AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #10

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When shown photos of the vehicles of interest and asked by a reporter from Fox9 News if the two cars looked familiar, Closs neighbor JS looked at the photos and said, "This one.....I've seen.....something like it."

MOO, it's time for JS to step away from the camera.
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How close to 14 is Jayme? If she’s a young 13, I don’t think she’d have such a “passionate” relationship to the point of the boyfriend feeling the need to kill the parents. Now if it hypothetically speaking it’s an older male- an adult - then I could see that happening. But i can’t see her knowingly participating in such a relationship. Thirteen is still really young. 14 or 15 I can see a girl getting in over her head like that but not 13. Maybe I’m splitting hairs though. I just don’t at this point think she involved in a relationship of that sort.
She just turned 13 in July. I don’t think she was involved with anyone. She is a victim through and through.
These people know what gunshots sound like, and they emphasized how loud it was. My mind goes to shotgun here.

Totally agreeing with you MassGuy.

Shotgun is heavy too.
Its all ........ starting to support some WebSleuthers' posts that there were.... two Unsubs?
If JamesC's guns were taken during the crime (and not at his hunting lodge far away at the time),.....
how can someone grab a couple of guns, and hold their own shotgun, and carry/muscle a 100-pound teenager through the woods to where a vehicle is hidden by the railroad tracks?

Just too much to do, and ..... to carry,... for one Unsub?
How could they not be nervous? A double homicide, and possibly a triple homicide, just happened next door. I totally agree with everything that you posted above. I do not blame them one bit for not thinking this was occurring next door. Gun shots go off all the time up here- if I called 911 for every time I heard one go off, they'd probably arrest me for stupidity! This is hunting season, of course that is what they thought when they heard the shots go off.
I live in a rural area too. We hear gunshots day and night. Of course we hear more in hunting season, but we have neighbors who shoot tin cans in their yard by lantern light. We also have neighbors who shoot to scare away dogs or "varmints" the point it becomes just another night sound to hear a gunshot.
I joined the discussion on this case late, so y’all probably already discussed this. Sorry if y’all did. Of the 17 registered sex offenders who were charged with sexual assault of a child, do any live near her dance studio? Or does she only dance at school (on the school dance team)?
When shown the photos of the vehicles of interest and asked by a reporter from Fox9 News if the two car descriptions looked familiar, Closs neighbor JS looked at the photos and said, "This one.....I've seen.....something like it."

MOO, it's time for JS to step away from the camera.
100 percent agree!!! She just needs to Shhhh
These people know what gunshots sound like, and they emphasized how loud it was. My mind goes to shotgun here.

For what it's worth, I'm a firearms instructor/rifle(wo)man ; shotguns and all center-fire guns are loud. No way to tell the action type or caliber from neighbors house about 100-300 yards away.
I took it more as a statement of hope and how they will approach the investigation than an absolute belief she was alive at the time.

"But the sheriff said he has a '100% expectation that she's alive.'"

Missing Wisconsin teen Jayme Closs now listed on FBI's top missing persons list
Thank you. I believe this is what I was thinking of. I feel like the media twisted the meaning more to sound as if the sheriff had some sort of evidence she was definitely alive.
We always hear about a victim's cellphone that pings off a cell tower or two or three and being able to triangulate a location off of the pings.

So, I am sitting here thinking about this a little differently. Since you do not have to be talking on the phone for it to ping a tower, it just needs to be turned on. I may be incorrect here but it is my belief that some cellphones do not have to be turned on as long as the battery is charged and in the cellphone and it will still ping a tower.

Since the cellphones, towers, usage, billing, etc. are all computer recorded, I am thinking that if you have a window in time in which the crime took place, identify the three cell towers nearest to the crime scene as well as their identifiers and all the cellphone numbers pinging these three towers in your window of time that the crime took place extending each end of the time window by xx minutes, hours or whatever you decide. You would now have a cellphone number list of cellphones that were in the area during the time in which the crime was being committed. You will able to see if it was moving or stationary and triangulate the locations closest to the crime scene.

Using the cellphone number list and looking up the phone numbers you have a list that has names & addresses available through business records. Using those names you can check with the DMV and get vehicle descriptions and license plate into.

Is this currently being done? I suspect it is not or they would likely have a person of interest in custody using this methodology.
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I did a few google searches and read several car forum posts about Dodge Challengers backfiring upon quick acceleration. Just an interesting thing to note. Perhaps the neighbors really did hear a car backfire.
interesting thought. I haven't heard a car backfire for a long time but as I recall it can pretty pretty loud.
How close to 14 is Jayme? If she’s a young 13, I don’t think she’d have such a “passionate” relationship to the point of the boyfriend feeling the need to kill the parents. Now if it hypothetically speaking it’s an older male- an adult - then I could see that happening. But i can’t see her knowingly participating in such a relationship. Thirteen is still really young. 14 or 15 I can see a girl getting in over her head like that but not 13. Maybe I’m splitting hairs though. I just don’t at this point think she involved in a relationship of that sort.
She just turned 13in July, I believe.
Totally get the thought process behind your comment and appreciate what you are saying. The key word in your response is “often” - not always. Alcoholism can look extremely similar to meth addiction/opioid addiction etc. in the later stages. I’m a mental health clinician and people fall down the rabbit hole too easily with black and white thinking of what things “should” look like. I’m guilty of it as well - especially with CW case.
Thank you for the welcome and I appreciate your response!
I'm glad you finally decided to sign up, especially after following the CW case as well as this one. That's a lotta watching lol! But sometimes we do that before being motivated to join the conversation.

I didn't use the words often or always. IMO my post stands as it is. That said, let's sleuth!

Again, welcome new member YellowCay11. Looking forward to your input! Glad you finally joined.
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Whoops! I see it now. Lol. I swear I read the page over and over again looking for a vehicle and clicked print just to make sure i wasn’t looking at it in the wrong format. I never saw the blue vehicle information box until you told me to look for specifically a button to click :oops:
It is partially my fault. Usually when I post links to official government sources they are usually only to the main page because there is usually a Captcha or an "I agree" type action you have to do and that means you can't link beyond that point because the links won't work for others. In those situations I usually post instructions to follow to get to the right place. I didn't do that this time.
If it is taken as fact that 1. the two gunshots at 12:31 correspond to the killing of both parents, 2. the 911 call was made by Jayme (or less likely the assailant) some 20 minutes later, and 3. the call was the precursor to Jayme and assailant leaving the house within 4 minutes.... then it holds that the assailant knew about the 911 call but kept Jayme alive anyway. I think this is key. That combined with the 20 mins in the house makes me think this whole thing was about Jayme. The siege nature of the entry and shooting suggests an expectation that there would/could be guns in the house/some kind of resistance. I keep feeling like this played out almost like uplifting a hostage. If there is a personal phone or laptop (and I think there is at least a phone, which LE hope to recover) its possible these left the house too and if so I find it hard to believe the assailant would not know Jayme had them and/or would allow their removal unless it was in their interest to keep them from LE (that whatever was on them was more detrimental and/or that they were more immediately useful to the assailant than the risk of them pinging until such time as they could be destroyed). Like others have said, I've felt from the beginning that this was personal. All JMO.
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