrounding by people" actually might be a clue to his dismissal. He didn't like forming a camaraderie with his classmates, I'm sure he didn't like it with a bunch of males who were likely competent, competitive, hardworking, and genuinely tough both mentally and physically. Teamwork isn't exactly his strong point. Neither is perseverance.

Living in close quarters with a bunch of people probably was something he couldn't handle (And - there is no shame in being an introvert, so no need to defend the introverts of the world - but boot camp was not the place for this particular perp. My comments are about the perp, not about any introverts you personally may know or be.).

Yes, it’s certainly not a place where one can isolate himself.

You are required to constantly interact, as everything is about teamwork.

It’s 13 weeks of absolutely no privacy.

Talk about being out of your comfort zone. For him anyway.
I think that JP was really into the initial crime of killing her parents and abducting her. While his target was Jayme, I think it was the planning and carrying out of THAT crime that excited him. And, IMO, that's why it doesn't appear that he had solid plans thereafter. Look at everything he did to prepare for the abduction/murder in comparison to what he did after he actually had Jayme (ie stuffing her under his bed). He may have had a vague idea of what it would be like to have an abducted child in his house, but it feels like he didn't have an actual long-term plan for her imprisonment. Like someone who robs a bank and puts tons of thought into the actual robbery but then, once they have the money, doesn't know what to do when they get outside.

Agree x 1000. It’s like he’s been waiting to talk about this for 90 days..

Have no idea why kidnap 13 yr old child... mom issues... girlfriend that left was same age so revenge for that ...I don’t know if he completely knows ...Having jayme clean is effing triple bizarre..
I think after seeing that the Taurus yielded for them to pass, they just figured that the person driving it was a good law abiding citizen who may have been on a joy ride that night, and couldn't of possibly of had anything to do with the murders, or have seen or provided any information that could help solve them.

I would like to know where the info from the other cars came from?

The neighbors possibly?

Also, when we look at the areas that were chosen for the search, it was always in the opposite direction from where the deputies would have had to of driven to get to the Closs house that night.

Why these areas?

A good citizen who was right by the scene of a horrific crime. This good citizen never came forward, did he , to let LE know he was on the scene and perhaps may have had some info.

But no. Not even asking if the person could be some kind of witness
Slashing the gf’s mother’s tires when she dropped him because of his horrible temper? Not benign to me

That's not what I said. In my post, and I quote, I said: Many of the things that JP did as a younger person don't necessarily raise red flags on their own with the keyword being "many", as in not all of them. And I stand by that-not ALL of them raise flags but, clearly,some do. (And I gave example of one.) I also went on to say that when you piece them all together, they DO paint a much different, unsettling, kind of picture. At no time did I imply that all of his actions were "benign" or that he showed zero warning signs as a young man. My post was about putting everything together, INCLUDING the troubling signs and the ones that may have appeared innocent at first, to paint a troubling, unsettling picture. In no way was I defending him or saying there's nothing in his past that raises a flag.
I want to stop and take time to send good, healing thoughts to Jayme right now.
She was AND IS, respectfully, our focus and our hope, and thanks be to her strength and the mighty protection of angels walking out of the cabin with her, she made her way to safety in a most serendipitous way.. to a social worker, not another deviant.

I HOPE JAYME'S DAY HAS RAYS OF SUNSHINE AND LOTS OF LOVING SUPPORT. I believe it will get better for her every day, and she will learn to live in her new ' normal".
Remembering Denise, whom Jayme looked like so much, and Jim, who made a beautiful second family for he and Denise and was a great dad and husband protector to the end.
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What were the many signs you've read/heard about that convince you he was "off"?

One of his classmates said he was withdrawn/a loner/pretty silent, but on the other hand, one of his teachers said he was quiet and unremarkable, but DID have friends.

He didn't last through basic training in the Marines, but that could have been for any number of reasons, including an inability/unwillingness to accept authority or just plain laziness, lack of motivation/ self discipline.

He seems to have a horrid work history, but he was only 21, had no special skills, and lived in a very rural area with very few available jobs of any kind, including entry level.

His grandfather said he was played computer games a lot, but that isn't unusual at all for a young man is age (or even older).

I'd be unhappy and likely worried if my own son couldn't get it together better at that age, but without more indications something was seriously wrong, I can't imagine concluding he would be capable of harming anyone, much less of proudly committing horrific crimes against strangers.

What is most scary to me is that the signs don't seem to have been there, at least that we know about so far.

I feel slashing the tires of his mother’s gf’s care because she broke up with him because of his horrible temper is actually more than “off”. And how he treated his gf is more than “off”.
In reading PP's direct quote to CNN reporter, I'm not convinced that a ready "LETTER" is not the embellishment of MSN, and all ran with the headline! I believe we have a father in shock, who openly sobbed and shook during the proceedings-- while gripping his other son, and who uttered a couple words on his way out of court --trying to escape the media.

And media already pounced on Jayme's Aunt, and Grandfather, for comments on a note that may not even exist (but maybe one that PP hopes to write, and would probably give it to the defense team or prosecutor to pass along). MOO

"All I care about right now is Jayme's family. I want to get them a note," he told CNN. Patrick Patterson declined to provide more details on the letter and apologized for not being able to elaborate on the situation.

"I'm sorry, I can't talk," he said, before he was escorted away from the public area by a deputy.

Patrick Patterson, according to CNN, was there for his son's arraignment Monday and could be seen crying and burying his head into the shoulder of a nearby relative as he watched his son appear in Barron County Circuit Court.
Father of Jake Patterson has a letter for Jayme Closs' family
I feel slashing the tires of his mother’s gf’s care because she broke up with him because of his horrible temper is actually more than “off”. And how he treated his gf is more than “off”.

If true, yes. But that info comes from a tabloid, isn't verified, isn't particularly credihle, imo, and is counter to other equally unverified accounts of him being absolutely "normal," loving towards his parents, etc.
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