Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #43

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Tying up a screaming, terrified woman trying to protect her daughter would have not been easy. And what would he have done with Jayme in the meantime? He knew Denise was on the phone, and he had very little time left to get Jayme out of the house. There was no way Denise was going to survive that.
JP never restrained Denise. He tried to make her tape Jayme up and she couldn't because she was so scared. That makes it even more terrifying for Denise, she knew he was going to take Jayme and that he was going to kill her in that bathtub. IMO

I cannot express the amount of anger I have for this defendant. He victimized and traumatized Jayme far more than we'll ever know. I want him to pay dearly each and every day for the rest of his miserable life. :mad:
He also killed her because he did not want to leave any witnesses. Denise would have been able to tell LE that Jayme was alive, given a description of his voice, the mask he was wearing, his approximate height, build, and shape and color of his eyes, as well a description of the weapon. Imo
Just a thought: If he had decided to kill all witnesses then why the need for a mask? Just to terrorise or for some other reason?
JP never restrained Denise.
Right, that was the previous poster's point, IMO. His choices from his view were to restrain her or to kill her, and restraining her would have been really hard to do. Part or all of his decision to kill her. IMO

What's been haunting me is wondering whether Jayme knew there were neighbors around when she made her escape. Maybe heard car tires pulling into driveways, or saw or smelled smoke from their stovepipes or chimneys. The idea that she didn't know, and just took a chance, terrifies me.

Even without seeing JN out dogwalking, Jayme could have approached either JN's house or KK's house and been safe. But what if no one was home in that little development of mostly vacation homes? The idea she might have had to spend hours hiding in the woods, or reach the main road and flag down a car not knowing if it might be him, just twists my stomach!

I know we'll never know unless she wants to tell that part of the story, but I personally hope she saw an opportunity in the form of the presence of neighbors and grabbed it, rather than running out into such unknown...
Just a thought: If he had decided to kill all witnesses then why the need for a mask? Just to terrorise or for some other reason?

Maybe to terrorize. Maybe in the off chance that someone survived or that they had some kind of video surveillance system he wasn't aware of.
Crimes/ deaths are not listed in WI seller’s disclosure requirements. Just defects (roof, framing, pest, sinkhole, etc).
Wisconsin Legislature: Chapter 709
“A2. In this form, “defect” means a condition that would have a significant adverse effect on the value of the property; that would significantly impair the health or safety of future occupants of the property; or that if not repaired, removed, or replaced would significantly shorten or adversely affect the expected normal life of the premises.“
However... always best to disclose. MOO.
Maybe to terrorize. Maybe in the off chance that someone survived or that they had some kind of video surveillance system he wasn't aware of.

Well if we are to believe the "gf's" story, she said he put on a mask to scare her. And he also mentioned he told Jim to get down and Jim asked for a badge. And he seems to be enthralled with military and perhaps things like SWAT, etc.

Could be a combination of reasons. If the cops did arrive, maybe he thought he could get away through the woods, no ID by face and dark out...

Just thoughts.
I agree. Someone would have to kill me to keep me from going after my kid. He knew LE was on their way. He probably figured that he didn't have time to deal with what Denise might do when he left the room with Jayme. She wouldn't have needed to kill him to cause problems, just create enough trouble to slow him down. I'm sure he thought about that.

I also agree with others, too, though. I think killing both parents was always part of his original plan and may have been as exciting as the kidnapping. Neither were ever going to get out of it alive.
I wonder if the other 2 times he said he went there to get Jayme if he took the shotgun and got himself all masked up. I don't recall hearing about that. My impression was, this was his final plan to carry this out.
there was a house in pembine wi I think, that a few people were brutally murdered. the town ended up taking the house down and built a memorial. that would be awesome if that's what the closs family would want to do to their house. thrn they could revisit and have positive memories
Just a thought: If he had decided to kill all witnesses then why the need for a mask? Just to terrorise or for some other reason?

According to JP, he took the mask off in the car after JC was in the trunk. I’m wondering if he was wearing his glasses over the mask during the home invasion?
JP is a clown. Just the way he went about everything especially afterwards implies he’s never done this before and had no idea what he was doing. To destroy your life over some teenage girl is absolutely ridiculous.

There are more issues in play than just pedophilia. JP was still a child himself. He got enabled his own life. You don’t have to murder people in the way he did just to fill sexual desires. He was a lost soul.
JP is a clown. Just the way he went about everything especially afterwards implies he’s never done this before and had no idea what he was doing. To destroy your life over some teenage girl is absolutely ridiculous.

