Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #41

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Being optimistic isn't setting a standard. Besides, do you really think she's reading this forum?
Setting a standard by hoping she goes on to do great things!?! Christ what do you want us to hope for? That she can't recover and lead a horrible existance ? geez

edit: My apalogies the dude, I meant to reply to the person you were replying to....hand smacks face
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Not really anything new, but this appeared on the CNN site today:

Jayme Closs case: A chilling tale of murder, kidnapping and escape in rural America - CNN

Thought maybe PommyMommy would add this to her behemoth database. :)

A quote from this article, which I see in a whole new light now thinking of the possibility she was able to hear her aunts and uncles at the press conferences and interviews:

"Jayme, we need you here with us to fill that hole we have in our hearts," her aunt, Jennifer Smith, said in a message released by relatives. "We all love you to the moon and back."
Once again this is my last post for the night.. I am very very sorry that I made a post that you guys did not like. I will work harder in the future to study my post, and make sure everyone will approve before I post it.
No worries. Just ask yourself: “Am I criticizing an innocent murder victim?”

If the answer is yes, then you probably shouldn’t post it.
Hm. How about that picture of the high school kids and he is all alone in the back with his head in a book?

No, I do not think he was an average kid.

And I am thinking that the one grandfather is like the parents of Chris Watts.

They lost a grandson. Ok. Cry for us. Um, no

I find it pathetic that in a class of, what'd they say 32? that his teachers barely remember him.
Setting a standard by hoping she goes on to do great things!?! Christ what do you want use to hope for? That she can't recover and lead a horrible existance ? geez

edit: My apalogies the dude, I meant to reply to the person you were replying to....hand smacks face

You may keep your unofficial plastic Jessica Fletcher badge. :D
OK, you guys.. I just got off work, and I'm trying to watch a television program. So I will make this last post..

MsBetsy, you are right, and I am wrong as usual.. I'm very sorry i suggested trying to run away in a situation like this, and i will never do it again.. Will you guys stop picking on me now?
Oh my! I just got finished making a chicken stir fry for my kid ( who hardly ate one bite) and only saw a few posts. I did not know others responded to that post, or even that you suggested running, I was just responding to the idea that this may have been prevented. I guess I jumped in at the wrong time.
Sorry if it seemed like you were being picked on. I was just expressing my opinion that some things are out of our control. Some people go to therapy for years before they can come to terms with that, because they tend to blame themselves, and carry the guilt with them for years. It's a heavy burden. Imo
Does pommy / mommy know what Patrick Patterson job was.... again not blaming parents...

He has 2 homes/ 3 kids/ 4 cars...I’m not calling him rich but between taxes / electric/ licenses... etc. that’s not exactly cheap..

Don’t know what I can say. He does not live in a house that belongs to him. He comes from a family filled with accomplished people.
There are so many kind and funny people here, who while dealing with the horror of this case, are so glad the miraculous happened. So here goes a hopefully successful emoticon to all of you have hung in here. It is horrible all the way around. But Jayme is alive. :)
HAHAHA! Sooo... RadarOnline reports that he religiously followed... RadarOnline!

* facepalm *

Why do I picture him wearing his mother’s make up, fuzzy house slippers, sipping tea... critiquing and liking post about his crimes...

This guy is off the charts...jake still looking for approval or confirmation how smart he is. Unreal.... this effing guy would make the panty thief uncomfortable..
My understanding is that following the divorce of JP's parents, he bounced around before living at the "cabin" in Gordon on a permanent basis. There have been conflicting reports but this article seems to be the most accurate to me.

How did Jake Patterson's life lead to Jayme Closs?
So what could possibly have transformed this lean, prematurely balding and reserved young man into the alleged perpetrator of a brutal crime that shocked a nation?

Whatever the answer, it lies along the stretch of Hwy. 53 that runs roughly 100 miles from Barron, Wis., to the shores of Lake Superior.

It’s here where the 21-year-old Patterson spent most of his days, living in a series of small towns dotting the highway before settling in at his father’s remote cabin 9 miles east of Gordon.

Frey and Jake’s father, PP, had a troubled marriage and divorced when Jake, the youngest of three children, was 11. Court records show that they filed for divorce in 2005, reconciled, then ended their marriage in 2008 after 19 years.

The divorce decree provided scant details other than outlining the financial arrangements and joint child custody. Both parents were required to take a class titled “Effects of Divorce on Children.”

Moyer said the divorce bothered Jake, “like it would any kid.” But he’s not sure of the lasting impact.

As Frey moved from one local town to another over the years, Jake began spending more time at his father’s home in Gordon, according to VF, whose son Dylan was a close friend of Jake’s through middle school and high school.


ETA: The only mention of foster care seems to be from a neighborhood woman, I think? I'm not really sure who she is.

Jake Patterson: Suspected killer, kidnapper's life remains a mystery
One woman, PO, described Patterson and his brother as getting into trouble.

“They’ve stolen stuff before. They’ve been in foster care,” she said. “And the dad I guess, I don’t know. I’ve met him and talked to him when I walked through the neighborhood, but that’s about all I know.”

Since it sounds like he didn't live in Gordon for a few years and then showed back up at the cabin after he was 18, I sort of wonder if JP lied to the neighbor lady and said his parents had "abandoned" him and he had been living in foster care with his brother? It would be the perfect lie to tell to try to get sympathy from a neighbor asking why he was back living there without his parents. I see JP as the type who would always make himself out to be a victim even when it is not true. JMO.

My other theory is that his dad was supposed to be taking care of the boys but something happened that made foster care investigate and take the boys away for a time. It could be something one of the boys did that is now sealed as a juvenile record/CPS report or it could be something the father did that lead to the boys being taken away (I won't speculate on the father as that would be against TOS).
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Why do I picture him wearing his mother’s make up, fuzzy house slippers, sipping tea... critiquing and liking post about his crimes...

This guy is off the charts...jake still looking for approval or confirmation how smart he is. Unreal.... this effing guy would make the panty thief uncomfortable..

But according to Radar, he took the time to Google the crime and followed stories. If that radar article has any inkling of truth (remember the story about Denise barricading herself in the bathroom they published before the complaint came out) maybe he was researching and what was going on investigativally. In some ways, it makes sense.

I was thinking beforehand of a 21 year old going on 80, who didn’t deal with social media. Rethinking that. And yes, if he was, there is a likelihood he had a firmer understanding of who lived in the Closs house based on an Internet search and not just stopping by twice before going through with it. We will see.
Why do I picture him wearing his mother’s make up, fuzzy house slippers, sipping tea... critiquing and liking post about his crimes...

This guy is off the charts...jake still looking for approval or confirmation how smart he is. Unreal.... this effing guy would make the panty thief uncomfortable..
Right? I guess we should be thankful that he wasn't as resourceful as Jame Gumm and his basement of horrors.
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