Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #43

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I guess JP's dad and siblings were in court but not his mother?

In an article way back, and I cannot remember which one, but it was on WS, it was said his mom was staying out of the limelight and very quiet about this. She also is remarried the article said. That’s all I will say as I do not want to sleuth her or her new family any further.
Ok other people saw this. A couple posters above as well as this reporter.

Well I go back to my initial impression then LOL.

He needs to wipe that damn smile off his face!!! There should be no smiling! Not a single smile! (Not one lip twitch, you hear me boy!?!)

He had a cocky disrespectful air about him or so I thought.
Yes he definitely had some type of grin when he left. Hard to tell what is going through his mind, but I certainly didn't see remorse. JMO
Interesting. I didn't see his lips move. Now I have to watch it again.
Wrong defendant, this was RP in the SP teen from TN.

ETA: Looks like a reported mentioned JP's family mouthed "I love you" to him, but I don't think his mother was in court.

Hard to keep these defendants straight!
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I guess JP's dad and siblings were in court but not his mother?

Mom, sister, not there. Not a word since arrest.

All marines he was with, nothing since arrest.

I am hopeful father is merely moving jake along to quick pleas of guilty....
Don’t know why I think bizzare will suddenly become unbizzare...JP popping up and apologizing doesn’t seem plausible or likely....
I wonder if a plea is in the works. I do not mean any great deal for JP. I mean maybe take the two homicides and life and the rest will be off the table or some such.

While not unheard of to waive a preliminary hearing, defendant's attorneys use preliminary hearings or try to from what I understand find out as many facts as they can of what the prosecution has or may say. They often try to turn it into a mini-trial which from what I understand as well, a good judge will shut down, it is not the purpose of the hearing.

I have no reason to think they are talking plea but waiving the preliminary seems a bit unusual unless convinced to do so by family and perhaps hoping it will give him some credit not looking for the terrible facts to be stated and the limelight (dream on boy, nothing can make you look good, you are a murderer). It quite simply however makes me think we may see a guilty plea or a deal. If he takes life for instance, Jayme's family possibly may even agree to avoid a trial and to lessen the process...?

Just a thought and purely speculation. I guess on the other hand though, there would be nothing said at a preliminary that is going to be anything but more damaging to him most likely. He did admit though there is enough to take him to trial by waiving it basically if I understand it correctly...?
In the spirit of locking away JP & throwing away the key as fast as possible, I’m thinking this tree should have been taken down. Don’t want defense to successfully claim bias & get any kind of break, even if just in delay or change of venue. MOO

The photo showing the tree up-- it literally shocked me so that I gasped.
I don't know if you are or have been a judge, so I don't mean to " preach to the choir". It did show bias for the victim and her family victims.
Not impartial, as a courthouse MUST be.

JMO in the interest of justice for JC and for her parents.
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I wonder if a plea is in the works. I do not mean any great deal for JP. I mean maybe take the two homicides and life and the rest will be off the table or some such.

While not unheard of to waive a preliminary hearing, defendant's attorneys use preliminary hearings or try to from what I understand find out as many facts as they can of what the prosecution has or may say. They often try to turn it into a mini-trial which from what I understand as well, a good judge will shut down, it is not the purpose of the hearing.

I have no reason to think they are talking plea but waiving the preliminary seems a bit unusual unless convinced to do so by family and perhaps hoping it will give him some credit not looking for the terrible facts to be stated and the limelight (dream on boy, nothing can make you look good, you are a murderer). It quite simply however makes me think we may see a guilty plea or a deal. If he takes life for instance, Jayme's family possibly may even agree to avoid a trial and to lessen the process...?

Just a thought and purely speculation. I guess on the other hand though, there would be nothing said at a preliminary that is going to be anything but more damaging to him most likely. He did admit though there is enough to take him to trial by waiving it basically if I understand it correctly...?
If he has counsel because he is indigent, they may not want to rack up unnecessary attorney fees IMO. I can't recall if he was afforded an attorney or if someone in his family is paying?
I think it’s kind of an “hora”, “air”, “energy”, “attitude”, idk but whatever it was I felt soooomething when he walked in and it sure as heck didn’t strike me as remorseful or humble, moo.

(Why the heck would I expect him to be anyway?)

Gosh this was really awful to see him. Murdering two random incident people in cold blood in front of their baby girl, taking words, just no words.

This is what a sociopath will do. The cocky attitude, the " I'm so much smarter and better than ALL OF YOU" is inherent in their personality disorder.
JP acted exactly how I would have thought beforehand
When or if this case goes to trial, with the prosecutorial recounting of what happened, minute by minute inside the Closs house, he likely will have his own " a-ha" moment where he realizes the futility of his position. When the prosecution begins to talk about the events of the night James and Denise were slaughtered, and the evidence against him is so vastly insurmountable that his ego is the size of a pinpoint, I believe he will be a different looking person. Defeated, deflated, demoralized. I want to see it, be prepared to watch him shrink and almost disappear if he doesn't plead out before trial.

<modsnipped personal anecdote>
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I wonder if a plea is in the works. I do not mean any great deal for JP. I mean maybe take the two homicides and life and the rest will be off the table or some such.

