AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #18

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Something I have pondered. When Sheriff Fitzgerald appeared on the Ashley Banfield show he shared a lot of information and answered a lot of her questions.
Is there a crime reporter on the local newspaper there or close by that could do a one on one with the Sheriff and perhaps he would share a bit more like that.
The pressers are tough with reporters shouting questions.
I remember two other cases I followed where a crime reporter covered the case quite well and kept John Q Public informed a lot better than the press conferences.
Right now we know much less than when this happened. I always like to believe Social Media is a tool LE is not using to the fullest potential.
Something I have pondered. When Sheriff Fitzgerald appeared on the Ashley Banfield show he shared a lot of information and answered a lot of her questions.
Is there a crime reporter on the local newspaper there or close by that could do a one on one with the Sheriff and perhaps he would share a bit more like that.
The pressers are tough with reporters shouting questions.
I remember two other cases I followed where a crime reporter covered the case quite well and kept John Q Public informed a lot better than the press conferences.
Right now we know much less than when this happened. I always like to believe Social Media is a tool LE is not using to the fullest potential.

It could also mean, while they are not using it, they are looking at it. Night, all. Hopefully the break is just right around the corner.
Something I have pondered. When Sheriff Fitzgerald appeared on the Ashley Banfield show he shared a lot of information and answered a lot of her questions.
Is there a crime reporter on the local newspaper there or close by that could do a one on one with the Sheriff and perhaps he would share a bit more like that.
The pressers are tough with reporters shouting questions.
I remember two other cases I followed where a crime reporter covered the case quite well and kept John Q Public informed a lot better than the press conferences.
Right now we know much less than when this happened. I always like to believe Social Media is a tool LE is not using to the fullest potential.
He talks one on one with Kare 11 the local news. You can watch on their news site.
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I’ve followed this case since it happened, but haven’t posted because I really didn’t have anything helpful to add.

I’ve thought from the moment I heard about it that Jayme was the target. I’ve read all the theories on here and have just developed mine.

I believe this possibly could be a man who’s had an (obviously) unhealthy fixation on Jayme in the past that seemingly “moved on.” Maybe a dance teacher, church member, assistant coach, or school staff member who possibly lived in the area but moved away in the last 6 months to a year. Maybe Jayme’s mother and/or father noticed the unhealthy fixation and put some distance between him (I think it’s a him) and Jayme. Either stopped inviting them over, switched dance studios, or something of that nature and he took it as a rejection. Maybe something was even said to him by one of the parents, that they were concerned with his level of interest in their daughter, and he acted incredulous at the accusation and backed off but it made him really mad. That would explain the level of anger in the ambush and also the fact that both parents had to be killed (because he’d be the first suspect in their minds). In this scenario, I’m thinking he wouldn’t have officially crossed any lines already in the past, so to speak, but made Jayme and/or her parents uncomfortable. I have three daughters and I’ve noticed on certain occasions when a grown man takes an unusual level on interest in one of them. I was a victim of SA as a child so that is always on my radar.

Anyway, it sounds far fetched, but this was an especially horrific crime so I don’t think there’s a “normal” way of explaining it no matter how it happened. JMO and I wanted to throw it out there.
I’ve followed this case since it happened, but haven’t posted because I really didn’t have anything helpful to add.

I’ve thought from the moment I heard about it that Jayme was the target. I’ve read all the theories on here and have just developed mine.

I believe this possibly could be a man who’s had an (obviously) unhealthy fixation on Jayme in the past that seemingly “moved on.” Maybe a dance teacher, church member, assistant coach, or school staff member who possibly lived in the area but moved away in the last 6 months to a year. Maybe Jayme’s mother and/or father noticed the unhealthy fixation and put some distance between him (I think it’s a him) and Jayme. Either stopped inviting them over, switched dance studios, or something of that nature and he took it as a rejection. Maybe something was even said to him by one of the parents, that they were concerned with his level of interest in their daughter, and he acted incredulous at the accusation and backed off but it made him really mad. That would explain the level of anger in the ambush and also the fact that both parents had to be killed (because he’d be the first suspect in their minds). In this scenario, I’m thinking he wouldn’t have officially crossed any lines already in the past, so to speak, but made Jayme and/or her parents uncomfortable. I have three daughters and I’ve noticed on certain occasions when a grown man takes an unusual level on interest in one of them. I was a victim of SA as a child so that is always on my radar.

Anyway, it sounds far fetched, but this was an especially horrific crime so I don’t think there’s a “normal” way of explaining it no matter how it happened. JMO and I wanted to throw it out there.
Welcome and thank you for your post. What you think could very much be true. Just thinking of the teacher/student that disappeared not too long ago. He did no harm to her parents but...he could have.
He talks one on one with Kare 11 the local news. You can watch on their news site.
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Thank you. The one I was thinking about is Courtney Stuart writing for The Hook out in Charlottesville, VA. She did a wonderful job when Morgan Harrington went missing then when she was found.
I'd like to see somebody like Courtney take a bite out of this one.
Courteney Stuart is an award-winning journalist with more than 16 years experience. Prior to helping launch the Hook in 2002 as its senior editor, a position she held for nearly 11 years before becoming editor in 2013, Ms. Stuart served as deputy editor of C-VILLE Weekly for four years.

