Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #44

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He's really trying to spin this as a relationship gone wrong. His statement about how he had to do it, he didn't want to, is trying to insinuate that they had prior contact, trying to place some of the blame on JC. It's really sick.

The “it’s complicated” comment by JP concerns me. He’s taking advantage of the fact that EVERYONE is trying to spare JC the pain of testifying which is why no charges were filed re: what occurred in that house for 88 days. . . What HE did to JC.
He's really trying to spin this as a relationship gone wrong. His statement about how he had to do it, he didn't want to, is trying to insinuate that they had prior contact, trying to place some of the blame on JC. It's really sick.

I don’t think he is this kind, but there are all of those people who think that they have actual relationships with movie and TV stars.

Is he like that? Maybe.

He and Chris Watts are a different breed of kiler, I think.
NOW he says it wasn’t planned? The clothes, the mask, the boots, the duct tape, the firearms, the return trips to JC’s house? Ummmm, yep totally spontaneous.

I also hate how he says he provided details so that LE wouldn’t have to put JC through that.... but instead “they hurt her further”. Wow. He’s a freak in delusionville.

Amen, JudgeJoe.
I don't post on this case much any longer because Jayme is a private citizen and she didn't ask for ANY attention, either positive or sensational. She deserves enormous respect and all our hopes and prayers, though.

I want to say this because it's what's in my heart for her. My hopes for her, as I would have for my own daughter, if I'd been blessed to have my daughter living.

Regarding Elizabeth Smart taking the time, the effort, and the emotional effort to come to Barron to talk to the concerned residents there. This is the work of an angel on earth. She endured so much, and she has so much to say to the public which is good, positive, uplifting and healing.

She is in a unique position to offer comfort and deep relief to Barron. I am praying for her and for the people she will meet and talk to, that they will be comforted and receive blessings from her countenance, which is almost glowing with love and a deep faith in God, and from her extremely eloquent, yet down to earth soft way of speaking of the truth in having hope, and offering hope and comfort to each other and to Jayme in unique ways.

I've heard Elizabeth speak as well as reading her book, and she does move people very deeply because she speaks with great intelligence and great understanding of how to help others. She truly gives of herself to other survivors, and she's helped me, personally, to find peace in the darkness of the night when the horrible fear and panic I experienced comes calling once again. Mostly, she reminds me to stay close to God and to pray, because with her deep faith that she freely shares, I know I'm never truly alone, and that the abductor was banished years ago.

I hope very much that Jayme and Elizabeth Smart will be able to relax with one another and be honest and talk about the things they've been through as female to female.

The facts that they were almost the same ages when they were abducted and that both had long periods of captivity before they escaped puts them in a very good bonding situation.

Elizabeth is very soft spoken and sweet, much like I imagine Jayme is. This is an incredibly positive chance for two survivors to bond and help one another, because the healing from a violent abduction and long periods of assault NEVER ends. Every survivor heals over and over for the rest of her life. It's like how we shed skin.. It's a renewed process, but from a different point of progress. Every time Elizabeth, I, or any other survivor helps another survivor, we also help ourselves heal more. It's a unique win- win situation. :)

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am praying for the two to have a very good rapport and for Elizabeth to encourage Jayme in many ways, one of which is especially important to Elizabeth, the spiritual guidance and healing from a church, its members and leaders. This is an especially important need now that Jayme is without her parents, especially her mother.

I hope Jayme will come away from her time with Elizabeth with the absolute knowledge of a young teen that she is still as pure as the day she was formed, and that she can go to church, be with her peers there and their mothers who care for her personally, can bond more closely to her special aunts, can talk with God every minute of every day and night through the power of prayer, and know that He's always with her in every step she takes.

I hope she will know what I came to know without a doubt after almost dying in a violent abduction: When she cannot walk through the pain at some points, Jesus will carry His child for a while.
Seeking Jana, I will pray for you every time I pray for Jayme. God bless you.
I wish he could know and care about the fact that I don't care what happens to him. I don't feel anger or hate and if I did I wouldn't want him to be aware of it. He thrives on and NEEDS any attention at all. I want him to spend the rest of his life KNOWING that no one at all cares about him, what he thinks, what he does or when he passes on. He needs to understand to his core that no one cares about what he thinks, feels or does. To me, that would be the ultimate pay back to someone like him. He needs to understand that he doesn't exist in any meaningful way any more and we need to help him understand that.

And the more publicity he receives, the more the other crazies will think of him as their hero.
I wish his name could just disappear from the news.
Except why are we all on here reading about it then?

IMO we are a captive audience, awaiting justice for the Closs' family.

I will never read anything this criminal writes. I will try my best to skim by anyone detailing any synopsis of his writing. If we are discussing his motives, his sick thoughts, these items will perhaps let others 'into' his thought processes. Personally, he is nothing more to me than a heartbreaking footnote for all those he has hurt. All IMHO :)
A couple of thoughts on this letter.

Here is a link to one source covering it:

Jayme Closs' alleged kidnapper writes a letter from jail: 'I can't believe I did this.' - CNN

1) Sending communication to KARE-TV, after he was sent letters by the reporter asking him to do so. Jake Patterson is explaining his point of view and remorse. He says it was an impulsive move.

2) Jake Patterson expected, according to the letter, to be quickly apprehended, and didn’t know the abduction would go on as long as it did.

I think there may be truth mixed with lies here. I do think he is trying to explain, but not sure I believe all of it.

For example, the impulsive move. He brought a shot gun to get her. That doesn’t sound impulsive. What other errors are there for the letter? Trying to understand.
A couple of thoughts on this letter.

