AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #23

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I totally agree with your assessment. My husband told ne he would do that exact same thing. Who were your visitors?
Just a couple guys that hit a deer and messed up their car, nobody injured but they were sure rattled. After thinking about it all day though I’m surprised - I didn’t react as I thought I would. I kept telling myself that if I were in James’ shoes it would have ended differently, I’ve armed myself before when I felt threatened. But this was different... it caught me off guard, I didn’t feel threatened.
Jethro4WS explained the call log in a reply post. The male name listed is Denise’s brother and he called LE. The top female name is Denise’s sister. I looked back through and don’t see where they contacted her but they had to for her name to be listed. The other 2 names are teen girls in the car circling around the scene at the house and asked to leave.

I still find that odd for some reason. Many have given very good possible explanations but, I still find it odd they were out in the early morning hours in a town or area, with apparently nothing going Mamma always said, nothing good happens after midnight!
The contact with the sister was the 4:25:57 entry and the 13:28:26 entry.
If you find the picture, the door is broken away from the frame. The wood is like it would have been cut with a saw. Not smoothe like that. I am trying to give an image that the wood is literally broken clear through
Someone posted a great video of police testing how doors can be kicked in. I found it fascinating. We are not as safe as we think. It's on page 42 of this thread.
Agreeing with you MountainKat; definitely a very reasonable scenario with motivaton.

*** Warning - Long article is linked ***

In this report about Home Invasions, with 4 case histories written up, I found some similarities to what happened to the Closs Family.

"Overwhelming force and violence" is one of them.

THREAT ASSESSMENT: Home Invasion Robberies

HIR the Petit case was brutal. :(
So they chose the family by random by following them home from the grocery store. How horrible.
This all seems so random to me and the events surrounding the murder keep adding on and making it even more odd! Someone “busts” in and shoots 2 dead, takes a 13 year old, 911 call appears to not give much info. All 3 phones of the people living in the house accounted for. Whomever responsible happens to leave in the *exact* opposite direction of all LE responding. The car descriptions given covered quite a few options and then seemed to be dropped from consideration. The highway they live on must have some activity because two 17-18 girls are interested enough to drive by enough at 2 am on a Monday morning to be asked to leave. Then the seemingly quick Miami sighting of Jayme, which would require flying. Neighbors honestly have no clue what they “think” they heard. Other neighbor(s) later busted as “meth heads”. Put cameras up (?) panty raider creep rides his bike out there?? (My husband is still shaking his head at that one) No one seems to be able to give any information about the family that would lead in any direction.
It’s all just...odd, I don’t know how else to describe it. My ideas flip back and forth and I agree with everyone’s ideas posted on here every time I read a possible scenario.. odd!

Very odd.

Residents don't expect two of their own to be murdered at home. They aren't used to a teenage girl vanishing in the middle of the night. The flurry of media attention, which has waned since the early days of the investigation, is far from routine.

And experts say this case is not just unique to Barron — it's unusual, period.

Barron in limbo as one month passes since Jayme Closs disappearance, parents' murders
I don’t know about you, but I’m a lawyer, not a forensic psychologist, so my guesses won’t be as good as theirs. They have much greater skill, knowledge, education, experience and training than mine in the areas of criminals’ mindsets, isolating motives, and utilizing statistics for similar crimes.

ETA: It is a fascinating field, but one I’m not intricately involved in. Apparently, just by analyzing how people are killed, a lot of times they can tell you the gender, age range, and profile what their social circle looks like.

Fascinating, I agree, but outside of my wheelhouse and expertise too. I did have a thought today - that maybe the unsub has/had issues with his own parents. Angry at his own father & mother and this is some kind of psychological transference. That's the kind of thing these behavior analyst are versed in. They might relay something like that to local LE after seeing the crime scene, perhaps that will resonate with someone they've had issues with in the recent past, etc.

We're focused on the Closs family, because we don't know much about the perp(s). I just don't get the sense that this was about the Closs family at all, but maybe about wht they emulate or represent. Perhaps the perp saw a happy family, something he does not have and he risked everything to destroy it. IDK, just a thought.
Regarding the two teens driving around the crime scene and being asked to leave. It may not have been a scanner that brought them there (or do we know that as a fact listed somewhere?) The way I envision it is that these two teenagers were driving home from somewhere--I know it's very late to be out on a school night, but I work with teens, and they are up to all hours of the night, surprisingly (or unsurprisingly).

Maybe the teens were driving home from a friend's house and their trek home takes them past the Closs residence. Then they get nosy/curious and want to see what the commotion is about so they keep driving back and forth.

I did find it odd, as well, and this is all JMO, but that would be an innocent explanation of them being there.
Yes, but a 17 year old and 18 year old at 2am on a Monday morning......

Also, another poster said they were relatives....(now, as I previously posted they may have heard about this from family - when were her relatives called??)

What teenage girls have a scanner they are glued to at 2 am Monday morning??


