Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #42

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Maybe JP himself wears fingernail polish. None of my boys did or do. But I see a lot of teens / young adult males that do these days.

Perhaps the nail polish remover (acetone) was used to wipe down the shotgun + shells. If memory serves me, JP told investigators that he wiped those items down to remove DNA
Sorry if these have already been answered:

Why was she kept hidden under the bed specifically for 12 hours? What was he doing during that time if he wasn’t working? And did JC state 12 hours (how would she know?) or did the perp? What happened the other 12 hours? She had to have eaten and drank something at some point to stay alive. Was she kept in the bedroom the whole time? It seems like she had to have been in other places in the house if he had to hide her when people came.

12 hours in a confined space, can’t move, no food, no water... makes me sick to my stomach to even begin to imagine that scenario. And not just once, but for 88 days! It’s too much.

AGAIN, apologies, can’t keep up with all the threads :)

JP stated he would sometimes leave her under the bed for up to 12 hours. ..JP stated that he told her if she had to go to bathroom she should just "hold it". Ugh!

From Page 11 of the criminal complaint found at this link:

Jayme Closs kidnapping: Here is the criminal complaint against defendant Jake Patterson - CNN
"At Christmas time, the defendant stated he left the house and went to Superior to visit one of
his grandparents. The defendant estimated he was gone for twelve hours. The defendant
stated he told J.L.C. that she had to hold it if she needed to go to the bathroom and was not
allowed to exit from under the bed until he returned."

I don't think there are any other reliable sources that answer your other questions.

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Someone on this thread said nail polish remover can be a drug-thing.

The other thing that strikes me relates both to this photo and something Jayme said.

1. Despite looking like it got stuck in a time -warp, the place looks CLEAN.
2. Next to the nail polish, there is what looks like a bottle of CLEANING fluid.
3. IIrc Jayme said JP struck her with a long-handled item he normally used to CLEAN THE BLINDS.

Just seems unusual to me that a young man would be that into cleaning. FWIW.

Can’t cleaning fluid be used to clean a gun?
Can’t cleaning fluid be used to clean a gun?

Probably. There is something niggling me about his cleaning, though. Is it that both cleaning and stalking can be symptoms of obsessive compulsion?

IDK. I imagine pressing refresh on an internet site lots of times a day is probably on that list too ;) MOO
Thought this was an interesting article. I have been wondering how Jake may have dealt with balding at such an early age and to what degree he may have been impacted by balding. I know one of the pictures I have seen posted shows him with a rather full head of curly hair and the others show his balding.

Anyway.....interesting article at link and just food for thought

"A major new study has revealed that hair loss can in fact trigger serious psychological breakdown - something my colleagues and I have believed for a long time.

Furthermore, researchers found it could even lead to exaggerated feelings of ugliness and, in the worst cases, trigger body dysmorphic disorder, where sufferers experience acute anxiety about their looks.

Doctors found that the 'enormous emotional burden' of going bald could lead in some cases to low self-confidence, mental disorders and even impaired quality of life."

"Researchers at the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin - one of Europe's largest and most prestigious teaching hospitals - studied hair growth, hair disorders and changes in hair density and quality among patients.

I have previously argued that the impact of baldness has been ignored or dismissed by many in the medical establishment.

I concede, of course, that losing one's hair is not in the same category as experiencing, say, a heart attack or stroke. The affects may not be immediately life-threatening.

The new research makes clear the impact of hair loss can have equally far-reaching, and, sadly, devastating consequences."

New Research That Proves Just How Devastating Hair Loss Can Be
My advice for Jayme Closs (from a child abduction survivor who has walked in her shoes)
Alicia-missing-person.jpeg Alicia-hat.jpeg Alicia-missing-wall.jpeg
In these early days, Jayme needs time and space, and her privacy must be respected.

Additionally, traumatic experiences can result in hypersensitivity. Emotions may run from one end of the spectrum to the other in mere seconds. Even the most gentle of touches, welcomed one moment, may be unbearable the next. Jayme’s family may learn that she will need to set new boundaries, and that while this can be highly confusing to all, they are hers to set.