Here is a link to one source covering it:

Jayme Closs' alleged kidnapper writes a letter from jail: 'I can't believe I did this.' - CNN

1) Sending communication to KARE-TV, after he was sent letters by the reporter asking him to do so. Jake Patterson is explaining his point of view and remorse. He says it was an impulsive move.

2) Jake Patterson expected, according to the letter, to be quickly apprehended, and didn’t know the abduction would go on as long as it did.

I think there may be truth mixed with lies here. I do think he is trying to explain, but not sure I believe all of it.

For example, the impulsive move. He brought a shot gun to get her. That doesn’t sound impulsive. What other errors are there for the letter? Trying to understand.

There were so many less than impulsive moves made by JP, not the least of which was making sure the shells had no fingerprints and changing the license plates.

Add visiting the house multiple times waiting for the most perfect conditions to avoid detection.

Then add wearing black clothes and buying a balaclava.

I could go on.

Jayme Closs’ kidnapper sends ‘sickening’ note to reporter confessing to his crimes

Eden Faithfull
4 hrs ago

The man accused of kidnapping 13-year-old Jayme Closs and murdering her parents, has written a chilling note, confessing to his crimes and admitting that they were committed “mostly on impulse”.

Jake Patterson has sent a letter to journalist Lou Raguse, a reporter from KARE 11 Local News in Wisconsin, who has been following Patterson’s case and had attempted to contact the accused man numerous times.

The letters, which local Wisconsin authorities have told KARE they believe the letter to be authentic, seems to express a mixture of regret and shock about the crimes.
The note is conversational, opening up with, “Hi, IDK if I’ll actually send this. I’ll answer some of your questions, some I can’t(?) I won’t put a lot of details anyways.”

The reporter first asked Patterson why he confessed, and in such great detail.

“I knew when I was caught (which I thought would happen a lot sooner) I wouldn’t fight anything. I tried to give them everything, (wasn’t completely honest) so they didn’t have to interview Jayme. They did anyways and hurt her more for no reason,” he wrote.

“(I plan to) plead guilty. I want Jayme and her relatives to know that.”

Patterson then reflected on his crime, expressing trace amounts of remorse and shock at how the crime unfolded.
“It was really stupid though looking back,” he wrote.

“No one knew,” he said, when asked about keeping Jayme in his home.

“My dad only came on Saturdays, the same time every day. So it was a routine. Jayme hides on (Saturday). My family respects privacy so no one even went in my room.”
Of particular note was a section of the letter where Patterson wrote “I’m sorry Jayme!” in large bubble-font writing, and in much smaller writing below it: “for everything. I know it doesn’t [help].”

James Patterson kept Jayme Closs imprisoned in his cabin house for 88 days before she escaped and alerted a couple walking their dog to what had happened to her.

A full transcript of the letter is available on the news station’s website.
IMO we are a captive audience, awaiting justice for the Closs' family.

I will never read anything this criminal writes. I will try my best to skim by anyone detailing any synopsis of his writing. If we are discussing his motives, his sick thoughts, these items will perhaps let others 'into' his thought processes. Personally, he is nothing more to me than a heartbreaking footnote for all those he has hurt. All IMHO :)

With my grandchildren living not far from this homegrown monster and me knowing the father’s gf ( but not for 20 years), I am very concerned about who he is and how he came to be.

His sister is friends with my grandchildren's neighbor. I wonder if he ever cruised the neighborhood as my granddaughters waited for the schoolbus
I’ve been going through a terribly hard time for a while now. Every time I feel like giving up, I remember how strong Jayme has been/is. She’s endured hell on earth, and she never gave up. Her bravery never failed. I know since Jayme never gave up, neither can I. For her to endure all she has and maintain her bravery, so can I. Jayme’s strength and courage have inspired me. I want nothing more than for her to find a new “normal” way of life. To reclaim some anonymity and privacy at some point. She will always be an inspiration to so many of us. I pray continually for her, her family, her friends and her community.
I’ve been going through a terribly hard time for a while now. Every time I feel like giving up, I remember how strong Jayme has been/is. She’s endured hell on earth, and she never gave up. Her bravery never failed. I know since Jayme never gave up, neither can I. For her to endure all she has and maintain her bravery, so can I. Jayme’s strength and courage have inspired me. I want nothing more than for her to find a new “normal” way of life. To reclaim some anonymity and privacy at some point. She will always be an inspiration to so many of us. I pray continually for her, her family, her friends and her community.

I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Jayme Closs’ kidnapper sends ‘sickening’ note to reporter confessing to his crimes

Eden Faithfull
4 hrs ago

The man accused of kidnapping 13-year-old Jayme Closs and murdering her parents, has written a chilling note, confessing to his crimes and admitting that they were committed “mostly on impulse”.

<snipped for brevity>
Of particular note was a section of the letter where Patterson wrote “I’m sorry Jayme!” in large bubble-font writing, and in much smaller writing below it: “for everything. I know it doesn’t [help].”

A full transcript of the letter is available on the news station’s website.


Well, JP really loves his 15 minutes of fame, doesn't he??

As to the bolded portion, seems he is still trying to groom her and get her to fall in love with him!! I really feel for JC and her Family.

I’ve been going through a terribly hard time for a while now. Every time I feel like giving up, I remember how strong Jayme has been/is. She’s endured hell on earth, and she never gave up. Her bravery never failed. I know since Jayme never gave up, neither can I. For her to endure all she has and maintain her bravery, so can I. Jayme’s strength and courage have inspired me. I want nothing more than for her to find a new “normal” way of life. To reclaim some anonymity and privacy at some point. She will always be an inspiration to so many of us. I pray continually for her, her family, her friends and her community.
Wishing you strength and peace dear Stareyes :)

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