There are more issues in play than just pedophilia. JP was still a child himself. He got enabled his own life. You don’t have to murder people in the way he did just to fill sexual desires. He was a lost soul.

To be clear, he didn't screw up his life because of "some teenage girl"-he destroyed his life because of his murderous tendencies that lead him to criminal activity. This had nothing to do with Jayme, or with any female, and everything to do with something dangerous inside of him. You don't have to murder anyone at all, whether in the way that he did it or not, to fulfill a sexual desire. At least, healthy people do not. Many people who murder also wind up being pedophiles, but not all pedophiles end up murdering. This is much more complicated than him being aroused by a young teenager. IMO, that was probably a byproduct of his bigger issues.
I wonder if the other 2 times he said he went there to get Jayme if he took the shotgun and got himself all masked up. I don't recall hearing about that. My impression was, this was his final plan to carry this out.

Didn’t his entrance to the Closs home resemble a special forces op? I have a couple theories about it (but the one that won’t get me a suspension is). . . He was playing GI Joe. Rejection from the Marines had to be devastating to his psyche but his interest didn’t end there. He planned an invasion and take-down. It fed his military fantasy and achieved his goal, the attainment of a trophy, JC.
I can agree with that Victoria. It seemed more like a mission than anything.

My initial impression when the news broke was a murder / suicide. Once we had more facts, it appeared to me that someone with a military / LE background was responsible. Perhaps JP boasted because he’s proud that he pulled this off, perhaps it’s like giving a middle finger wave to the Marines (“You kicked me out? I’ll show you!”). I think he’s disturbed enough to be that delusional.
My initial impression when the news broke was a murder / suicide. Once we had more facts, it appeared to me that someone with a military / LE background was responsible. Perhaps JP boasted because he’s proud that he pulled this off, perhaps it’s like giving a middle finger wave to the Marines (“You kicked me out? I’ll show you!”). I think he’s disturbed enough to be that delusional.
Yes I think he is very proud of his Rambo act. I do not think he feels anything about the magnitude of what he's done, just proud of being Rambo.....and whatever else he did.
Yes I think he is very proud of his Rambo act. I do not think he feels anything about the magnitude of what he's done, just proud of being Rambo.....and whatever else he did.

I’m surprised that nothing has come out re: his short stint in the military. There has to be a story there, enlistees who knew him.
Didn’t his entrance to the Closs home resemble a special forces op? I have a couple theories about it (but the one that won’t get me a suspension is). . . He was playing GI Joe. Rejection from the Marines had to be devastating to his psyche but his interest didn’t end there. He planned an invasion and take-down. It fed his military fantasy and achieved his goal, the attainment of a trophy, JC.

I always felt there was a SWAT or LE type of thing too, part of that though came from hearing the door was kicked in and how fast it was all executed. I tend to call him playing "Rambo" in my head but GI Joe is more like it. I tend to give him a nickname and then stop myself from using it on here because it might stick and I have a feeling he would LIKE IT. (Names like the above anyhow). I have no problem nicknaming him worse things...
JP is a clown. Just the way he went about everything especially afterwards implies he’s never done this before and had no idea what he was doing. To destroy your life over some teenage girl is absolutely ridiculous.

There are more issues in play than just pedophilia. JP was still a child himself. He got enabled his own life. You don’t have to murder people in the way he did just to fill sexual desires. He was a lost soul.

Brad ~ his reputation precedes him. We don’t know if he was ever diagnosed with a condition but we do know that he has spent his life being a solitary person, more content with a book than people. Perhaps the only person he was comfortable with is his brother. They did spend a lot of time alone after their parents separated / divorced.

Jayme did say he had a bad temper, which could flag ADHD or bi-polar disorder ? (Others better at identifying mental health conditions can weigh in on that.)

Point being, he may have raged as a youth and Dad could handle him better than Mom which is why Dad got custody. In a case like that, I can see why the family would $$$ support him, it’s like buying peace and knowing where he is / what he’s doing. Dad visits on Saturdays and checks in . . . Aside from that, they really had no idea what he was up to but might have believed no (bad) news is good news. They might have thought his ongoing interest in military and survivalism were just hobbies.

Thinking of what my Grandmother used to quip . . . Idle hands are the devil’s workshop. (IMO)
I forget sometimes he brought a knife with as well (at least according to him, not that he is the fountain of veracity). I wonder if he had specific fantasies for that. However, time got away, he had a bathroom door to knock down and a 911 call was made. We may never know what all was in his head or what his sick "plan" was.
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