Public curiosity often becomes both invasive and painful. There are aspects of Jayme’s captivity that she may never wish to share. We may never know, nor do we need to know, the horrors that this child may have experienced. Everyone must be cognizant of the fact that Jayme’s existence goes beyond the headlines, and she must be allowed to continue her healing without interference.

This world that she has been thrown into, one that she did not ask for, will be difficult to navigate. I’ve traveled these waters and know how invasion of privacy and misguided public perception can impede the recovery process. People often speculate about how they would react if faced with a dire situation. Never judge survivors for what they did, or did not do, in order to survive. Whatever choices they may have made were the right ones because they kept them alive – and that is heroic.

In the end, this is Jayme’s story and hers alone.
Sorry if these have already been answered:

Why was she kept hidden under the bed specifically for 12 hours? What was he doing during that time if he wasn’t working? And did JC state 12 hours (how would she know?) or did the perp? What happened the other 12 hours? She had to have eaten and drank something at some point to stay alive. Was she kept in the bedroom the whole time? It seems like she had to have been in other places in the house if he had to hide her when people came.

12 hours in a confined space, can’t move, no food, no water... makes me sick to my stomach to even begin to imagine that scenario. And not just once, but for 88 days! It’s too much.

AGAIN, apologies, can’t keep up with all the threads :)

If you figure out daily madness routine lemme know....

It reminds me of the story of the elephant chained 20 years... remove the chain and it still won’t’s broken..

He could have been sleeping often or playing games... conditioning her for months to get used to this... while staying in house... after so many times ... jake is comfortable her not bolting..

Again .. kudos to jayme for not cracking..
She might have said death is probably just as well then living with this psycho for another minute... I’m still stunned she bolted... thinking cross country helped..
That and parents eff you dna.
My advice for Jayme Closs (from a child abduction survivor who has walked in her shoes)
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In these early days, Jayme needs time and space, and her privacy must be respected.

Additionally, traumatic experiences can result in hypersensitivity. Emotions may run from one end of the spectrum to the other in mere seconds. Even the most gentle of touches, welcomed one moment, may be unbearable the next. Jayme’s family may learn that she will need to set new boundaries, and that while this can be highly confusing to all, they are hers to set.

Public curiosity often becomes both invasive and painful. There are aspects of Jayme’s captivity that she may never wish to share. We may never know, nor do we need to know, the horrors that this child may have experienced. Everyone must be cognizant of the fact that Jayme’s existence goes beyond the headlines, and she must be allowed to continue her healing without interference.

This world that she has been thrown into, one that she did not ask for, will be difficult to navigate. I’ve traveled these waters and know how invasion of privacy and misguided public perception can impede the recovery process. People often speculate about how they would react if faced with a dire situation. Never judge survivors for what they did, or did not do, in order to survive. Whatever choices they may have made were the right ones because they kept them alive – and that is heroic.

In the end, this is Jayme’s story and hers alone.

Very powerful words.
I was one that thought the bus and JP were probably headed west. I know that cars are supposed to stop both ways to permit a student walking across the street. It's still exceedingly dangerous and unnecessary, which is why I don't think it happened that way.
I wouldn't say it's unnecessary. Some routes require a road to be crossed, there's not enough time to turn around the bus to pick up every rider on their own side of the road. The routes aren't planned that way. I never had to cross the road when picked up or dropped off by the bus. My kids always had to cross the road for pick up and drop off. MOO.
This is the first case that I know of where all the details of what happened weren’t immediately released. I’m wondering if it’s because Jayme didn’t tell everything yet, LE purposefully is doing so to give her space to heal or possibly nothing beyond fear & physical abuse happened (I hope)?