I figure LE has examined this.....doesn't mean they can't lie though

Budding Nancy Drews with way too much time on their hands or they were privy to something that night.
I did. It is always a possibility that they heard the calls go out on a scanner and took a drive to see what was going on. I also said they could have just been driving in the area, which is also a possibility.

Keep in mind that the individuals lived nearly 20 miles away.

Super suspicious. Why did they get up at 1:00 am and drive 20 miles to a crime scene? That's a bit hinky!
It’s possible they’ve narrowed it down some, just not enough. As an example only (not fact!) they may have information that it is most likely a male between 25-40 who is such a good shot he is either an avid hunter or ex-military, but that still gives you a huge sample of people to dig through, so then, at least they have a place to begin narrowing down the pool by excluding certain people.

I feel split on whether it’s someone who knew them, had been watching them, or is unknown to them. I feel like this is a very bold crime for a stranger; anything he wanted may have been gotten by easier means elsewhere. (e.g., if he just wanted to be a kidnapper, he could probably find a kid to steal without having to break into a home and murder two people).

And I 100% agree with you that this is not going to be an easy one to solve.

Thank you for your reply.

The sad fact is strangers do take these high risk quite frequently now.

Home invasions are definitely happening in rural areas.

But the strangers have become so bold now they are also invading homes during broad daylight in busy residential areas resulting in multiple murders of everyone who was inside.

Also there have been several cases over the years where a stranger entered the home murdering or severely assaulting parent/s and their child or children were taken.

So taking bold risks seems to be something these type of criminals are more than willing to take.

I'll admit I agree that the two teen gals cruising @ at 2 am on a Monday is probably 'nothing'
But, then again, you have two people murdered & a 13 year old missing
These two gals more than likely not only have zero to do with the crime, but more so, know nothing

Here's the deal: I don't think these gals have scanners, or any such & one sleuther here posted that there isn't anything publicly available like that in Barron County....
Even so: maybe a brother, father did...maybe a friend did.....

These gals are within the age range of my own little hypothetical profile of a perp: 18-22

It is possible they learned something was going to go down...maybe just generally...
maybe they even knew Closs family targeted....

They're up all night, on pins/needles wondering if anything is going to 'go down' if so & so is right about the rumors, if so & so is going to do what he/they said,

Maybe they have access to information or a friend does or maybe they think: heck, let's just drive out & see if anything is happening......

& yes, I am certain LE would question them, question any one they know - and to be honest I'd want DNA sample: if someone is related to them that did this: that could help...

My interest & zeal here could simply be because there's nothing much new......
but this tidbit about these teen gals, for me, was....
There's another thing I've been thinking of since this happened and that's "has anyone checked the ATTIC of the house or the basement?" I presume law enforcement would have done this but it makes me wonder with all the excitement perhaps it may have been overlooked.

Forgive me if this was already answered, I'm still catching up :).

On the dispatch log at 1:54, police requested a "pole cam". I googled "police pole cam" and it appears to be just what it sounds like. A camera on a extension pole/stick. It also returned results for cameras on sidewalk/roadway utility poles, but in the context of the log, I think it's a camera on a pole/stick for checking crawl spaces, etc.

They also brought in dogs/handlers.

Fascinating, I agree, but outside of my wheelhouse and expertise too. I did have a thought today - that maybe the unsub has/had issues with his own parents. Angry at his own father & mother and this is some kind of psychological transference. That's the kind of thing these behavior analyst are versed in. They might relay something like that to local LE after seeing the crime scene, perhaps that will resonate with someone they've had issues with in the recent past, etc.

We're focused on the Closs family, because we don't know much about the perp(s). I just don't get the sense that this was about the Closs family at all, but maybe about wht they emulate or represent. Perhaps the perp saw a happy family, something he does not have and he risked everything to destroy it. IDK, just a thought.

That is a very, very good thought. I still haven’t followed very many cases but I learn about a lot of other ones from my friends here. Someone just a couple of posts ago was talking about a psycho who just randomly decided to follow and kill a family he saw at the grocery store; I can’t even imagine the unfettered brokenness and rage that would make someone do that, but you’re right; hurt people hurt people. Something broke him into wanting to destroy others or happened to make him a deeply disturbed pervert willing to kill to obtain what he wanted.
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Addicts tried robbery the wrong house? Hoping they had drugs?
Then took Jayme rather than killing her?
It's all possible.
I'm still wondering about forensic evidence they might have like tire tracks, fingerprints, pieces of fibre, all that kind of thing! Yes, it was a short time the perpetrator was in and around the house, but wouldn't there at least be vehicle tracks or something! I would also like to hear about that 'vague' profile the experts have come up with! All I can figure is that it was a man.
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does the call log not sound like one or both parents could have still been a little bit alive? first call log I have ever seen. sounds like might have been alive just enough to maybe not call them expired yet? but not alive enough to do anything that could help them? I don't know that is why I am asking. if so that could be how they know a short time for the attack in addition to the 911 call?
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