Courteney Stuart | The Hook - Charlottesville's weekly ...
Thank you both. I’ve only followed 4-5 cases on WS of particular interest to me. I think this one has especially upset me because I have a 13 year old daughter myself. It’d be my worst nightmare for her to disappear and I’d move heaven and earth to find her. Knowing they took the lives of the very ones who’d do that in Jayme’s case makes it even more unfathomable. If there is anything worse than the possibility of one of my kids disappearing, it’s me not being here to do something about it. (<— also a theory of mine that indicates motive for killing the parents.) I think this is someone familiar enough to the family that he would know how close they were and he’d know he’d have to take out her parents. I also think while it might have been easier to pick her up somewhere where she was alone (bus stop for instance), he most likely has enough familiarity with the family to know that Jayme would not be unaccounted for for very long. In my theory, he probably assumed he could quickly take out the parents and grab Jayme, there’d be no time for anyone to call 911, and he’d have a good 8-12 hours before anyone discovered the crime. I think Mom either survived long enough to make that call or Jayme either hid to make the call or put up a fight. Somehow, he got out of there undetected anyway. I pray every day she’s discovered alive and I check for updates from Fitzgerald throughout each day. JMO
I’ve followed this case since it happened, but haven’t posted because I really didn’t have anything helpful to add.

I’ve thought from the moment I heard about it that Jayme was the target. I’ve read all the theories on here and have just developed mine.

I believe this possibly could be a man who’s had an (obviously) unhealthy fixation on Jayme in the past that seemingly “moved on.” Maybe a dance teacher, church member, assistant coach, or school staff member who possibly lived in the area but moved away in the last 6 months to a year. Maybe Jayme’s mother and/or father noticed the unhealthy fixation and put some distance between him (I think it’s a him) and Jayme. Either stopped inviting them over, switched dance studios, or something of that nature and he took it as a rejection. Maybe something was even said to him by one of the parents, that they were concerned with his level of interest in their daughter, and he acted incredulous at the accusation and backed off but it made him really mad. That would explain the level of anger in the ambush and also the fact that both parents had to be killed (because he’d be the first suspect in their minds). In this scenario, I’m thinking he wouldn’t have officially crossed any lines already in the past, so to speak, but made Jayme and/or her parents uncomfortable. I have three daughters and I’ve noticed on certain occasions when a grown man takes an unusual level on interest in one of them. I was a victim of SA as a child so that is always on my radar.

Anyway, it sounds far fetched, but this was an especially horrific crime so I don’t think there’s a “normal” way of explaining it no matter how it happened. JMO and I wanted to throw it out there.

Seems about as logical as anything else.
Most WS veterans experience that feeling from time to time. I manage my hopelessness by reminding myself that archiving these cases serves a purpose. And when I can't focus on that, I work on UIDs. Always something to do to stay busy around here, you just have to find ways to create an emotionally safe balance.

I kind of operate on Rod Stewarts ‘every picture tells a story’ or basically, every story has a story. I look at the case as stories,
Leading us to where they lead us, close the book and read the next story. It is mind boggling and emotionally heart breaking when we have more than one lost baby. That seems too be the case here lately.
You just have to know when to take a breath. I’m still learning...
I’ve followed this case since it happened, but haven’t posted because I really didn’t have anything helpful to add.

I’ve thought from the moment I heard about it that Jayme was the target. I’ve read all the theories on here and have just developed mine.

I believe this possibly could be a man who’s had an (obviously) unhealthy fixation on Jayme in the past that seemingly “moved on.” Maybe a dance teacher, church member, assistant coach, or school staff member who possibly lived in the area but moved away in the last 6 months to a year. Maybe Jayme’s mother and/or father noticed the unhealthy fixation and put some distance between him (I think it’s a him) and Jayme. Either stopped inviting them over, switched dance studios, or something of that nature and he took it as a rejection. Maybe something was even said to him by one of the parents, that they were concerned with his level of interest in their daughter, and he acted incredulous at the accusation and backed off but it made him really mad. That would explain the level of anger in the ambush and also the fact that both parents had to be killed (because he’d be the first suspect in their minds). In this scenario, I’m thinking he wouldn’t have officially crossed any lines already in the past, so to speak, but made Jayme and/or her parents uncomfortable. I have three daughters and I’ve noticed on certain occasions when a grown man takes an unusual level on interest in one of them. I was a victim of SA as a child so that is always on my radar.

Anyway, it sounds far fetched, but this was an especially horrific crime so I don’t think there’s a “normal” way of explaining it no matter how it happened. JMO and I wanted to throw it out there.

Thanks for sharing. It's not far-fetched at all. There have been many cases similar. If that's the case, there are better odds of solving it and saving Jayme, IMO.

I worry it's more the last minute selection type of sexual predator; the one with no ties to the community, who plots and plans for weeks or months then rolls into a strange town, stalks around for a victim of opportunity, strikes fast then get out of town quick. They tend to enjoy the thrill, even thrive in risky abductions, lack empathy and lose interest in their victims very quickly.
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Since Jayme was with her "caretaker" Aunt quite a bit, I am just grasping for any new speculation....could the Aunt have been the target? It seems the parents were squeaky clean with no known grievances with anyone? I am *NOT* suggesting the Aunt has done anything wrong, I am just wandering if the nut case was looking for her and not the parents?
Creepy thought, but I'm trying to look at any and all possibilities.

Amateur opinion and speculation only!
I think they would have struck at Aunts house, if that was the case.
Liking @Coffeequeen recent post.....maybe this would give an insight into the change of schools...moving/whatever..... Someone as part of Jayme's past. I don't know if LE is researching the family's lives in the previous area, but that is a very good possibility you would think.
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