LE often withholds info from the public. This case doesn't seem unusual in that respect. Info, true and false, travels very fast. If they had released that info, there might have been jailbirds telling details found in the paper, trying to turn in their cellmates to get a deal or the prosecutor would say any admission of guilt by JP was invalid because the details were readily available in the MSM and he was being railroaded. JMO.
Yes. He certainly didn’t wake up one morning and decide that he was going to commit multiple murder and kidnapping.

He went from 0-100 in regards to documented criminal activity.

Pretty much. We've kicked this around a bit, but I'm quite curious (especially from an understanding and preventing POV), how he jumped about every known stepping stone from normal child to abduction/murder. It's remarkable in its singularity (I guess there are other examples but nothing jumps to mind). Even the dog killing story from the lone GF is really just a story - he said he did it but did he or was he just trying to impress her?

As several have suggested, I believe had JC not escaped, he would have "evolved" (improved methods) into a serial killer.

We see plenty of mass shootings as a first time offense, but most of these are really elaborate suicide-by-cop events.

But here the crime itself and now the perp are both ultra-rare which I believe will make it a well-studied event for LE, mental health professionals, academia, etc.
I might come off as insensitive but I’m not a fan of how much people glorify these tragedies. Like Jayme being on the cover of people. Random people sending gifts upon gifts to the household where Jayme is staying. It’s just too much and weird to me.

How do we know somebody sending money or gifts isn’t a predator themselves?

Whether people agree with that sentiment or not, I totally respect your right to share it. There is no right or wrong opinion about this to have in this kind of case. They're all valid.

I'm sure it's not a popular opinion, but it makes me feel weird when people talk about Jayme's tragedy and the crime like it's theirs. It's not. When I've been in a similar position and had people (strangers/friends) talk about my "Bad Thing" like it was theirs, it made me angry. Now, when it happens to someone I don't know, I have to bite my tongue. It's one thing to have sympathy for someone and to sit back and say, "That's a horrible thing and I feel so bad for her." It's another thing to think and act like the crime personally happened to you and that you're therefore entitled to communication with the victim or to experience the same emotions that the victim may be undergoing.
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Pretty much. We've kicked this around a bit, but I'm quite curious (especially from an understanding and preventing POV), how he jumped about every known stepping stone from normal child to abduction/murder. It's remarkable in its singularity (I guess there are other examples but nothing jumps to mind). Even the dog killing story from the lone GF is really just a story - he said he did it but did he or was he just trying to impress her?

As several have suggested, I believe had JC not escaped, he would have "evolved" (improved methods) into a serial killer.

We see plenty of mass shootings as a first time offense, but most of these are really elaborate suicide-by-cop events.

But here the crime itself and now the perp are both ultra-rare which I believe will make it a well-studied event for LE, mental health professionals, academia, etc.

Doesn’t absolve him .. but there’s no of studies on divorce/ trauma ... at age 10? He’s in turmoil, and at what point largely alone..? Not saying if he’s raised in loving 2 parent home till age 18 this doesn’t happen... but your chances of it have to go down....

Missing fathers and America's broken boys - the vast majority of mass shooters come from broken homes
Someone on this thread said nail polish remover can be a drug-thing.

The other thing that strikes me relates both to this photo and something Jayme said.

1. Despite looking like it got stuck in a time -warp, the place looks CLEAN.
2. Next to the nail polish, there is what looks like a bottle of CLEANING fluid.
3. IIrc Jayme said JP struck her with a long-handled item he normally used to CLEAN THE BLINDS.

Just seems unusual to me that a young man would be that into cleaning. FWIW.

Nail polish remover is a solvent which, like any other solvent, can be abused by people who like to inhale. More than likely, though, the nail polish and/or remover was something left there by his sister or mom. Can also be used, as someone else said, to clean boots. Or to remove marks from a wall. Or maybe he wore nail polish himself.