While not unheard of to waive a preliminary hearing, defendant's attorneys use preliminary hearings or try to from what I understand find out as many facts as they can of what the prosecution has or may say. They often try to turn it into a mini-trial which from what I understand as well, a good judge will shut down, it is not the purpose of the hearing.

I have no reason to think they are talking plea but waiving the preliminary seems a bit unusual unless convinced to do so by family and perhaps hoping it will give him some credit not looking for the terrible facts to be stated and the limelight (dream on boy, nothing can make you look good, you are a murderer). It quite simply however makes me think we may see a guilty plea or a deal. If he takes life for instance, Jayme's family possibly may even agree to avoid a trial and to lessen the process...?

Just a thought and purely speculation. I guess on the other hand though, there would be nothing said at a preliminary that is going to be anything but more damaging to him most likely. He did admit though there is enough to take him to trial by waiving it basically if I understand it correctly...?

I think waive preliminary is saying there’s enough for trial... I gotta think dad and brother aren’t stupid ...will tell him to plead guilty or were done... you’d hope..
It shouldn't shock anyone if he was smirking today. I imagine those who plan to watch him as this proceeds should get prepared for more of it when the trial starts.

He was probably bored stiff since he knew he'd have to sit there for a few minutes.

Imo, he is not the least bit scared. He's very typical when it comes to remorseless violent criminals like him, and their flat affect behavior while in court.

I do believe he will plea NG and opt for a trial that IMO, he hopes will be quite lengthy. This way he can sit there day after day reliving his unimaginable cold blooded acts.

He will be able to look at the destruction HE caused to Jim, and Denise as the crime scene, and autopsy photos are shown.

He will admire his work, and feel proud of what he was capable of doing, and how quickly he was able to obliterate two very good and loving parents.

He will be thinking back to how much fear he saw in Denise's eyes, and how powerful it made him feel before he callously ended her beautiful life, and the paralyzing fear he saw in Jayme.

Imo, he is no more scared as the night he burst through the door of their home murdering two innocent souls, and kidnapping another innocent soul for 88 agonizing hellish days.

Imo, he will enjoy every single moment knowing he is the center of attention and the one who caused all of it.

He is a loser, and total misfit who most never noticed nor cared to know.

This is the only way he could get the attention he thought he was entitled to have from everyone. Only by murdering, and forcing Jayme to be with him did he finally get what he felt he was entitled to have all along.

Now, everyone knows his name. Now, he is the center of attention, and finally noticed.

If what his ex girlfriend's said is true, and I have no reason to doubt any of it, it shows how abnormal he was even then and prone to solve thing by acting out violently.

Most young males or females don't go to the extreme degree he did when someone no longer wants to be with them. Imo, it shows he was a loose cannon before he did this.

Imo, he knew then there wouldn't be many at all that wanted any kind of relationship with him.

He couldn't accept the thought it may be him that was the real problem. Nevermind he never had a job for more than a day or two, and lied, and purposefully embellished his work history. Nope, I'm sure he thought it was all the girls fault why they wanted nothing to do with him.

Imo, he is always the type to place blame on everyone else rather than admitting he was the one that needed to clean up his own act.

The way, and how quickly he wanted to confess to all he did to the three victims shows he is very proud of his deeds, and being able to do it all, and still not get caught for 88 days afterwards.

He is as bad as they come, and even far worse than others who dont go to the same violent extremes in order to kidnap a young child that if she had been given a choice would never in a million years ever want to be with him.

He knew the only way any girl would be around him for any length of time is for him to take them by brute force, commit murder first, and then by using a deadly weapon in the kidnapping itself.

Imo he is totally disgusting, and pure evil. That is why I do not read any of the news articles about him anymore knowing they will have a photo of this monster.

If it goes to trial I will have to look away if they pan over to the defense table.

Every time I just think about what all he did to such a beautiful family I'm livid all over again.

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Jayme Closs is seeing better days! The kidnapping survivor happily enjoyed a savory steak meal with her grandfather this week.

It was quite the special reunion for the teen, as the Facebook group, Healing for Jayme Closs, shared that cooking Jayme a big steak was the one thing her grandfather vowed to do upon her return.

“Were (sic) so blessed!!! We had to share!! grandpa (sic) said since day one he was gonna buy Jayme a big steak when she was found!!” the caption, written by Jayme’s relatives, said. “well (sic) here it is he bought her steak and they had lunch together at his house!!”

In spite of everything that has happened to her, Jayme is so strong . . . she's still able to muster up a smile for the camera.

She does look tired though. I really hope she is getting rest, both physically and emotionally.
Short, quick answers yes no by JP. Court binds him over for trial. State is ready to file for trial date


The sooner the better.

Wonder if he's been bragging about the entire sordid crime to cellmates. I wouldn't put it past him if he did. If so, I'm hoping he was talking to an informant - the way Brendt Christensen was talking to an informant about YingYing Zhang.

ETA: @margarita25 and @kkdj , didn't see your posts right away. We're all on the same page, believe me!!!
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