It doesn't surprise me that a place that looks cluttered would also be clean in terms of dust and grime. As a former therapist, I worked with hoarders. There would be literal pathways through the house to get from one room to the other, yet the person who lived there would spend hours cleaning the windows. I'm sure there's a study in there somewhere.
Pretty much. We've kicked this around a bit, but I'm quite curious (especially from an understanding and preventing POV), how he jumped about every known stepping stone from normal child to abduction/murder. It's remarkable in its singularity (I guess there are other examples but nothing jumps to mind). Even the dog killing story from the lone GF is really just a story - he said he did it but did he or was he just trying to impress her?


It is human nature to want to know but sometimes there just is no explanation and, therefore, no way to prevent it. Very scary thought but I'm sure it happens. I think we need to find a reason so that we don't live in fear that our loved ones could do something like this or that something like this could happen to us. We may eventually find an explanation that makes some kind of sense in this case but then again maybe not.
I wouldn't say it's unnecessary. Some routes require a road to be crossed, there's not enough time to turn around the bus to pick up every rider on their own side of the road. The routes aren't planned that way. I never had to cross the road when picked up or dropped off by the bus. My kids always had to cross the road for pick up and drop off. MOO.

Yeah, I agree. Before they required both directions of traffic to stop, there were quite a few school-bus related deaths of children in my state. They implemented that rule for a very good reason. It is far more dangerous to NOT have both directions stop.

Jayme Closs is getting $25,000 in reward money after saving herself from her kidnapper

Kelly McLaughlin
2 hrs ago
Jayme Closs is receiving half of the $US50,000 ($AU$70,000) reward established during her 88-day disappearance because she was able to save herself from her kidnapper.

Hormel Foods, which owns the Jennie-O Turkey Store in Barron, Wisconsin, announced Wednesday that it would donate its $US25,000 ($AU35,000) contribution to the fund to the 13-year-old, who fled from the home of her alleged captor Jake Patterson on January 10.
Snee said that he hopes the $US25,000 could be put into a trust for Jayme.

"While we are still mourning the loss of longtime family members Jim and Denise, we are so thankful for Jayme's brave escape and that she is back in Barron," Snee said.

Jayme was missing for 88 days before she was found walking down a road in Gordon, Wisconsin, about 70 miles from her home in Barron.

Police say she was able to crawl out from under the captor's bed while he was out of the house and ran down the street to find neighbours who helped her call 911.

Jake Patterson, 21, is accused of fatally shooting the teen's parents and kidnapping her.

The other half of the $US50,000 reward was put up by the FBI. It's unclear what will happen to that money.

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Ohh, please no rotten tomatoes, but I don't think the photos of the house show that anyone picked up things or cleaned in that house.
We would NOT see dust if present in the photos because they aren't that sharp, being taken possibly through a window or at least not close up.
I see simply random " stuff" in the living room, clutter on sofa and table and floor area. The carpet looks dirty to me. The kitchen looks bare bones appliances and unused IMO.

We don't know what JP may have made JC do, but IMO, I really do not think cleaning the parts of the house we can see in the photos or nail polish application entered into things.

If the white thing with a screen is a TV, I'm not sure why crock pots were left in front of a TV instead of 4 feet away in the kitchen. Whether they contained food and were dirty or clean probably makes the difference, as they may have left food for JP and after he ate it, he swished some water around in their cookers and placed them near the front door for them to either pick up or him to return ( I expect his dad would have picked them up on his next visit)..

The basement, or what I assume is a basement because there's a dehumidifier unit, is a jumble of discarded miscellaneous random items, it appears to me. I do not think anyone was in the basement, it was just there and it happened to be photographed.

JMO, respectfully.
Once the excitement of the murders and kidnapping subsided for JP, keeping Jayme was no longer satisfactory.
JP perhaps now had further ideas for Jayme.
Jayme escaping prevented further evil actions, I think.
From my look at the house, if indeed the pics were taken at a time when he lived there, he looks to have been good about taking out the trash and doing dishes, but otherwise, I'm not seeing a lot of housecleaning. Jayme's mention of the thing used to clean blinds doesn't, to me, mean he actually cleaned blinds. It looks to me like generally speaking, except for stuff he used, things stayed where they were last placed or dropped, which could have been quite some time ago.
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